blob: b9e97c86c14582d824b8c9c01bb7f39690fcddbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jexl3;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.TemplateDebugger;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.TemplateScript;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test cases for the UnifiedEL.
@SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing", "AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"})
public class JXLTTest extends JexlTestCase {
private static final JexlEngine ENGINE = new JexlBuilder().silent(false).cache(128).strict(true).create();
private static final JxltEngine JXLT = ENGINE.createJxltEngine();
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JxltEngine.class);
private final MapContext vars = new MapContext();
private JexlEvalContext context = null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// ensure jul logging is only error
context = new JexlEvalContext(vars);
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
private static String refactor(TemplateDebugger td, JxltEngine.Template ts) {
boolean dbg = td.debug((TemplateScript)ts);
if (dbg) {
return td.toString();
} else {
return "";
/** Extract the source from a toString-ed expression. */
private String getSource(String tostring) {
int len = tostring.length();
int sc = tostring.lastIndexOf(" /*= ");
if (sc >= 0) {
sc += " /*= ".length();
int ec = tostring.lastIndexOf(" */");
if (sc >= 0 && ec >= 0 && ec > sc && ec < len) {
return tostring.substring(sc, ec);
} else {
return tostring;
public static class Froboz {
int value;
public Froboz(int v) {
value = v;
public void setValue(int v) {
value = v;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public int plus10() {
int i = value;
value += 10;
return i;
public JXLTTest() {
public void testStatement() throws Exception {
Froboz froboz = new Froboz(32);
context.set("froboz", froboz);
JxltEngine.Expression check = JXLT.createExpression("${ froboz.plus10() }");
Object o = check.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 32", new Integer(32), o);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 42", 42, froboz.getValue());
Set<List<String>> evars = check.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, evars.size());
public void testAssign() throws Exception {
JxltEngine.Expression assign = JXLT.createExpression("${froboz.value = 10}");
JxltEngine.Expression check = JXLT.createExpression("${froboz.value}");
Object o = assign.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 10", new Integer(10), o);
o = check.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not 10", new Integer(10), o);
public void testComposite() throws Exception {
String source = "Dear ${p} ${name};";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
context.set("p", "Mr");
context.set("name", "Doe");
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be immediate", expr.isImmediate());
Object o = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Dear Mr Doe;", o);
context.set("p", "Ms");
context.set("name", "Jones");
o = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Dear Ms Jones;", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
boolean contains(Set<List<String>> set, List<String> list) {
for (List<String> sl : set) {
if (sl.equals(list)) {
return true;
return false;
public void testPrepareEvaluate() throws Exception {
final String source = "Dear #{p} ${name};";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("Dear #{p} ${name};");
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be deferred", expr.isDeferred());
Set<List<String>> evars = expr.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, evars.size());
Assert.assertTrue(contains(evars, Arrays.asList("name")));
context.set("name", "Doe");
JxltEngine.Expression phase1 = expr.prepare(context);
String as = phase1.asString();
Assert.assertEquals("Dear ${p} Doe;", as);
Set<List<String>> evars1 = phase1.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, evars1.size());
Assert.assertTrue(contains(evars1, Arrays.asList("p")));
context.set("p", "Mr");
context.set("name", "Should not be used in 2nd phase");
Object o = phase1.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Dear Mr Doe;", o);
String p1 = getSource(phase1.toString());
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(phase1.toString()));
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testNested() throws Exception {
final String source = "#{${hi}+'.world'}";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
Set<List<String>> evars = expr.getVariables();
Assert.assertEquals(1, evars.size());
Assert.assertTrue(contains(evars, Arrays.asList("hi")));
context.set("hi", "greeting");
context.set("", "Hello World!");
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be deferred", expr.isDeferred());
Object o = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testNestedTemplate() throws Exception {
final String source = "#{${hi}+'.world'}";
JxltEngine.Template expr = JXLT.createTemplate(source, "hi");
context.set("", "Hello World!");
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
expr.evaluate(context, strw, "greeting");
String o = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testImmediate() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "${'Hello ' + 'World!'}";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
JxltEngine.Expression prepared = expr.prepare(none);
Assert.assertEquals("prepare should return same expression", "Hello World!", prepared.asString());
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be immediate", expr.isImmediate());
Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testConstant() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "Hello World!";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
Assert.assertTrue("prepare should return same expression", expr.prepare(none) == expr);
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be immediate", expr.isImmediate());
Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testConstant2() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "${size({'map':123,'map2':456})}";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
//Assert.assertTrue("prepare should return same expression", expr.prepare(none) == expr);
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be immediate", expr.isImmediate());
