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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.core;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Sum;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource;
import org.apache.commons.math4.core.jdkmath.JdkMath;
public abstract class ExtendedFieldElementAbstractTest<T extends RealFieldElement<T>> {
protected abstract T build(double x);
public void testAddField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x + y, build(x).add(build(y)));
public void testAddDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x + y, build(x).add(y));
public void testSubtractField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x - y, build(x).subtract(build(y)));
public void testSubtractDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x - y, build(x).subtract(y));
public void testMultiplyField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x * y, build(x).multiply(build(y)));
public void testMultiplyDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x * y, build(x).multiply(y));
public void testMultiplyInt() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (int y = -10; y < 10; y += 1) {
checkRelative(x * y, build(x).multiply(y));
public void testDivideField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x / y, build(x).divide(build(y)));
public void testDivideDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(x / y, build(x).divide(y));
public void testRemainderField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.IEEEremainder(x, y), build(x).remainder(build(y)));
public void testRemainderDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3.2; y < 3.2; y += 0.25) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.IEEEremainder(x, y), build(x).remainder(y));
public void testCos() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.cos(x), build(x).cos());
public void testAcos() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.acos(x), build(x).acos());
public void testSin() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.sin(x), build(x).sin());
public void testAsin() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.asin(x), build(x).asin());
public void testTan() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.tan(x), build(x).tan());
public void testAtan() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.atan(x), build(x).atan());
public void testAtan2() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.atan2(x, y), build(x).atan2(build(y)));
public void testCosh() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.cosh(x), build(x).cosh());
public void testAcosh() {
for (double x = 1.1; x < 5.0; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.acosh(x), build(x).acosh());
public void testSinh() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.sinh(x), build(x).sinh());
public void testAsinh() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.asinh(x), build(x).asinh());
public void testTanh() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.tanh(x), build(x).tanh());
public void testAtanh() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.atanh(x), build(x).atanh());
public void testSqrt() {
for (double x = 0.01; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.sqrt(x), build(x).sqrt());
public void testCbrt() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.cbrt(x), build(x).cbrt());
public void testHypot() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.hypot(x, y), build(x).hypot(build(y)));
public void testRootN() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
for (int n = 1; n < 5; ++n) {
if (x < 0) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
checkRelative(-JdkMath.pow(-x, 1.0 / n), build(x).rootN(n));
} else {
checkRelative(JdkMath.pow(x, 1.0 / n), build(x).rootN(n));
public void testPowField() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
for (double y = 0.1; y < 4; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.pow(x, y), build(x).pow(build(y)));
public void testPowDouble() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
for (double y = 0.1; y < 4; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.pow(x, y), build(x).pow(y));
public void testPowInt() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
for (int n = 0; n < 5; ++n) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.pow(x, n), build(x).pow(n));
public void testExp() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.exp(x), build(x).exp());
public void testExpm1() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.expm1(x), build(x).expm1());
public void testLog() {
for (double x = 0.01; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.log(x), build(x).log());
public void testLog1p() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.log1p(x), build(x).log1p());
public void testLog10() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.log10(x), build(x).log10());
public void testAbs() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.abs(x), build(x).abs());
public void testCeil() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.ceil(x), build(x).ceil());
public void testFloor() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.floor(x), build(x).floor());
public void testRint() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.rint(x), build(x).rint());
public void testRound() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
Assert.assertEquals(JdkMath.round(x), build(x).round());
public void testSignum() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.signum(x), build(x).signum());
public void testCopySignField() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.copySign(x, y), build(x).copySign(build(y)));
public void testCopySignDouble() {
for (double x = -3; x < 3; x += 0.2) {
for (double y = -3; y < 3; y += 0.2) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.copySign(x, y), build(x).copySign(y));
public void testScalb() {
for (double x = -0.9; x < 0.9; x += 0.05) {
for (int n = -100; n < 100; ++n) {
checkRelative(JdkMath.scalb(x, n), build(x).scalb(n));
public void testLinearCombinationFaFa() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xfafaL);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 10);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 10);
T[] aF = toFieldArray(aD);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
checkRelative(Sum.ofProducts(aD, bD).getAsDouble(),
aF[0].linearCombination(aF, bF));
public void testLinearCombinationDaFa() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xdafaL);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 10);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 10);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
checkRelative(Sum.ofProducts(aD, bD).getAsDouble(),
bF[0].linearCombination(aD, bF));
public void testLinearCombinationFF2() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xff2L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 2);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 2);
T[] aF = toFieldArray(aD);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1]).getAsDouble(),
aF[0].linearCombination(aF[0], bF[0], aF[1], bF[1]));
public void testLinearCombinationDF2() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xdf2L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 2);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 2);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1]).getAsDouble(),
bF[0].linearCombination(aD[0], bF[0], aD[1], bF[1]));
public void testLinearCombinationFF3() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xff3L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 3);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 3);
T[] aF = toFieldArray(aD);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1])
.addProduct(aD[2], bD[2]).getAsDouble(),
aF[0].linearCombination(aF[0], bF[0], aF[1], bF[1], aF[2], bF[2]));
public void testLinearCombinationDF3() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xdf3L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 3);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 3);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1])
.addProduct(aD[2], bD[2]).getAsDouble(),
bF[0].linearCombination(aD[0], bF[0], aD[1], bF[1], aD[2], bF[2]));
public void testLinearCombinationFF4() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xff4L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 4);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 4);
T[] aF = toFieldArray(aD);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1])
.addProduct(aD[2], bD[2])
.addProduct(aD[3], bD[3]).getAsDouble(),
aF[0].linearCombination(aF[0], bF[0], aF[1], bF[1], aF[2], bF[2], aF[3], bF[3]));
public void testLinearCombinationDF4() {
UniformRandomProvider r = RandomSource.WELL_1024_A.create(0xdf4L);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
double[] aD = generateDouble(r, 4);
double[] bD = generateDouble(r, 4);
T[] bF = toFieldArray(bD);
.addProduct(aD[0], bD[0])
.addProduct(aD[1], bD[1])
.addProduct(aD[2], bD[2])
.addProduct(aD[3], bD[3]).getAsDouble(),
bF[0].linearCombination(aD[0], bF[0], aD[1], bF[1], aD[2], bF[2], aD[3], bF[3]));
public void testGetField() {
checkRelative(1.0, build(-10).getField().getOne());
checkRelative(0.0, build(-10).getField().getZero());
private void checkRelative(double expected, T obtained) {
Assert.assertEquals(expected, obtained.getReal(), 1.0e-15 * (1 + JdkMath.abs(expected)));
public void testEquals() {
T t1a = build(1.0);
T t1b = build(1.0);
T t2 = build(2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(t1a, t1a);
Assert.assertEquals(t1a, t1b);
Assert.assertNotEquals(t1a, t2);
Assert.assertNotEquals(t1a, new Object());
public void testHash() {
T t1a = build(1.0);
T t1b = build(1.0);
T t2 = build(2.0);
Assert.assertEquals(t1a.hashCode(), t1b.hashCode());
Assert.assertTrue(t1a.hashCode() != t2.hashCode());
private static double[] generateDouble(final UniformRandomProvider r, int n) {
double[] a = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
a[i] = r.nextDouble();
return a;
private T[] toFieldArray(double[] a) {
T[] f = MathArrays.buildArray(build(0).getField(), a.length);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
f[i] = build(a[i]);
return f;