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<title>Status File for Jakarta Commons "BeanUtils" Component</title>
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The Jakarta Commons <i>JXPath</i> Component</h1></center>
<center>$Id: STATUS.html,v 1.3 2002/04/28 22:43:08 dmitri Exp $
<br><a href="#Introduction">[Introduction]</a><a href="#Dependencies">[Dependencies]</a><a href="#Release Info">[Release
Info]</a><a href="#Committers">[Committers]</a><a href="#Action Items">[Action
<p><a NAME="Introduction"></a>
The <i>JXPath</i> Component contains a set of Java classes that provide
static utility methods useful in manipulating Java classes that conform
to the JavaBeans Specification naming patterns for bean properties in a
dynamic fashion using the XPath syntax. It also supports Java collections,
objects with Dynamic Properties (like Map, ServletContext etc) and mechanism
for adding support for additional object models.
<p>An innovative and unique feature of this component is the unification
of reference syntax between DOM and Java.
<br><a NAME="Dependencies"></a>
The <i>JXPath</i> component is dependent upon the following external components
for development and use:
<a href="">Java Development Kit</a> (Version 1.3
or later)</li>
<a href="">JAXP</a> (Version 1.1 or later)</li>
<a href="">JUnit Testing Framework</a> (Version 3.7
or later) - for unit tests only, not required for deployment</li>
<a href="">JavaCC</a>
(Version 2.0 or later)</li>
<a NAME="Release Info"></a>
Current Release: <b>1.0 beta 1</b>
<p>Planned Next Release: <b>1.0, timeframe: 27 May, 2002</b>
<p>See the
<a href="#Action Items">Action Items</a> list for tasks that
need to be completed prior to this release.
<br><a NAME="Committers"></a>
The following individuals are the primary developers and maintainers of
this component. Developers who plan to use <i>JXPath</i> in their own projects
are encouraged to collaborate on the future development of this component
to ensure that it continues to meet a variety of needs.
<a href="">Dmitri Plotnikov</a></li>
<a NAME="Action Items"></a>
The following action items need to be completed prior to a Version 1.0
release of this component:
<table BORDER >
<th WIDTH="80%">Action Item</th>
<th WIDTH="20%">Volunteer</th>
<td><b>Documentation</b>. Validate all JavaDoc and user's guide.</td>
<td ALIGN=CENTER>Dmitri Plotnikov</td>
<td><b>Unit Tests.</b> Add more unit tests</td>
<center>Dmitri Plotnikov</center>
<td><b>Fix problems with document order.&nbsp;</b> There are some cases
where JXPath violates the XPath spec in relation to document order.</td>
<center>Dmitri Plotnikov</center>