blob: 828dcfc72ffab3d83a4c35975876deb0f4356a72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.lang.exception;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
* Tests the org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableDelegate class.
* @author <a href="">Steven Caswell</a>
* @author <a href="">Daniel Rall</a>
* @version $Id$
public class NestableDelegateTestCase extends junit.framework.TestCase {
private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_FAILED_MSG =
"The Nestable implementation passed to the NestableDelegate(Nestable) constructor must extend java.lang.Throwable";
private static final String PARTIAL_STACK_TRACE =
"ThrowableNestedNestable partial stack trace place-holder";
protected String lineSeparator;
* Construct a new instance of NestableDelegateTestCase with the specified name
public NestableDelegateTestCase(String name)
* Set up instance variables required by this test case.
public void setUp()
lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static Test suite()
return new TestSuite(NestableDelegateTestCase.class);
* Tear down instance variables required by this test case.
public void tearDown()
lineSeparator = null;
* Test the implementation
public void testNestableDelegateConstructor()
String msg = null;
boolean constructorFailed = false;
NestableDelegate nonThrowableCause = new NestableDelegate(new NonThrowableNestable());
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)
constructorFailed = true;
msg = iae.getMessage();
assertTrue("nestable delegate constructor with non-throwable cause failed == true", constructorFailed);
assertTrue("constructor failed exception msg == " + CONSTRUCTOR_FAILED_MSG,
constructorFailed = false;
NestableDelegate nd1 = new NestableDelegate(new ThrowableNestable());
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)
constructorFailed = true;
assertTrue("nestable delegate constructor with throwable cause failed == false", !constructorFailed);
public void testNestableDelegateGetMessage()
Nestable ne1 = new ThrowableNestable();
assertTrue("ThrowableNestable ne1 getMessage() == ThrowableNestable exception",
ne1.getMessage().equals("ThrowableNestable exception"));
NestableDelegate nd1 = new NestableDelegate(ne1);
assertTrue("nd1 getMessage() == " + ne1.getCause().getMessage(),
nd1.getMessage("base").equals("base: " + ne1.getCause().getMessage()));
Nestable ne2 = new ThrowableNestedNestable(new Exception("nested exception 2"));
NestableDelegate nd2 = new NestableDelegate(ne2);
assertTrue("nd2 getMessage() == base: " + ne2.getCause().getMessage(),
nd2.getMessage("base").equals("base: " + ne2.getCause().getMessage()));
public void testNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
n = new NestableDelegateTester1();
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(d, 1);
n = new NestableDelegateTester1("level 1");
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(d, 1);
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception());
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(d, 2);
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception("level 2"));
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(d, 2);
n = new NestableDelegateTester1("level 1",
new NestableDelegateTester2("level 2",
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2("level 4",
new Exception("level 5")
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(d, 5);
private void doNestableDelegateGetThrowableCount(NestableDelegate d, int len)
// Compare the lengths
assertEquals("delegate length", len, d.getThrowableCount());
public void testNestableDelegateGetMessages()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
String msgs[] = null;
msgs = new String[1];
n = new NestableDelegateTester1();
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetMessages(d, msgs);
msgs = new String[1];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0]);
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetMessages(d, msgs);
msgs = new String[2];
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception());
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetMessages(d, msgs);
msgs = new String[2];
msgs[0] = null;
msgs[1] = "level 2";
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception(msgs[1]));
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetMessages(d, msgs);
msgs = new String[5];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
msgs[1] = "level 2";
msgs[2] = null;
msgs[3] = "level 4";
msgs[4] = "level 5";
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0],
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[1],
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[3],
new Exception(msgs[4])
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetMessages(d, msgs);
private void doNestableDelegateGetMessages(NestableDelegate d, String[] nMsgs)
// Compare the messages
String[] dMsgs = d.getMessages();
assertEquals("messages length", nMsgs.length, dMsgs.length);
for(int i = 0; i < nMsgs.length; i++)
assertEquals("message " + i, nMsgs[i], dMsgs[i]);
