blob: 67edba463b39c537adc568a2dff2284674deda9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.jexl3;
import org.apache.commons.jexl3.internal.Engine;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Collections;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test cases for reported issue between JEXL-100 and JEXL-199.
@SuppressWarnings({"boxing", "UnnecessaryBoxing", "AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"})
public class Issues100Test extends JexlTestCase {
public Issues100Test() {
super("Issues100Test", null);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// ensure jul logging is only error to avoid warning in silent mode
public void test100() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().cache(4).create();
JexlContext ctxt = new MapContext();
int[] foo = {42};
ctxt.set("foo", foo);
Object value;
for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
value = jexl.createExpression("foo[0]").evaluate(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(42, value);
value = jexl.createExpression("foo[0] = 43").evaluate(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(43, value);
value = jexl.createExpression("foo.0").evaluate(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(43, value);
value = jexl.createExpression("foo.0 = 42").evaluate(ctxt);
Assert.assertEquals(42, value);
// A's class definition
public static class A105 {
String nameA;
String propA;
public A105(String nameA, String propA) {
this.nameA = nameA;
this.propA = propA;
public String toString() {
return "A [nameA=" + nameA + ", propA=" + propA + "]";
public String getNameA() {
return nameA;
public String getPropA() {
return propA;
public String uppercase(String str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
public void test105() throws Exception {
JexlContext context = new MapContext();
JexlExpression selectExp = new Engine().createExpression("[a.propA]");
context.set("a", new A105("a1", "p1"));
Object[] r = (Object[]) selectExp.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("p1", r[0]);
//selectExp = new Engine().createExpression("[a.propA]");
context.set("a", new A105("a2", "p2"));
r = (Object[]) selectExp.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("p2", r[0]);
public void test106() throws Exception {
JexlEvalContext context = new JexlEvalContext();
JexlOptions options = context.getEngineOptions();
context.set("a", new BigDecimal(1));
context.set("b", new BigDecimal(3));
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
try {
Object value = jexl.createExpression("a / b").evaluate(context);
} catch (JexlException xjexl) {"should not occur");
try {
jexl.createExpression("a / b").evaluate(context);"should fail");
} catch (JexlException xjexl) {
//ok to fail
public void test107() throws Exception {
String[] exprs = {
"'Q4'.toLowerCase()", "q4",
"(Q4).toLowerCase()", "q4",
"(4).toString()", "4",
"(1 + 3).toString()", "4",
"({ 'q' : 'Q4'}).get('q').toLowerCase()", "q4",
"{ 'q' : 'Q4'}.get('q').toLowerCase()", "q4",
"({ 'q' : 'Q4'})['q'].toLowerCase()", "q4",
"(['Q4'])[0].toLowerCase()", "q4"
JexlContext context = new MapContext();
context.set("Q4", "Q4");
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
for (int e = 0; e < exprs.length; e += 2) {
JexlExpression expr = jexl.createExpression(exprs[e]);
Object expected = exprs[e + 1];
Object value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, value);
expr = jexl.createExpression(expr.getParsedText());
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, value);
public void test108() throws Exception {
JexlScript expr;
Object value;
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
expr = jexl.createScript("size([])");
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(0, value);
expr = jexl.createScript(expr.getParsedText());
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(0, value);
expr = jexl.createScript("if (true) { [] } else { {:} }");
value = expr.execute(null);
expr = jexl.createScript(expr.getParsedText());
value = expr.execute(null);
expr = jexl.createScript("size({:})");
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(0, value);
expr = jexl.createScript(expr.getParsedText());
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(0, value);
expr = jexl.createScript("if (false) { [] } else { {:} }");
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertTrue(value instanceof Map<?, ?>);
expr = jexl.createScript(expr.getParsedText());
value = expr.execute(null);