Assert.assertEquals(2, o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testConstant3() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "#{size({'map':123,'map2':456})}";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
//Assert.assertTrue("prepare should return same expression", expr.prepare(none) == expr);
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be deferred", expr.isDeferred());
Assert.assertEquals(2, o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testConstant4() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "#{ ${size({'1':2,'2': 3})} }";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
//Assert.assertTrue("prepare should return same expression", expr.prepare(none) == expr);
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be deferred", expr.isDeferred());
Assert.assertEquals(2, o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testDeferred() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
final String source = "#{'world'}";
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression(source);
Assert.assertTrue("expression should be deferred", expr.isDeferred());
String as = expr.prepare(none).asString();
Assert.assertEquals("prepare should return immediate version", "${'world'}", as);
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertEquals("world", o);
Assert.assertEquals(source, getSource(expr.toString()));
public void testEscape() throws Exception {
JexlContext none = null;
JxltEngine.Expression expr;
Object o;
// $ and # are escapable in TemplateEngine
expr = JXLT.createExpression("\\#{'world'}");
o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertEquals("#{'world'}", o);
expr = JXLT.createExpression("\\${'world'}");
o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertEquals("${'world'}", o);
public void testEscapeString() throws Exception {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("\\\"${'world\\'s finest'}\\\"");
JexlContext none = null;
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertEquals("\"world's finest\"", o);
public void testNonEscapeString() throws Exception {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("c:\\some\\windows\\path");
JexlContext none = null;
Object o = expr.evaluate(none);
Assert.assertEquals("c:\\some\\windows\\path", o);
public void testMalformed() throws Exception {
try {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("${'world'");
JexlContext none = null;
expr.evaluate(none);"should be malformed");
} catch (JxltEngine.Exception xjexl) {
// expected
String xmsg = xjexl.getMessage();
public void testMalformedNested() throws Exception {
try {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("#{${hi} world}");
JexlContext none = null;
expr.evaluate(none);"should be malformed");
} catch (JxltEngine.Exception xjexl) {
// expected
String xmsg = xjexl.getMessage();
public void testMalformedNested2() throws Exception {
try {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("#{${hi} world}");
JexlContext ctxt = new MapContext();
ctxt.set("hi", "hello");
expr.evaluate(ctxt);"should be malformed");
} catch (JxltEngine.Exception xjexl) {
// expected
String xmsg = xjexl.getMessage();
public void testBadContextNested() throws Exception {
try {
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("#{${hi}+'.world'}");
JexlContext none = null;
expr.evaluate(none);"should be malformed");
} catch (JxltEngine.Exception xjexl) {
// expected
String xmsg = xjexl.getMessage();
public void testCharAtBug() throws Exception {
context.set("foo", "abcdef");
JxltEngine.Expression expr = JXLT.createExpression("${foo.substring(2,4)/*comment*/}");
Object o = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("cd", o);
context.set("bar", "foo");
try {
expr = JXLT.createExpression("#{${bar}+'.charAt(-2)'}");
expr = expr.prepare(context);
o = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals(null, o);
} finally {
public void testTemplate0() throws Exception {
String source = " $$ if(x) {\nx is ${x}\n $$ } else {\n${'no x'}\n$$ }\n";
StringWriter strw;
String output;
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate(source);
context.set("x", 42);
strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw);
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("x is 42\n", output);
strw = new StringWriter();
context.set("x", "");
t.evaluate(context, strw);
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("no x\n", output);
String dstr = t.toString();
public void testTemplate10() throws Exception {
String source = "$$(x)->{ if(x) {\nx is ${x}\n$$ } else {\n${'no x'}\n$$ } }\n";
StringWriter strw;
String output;
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(source), (String[]) null);
String dstr = t.asString();
String[] ps = t.getParameters();
strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw, 42);
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("x is 42\n", output);
public void testTemplate1() throws Exception {
String source = "$$ if(x) {\nx is ${x}\n$$ } else {\n${'no x'}\n$$ }\n";
StringWriter strw;
String output;
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(source), "x");
String dstr = t.asString();
strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw, 42);
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("x is 42\n", output);
strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw, "");
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("no x\n", output);
public void testTemplate2() throws Exception {
String source = "The answer: ${x}";
StringWriter strw;
String output;
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(source), "x");
String dstr = t.asString();
strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw, 42);
output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("The answer: 42", output);
public void testPrepareTemplate() throws Exception {
String source
= "$$ for(var x : list) {\n"
+ "${l10n}=#{x}\n"
+ "$$ }\n";
int[] args = {42};
JxltEngine.Template tl10n = JXLT.createTemplate(source, "list");
String dstr = tl10n.asString();
Set<List<String>> vars = tl10n.getVariables();
context.set("l10n", "valeur");
JxltEngine.Template tpFR = tl10n.prepare(context);
context.set("l10n", "value");
JxltEngine.Template tpEN = tl10n.prepare(context);
context.set("l10n", null);
StringWriter strw;
strw = new StringWriter();
tpFR.evaluate(context, strw, args);
String outFR = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("valeur=42\n", outFR);
context.set("l10n", null);
strw = new StringWriter();
tpEN.evaluate(context, strw, args);
