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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.lang3;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* <p>This class assists in validating arguments. The validation methods are
* based along the following principles:
* <ul>
* <li>An invalid {@code null} argument causes a {@link NullPointerException}.</li>
* <li>A non-{@code null} argument causes an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.</li>
* <li>An invalid index into an array/collection/map/string causes an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException}.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>All exceptions messages are
* <a href="">format strings</a>
* as defined by the Java platform. For example:</p>
* <pre>
* Validate.isTrue(i > 0, "The value must be greater than zero: %d", i);
* Validate.notNull(surname, "The surname must not be %s", null);
* </pre>
* <p>#ThreadSafe#</p>
* @version $Id$
* @see java.lang.String#format(String, Object...)
* @since 2.0
public class Validate {
private static final String DEFAULT_EXCLUSIVE_BETWEEN_EX_MESSAGE =
"The value %s is not in the specified exclusive range of %s to %s";
private static final String DEFAULT_INCLUSIVE_BETWEEN_EX_MESSAGE =
"The value %s is not in the specified inclusive range of %s to %s";
private static final String DEFAULT_MATCHES_PATTERN_EX = "The string %s does not match the pattern %s";
private static final String DEFAULT_IS_NULL_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated object is null";
private static final String DEFAULT_IS_TRUE_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated expression is false";
"The validated array contains null element at index: %d";
"The validated collection contains null element at index: %d";
private static final String DEFAULT_NOT_BLANK_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated character sequence is blank";
private static final String DEFAULT_NOT_EMPTY_ARRAY_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated array is empty";
"The validated character sequence is empty";
private static final String DEFAULT_NOT_EMPTY_COLLECTION_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated collection is empty";
private static final String DEFAULT_NOT_EMPTY_MAP_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated map is empty";
private static final String DEFAULT_VALID_INDEX_ARRAY_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated array index is invalid: %d";
"The validated character sequence index is invalid: %d";
"The validated collection index is invalid: %d";
private static final String DEFAULT_VALID_STATE_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated state is false";
private static final String DEFAULT_IS_ASSIGNABLE_EX_MESSAGE =
"The validated class can not be converted to the %s class";
private static final String DEFAULT_IS_INSTANCE_OF_EX_MESSAGE = "The validated object is not an instance of %s";
* Constructor. This class should not normally be instantiated.
public Validate() {
// isTrue
* <p>Validate that the argument condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>Validate.isTrue(i > 0.0, "The value must be greater than zero: %d", i);</pre>
* <p>For performance reasons, the long value is passed as a separate parameter and
* appended to the exception message only in the case of an error.</p>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param value the value to append to the message when invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #isTrue(boolean)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, double)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, Object...)
public static void isTrue(boolean expression, String message, long value) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, Long.valueOf(value)));
* <p>Validate that the argument condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>Validate.isTrue(d > 0.0, "The value must be greater than zero: %s", d);</pre>
* <p>For performance reasons, the double value is passed as a separate parameter and
* appended to the exception message only in the case of an error.</p>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param value the value to append to the message when invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #isTrue(boolean)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, long)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, Object...)
public static void isTrue(boolean expression, String message, double value) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, new Double(value)));
* <p>Validate that the argument condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>
* Validate.isTrue(i >= min && i <= max, "The value must be between %d and %d", min, max);
* Validate.isTrue(myObject.isOk(), "The object is not okay");</pre>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #isTrue(boolean)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, long)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, double)
public static void isTrue(boolean expression, String message, Object... values) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
* <p>Validate that the argument condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception. This method is useful when validating according
* to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>
* Validate.isTrue(i > 0);
* Validate.isTrue(myObject.isOk());</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated expression is
* false&quot;.</p>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, long)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, double)
* @see #isTrue(boolean, String, Object...)
public static void isTrue(boolean expression) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(DEFAULT_IS_TRUE_EX_MESSAGE);
// notNull
* <p>Validate that the specified argument is not {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.notNull(myObject, "The object must not be null");</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated object is
* null&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the object type
* @param object the object to check
* @return the validated object (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the object is {@code null}
* @see #notNull(Object, String, Object...)