public void testGetMessageString()
NestableDelegateTester1 ndt1 = new NestableDelegateTester1 (new NullPointerException ());
NestableDelegate nd = new NestableDelegate (ndt1);
assertNull (nd.getMessage((String)null));
ndt1 = new NestableDelegateTester1 (new NullPointerException ("null pointer"));
nd = new NestableDelegate (ndt1);
ndt1 = new NestableDelegateTester1 ();
nd = new NestableDelegate (ndt1);
ndt1 = new NestableDelegateTester1 ("root");
nd = new NestableDelegate (ndt1);
public void testNestableDelegateGetMessageN()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
String[] msgs = new String[5];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
msgs[1] = "level 2";
msgs[2] = null;
msgs[3] = "level 4";
msgs[4] = "level 5";
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0],
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[1],
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[3],
new Exception(msgs[4])
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
for(int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++)
assertEquals("message " + i, msgs[i], d.getMessage(i));
// Test for index out of bounds
String msg = d.getMessage(-1);
fail("getMessage(-1) should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioode)
String msg = d.getMessage(msgs.length + 100);
fail("getMessage(999) should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioode)
public void testNestableDelegateGetThrowableN()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
String msgs[] = null;
Class[] throwables = null;
msgs = new String[2];
msgs[0] = null;
msgs[1] = "level 2";
throwables = new Class[2];
throwables[0] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[1] = Exception.class;
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception(msgs[1]));
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableN(d, throwables, msgs);
msgs = new String[5];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
msgs[1] = "level 2";
msgs[2] = null;
msgs[3] = "level 4";
msgs[4] = "level 5";
throwables = new Class[5];
throwables[0] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[1] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[2] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[3] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[4] = Exception.class;
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0],
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[1],
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[3],
new Exception(msgs[4])
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowableN(d, throwables, msgs);
private void doNestableDelegateGetThrowableN(NestableDelegate d, Class[] classes, String[] msgs)
Throwable t = null;
String msg = null;
for(int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
t = d.getThrowable(i);
assertEquals("throwable class", classes[i], t.getClass());
msg = ((Nestable) t).getMessage(0);
msg = t.getMessage();
assertEquals("throwable message", msgs[i], msg);
// Test for index out of bounds
t = d.getThrowable(-1);
fail("getThrowable(-1) should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
t = d.getThrowable(999);
fail("getThrowable(999) should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
public void testNestableDelegateGetThrowables()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
String msgs[] = null;
Class[] throwables = null;
msgs = new String[2];
msgs[0] = null;
msgs[1] = "level 2";
throwables = new Class[2];
throwables[0] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[1] = Exception.class;
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(new Exception(msgs[1]));
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowables(d, throwables, msgs);
msgs = new String[5];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
msgs[1] = "level 2";
msgs[2] = null;
msgs[3] = "level 4";
msgs[4] = "level 5";
throwables = new Class[5];
throwables[0] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[1] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[2] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[3] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[4] = Exception.class;
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0],
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[1],
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[3],
new Exception(msgs[4])
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
doNestableDelegateGetThrowables(d, throwables, msgs);
private void doNestableDelegateGetThrowables(NestableDelegate d, Class[] classes, String[] msgs)
Throwable[] throwables = null;
String msg = null;
throwables = d.getThrowables();
assertEquals("throwables length", classes.length, throwables.length);
for(int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
assertEquals("throwable class", classes[i], throwables[i].getClass());
Throwable t = throwables[i];
msg = ((Nestable) t).getMessage(0);
msg = t.getMessage();
assertEquals("throwable message", msgs[i], msg);
public void testIndexOfThrowable()
Nestable n = null;
NestableDelegate d = null;