String outEN = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("value=42\n", outEN);
public void test42() throws Exception {
String test42
= "$$ for(var x : list) {\n"
+ "$$ if (x == 42) {\n"
+ "Life, the universe, and everything\n"
+ "$$ } else if (x > 42) {\n"
+ "The value ${x} is over fourty-two\n"
+ "$$ } else {\n"
+ "The value ${x} is under fourty-two\n"
+ "$$ }\n"
+ "$$ }\n";
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(test42), "list");
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
int[] list = {1, 3, 5, 42, 169};
t.evaluate(context, strw, list);
String output = strw.toString();
String out42
= "The value 1 is under fourty-two\n"
+ "The value 3 is under fourty-two\n"
+ "The value 5 is under fourty-two\n"
+ "Life, the universe, and everything\n"
+ "The value 169 is over fourty-two\n";
Assert.assertEquals(out42, output);
String dstr = t.asString();
TemplateDebugger td = new TemplateDebugger();
String refactored = refactor(td, (TemplateScript) t);
Assert.assertEquals(test42, refactored);
public static class FrobozWriter extends PrintWriter {
public FrobozWriter(Writer w) {
public void print(Froboz froboz) {
public String toString() {
return out.toString();
public void testWriter() throws Exception {
Froboz froboz = new Froboz(42);
Writer writer = new FrobozWriter(new StringWriter());
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader("$$$jexl.print(froboz)"), "froboz");
t.evaluate(context, writer, froboz);
Assert.assertEquals("froboz{42}", writer.toString());
public void testReport() throws Exception {
String rpt
= "<report>\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n$$ var a = 1;"
+ "\n$$ var x = 2;"
+ "\n"
+ "\n$$ var y = 9;"
+ "\n"
+ "\n ${x + y}"
+ "\n</report>\n";
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(rpt));
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw);
String output = strw.toString();
String ctl = "<report>\n\n\n\n\n 11\n</report>\n";
Assert.assertEquals(ctl, output);
TemplateDebugger td = new TemplateDebugger();
String refactored = refactor(td, (TemplateScript) t);
Assert.assertEquals(rpt, refactored);
public void testReport1() throws Exception {
String rpt
= "<report>\n"
+ "this is ${x}\n"
+ "${x + 1}\n"
+ "${x + 2}\n"
+ "${x + 3}\n"
+ "</report>\n";
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(rpt));
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
context.set("x", 42);
t.evaluate(context, strw, 42);
String output = strw.toString();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < output.length(); ++i) {
char c = output.charAt(i);
if ('\n' == c) {
count += 1;
Assert.assertEquals(6, count);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("42") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("43") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("44") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("45") > 0);
public void testReport2() throws Exception {
String rpt
= "<report>\n"
+ "this is ${x}\n"
+ "${x + 1}\n"
+ "${x + 2}\n"
+ "${x + 3}\n"
+ "</report>\n";
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(rpt), "x");
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw, 42);
String output = strw.toString();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < output.length(); ++i) {
char c = output.charAt(i);
if ('\n' == c) {
count += 1;
Assert.assertEquals(6, count);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("42") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("43") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("44") > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(output.indexOf("45") > 0);
TemplateDebugger td = new TemplateDebugger();
String xxx = refactor(td, (TemplateScript) t);
Assert.assertEquals(rpt, xxx);
public void testOneLiner() throws Exception {
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader("fourty-two"));
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
t.evaluate(context, strw);
String output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("fourty-two", output);
public void testOneLinerVar() throws Exception {
JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader("fourty-${x}"));
StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
context.set("x", "two");
t.evaluate(context, strw);
String output = strw.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("fourty-two", output);
public void testInterpolation() throws Exception {
String expr = "`Hello \n${user}`";
JexlScript script = JEXL.createScript(expr);
context.set("user", "Dimitri");
Object value = script.execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nDimitri", value);
context.set("user", "Rahul");
value = script.execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nRahul", value);
public void testInterpolationGlobal() throws Exception {
String expr = "user='Dimitri'; `Hello \n${user}`";
Object value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nDimitri", value);
public void testInterpolationLocal() throws Exception {
String expr = "var user='Henrib'; `Hello \n${user}`";
Object value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nHenrib", value);
public void testInterpolationLvsG() throws Exception {
String expr = "user='Dimitri'; var user='Henrib'; `H\\\"ello \n${user}`";
Object value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "H\"ello \nHenrib", value);
public void testInterpolationLvsG2() throws Exception {
String expr = "user='Dimitri'; var user='Henrib'; `H\\`ello \n${user}`";
Object value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "H`ello \nHenrib", value);
public void testInterpolationParameter() throws Exception {
String expr = "(user)->{`Hello \n${user}`}";
Object value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context, "Henrib");
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nHenrib", value);
value = JEXL.createScript(expr).execute(context, "Dimitri");
Assert.assertEquals(expr, "Hello \nDimitri", value);
// @Test public void testDeferredTemplate() throws Exception {
// JxltEngine.Template t = JXLT.createTemplate("$$", new StringReader(
// "select * from \n"+
// "##for(var c : tables) {\n"+
// "#{c} \n"+
// "##}\n"+
// "where $(w}\n"
// ));
// StringWriter strw = new StringWriter();
// context.set("tables", new String[]{"table1", "table2"});
// t = t.prepare(context);
// vars.clear();
// context.set("w" ,"x=1");
// t.evaluate(context, strw);
// String output = strw.toString();
// Assert.assertEquals("fourty-two", output);
// }