blob: 7f4077e90fcfee03f82b6027fcde4047b67a9016 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jexl3;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test cases for the if statement.
* @since 1.1
@SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing", "AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"})
public class IfTest extends JexlTestCase {
public IfTest() {
* Make sure if true executes the true statement
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testSimpleIfTrue() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (true) 1");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 1", new Integer(1), o);
* Make sure if false doesn't execute the true statement
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testSimpleIfFalse() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (false) 1");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertNull("Return value is not empty", o);
* Make sure if false executes the false statement
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testSimpleElse() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (false) 1 else 2;");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 2", new Integer(2), o);
* Test the if statement handles blocks correctly
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testBlockIfTrue() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (true) { 'hello'; }");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is wrong", "hello", o);
* Test the if statement handles blocks in the else statement correctly
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testBlockElse() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (false) {1} else {2 ; 3}");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is wrong", new Integer(3), o);
* Test the if statement evaluates expressions correctly
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testIfWithSimpleExpression() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (x == 1) true;");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("x", new Integer(1));
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not true", Boolean.TRUE, o);
public void testIfElseIfExpression() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if (x == 1) { 10; } else if (x == 2) 20 else 30", "x");
Object o = e.execute(null, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(10, o);
o = e.execute(null, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(20, o);
o = e.execute(null, 4);
Assert.assertEquals(30, o);
public void testIfElseIfReturnExpression0() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript(
"if (x == 1) return 10; if (x == 2) return 20; else if (x == 3) return 30 else { return 40 }",
Object o = e.execute(null, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(10, o);
o = e.execute(null, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(20, o);
o = e.execute(null, 3);
Assert.assertEquals(30, o);
o = e.execute(null, 4);
Assert.assertEquals(40, o);
public void testIfElseIfReturnExpression() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript(
"if (x == 1) return 10; if (x == 2) return 20 else if (x == 3) return 30; else return 40;",
Object o = e.execute(null, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(10, o);
o = e.execute(null, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(20, o);
o = e.execute(null, 3);
Assert.assertEquals(30, o);
o = e.execute(null, 4);
Assert.assertEquals(40, o);
* Test the if statement evaluates arithmetic expressions correctly
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testIfWithArithmeticExpression() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if ((x * 2) + 1 == 5) true;");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("x", new Integer(2));
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not true", Boolean.TRUE, o);
* Test the if statement evaluates decimal arithmetic expressions correctly
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testIfWithDecimalArithmeticExpression() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if ((x * 2) == 5) true");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("x", new Float(2.5f));
final Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not true", Boolean.TRUE, o);
* Test the if statement works with assignment
* @throws Exception on any error
public void testIfWithAssignment() throws Exception {
final JexlScript e = JEXL.createScript("if ((x * 2) == 5) {y = 1} else {y = 2;}");
final JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("x", new Float(2.5f));
final Object result = jc.get("y");
Assert.assertEquals("y has the wrong value", new Integer(1), result);
* Ternary operator condition undefined or null evaluates to false
* independantly of engine flags.
* @throws Exception
public void testTernary() throws Exception {
final JexlEngine jexl = JEXL;
final JexlEvalContext jc = new JexlEvalContext();
final JexlOptions options = jc.getEngineOptions();
final JexlExpression e = jexl.createExpression("x.y.z = foo ?'bar':'quux'");
Object o;
// undefined foo
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
jc.set("foo", null);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
jc.set("foo", Boolean.FALSE);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
jc.set("foo", Boolean.TRUE);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be bar", "bar", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be bar", "bar", o);
* Ternary operator condition undefined or null evaluates to false
* independently of engine flags; same for null coalescing operator.
* @throws Exception
public void testTernaryShorthand() throws Exception {
final JexlEvalContext jc = new JexlEvalContext();
final JexlOptions options = jc.getEngineOptions();
final JexlExpression e = JEXL.createExpression("x.y.z = foo?:'quux'");
final JexlExpression f = JEXL.createExpression("foo??'quux'");
Object o;
// undefined foo
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
jc.set("foo", null);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
jc.set("foo", Boolean.FALSE);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be false", false, o);
jc.set("foo", Double.NaN);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertTrue("Should be NaN", Double.isNaN((Double) o));
jc.set("foo", "");
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be empty string", "", o);
jc.set("foo", "false");
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 'false'", "false", o);
jc.set("foo", 0d);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 0", 0.d, o);
jc.set("foo", 0);
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be quux", "quux", o);
o = f.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 0", 0, o);
jc.set("foo", "bar");
for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) {
options.setStrict((l & 1) == 0);
options.setSilent((l & 2) != 0);
o = e.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be bar", "bar", o);
o = jc.get("x.y.z");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be bar", "bar", o);
public void testNullCoaelescing() throws Exception {
Object o;
final JexlEvalContext jc = new JexlEvalContext();
final JexlExpression xtrue = JEXL.createExpression("x??true");
o = xtrue.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be true", true, o);
jc.set("x", false);
o = xtrue.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be false", false, o);
final JexlExpression yone = JEXL.createExpression("y??1");
o = yone.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 1", 1, o);
jc.set("y", 0);
o = yone.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 0", 0, o);
public void testNullCoaelescingScript() throws Exception {
Object o;
final JexlEvalContext jc = new JexlEvalContext();
final JexlScript xtrue = JEXL.createScript("x??true");
o = xtrue.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be true", true, o);
jc.set("x", false);
o = xtrue.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be false", false, o);
final JexlScript yone = JEXL.createScript("y??1");
o = yone.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 1", 1, o);
jc.set("y", 0);
o = yone.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be 0", 0, o);
public void testTernaryFail() throws Exception {
final JexlEvalContext jc = new JexlEvalContext();
final JexlOptions options = jc.getEngineOptions();
final JexlExpression e = JEXL.createExpression("false ? bar : quux");
Object o;
try {
o = e.evaluate(jc);"Should have failed");
} catch (final JexlException xjexl) {
// OK