Assert.assertTrue(value instanceof Map<?, ?>);
public void test109() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
Object value;
JexlContext context = new MapContext();
context.set("", 40);
value = jexl.createExpression(" + 2").evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals(42, value);
public void test110() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
String[] names = {"foo"};
Object value;
JexlContext context = new MapContext();
value = jexl.createScript("foo + 2", names).execute(context, 40);
Assert.assertEquals(42, value);
context.set("", -40);
value = jexl.createScript(" - 2", names).execute(context, 40);
Assert.assertEquals(-42, value);
public static class RichContext extends ObjectContext<A105> {
RichContext(JexlEngine jexl, A105 a105) {
super(jexl, a105);
public void testRichContext() throws Exception {
A105 a105 = new A105("foo", "bar");
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
Object value;
JexlContext context = new RichContext(jexl, a105);
value = jexl.createScript("uppercase(nameA + propA)").execute(context);
Assert.assertEquals("FOOBAR", value);
public void test111() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
Object value;
JexlContext context = new MapContext();
String strExpr = "((x>0)?\"FirstValue=\"+(y-x):\"SecondValue=\"+x)";
JexlExpression expr = jexl.createExpression(strExpr);
context.set("x", 1);
context.set("y", 10);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("FirstValue=9", value);
context.set("x", 1.0d);
context.set("y", 10.0d);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("FirstValue=9.0", value);
context.set("x", 1);
context.set("y", 10.0d);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("FirstValue=9.0", value);
context.set("x", 1.0d);
context.set("y", 10);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("FirstValue=9.0", value);
context.set("x", -10);
context.set("y", 1);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("SecondValue=-10", value);
context.set("x", -10.0d);
context.set("y", 1.0d);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("SecondValue=-10.0", value);
context.set("x", -10);
context.set("y", 1.0d);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("SecondValue=-10", value);
context.set("x", -10.0d);
context.set("y", 1);
value = expr.evaluate(context);
Assert.assertEquals("SecondValue=-10.0", value);
public void testScaleIssue() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexlX = new Engine();
String expStr1 = "result == salary/month * work.percent/100.00";
JexlExpression exp1 = jexlX.createExpression(expStr1);
JexlEvalContext ctx = new JexlEvalContext();
JexlOptions options = ctx.getEngineOptions();
ctx.set("result", new BigDecimal("9958.33"));
ctx.set("salary", new BigDecimal("119500.00"));
ctx.set("month", new BigDecimal("12.00"));
ctx.set("work.percent", new BigDecimal("100.00"));
// will fail because default scale is 5
Assert.assertFalse((Boolean) exp1.evaluate(ctx));
// will succeed with scale = 2
Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) exp1.evaluate(ctx));
public void test112() throws Exception {
Object result;
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
result = jexl.createScript(Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE)).execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, result);
result = jexl.createScript(Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1)).execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1, result);
result = jexl.createScript(Integer.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE)).execute(null);
Assert.assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, result);
public void test117() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlExpression e = jexl.createExpression("TIMESTAMP > 20100102000000");
JexlContext ctx = new MapContext();
ctx.set("TIMESTAMP", new Long("20100103000000"));
Object result = e.evaluate(ctx);
Assert.assertTrue((Boolean) result);
public static class Foo125 {
public String method() {
return "OK";
public String total(String tt) {
return "total " + tt;
public static class Foo125Context extends ObjectContext<Foo125> {
public Foo125Context(JexlEngine engine, Foo125 wrapped) {
super(engine, wrapped);
public void test125() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlExpression e = jexl.createExpression("method()");
JexlContext jc = new Foo125Context(jexl, new Foo125());
Assert.assertEquals("OK", e.evaluate(jc));
