blob: cb052f7b1616364f9df0e781d9e350c8bd13bb7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jexl3;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.Engine;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests function/lambda/closure features.
@SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing", "AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"})
public class LambdaTest extends JexlTestCase {
public LambdaTest() {
public void testScriptArguments() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript s = jexl.createScript(" x + x ", "x");
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript("s(21)", "s");
Object result = s42.execute(null, s);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testScriptContext() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript s = jexl.createScript("function(x) { x + x }");
String fsstr = s.getParsedText(0);
Assert.assertEquals("(x)->{ x + x; }", fsstr);
Assert.assertEquals(42, s.execute(null, 21));
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript("s(21)");
JexlEvalContext ctxt = new JexlEvalContext();
ctxt.set("s", s);
Object result = s42.execute(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
result = s42.execute(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
s42 = jexl.createScript("x-> { x + x }");
result = s42.execute(ctxt, 21);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testLambda() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
String strs = "var s = function(x) { x + x }; s(21)";
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
Object result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "var s = function(x, y) { x + y }; s(15, 27)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testLambdaClosure() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
String strs = "var t = 20; var s = function(x, y) { x + y + t}; s(15, 7)";
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
Object result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "var t = 19; var s = function(x, y) { var t = 20; x + y + t}; s(15, 7)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "var t = 20; var s = function(x, y) {x + y + t}; t = 54; s(15, 7)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "var t = 19; var s = function(x, y) { var t = 20; x + y + t}; t = 54; s(15, 7)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testLambdaLambda() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
String strs = "var t = 19; ( (x, y)->{ var t = 20; x + y + t} )(15, 7);";
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
Object result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "( (x, y)->{ ( (xx, yy)->{xx + yy } )(x, y) } )(15, 27)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
strs = "var t = 19; var s = (x, y)->{ var t = 20; x + y + t}; t = 54; s(15, 7)";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testNestLambda() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
String strs = "( (x)->{ (y)->{ x + y } })(15)(27)";
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
Object result = s42.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testNestLambada() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext ctx = null;
String strs = "(x)->{ (y)->{ x + y } }";
JexlScript s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
JexlScript s42b = jexl.createScript(s42.toString());
Assert.assertEquals(s42.hashCode(), s42b.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(s42, s42b);
Object result = s42.execute(ctx, 15);
Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof JexlScript);
Object resultb = s42.execute(ctx, 15);
Assert.assertEquals(result.hashCode(), resultb.hashCode());
Assert.assertEquals(result, resultb);
Assert.assertEquals(result, jexl.createScript(resultb.toString(), "x").execute(ctx, 15));
JexlScript s15 = (JexlScript) result;
Callable<Object> s15b = s15.callable(ctx, 27);
result = s15.execute(ctx, 27);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
result =;
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testHoistLambada() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext ctx = null;
JexlScript s42;
Object result;
JexlScript s15;
String[] localv;
Set<List<String>> hvars;
String strs;
// hosted variables are NOT local variables
strs = "(x)->{ (y)->{ x + y } }";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(ctx, 15);
Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof JexlScript);
s15 = (JexlScript) result;
localv = s15.getLocalVariables();
hvars = s15.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, hvars.size());
// declaring a local that overrides hoisted
strs = "(x)->{ (y)->{ var x; x + y } }";
s42 = jexl.createScript(strs);
result = s42.execute(ctx, 15);
Assert.assertTrue(result instanceof JexlScript);
s15 = (JexlScript) result;
localv = s15.getLocalVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, localv.length);
hvars = s15.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(0, hvars.size());
public void testRecurse() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
try {
JexlScript script = jexl.createScript("var fact = (x)->{ if (x <= 1) 1; else x * fact(x - 1) }; fact(5)");
int result = (Integer) script.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals(120, result);
} catch (JexlException xany) {
String msg = xany.toString();
throw xany;
public void testRecurse2() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
// adding some hoisted vars to get it confused
try {
JexlScript script = jexl.createScript(
"var y = 1; var z = 1; "
+"var fact = (x)->{ if (x <= y) z; else x * fact(x - 1) }; fact(6)");
int result = (Integer) script.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals(720, result);
} catch (JexlException xany) {
String msg = xany.toString();
throw xany;
public void testRecurse3() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
// adding some hoisted vars to get it confused
try {
JexlScript script = jexl.createScript(
"var y = 1; var z = 1;var foo = (x)->{y + z}; "
+"var fact = (x)->{ if (x <= y) z; else x * fact(x - 1) }; fact(6)");
int result = (Integer) script.execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals(720, result);
} catch (JexlException xany) {
String msg = xany.toString();
throw xany;
public void testIdentity() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
script = jexl.createScript("(x)->{ x }");
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"x"}, script.getParameters());
result = script.execute(null, 42);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testCurry1() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
JexlScript base = jexl.createScript("(x, y, z)->{ x + y + z }");
script = base.curry(5);
script = script.curry(15);
script = script.curry(22);
result = script.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testCurry2() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
JexlScript base = jexl.createScript("(x, y, z)->{ x + y + z }");
script = base.curry(5, 15);
script = script.curry(22);
result = script.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void testCurry3() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
JexlScript base = jexl.createScript("(x, y, z)->{ x + y + z }");
script = base.curry(5, 15);
result = script.execute(null, 22);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);