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<document url="random.html">
<title>The Commons Math User Guide - Data Generation</title>
<section name="2 Data Generation">
<subsection name="2.1 Overview"
Utilities in package <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/legacy/random/package-summary.html">
o.a.c.m.legacy.random</a> often uses an underlying "source of randomness": A pseudo-random
number generator (PRNG) that produces sequences of numbers that are uniformly distributed
within their range.
Commons Math depends on <a href="">Commons RNG</a> for the
PRNG implementations.
<subsection name="2.2 Correlated random vectors"
Some algorithms require random vectors instead of random scalars.
When the components of these vectors are uncorrelated, they may be generated
simply one at a time and packed together in the vector.
When the components are correlated however, generating them is more difficult.
The <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/legacy/random/CorrelatedVectorFactory.html">
CorrelatedVectorFactory</a> class provides this service.
In this case, a complete covariance matrix must be provided (instead of a
simple standard deviations vector) gathering both the variance and the
correlation information of the probability law.
The main use for correlated random vector generation is for Monte-Carlo
simulation of physical problems with several variables, for example to
generate error vectors to be added to a nominal vector. A particularly
common case is when the generated vector should be drawn from a <a
Multivariate Normal Distribution</a>.
Generating random vectors from a bivariate normal distribution:
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.RandomSource;
// Import common PRNG interface and factory class that instantiates the PRNG.
// Create (and possibly seed) a PRNG.
long seed = 17399225432L; // Fixed seed means same results every time
UniformRandomProvider rng = RandomSource.create(RandomSource.MT, seed);
// Create a a factory of correlated vectors.
CorrelatedVectorFactory factory = new CorrelatedVectorFactory(mean, covariance, 1e-12);
Supplier&lt;double[]&gt; generator = factory.gaussian(rng);
// Use the generator to generate correlated vectors.
double[] randomVector = generator.get();
... </source>
The <code>mean</code> argument is a <code>double[]</code> array holding the means
of the random vector components. In the bivariate case, it must have length 2.
The <code>covariance</code> argument is a <code>RealMatrix</code>, which has to
be 2 x 2.
The main diagonal elements are the variances of the vector components and the
off-diagonal elements are the covariances.
For example, if the means are 1 and 2 respectively, and the desired standard deviations
are 3 and 4, respectively, then we need to use
double[] mean = {1, 2};
double[][] cov = {{9, c}, {c, 16}};
RealMatrix covariance = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(cov);
where "c" is the desired covariance. If you are starting with a desired correlation,
you need to translate this to a covariance by multiplying it by the product of the
standard deviations. For example, if you want to generate data that will give Pearson's
R of 0.5, you would use c = 3 * 4 * 0.5 = 6.
<subsection name="2.3 Low discrepancy sequences"
There exist several quasi-random sequences with the property that for all values of N, the subsequence
x<sub>1</sub>, ..., x<sub>N</sub> has low discrepancy, which results in equi-distributed samples.
While their quasi-randomness makes them unsuitable for most applications (i.e. the sequence of values
is completely deterministic), their unique properties give them an important advantage for quasi-Monte Carlo simulations.<br/>
Currently, the following low-discrepancy sequences are supported:
<li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/legacy/random/SobolSequenceGenerator.html">
Sobol sequence</a> (pre-configured up to dimension 1000)</li>
<li><a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/math4/legacy/random/HaltonSequenceGenerator.html">
Halton sequence</a> (pre-configured up to dimension 40)</li>
// Create a Sobol sequence generator for 2-dimensional vectors
RandomVectorGenerator generator = new SobolSequence(2);
// Use the generator to generate vectors
double[] randomVector = generator.nextVector();
... </source>
The figure below illustrates the unique properties of low-discrepancy sequences when
generating N samples in the interval [0, 1]. Roughly speaking, such sequences "fill"
the respective space more evenly which leads to faster convergence in quasi-Monte Carlo
<img src="../images/userguide/low_discrepancy_sequences.png"
alt="Comparison of low-discrepancy sequences"/>