blob: e9761fc7084e3d3f345a291f03d99b087bb0a6f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.lang.text;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableObject;
* Test class for StrSubstitutor.
* @author Oliver Heger
* @version $Id$
public class StrSubstitutorTest extends TestCase {
private Map values;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
values = new HashMap();
values.put("animal", "quick brown fox");
values.put("target", "lazy dog");
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
values = null;
* Tests simple key replace.
public void testReplaceSimple() {
doTestReplace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests simple key replace.
public void testReplaceSolo() {
doTestReplace("quick brown fox", "${animal}", false);
* Tests replace with no variables.
public void testReplaceNoVariables() {
doTestNoReplace("The balloon arrived.");
* Tests replace with null.
public void testReplaceNull() {
* Tests replace with null.
public void testReplaceEmpty() {
* Tests key replace changing map after initialization (not recommended).
public void testReplaceChangedMap() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
values.put("target", "moon");
assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the moon.", sub.replace("The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}."));
* Tests unknown key replace.
public void testReplaceUnknownKey() {
doTestReplace("The ${person} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The ${person} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests adjacent keys.
public void testReplaceAdjacentAtStart() {
values.put("code", "GBP");
values.put("amount", "12.50");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
assertEquals("GBP12.50 charged", sub.replace("${code}${amount} charged"));
* Tests adjacent keys.
public void testReplaceAdjacentAtEnd() {
values.put("code", "GBP");
values.put("amount", "12.50");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
assertEquals("Amount is GBP12.50", sub.replace("Amount is ${code}${amount}"));
* Tests simple recursive replace.
public void testReplaceRecursive() {
values.put("animal", "${critter}");
values.put("target", "${pet}");
values.put("pet", "${petCharacteristic} dog");
values.put("petCharacteristic", "lazy");
values.put("critter", "${critterSpeed} ${critterColor} ${critterType}");
values.put("critterSpeed", "quick");
values.put("critterColor", "brown");
values.put("critterType", "fox");
doTestReplace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", "The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests escaping.
public void testReplaceEscaping() {
doTestReplace("The ${animal} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The $${animal} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests escaping.
public void testReplaceSoloEscaping() {
doTestReplace("${animal}", "$${animal}", false);
* Tests complex escaping.
public void testReplaceComplexEscaping() {
doTestReplace("The ${quick brown fox} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The $${${animal}} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests when no prefix or suffix.
public void testReplaceNoPefixNoSuffix() {
doTestReplace("The animal jumps over the lazy dog.", "The animal jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests when no incomplete prefix.
public void testReplaceIncompletePefix() {
doTestReplace("The {animal} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The {animal} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests when prefix but no suffix.
public void testReplacePrefixNoSuffix() {
doTestReplace("The ${animal jumps over the ${target} lazy dog.", "The ${animal jumps over the ${target} ${target}.", true);
* Tests when suffix but no prefix.
public void testReplaceNoPrefixSuffix() {
doTestReplace("The animal} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The animal} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests when no variable name.
public void testReplaceEmptyKeys() {
doTestReplace("The ${} jumps over the lazy dog.", "The ${} jumps over the ${target}.", true);
* Tests replace creates output same as input.
public void testReplaceToIdentical() {
values.put("animal", "$${${thing}}");
values.put("thing", "animal");
doTestReplace("The ${animal} jumps.", "The ${animal} jumps.", true);
* Tests a cyclic replace operation.
* The cycle should be detected and cause an exception to be thrown.
public void testCyclicReplacement() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("animal", "${critter}");
map.put("target", "${pet}");
map.put("pet", "${petCharacteristic} dog");
map.put("petCharacteristic", "lazy");
map.put("critter", "${critterSpeed} ${critterColor} ${critterType}");
map.put("critterSpeed", "quick");
map.put("critterColor", "brown");
map.put("critterType", "${animal}");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(map);
try {
sub.replace("The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}.");
fail("Cyclic replacement was not detected!");
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
// expected
* Tests interpolation with weird boundary patterns.
public void testReplaceWeirdPattens() {
doTestNoReplace("${ }");
doTestNoReplace("${${ }}");
* Tests simple key replace.
public void testReplacePartialString_noReplace() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor();
assertEquals("${animal} jumps", sub.replace("The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}.", 4, 15));
* Tests whether a variable can be replaced in a variable name.
public void testReplaceInVariable() {
values.put("animal.1", "fox");
values.put("animal.2", "mouse");
values.put("species", "2");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
"Wrong result (1)",
"The mouse jumps over the lazy dog.",
sub.replace("The ${animal.${species}} jumps over the ${target}."));
values.put("species", "1");
"Wrong result (2)",
"The fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
sub.replace("The ${animal.${species}} jumps over the ${target}."));
* Tests whether substitution in variable names is disabled per default.
public void testReplaceInVariableDisabled() {
values.put("animal.1", "fox");
values.put("animal.2", "mouse");
values.put("species", "2");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
"Wrong result",
"The ${animal.${species}} jumps over the lazy dog.",
sub.replace("The ${animal.${species}} jumps over the ${target}."));
* Tests complex and recursive substitution in variable names.
public void testReplaceInVariableRecursive() {
values.put("animal.2", "brown fox");
values.put("animal.1", "white mouse");
values.put("color", "white");
values.put("species.white", "1");
values.put("species.brown", "2");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
"Wrong result",
"The white mouse jumps over the lazy dog.",
sub.replace("The ${animal.${species.${color}}} jumps over the ${target}."));
* Tests protected.