public static <T> T notNull(T object) {
return notNull(object, DEFAULT_IS_NULL_EX_MESSAGE);
* <p>Validate that the specified argument is not {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notNull(myObject, "The object must not be null");</pre>
* @param <T> the object type
* @param object the object to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message
* @return the validated object (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the object is {@code null}
* @see #notNull(Object)
public static <T> T notNull(T object, String message, Object... values) {
if (object == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
return object;
// notEmpty array
* <p>Validate that the specified argument array is neither {@code null}
* nor a length of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception
* with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myArray, "The array must not be empty");</pre>
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Object[])
public static <T> T[] notEmpty(T[] array, String message, Object... values) {
if (array == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
if (array.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
return array;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument array is neither {@code null}
* nor a length of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myArray);</pre>
* <p>The message in the exception is &quot;The validated array is
* empty&quot;.
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Object[], String, Object...)
public static <T> T[] notEmpty(T[] array) {
// notEmpty collection
* <p>Validate that the specified argument collection is neither {@code null}
* nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception
* with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myCollection, "The collection must not be empty");</pre>
* @param <T> the collection type
* @param collection the collection to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated collection (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the collection is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Object[])
public static <T extends Collection<?>> T notEmpty(T collection, String message, Object... values) {
if (collection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
if (collection.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
return collection;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument collection is neither {@code null}
* nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myCollection);</pre>
* <p>The message in the exception is &quot;The validated collection is
* empty&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the collection type
* @param collection the collection to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated collection (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the collection is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Collection, String, Object...)
public static <T extends Collection<?>> T notEmpty(T collection) {
// notEmpty map
* <p>Validate that the specified argument map is neither {@code null}
* nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception
* with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myMap, "The map must not be empty");</pre>
* @param <T> the map type
* @param map the map to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated map (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the map is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the map is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Object[])
public static <T extends Map<?, ?>> T notEmpty(T map, String message, Object... values) {
if (map == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
if (map.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
return map;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument map is neither {@code null}
* nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myMap);</pre>
* <p>The message in the exception is &quot;The validated map is
* empty&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the map type
* @param map the map to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated map (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the map is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the map is empty
* @see #notEmpty(Map, String, Object...)
public static <T extends Map<?, ?>> T notEmpty(T map) {
// notEmpty string
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence is
* neither {@code null} nor a length of zero (no characters);
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myString, "The string must not be empty");</pre>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence is empty
* @see #notEmpty(CharSequence)
public static <T extends CharSequence> T notEmpty(T chars, String message, Object... values) {
if (chars == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
if (chars.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
return chars;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence is
* neither {@code null} nor a length of zero (no characters);
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.notEmpty(myString);</pre>
* <p>The message in the exception is &quot;The validated
* character sequence is empty&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence is empty
* @see #notEmpty(CharSequence, String, Object...)
public static <T extends CharSequence> T notEmpty(T chars) {
// notBlank string
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence is
* neither {@code null}, a length of zero (no characters), empty
* nor whitespace; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified
* message.
* <pre>Validate.notBlank(myString, "The string must not be blank");</pre>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence is blank
* @see #notBlank(CharSequence)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends CharSequence> T notBlank(T chars, String message, Object... values) {
if (chars == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(String.format(message, values));
if (StringUtils.isBlank(chars)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
return chars;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence is
* neither {@code null}, a length of zero (no characters), empty
* nor whitespace; otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.notBlank(myString);</pre>
* <p>The message in the exception is &quot;The validated character
* sequence is blank&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence is blank
* @see #notBlank(CharSequence, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends CharSequence> T notBlank(T chars) {
return notBlank(chars, DEFAULT_NOT_BLANK_EX_MESSAGE);
// noNullElements array
* <p>Validate that the specified argument array is neither
* {@code null} nor contains any elements that are {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.noNullElements(myArray, "The array contain null at position %d");</pre>
* <p>If the array is {@code null}, then the message in the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the array has a {@code null} element, then the iteration
* index of the invalid element is appended to the {@code values}
* argument.</p>
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an element is {@code null}
* @see #noNullElements(Object[])
public static <T> T[] noNullElements(T[] array, String message, Object... values) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] == null) {
Object[] values2 = ArrayUtils.add(values, Integer.valueOf(i));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values2));
return array;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument array is neither
* {@code null} nor contains any elements that are {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.noNullElements(myArray);</pre>
* <p>If the array is {@code null}, then the message in the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the array has a {@code null} element, then the message in the
* exception is &quot;The validated array contains null element at index:
* &quot followed by the index.</p>
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an element is {@code null}
* @see #noNullElements(Object[], String, Object...)
