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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.noderiv;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.analysis.MultivariateFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.DimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.NotStrictlyPositiveException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.NumberIsTooLargeException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.NumberIsTooSmallException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.OutOfRangeException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.InitialGuess;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.MaxEval;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.PointValuePair;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.SimpleBounds;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.PopulationSize;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.Sigma;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.ObjectiveFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.optim.nonlinear.scalar.TestFunction;
import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource;
import org.apache.commons.math4.core.jdkmath.JdkMath;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test for {@link CMAESOptimizer}.
public class CMAESOptimizerTest {
static final int DIM = 13;
static final int LAMBDA = 4 + (int)(3.*JdkMath.log(DIM));
@Test(expected = NumberIsTooLargeException.class)
public void testInitOutofbounds1() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 3);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.3);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(dim, -1, 2);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
@Test(expected = NumberIsTooSmallException.class)
public void testInitOutofbounds2() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, -2);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.3);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(dim, -1, 2);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
@Test(expected = DimensionMismatchException.class)
public void testBoundariesDimensionMismatch() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.5);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.3);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(dim + 1,-1,2);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
@Test(expected = NotStrictlyPositiveException.class)
public void testInputSigmaNegative() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.5);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, -0.5);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
@Test(expected = OutOfRangeException.class)
public void testInputSigmaOutOfRange() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.5);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.1);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(dim, -0.5,0.5);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
@Test(expected = DimensionMismatchException.class)
public void testInputSigmaDimensionMismatch() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.5);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim + 1, 0.5);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testRosen() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testMaximize() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),1.0);
doTest(TestFunction.MINUS_ELLI.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MAXIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1.0-1e-13,
2e-10, 5e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.MINUS_ELLI.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MAXIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1.0-1e-13,
2e-10, 5e-6, 100000, expected);
boundaries = boundaries(DIM,-0.3,0.3);
startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
doTest(TestFunction.MINUS_ELLI.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MAXIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1.0-1e-13,
2e-10, 5e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testMath1466() {
final CMAESOptimizer optimizer
= new CMAESOptimizer(30000, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, true, 10,
0, RandomSource.MT_64.create(), false, null);
final MultivariateFunction fitnessFunction = new MultivariateFunction() {
public double value(double[] x) {
return x[0] * x[0] - 100;
final double[] start = { 100 };
final double[] sigma = { 1e-1 };
final double[] result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(10000),
new ObjectiveFunction(fitnessFunction),
new PopulationSize(5),
new Sigma(sigma),
new InitialGuess(start)).getPoint();
Assert.assertEquals(0, result[0], 1e-7);
public void testEllipse() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ELLI.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.ELLI.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testElliRotated() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(new OptimTestUtils.ElliRotated(), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(new OptimTestUtils.ElliRotated(), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testCigar() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.CIGAR.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 200000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.CIGAR.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testCigarWithBoundaries() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(DIM, -1e100, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.CIGAR.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 200000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.CIGAR.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testTwoAxes() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.TWO_AXES.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 200000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.TWO_AXES.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-8, 1e-3, 200000, expected);
public void testCigTab() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.3);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.CIG_TAB.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 5e-5, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.CIG_TAB.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 5e-5, 100000, expected);
public void testSphere() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.SPHERE.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.SPHERE.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testTablet() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.TABLET.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.TABLET.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testSumPow() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.SUM_POW.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 10, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-8, 1.5e-1, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.SUM_POW.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 10, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-8, 2e-1, 100000, expected);
public void testAckley() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,1.0);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ACKLEY.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-9, 1e-5, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.ACKLEY.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-9, 1e-5, 100000, expected);
public void testRastrigin() {
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(DIM,0.0),0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.RASTRIGIN.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, (int)(200*JdkMath.sqrt(DIM)), true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 200000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.RASTRIGIN.withDimension(DIM), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, (int)(200*JdkMath.sqrt(DIM)), false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 200000, expected);
public void testConstrainedRosen() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[][] boundaries = boundaries(dim, -1, 2);
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, true, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, 2*LAMBDA, false, 0, 1e-13,
1e-13, 1e-6, 100000, expected);
public void testDiagonalRosen() {
final int dim = 12;
double[] startPoint = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[] insigma = OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 0.1);
double[][] boundaries = null;
PointValuePair expected =
new PointValuePair(OptimTestUtils.point(dim, 1.0), 0.0);
doTest(TestFunction.ROSENBROCK.withDimension(dim), startPoint, insigma, boundaries,
GoalType.MINIMIZE, LAMBDA, false, 1, 1e-13,
1e-10, 1e-4, 1000000, expected);
public void testMath864() {
final CMAESOptimizer optimizer
= new CMAESOptimizer(30000, 0, true, 10,
0, RandomSource.MT_64.create(), false, null);
final MultivariateFunction fitnessFunction = new MultivariateFunction() {
public double value(double[] parameters) {
final double target = 1;
final double error = target - parameters[0];
return error * error;
final double[] start = { 0 };
final double[] lower = { -1e6 };
final double[] upper = { 1.5 };
final double[] sigma = { 1e-1 };
final double[] result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(10000),
new ObjectiveFunction(fitnessFunction),
new PopulationSize(5),
new Sigma(sigma),
new InitialGuess(start),
new SimpleBounds(lower, upper)).getPoint();
Assert.assertTrue("Out of bounds (" + result[0] + " > " + upper[0] + ")",
result[0] <= upper[0]);
* Cf. MATH-867
public void testFitAccuracyDependsOnBoundary() {
final CMAESOptimizer optimizer
= new CMAESOptimizer(30000, 0, true, 10,
0, RandomSource.MT_64.create(), false, null);
final MultivariateFunction fitnessFunction = new MultivariateFunction() {
public double value(double[] parameters) {
final double target = 11.1;
final double error = target - parameters[0];
return error * error;
final double[] start = { 1 };
// No bounds.