public void test130a() throws Exception {
String myName = "Test.Name";
Object myValue = "Test.Value";
JexlEngine myJexlEngine = new Engine();
MapContext myMapContext = new MapContext();
myMapContext.set(myName, myValue);
Object myObjectWithTernaryConditional = myJexlEngine.createScript(myName + "?:null").execute(myMapContext);
Assert.assertEquals(myValue, myObjectWithTernaryConditional);
public void test130b() throws Exception {
String myName = "Test.Name";
Object myValue = new Object() {
public String toString() {
return "Test.Value";
JexlEngine myJexlEngine = new Engine();
MapContext myMapContext = new MapContext();
myMapContext.set(myName, myValue);
Object myObjectWithTernaryConditional = myJexlEngine.createScript(myName + "?:null").execute(myMapContext);
Assert.assertEquals(myValue, myObjectWithTernaryConditional);
public void test135() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
Map<Integer, Object> foo = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
foo.put(3, 42);
jc.set("state", foo);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[3]; y");
result = script.execute(jc, foo);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
jc.set("a", 3);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a]; y");
result = script.execute(jc, foo);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
jc.set("a", 2);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a + 1]; y");
result = script.execute(jc, foo);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
jc.set("a", 2);
jc.set("b", 1);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a + b]; y");
result = script.execute(jc, foo);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[3]; y", "state");
result = script.execute(null, foo, 3);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a]; y", "state", "a");
result = script.execute(null, foo, 3);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a + 1]; y", "state", "a");
result = script.execute(null, foo, 2);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
script = jexl.createScript("var y = state[a + b]; y", "state", "a", "b");
result = script.execute(null, foo, 2, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(42, result);
public void test136() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlScript script;
JexlExpression expr;
Object result;
script = jexl.createScript("var x = $TAB[idx]; return x;", "idx");
jc.set("fn01", script);
script = jexl.createScript("$TAB = { 1:11, 2:22, 3:33}; IDX=2;");
expr = jexl.createExpression("fn01(IDX)");
result = expr.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("EXPR01 result", 22, result);
// @Test
// public void test138() throws Exception {
// MapContext ctxt = new MapContext();
// ctxt.set("tz", java.util.TimeZone.class);
// String source = ""
// + "var currentDate = new('java.util.Date');"
// + "var gmt = tz.getTimeZone('GMT');"
// + "var cet = tz.getTimeZone('CET');"
// + "var calendarGMT = new('java.util.GregorianCalendar' , gmt);"
// + "var calendarCET = new('java.util.GregorianCalendar', cet);"
// + "var diff = calendarCET.getTime() - calendarGMT.getTime();"
// + "return diff";
// JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
// JexlScript script = jexl.createScript(source);
// Object result = script.execute(ctxt);
// Assert.Assert.assertNotNull(result);
// }
public void test143() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
script = jexl.createScript("var total = 10; total = (total - ((x < 3)? y : z)) / (total / 10); total", "x", "y", "z");
result = script.execute(jc, 2, 2, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(8, result);
script = jexl.createScript("var total = 10; total = (total - ((x < 3)? y : 1)) / (total / 10); total", "x", "y", "z");
result = script.execute(jc, 2, 2, 1);
Assert.assertEquals(8, result);
public void test144() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlScript script;
Object result;
script = jexl.createScript("var total = 10; total('tt')");
try {
result = script.execute(jc);"total() is not solvable");
} catch (JexlException.Method ambiguous) {
Assert.assertEquals("total", ambiguous.getMethod());
* Test cases for empty array assignment.
public static class Quux144 {
String[] arr;
String[] arr2;
public Quux144() {
public String[] getArr() {
return arr;
public String[] getArr2() {
return arr2;
public void setArr(String[] arr) {
this.arr = arr;
public void setArr2(String[] arr2) {
this.arr2 = arr2;
// Overloaded setter with different argument type.