String msgs[] = null;
Class[] throwables = null;
msgs = new String[5];
msgs[0] = "level 1";
msgs[1] = "level 2";
msgs[2] = null;
msgs[3] = "level 4";
msgs[4] = "level 5";
throwables = new Class[5];
throwables[0] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[1] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[2] = NestableDelegateTester1.class;
throwables[3] = NestableDelegateTester2.class;
throwables[4] = EOFException.class;
int[] indexes = {0, 1, 0, 1, 4};
n = new NestableDelegateTester1(msgs[0],
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[1],
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2(msgs[3],
new EOFException(msgs[4])
d = new NestableDelegate(n);
for(int i = 0; i < throwables.length; i++)
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, throwables[i], 0, indexes[i], msgs[indexes[i]]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, NestableDelegateTester2.class, 2, 3, msgs[3]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, NestableDelegateTester1.class, 1, 2, msgs[2]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, NestableDelegateTester1.class, 3, -1, null);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, NestableDelegateTester1.class, 4, -1, null);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, EOFException.class, 2, 4, msgs[4]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, IOException.class, 2, 4, msgs[4]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, Exception.class, 2, 2, msgs[2]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, Exception.class, 0, 0, msgs[0]);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, java.util.Date.class, 0, -1, null);
doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(d, null, 0, -1, null);
// Test for index out of bounds
int index = d.indexOfThrowable(NestableDelegateTester1.class, -1);
fail("method should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException iooob)
int index = d.indexOfThrowable(NestableDelegateTester1.class, 5);
fail("method should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException");
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException iooob)
private void doNestableDelegateIndexOfThrowable(NestableDelegate d, Class type, int fromIndex, int expectedIndex, String expectedMsg)
Throwable t = null;
int index = d.indexOfThrowable(type, fromIndex);
assertEquals("index of throwable " + (type == null ? "null" : type.getName()), expectedIndex, index);
if(expectedIndex > -1)
t = d.getThrowable(index);
if(expectedMsg != null)
String msg = null;
msg = ((Nestable) t).getMessage(0);
msg = t.getMessage();
assertEquals("message of indexed throwable", expectedMsg, msg);
public void testNestableDelegetePrintStackTrace()
int lineSepLen = lineSeparator.length();
int partialStackTraceLen = PARTIAL_STACK_TRACE.length();
Nestable ne3 = new ThrowableNestedNestable(new Exception("nested exception 3"));
NestableDelegate nd3 = new NestableDelegate(ne3);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps1 = new PrintStream(baos1);
String stack1 = baos1.toString();
assertTrue("stack trace startsWith", stack1.startsWith(PARTIAL_STACK_TRACE));
Nestable n = new NestableDelegateTester1("level 1",
new NestableDelegateTester2("level 2",
new NestableDelegateTester1(
new NestableDelegateTester2("level 4",
new Exception("level 5")
NestableDelegate d = new NestableDelegate(n);
// Only testing the flags for jdk1.3 and below
if (!ExceptionUtils.isThrowableNested()) {
NestableDelegate.topDown = true; NestableDelegate.trimStackFrames = true;
checkStackTrace(d, true, true, NestableDelegateTester1.class.getName()+": level 1", 24);
NestableDelegate.topDown = true; NestableDelegate.trimStackFrames = false;
checkStackTrace(d, true, false, NestableDelegateTester1.class.getName()+": level 1", 80);
NestableDelegate.topDown = false; NestableDelegate.trimStackFrames = true;
checkStackTrace(d, false, true, "java.lang.Exception: level 5", 24);
NestableDelegate.topDown = false; NestableDelegate.trimStackFrames = false;
checkStackTrace(d, false, false, "java.lang.Exception: level 5", 80);
NestableDelegate.topDown = true; NestableDelegate.trimStackFrames = true;
private void checkStackTrace(NestableDelegate d, boolean topDown, boolean trimStackFrames,
String startsWith, int expCount) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps1 = new PrintStream(baos1);
String stack1 = baos1.toString();
int actCount = countLines(stack1);
assertTrue("topDown: "+topDown+", trimStackFrames: "+trimStackFrames+" startsWith",
// test is unreliable, as count varies depending on JUnit version/where main method is
// assertEquals("topDown: "+topDown+", trimStackFrames: "+trimStackFrames+" lineCount",
// expCount, actCount);
private int countLines(String s) {
if (s == null) return 0;
int i = 0, ndx = -1;
while ((ndx = s.indexOf("\n", ndx+1)) != -1) {
return i;
public static void main(String args[])
* Nestable and Throwable class which can be passed to the NestableDelegate
* constructor. Used for testing various methods which iterate through the
* nested causes.