public static <T> T[] noNullElements(T[] array) {
// noNullElements iterable
* <p>Validate that the specified argument iterable is neither
* {@code null} nor contains any elements that are {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
* <pre>Validate.noNullElements(myCollection, "The collection contains null at position %d");</pre>
* <p>If the iterable is {@code null}, then the message in the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the iterable has a {@code null} element, then the iteration
* index of the invalid element is appended to the {@code values}
* argument.</p>
* @param <T> the iterable type
* @param iterable the iterable to check, validated not null by this method
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated iterable (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an element is {@code null}
* @see #noNullElements(Iterable)
public static <T extends Iterable<?>> T noNullElements(T iterable, String message, Object... values) {
int i = 0;
for (Iterator<?> it = iterable.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
if ( == null) {
Object[] values2 = ArrayUtils.addAll(values, Integer.valueOf(i));
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values2));
return iterable;
* <p>Validate that the specified argument iterable is neither
* {@code null} nor contains any elements that are {@code null};
* otherwise throwing an exception.
* <pre>Validate.noNullElements(myCollection);</pre>
* <p>If the iterable is {@code null}, then the message in the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the array has a {@code null} element, then the message in the
* exception is &quot;The validated iterable contains null element at index:
* &quot followed by the index.</p>
* @param <T> the iterable type
* @param iterable the iterable to check, validated not null by this method
* @return the validated iterable (never {@code null} method for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an element is {@code null}
* @see #noNullElements(Iterable, String, Object...)
public static <T extends Iterable<?>> T noNullElements(T iterable) {
// validIndex array
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* array; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myArray, 2, "The array index is invalid: ");</pre>
* <p>If the array is {@code null}, then the message of the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(Object[], int)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> T[] validIndex(T[] array, int index, String message, Object... values) {
if (index < 0 || index >= array.length) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(message, values));
return array;
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* array; otherwise throwing an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myArray, 2);</pre>
* <p>If the array is {@code null}, then the message of the exception
* is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the index is invalid, then the message of the exception is
* &quot;The validated array index is invalid: &quot; followed by the
* index.</p>
* @param <T> the array type
* @param array the array to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @return the validated array (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the array is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(Object[], int, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> T[] validIndex(T[] array, int index) {
return validIndex(array, index, DEFAULT_VALID_INDEX_ARRAY_EX_MESSAGE, Integer.valueOf(index));
// validIndex collection
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* collection; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myCollection, 2, "The collection index is invalid: ");</pre>
* <p>If the collection is {@code null}, then the message of the
* exception is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the collection type
* @param collection the collection to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated collection (never {@code null} for chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(Collection, int)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends Collection<?>> T validIndex(T collection, int index, String message, Object... values) {
if (index < 0 || index >= collection.size()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(message, values));
return collection;
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* collection; otherwise throwing an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myCollection, 2);</pre>
* <p>If the index is invalid, then the message of the exception
* is &quot;The validated collection index is invalid: &quot;
* followed by the index.</p>
* @param <T> the collection type
* @param collection the collection to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @return the validated collection (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the collection is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(Collection, int, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends Collection<?>> T validIndex(T collection, int index) {
return validIndex(collection, index, DEFAULT_VALID_INDEX_COLLECTION_EX_MESSAGE, Integer.valueOf(index));
// validIndex string
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* character sequence; otherwise throwing an exception with the
* specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myStr, 2, "The string index is invalid: ");</pre>
* <p>If the character sequence is {@code null}, then the message
* of the exception is &quot;The validated object is null&quot;.</p>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(CharSequence, int)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends CharSequence> T validIndex(T chars, int index, String message, Object... values) {