PointValuePair result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100000),
new ObjectiveFunction(fitnessFunction),
new PopulationSize(5),
new Sigma(new double[] { 1e-1 }),
new InitialGuess(start));
final double resNoBound = result.getPoint()[0];
// Optimum is near the lower bound.
final double[] lower = { -20 };
final double[] upper = { 5e16 };
final double[] sigma = { 10 };
result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100000),
new ObjectiveFunction(fitnessFunction),
new PopulationSize(5),
new Sigma(sigma),
new InitialGuess(start),
new SimpleBounds(lower, upper));
final double resNearLo = result.getPoint()[0];
// Optimum is near the upper bound.
lower[0] = -5e16;
upper[0] = 20;
result = optimizer.optimize(new MaxEval(100000),
new ObjectiveFunction(fitnessFunction),
new PopulationSize(5),
new Sigma(sigma),
new InitialGuess(start),
new SimpleBounds(lower, upper));
final double resNearHi = result.getPoint()[0];
// System.out.println("resNoBound=" + resNoBound +
// " resNearLo=" + resNearLo +
// " resNearHi=" + resNearHi);
// The two values currently differ by a substantial amount, indicating that
// the bounds definition can prevent reaching the optimum.
Assert.assertEquals(resNoBound, resNearLo, 1e-3);
Assert.assertEquals(resNoBound, resNearHi, 1e-3);
* @param func Function to optimize.
* @param startPoint Starting point.
* @param inSigma Individual input sigma.
* @param boundaries Upper / lower point limit.
* @param goal Minimization or maximization.
* @param lambda Population size used for offspring.
* @param isActive Covariance update mechanism.
* @param diagonalOnly Simplified covariance update.
* @param stopValue Termination criteria for optimization.
* @param fTol Tolerance relative error on the objective function.
* @param pointTol Tolerance for checking that the optimum is correct.
* @param maxEvaluations Maximum number of evaluations.
* @param expected Expected point / value.
private void doTest(MultivariateFunction func,
double[] startPoint,
double[] inSigma,
double[][] boundaries,
GoalType goal,
int lambda,
boolean isActive,
int diagonalOnly,
double stopValue,
double fTol,
double pointTol,
int maxEvaluations,
PointValuePair expected) {
int dim = startPoint.length;
// test diagonalOnly = 0 - slow but normally fewer feval#
CMAESOptimizer optim = new CMAESOptimizer(30000, stopValue, isActive, diagonalOnly,
0, RandomSource.MT_64.create(), false, null);
PointValuePair result = boundaries == null ?
optim.optimize(new MaxEval(maxEvaluations),
new ObjectiveFunction(func),
new InitialGuess(startPoint),
new Sigma(inSigma),
new PopulationSize(lambda)) :
optim.optimize(new MaxEval(maxEvaluations),
new ObjectiveFunction(func),
new SimpleBounds(boundaries[0],
new InitialGuess(startPoint),
new Sigma(inSigma),
new PopulationSize(lambda));
Assert.assertEquals("Delta: " + fTol, expected.getValue(), result.getValue(), fTol);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("Delta: " + pointTol, expected.getPoint()[i], result.getPoint()[i], pointTol);
Assert.assertTrue(optim.getIterations() > 0);
private static double[][] boundaries(int dim,
double lower, double upper) {
double[][] boundaries = new double[2][dim];
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
boundaries[0][i] = lower;
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
boundaries[1][i] = upper;
return boundaries;