blob: 587f54114684c6fb83baab14446975c116be9e56 [file] [log] [blame]
$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt,v 1.2 2003/04/04 02:49:10 craigmcc Exp $
Commons Logging Package
Version 1.0.3
Release Notes
This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
Logging package. It is primarily a maintenance and code cleanup release,
with minimal new features.
The following paragraphs document changes since the previous release
(version 1.0.2).
[build.xml] Refined build process to correctly avoid compiling classes
when dependencies are not available, and to avoid name
clashes over Ant properties used in different ways.
[unit tests] Added new suites of tests for the Log4J and JDK 1.4
logging implementations, including tests with multiple
class loaders that closely simulate the scenario of using
commons-logging in a servlet container.
[documentation] Overall cleanup and correction of the JavaDoc documentation
to correctly reflect the current behavior. In particular,
the default logging implementation (selected if nothing
else is configured) is now SimpleLog, not NoOpLog.
[LogFactory] Add a static release(ClassLoader) method that allows,
for example, a webapp to clean up all c-l references
prior to being shut down.
[build.xml] Correct the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF that was embedded in the
generated JAR files to properly contain the version number.
[LogFactory] Fix security violations on several ClassLoader method
[SimpleLog] Dump stack trace through logger, instead of directly to
System.out, to preserve output sequence.
[SimpleLog] Avoid a security exception if system properties cannot be
read (such as in an applet).
[Bugzilla 10825] NullPointerException when Logger.getClassLoader()
returns null.
[Bugzilla 13118] Correct detection of JDK 1.4 that was mis-identifying on a
scenario where a JDK 1.3 implementation included an
implementation of JSR-47 logging.
[Bugzilla 13157] Incorrect selection of Log4J in a servlet container.
[Bugzilla 13201] Log4JLogger should not attempt to auto-configure
appenders; this is out of scope for commons-logging.
[Bugzilla 17561] Attempts to override Log4J configuration.
[Bugzilla 17894] Unable to configure commons-logging SimpleLog for a webapp.
[Bugzilla 18184] Jdk14Logger should not waste the effort to create a
Throwable (to extract calling class and method) if the
message is not going to be logged anyway.
[LogSource] Previously deprecated, replaced by LogFactory.
[Log4jFactory] A proxy instance of this class was transparently created
when Log4J logging was selected, yet it serves no useful
purpose. The class is now deprecated, and the proxy
instance is no longer created.
[Log4JCategoryLog] This class has been replaced by Log4JLogger, which
corresponds to the availability of the new Logger class
in Log4J 1.2 and later.