if (index < 0 || index >= chars.length()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(message, values));
return chars;
* <p>Validates that the index is within the bounds of the argument
* character sequence; otherwise throwing an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validIndex(myStr, 2);</pre>
* <p>If the character sequence is {@code null}, then the message
* of the exception is &quot;The validated object is
* null&quot;.</p>
* <p>If the index is invalid, then the message of the exception
* is &quot;The validated character sequence index is invalid: &quot;
* followed by the index.</p>
* @param <T> the character sequence type
* @param chars the character sequence to check, validated not null by this method
* @param index the index to check
* @return the validated character sequence (never {@code null} for method chaining)
* @throws NullPointerException if the character sequence is {@code null}
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
* @see #validIndex(CharSequence, int, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T extends CharSequence> T validIndex(T chars, int index) {
return validIndex(chars, index, DEFAULT_VALID_INDEX_CHAR_SEQUENCE_EX_MESSAGE, Integer.valueOf(index));
// validState
* <p>Validate that the stateful condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception. This method is useful when validating according
* to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>
* Validate.validState(field > 0);
* Validate.validState(this.isOk());</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated state is
* false&quot;.</p>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @throws IllegalStateException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #validState(boolean, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static void validState(boolean expression) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException(DEFAULT_VALID_STATE_EX_MESSAGE);
* <p>Validate that the stateful condition is {@code true}; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary boolean expression, such as validating a
* primitive number or using your own custom validation expression.</p>
* <pre>Validate.validState(this.isOk(), "The state is not OK: %s", myObject);</pre>
* @param expression the boolean expression to check
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalStateException if expression is {@code false}
* @see #validState(boolean)
* @since 3.0
public static void validState(boolean expression, String message, Object... values) {
if (expression == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(message, values));
// matchesPattern
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence matches the specified regular
* expression pattern; otherwise throwing an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.matchesPattern("hi", "[a-z]*");</pre>
* <p>The syntax of the pattern is the one used in the {@link Pattern} class.</p>
* @param input the character sequence to validate, not null
* @param pattern the regular expression pattern, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence does not match the pattern
* @see #matchesPattern(CharSequence, String, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static void matchesPattern(CharSequence input, String pattern) {
if (Pattern.matches(pattern, input) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(DEFAULT_MATCHES_PATTERN_EX, input, pattern));
* <p>Validate that the specified argument character sequence matches the specified regular
* expression pattern; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.matchesPattern("hi", "[a-z]*", "%s does not match %s", "hi" "[a-z]*");</pre>
* <p>The syntax of the pattern is the one used in the {@link Pattern} class.</p>
* @param input the character sequence to validate, not null
* @param pattern the regular expression pattern, not null
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the character sequence does not match the pattern
* @see #matchesPattern(CharSequence, String)
* @since 3.0
public static void matchesPattern(CharSequence input, String pattern, String message, Object... values) {
if (Pattern.matches(pattern, input) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
// inclusiveBetween
* <p>Validate that the specified argument object fall between the two
* inclusive values specified; otherwise, throws an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.inclusiveBetween(0, 2, 1);</pre>
* @param <T> the type of the argument object
* @param start the inclusive start value, not null
* @param end the inclusive end value, not null
* @param value the object to validate, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value falls out of the boundaries
* @see #inclusiveBetween(Object, Object, Comparable, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> void inclusiveBetween(T start, T end, Comparable<T> value) {
if (value.compareTo(start) < 0 || value.compareTo(end) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(DEFAULT_INCLUSIVE_BETWEEN_EX_MESSAGE, value, start, end));
* <p>Validate that the specified argument object fall between the two
* inclusive values specified; otherwise, throws an exception with the
* specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.inclusiveBetween(0, 2, 1, "Not in boundaries");</pre>
* @param <T> the type of the argument object
* @param start the inclusive start value, not null
* @param end the inclusive end value, not null
* @param value the object to validate, not null
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value falls out of the boundaries