class NestableDelegateTester1 extends Exception implements Nestable
private Throwable cause = null;
public NestableDelegateTester1()
public NestableDelegateTester1(String reason, Throwable cause)
this.cause = cause;
public NestableDelegateTester1(String reason)
public NestableDelegateTester1(Throwable cause)
this.cause = cause;
* @see Nestable#getThrowables()
* Returns zero-length <code>Throwable</code> array for this test.
public Throwable[] getThrowables()
return new Throwable[0];
* @see Nestable#getMessages()
* Returns zero-length String array for this test.
public String[] getMessages()
return new String[0];
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type)
return -1;
* @see Nestable#getThrowable(int)
* Returns <code>null</code> for this test.
public Throwable getThrowable(int index)
return null;
* @see Nestable#getThrowableCount()
* Returns 1 for this test.
public int getThrowableCount()
return 1;
* @see Nestable#getCause()
public Throwable getCause()
return cause;
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
* @param out The writer to use.
public void printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#getMessage(int)
public String getMessage(int index)
if(index == 0)
return super.getMessage();
return "";
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class, int)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type, int fromIndex)
return -1;
* Nestable and Throwable class which can be passed to the NestableDelegate
* constructor. Used for testing various methods which iterate through the
* nested causes.
class NestableDelegateTester2 extends Throwable implements Nestable
private Throwable cause = null;
public NestableDelegateTester2()
public NestableDelegateTester2(String reason, Throwable cause)
this.cause = cause;
public NestableDelegateTester2(String reason)
public NestableDelegateTester2(Throwable cause)
this.cause = cause;
* @see Nestable#getThrowables()
* Returns zero-length <code>Throwable</code> array for this test.
public Throwable[] getThrowables()
return new Throwable[0];
* @see Nestable#getMessages()
* Returns zero-length String array for this test.
public String[] getMessages()
return new String[0];
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type)
return -1;
* @see Nestable#getThrowable(int)
* Returns <code>null</code> for this test.
public Throwable getThrowable(int index)
return null;
* @see Nestable#getThrowableCount()
* Returns 1 for this test.
* @return 1
public int getThrowableCount()
return 1;
* @see Nestable#getCause()
public Throwable getCause()
return cause;
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
* @param out The writer to use.
public void printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#getMessage(int)
public String getMessage(int index)
if(index == 0)
return super.getMessage();
return "";
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class, int)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type, int fromIndex)
return -1;
* Used to test that the constructor passes when passed a throwable cause
* And, the NestableDelegate.getMessage() returns the message from underlying
* nestable (which also has to be a Throwable).
class ThrowableNestable extends Throwable implements Nestable
private Throwable cause = new Exception("ThrowableNestable cause");
* @see Nestable#getThrowableCount()
* Returns 1 for this test.
public int getThrowableCount()
return 1;
* @see Nestable#getMessage()
* Returns the hard-coded string "ThrowableNestable exception" for this
* test.
public String getMessage()
return "ThrowableNestable exception";
* @see Nestable#getMessage(int)
* Returns the hard-coded string "ThrowableNestable exception" for this
* test.
public String getMessage(int index)
return getMessage();
* @see Nestable#getMessages()
* Returns single-element string array with "ThrowableNestable exception".
public String[] getMessages()
String msgs[] = new String[1];
msgs[0] = getMessage();
return msgs;
* @see Nestable#getCause()
public Throwable getCause()
return cause;
* @see Nestable#printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
public void printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#getThrowable(int)
public Throwable getThrowable(int index)
return cause;
* @see Nestable#getThrowables()
public Throwable[] getThrowables()
Throwable throwables[] = new Throwable[1];
throwables[0] = cause;
return throwables;
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class)
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type)
return 0;
return -1;
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class,int)
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type, int fromIndex)
return indexOfThrowable(type);
* Nestable and Throwable class which takes in a 'cause' object.