public void testResolveVariable() {
final StrBuilder builder = new StrBuilder("Hi ${name}!");
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "commons");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(map) {
protected String resolveVariable(String variableName, StrBuilder buf, int startPos, int endPos) {
assertEquals("name", variableName);
assertSame(builder, buf);
assertEquals(3, startPos);
assertEquals(10, endPos);
return "jakarta";
assertEquals("Hi jakarta!", builder.toString());
* Tests constructor.
public void testConstructorNoArgs() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor();
assertEquals("Hi ${name}", sub.replace("Hi ${name}"));
* Tests constructor.
public void testConstructorMapPrefixSuffix() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "commons");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(map, "<", ">");
assertEquals("Hi < commons", sub.replace("Hi $< <name>"));
* Tests constructor.
public void testConstructorMapFull() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "commons");
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(map, "<", ">", '!');
assertEquals("Hi < commons", sub.replace("Hi !< <name>"));
* Tests get set.
public void testGetSetEscape() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor();
assertEquals('$', sub.getEscapeChar());
assertEquals('<', sub.getEscapeChar());
* Tests get set.
public void testGetSetPrefix() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor();
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.CharMatcher);
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
try {
sub.setVariablePrefix((String) null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
StrMatcher matcher = StrMatcher.commaMatcher();
assertSame(matcher, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher());
try {
sub.setVariablePrefixMatcher((StrMatcher) null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
assertSame(matcher, sub.getVariablePrefixMatcher());
* Tests get set.
public void testGetSetSuffix() {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor();
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.CharMatcher);
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
try {
sub.setVariableSuffix((String) null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
assertEquals(true, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher() instanceof StrMatcher.StringMatcher);
StrMatcher matcher = StrMatcher.commaMatcher();
assertSame(matcher, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher());
try {
sub.setVariableSuffixMatcher((StrMatcher) null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// expected
assertSame(matcher, sub.getVariableSuffixMatcher());
* Tests static.
public void testStaticReplace() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "commons");
assertEquals("Hi commons!", StrSubstitutor.replace("Hi ${name}!", map));
* Tests static.
public void testStaticReplacePrefixSuffix() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("name", "commons");
assertEquals("Hi commons!", StrSubstitutor.replace("Hi <name>!", map, "<", ">"));
* Tests interpolation with system properties.
public void testStaticReplaceSystemProperties() {
StrBuilder buf = new StrBuilder();
buf.append("Hi ").append(System.getProperty(""));
buf.append(", you are working with ");
buf.append(", your home directory is ");
assertEquals(buf.toString(), StrSubstitutor.replaceSystemProperties("Hi ${}, you are "
+ "working with ${}, your home "
+ "directory is ${user.home}."));
* Test the replace of a properties object
public void testSubstitutetDefaultProperties(){
String org = "${doesnotwork}";
System.setProperty("doesnotwork", "It work's!");
// create a new Properties object with the System.getProperties as default
Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
assertEquals("It work's!",StrSubstitutor.replace(org, props));
private void doTestReplace(String expectedResult, String replaceTemplate, boolean substring) {
String expectedShortResult = expectedResult.substring(1, expectedResult.length() - 1);
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
// replace using String
assertEquals(expectedResult, sub.replace(replaceTemplate));
if (substring) {
assertEquals(expectedShortResult, sub.replace(replaceTemplate, 1, replaceTemplate.length() - 2));
// replace using char[]
char[] chars = replaceTemplate.toCharArray();
assertEquals(expectedResult, sub.replace(chars));
if (substring) {
assertEquals(expectedShortResult, sub.replace(chars, 1, chars.length - 2));
// replace using StringBuffer
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(expectedResult, sub.replace(buf));
if (substring) {
assertEquals(expectedShortResult, sub.replace(buf, 1, buf.length() - 2));
// replace using StrBuilder
StrBuilder bld = new StrBuilder(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(expectedResult, sub.replace(bld));
if (substring) {
assertEquals(expectedShortResult, sub.replace(bld, 1, bld.length() - 2));
// replace using object
MutableObject obj = new MutableObject(replaceTemplate); // toString returns template
assertEquals(expectedResult, sub.replace(obj));
// replace in StringBuffer
buf = new StringBuffer(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(true, sub.replaceIn(buf));
assertEquals(expectedResult, buf.toString());
if (substring) {
buf = new StringBuffer(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(true, sub.replaceIn(buf, 1, buf.length() - 2));
assertEquals(expectedResult, buf.toString()); // expect full result as remainder is untouched
// replace in StrBuilder
bld = new StrBuilder(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(true, sub.replaceIn(bld));
assertEquals(expectedResult, bld.toString());
if (substring) {
bld = new StrBuilder(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(true, sub.replaceIn(bld, 1, bld.length() - 2));
assertEquals(expectedResult, bld.toString()); // expect full result as remainder is untouched
private void doTestNoReplace(String replaceTemplate) {
StrSubstitutor sub = new StrSubstitutor(values);
if (replaceTemplate == null) {
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((String) null));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((String) null, 0, 100));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((char[]) null));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((char[]) null, 0, 100));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((StringBuffer) null));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((StringBuffer) null, 0, 100));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((StrBuilder) null));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((StrBuilder) null, 0, 100));
assertEquals(null, sub.replace((Object) null));
assertEquals(false, sub.replaceIn((StringBuffer) null));
assertEquals(false, sub.replaceIn((StringBuffer) null, 0, 100));
assertEquals(false, sub.replaceIn((StrBuilder) null));
assertEquals(false, sub.replaceIn((StrBuilder) null, 0, 100));
} else {
assertEquals(replaceTemplate, sub.replace(replaceTemplate));
StrBuilder bld = new StrBuilder(replaceTemplate);
assertEquals(false, sub.replaceIn(bld));
assertEquals(replaceTemplate, bld.toString());