* @see #inclusiveBetween(Object, Object, Comparable)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> void inclusiveBetween(T start, T end, Comparable<T> value, String message, Object... values) {
if (value.compareTo(start) < 0 || value.compareTo(end) > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
// exclusiveBetween
* <p>Validate that the specified argument object fall between the two
* exclusive values specified; otherwise, throws an exception.</p>
* <pre>Validate.inclusiveBetween(0, 2, 1);</pre>
* @param <T> the type of the argument object
* @param start the exclusive start value, not null
* @param end the exclusive end value, not null
* @param value the object to validate, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value falls out of the boundaries
* @see #exclusiveBetween(Object, Object, Comparable, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> void exclusiveBetween(T start, T end, Comparable<T> value) {
if (value.compareTo(start) <= 0 || value.compareTo(end) >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(DEFAULT_EXCLUSIVE_BETWEEN_EX_MESSAGE, value, start, end));
* <p>Validate that the specified argument object fall between the two
* exclusive values specified; otherwise, throws an exception with the
* specified message.</p>
* <pre>Validate.inclusiveBetween(0, 2, 1, "Not in boundaries");</pre>
* @param <T> the type of the argument object
* @param start the exclusive start value, not null
* @param end the exclusive end value, not null
* @param value the object to validate, not null
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value falls out of the boundaries
* @see #exclusiveBetween(Object, Object, Comparable)
* @since 3.0
public static <T> void exclusiveBetween(T start, T end, Comparable<T> value, String message, Object... values) {
if (value.compareTo(start) <= 0 || value.compareTo(end) >= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
// isInstanceOf
* <p>Validate that the argument is an instance of the specified class; otherwise
* throwing an exception. This method is useful when validating according to an arbitrary
* class</p>
* <pre>Validate.isInstanceOf(OkClass.class, object);</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated object is not an instance of&quot;
* followed by the name of the class</p>
* @param type the class the object must be validated against, not null
* @param obj the object to check, null throws an exception
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if argument is not of specified class
* @see #isInstanceOf(Class, Object, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static void isInstanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj) {
if (type.isInstance(obj) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(DEFAULT_IS_INSTANCE_OF_EX_MESSAGE, type.getName()));
* <p>Validate that the argument is an instance of the specified class; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating according to an arbitrary class</p>
* <pre>Validate.isInstanceOf(OkClass.classs, object, "Wrong class, object is of class %s",
* object.getClass().getName());</pre>
* @param type the class the object must be validated against, not null
* @param obj the object to check, null throws an exception
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if argument is not of specified class
* @see #isInstanceOf(Class, Object)
* @since 3.0
public static void isInstanceOf(Class<?> type, Object obj, String message, Object... values) {
if (type.isInstance(obj) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));
// isAssignableFrom
* <p>Validate that the argument can be converted to the specified class; otherwise
* throwing an exception with the specified message. This method is useful when
* validating if there will be no casting errors.</p>
* <pre>Validate.isAssignableFrom(SuperClass.class, object.getClass());</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated object can not be converted to the&quot;
* followed by the name of the class and &quot;class&quot;</p>
* @param superType the class the class must be validated against, not null
* @param type the class to check, not null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if argument can not be converted to the specified class
* @see #isAssignableFrom(Class, Class, String, Object...)
* @since 3.0
public static void isAssignableFrom(Class<?> superType, Class<?> type) {
if (superType.isAssignableFrom(type) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(DEFAULT_IS_ASSIGNABLE_EX_MESSAGE, superType.getName()));
* <p>Validate that the argument can be converted to the specified class; otherwise
* throwing an exception. This method is useful when validating if there will be no
* casting errors.</p>
* <pre>Validate.isAssignableFrom(SuperClass.class, object.getClass());</pre>
* <p>The message of the exception is &quot;The validated object can not be converted to the&quot;
* followed by the name of the class and &quot;class&quot;</p>
* @param superType the class the class must be validated against, not null
* @param type the class to check, not null
* @param message the {@link String#format(String, Object...)} exception message if invalid, not null
* @param values the optional values for the formatted exception message, null array not recommended
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if argument can not be converted to the specified class
* @see #isAssignableFrom(Class, Class)
public static void isAssignableFrom(Class<?> superType, Class<?> type, String message, Object... values) {
if (superType.isAssignableFrom(type) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(message, values));