* Returns a message wrapping the 'cause' message
* Prints a fixed stack trace and partial stack trace.
class ThrowableNestedNestable extends Throwable implements Nestable
private Throwable cause = null;
public ThrowableNestedNestable(Throwable cause)
this.cause = cause;
* @see Nestable#getThrowableCount()
* Returns 1 for this test.
public int getThrowableCount()
return 1;
* @see Nestable#getMessage()
* For this test, returns "ThrowableNestable exception (" appended to the
* message of the cause specified in the constructor.
public String getMessage()
return "ThrowableNestedNestable exception (" + cause.getMessage() + ")";
* @see Nestable#getMessage(int)
* For this test, returns "ThrowableNestable exception (" appended to the
* message of the cause specified in the constructor.
public String getMessage(int index)
return "ThrowableNestedNestable exception (" + cause.getMessage() + ")";
* @see Nestable#getMessages()
* For this test, returns a single-element string array containing
* "ThrowableNestable exception (" appended to the
* message of the cause specified in the constructor.
public String[] getMessages()
String[] msgs = new String[1];
msgs[0] = "ThrowableNestedNestable exception (" + cause.getMessage() + ")";
return msgs;
* @see Nestable#getCause()
public Throwable getCause()
return cause;
* @see Nestable#printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* For this test, writes the string
* "ThrowableNestedNestable stack trace place-holder" to the print writer.
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
out.println("ThrowableNestedNestable stack trace place-holder");
* @see Nestable#printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* For this test, writes the string
* "ThrowableNestedNestable partial stack trace place-holder" to the print
* writer.
public void printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
out.println("ThrowableNestedNestable partial stack trace place-holder");
* @see Nestable#getThrowable(int)
public Throwable getThrowable(int index)
return cause;
* @see Nestable#getThrowableS()
public Throwable[] getThrowables()
Throwable throwables[] = new Throwable[1];
throwables[0] = cause;
return throwables;
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class)
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type)
return 0;
return -1;
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class, int)
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type, int fromIndex)
return indexOfThrowable(type);
* Used to test that the constructor fails when passed a non-throwable cause
class NonThrowableNestable implements Nestable
* @see Nestable#getThrowableCount()
* Returns 1 for this test.
public int getThrowableCount()
return 1;
* @see Nestable#getMessage()
* Returns the string "non-throwable" for this test.
public String getMessage()
return "non-throwable";
* @see Nestable#getMessage(int)
* Returns the string "non-throwable" for this test.
public String getMessage(int index)
return "non-throwable";
* @see Nestable#getMessage()
* Returns a single-element array containing the string "non-throwable" for
* this test.
public String[] getMessages()
String[] msgs = new String[1];
msgs[0] = "non-throwable";
return msgs;
* @see Nestable#getCause()
* Returns <code>null</code> for this test.
public Throwable getCause()
return null;
* @see Nestable#printStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#printStackTrace(PrintStream)
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
public void printStackTrace(PrintStream out)
* @see Nestable#printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter)
* Empty method to satisfy the implemented interface. Does nothing
* in this test.
public void printPartialStackTrace(PrintWriter out)
* @see Nestable#getThrowable(int)
* Returns <code>null</code> for this test.
public Throwable getThrowable(int index)
return null;
* @see Nestable#getThrowables()
* Returns zero-length <code>Throwable</code> array.
public Throwable[] getThrowables()
return new Throwable[0];
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type)
return -1;
* @see Nestable#indexOfThrowable(Class, int)
* Returns -1 for this test.
public int indexOfThrowable(Class type, int fromIndex)
return -1;