public void setArr2(Integer[] arr2) {
public void test144a() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("quuxClass", Quux144.class);
JexlExpression create = jexl.createExpression("quux = new(quuxClass)");
JexlExpression assignArray = jexl.createExpression("quux.arr = [ 'hello', 'world' ]");
JexlExpression checkArray = jexl.createExpression("quux.arr");
// test with a string
Quux144 quux = (Quux144) create.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertNotNull("quux is null", quux);
// test with a nonempty string array
Object o = assignArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("Result is not a string array", String[].class, o.getClass());
o = checkArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("The array elements are equal", Arrays.asList("hello", "world"), Arrays.asList((String[]) o));
// test with a null array
assignArray = jexl.createExpression("quux.arr = null");
o = assignArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertNull("Result is not null", o);
o = checkArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertNull("Result is not null", o);
// test with an empty array
assignArray = jexl.createExpression("quux.arr = [ ]");
o = assignArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertNotNull("Result is null", o);
o = checkArray.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("The array elements are not equal", Collections.emptyList(), Arrays.asList((String[]) o));
Assert.assertEquals("The array size is not zero", 0, ((String[]) o).length);
// test with an empty array on the overloaded setter for different types.
// so, the assignment should fail with logging 'The ambiguous property, arr2, should have failed.'
try {
assignArray = jexl.createExpression("quux.arr2 = [ ]");
o = assignArray.evaluate(jc);"The arr2 property shouldn't be set due to its ambiguity (overloaded setters with different types).");
} catch (JexlException.Property e) {
//System.out.println("Expected ambiguous property setting exception: " + e);
Assert.assertNull("The arr2 property value should remain as null, not an empty array.", quux.arr2);
public void test147b() throws Exception {
String[] scripts = {"var x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2;", // results to 1
"x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2;",// results to 1
"x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2; x['one']",//results to 1
"var x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2; x['one']"// result to null?
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
for (String s : scripts) {
Object o = jexl.createScript(s).execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals(1, o);
public void test147c() throws Exception {
String[] scripts = {
"var x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2;",
"x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2;",
"x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2; x['one']",
"var x = new ('java.util.HashMap'); = 1; x.two = 2; x['one']"
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
for (String s : scripts) {
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
Object o = jexl.createScript(s).execute(jc);
Assert.assertEquals(1, o);
public void test5115a() throws Exception {
String str = "{\n"
+ " var x = \"A comment\";\n"
+ " var y = \"A comment\";\n"
+ "}";
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript s = jexl.createScript(str);
public void test5115b() throws Exception {
String str = "{\n"
+ " var x = \"A comment\";\n"
+ "}";
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript s = jexl.createScript(str);
static final String TESTA = "src/test/scripts/testA.jexl";
public void test5115c() throws Exception {
URL testUrl = new File(TESTA).toURI().toURL();
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlScript s = jexl.createScript(testUrl);
public static class Utils {
public <T> List<T> asList(T[] array) {
return Arrays.asList(array);
public List<Integer> asList(int[] array) {
List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>(array.length);
for (int i : array) {
return l;
public void test148a() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new Engine();
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("u", new Utils());
String src = "u.asList(['foo', 'bar'])";
JexlScript e = jexl.createScript(src);
Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof List);
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("foo", "bar"), o);
src = "u.asList([1, 2])";
e = jexl.createScript(src);
o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof List);
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1, 2), o);
public void test155() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexlEngine = new Engine();
JexlExpression jexlExpresssion = jexlEngine.createExpression("");
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("", "RIGHT");
jc.set("name", "WRONG");
Object value = jexlExpresssion.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("RIGHT", value.toString());
public static class Question42 extends MapContext {
public String functionA(String arg) {
return "a".equals(arg) ? "A" : "";
public String functionB(String arg) {
return "b".equals(arg) ? "B" : "";
public String functionC(String arg) {
return "c".equals(arg) ? "C" : "";
public String functionD(String arg) {
return "d".equals(arg) ? "D" : "";
public static class Arithmetic42 extends JexlArithmetic {
public Arithmetic42() {
public Object and(String lhs, String rhs) {
if (rhs.isEmpty()) {
return "";
if (lhs.isEmpty()) {
return "";
return lhs + rhs;
public Object or(String lhs, String rhs) {
if (rhs.isEmpty()) {
return lhs;
if (lhs.isEmpty()) {
return rhs;
return lhs + rhs;
public void testQuestion42() throws Exception {
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().arithmetic(new Arithmetic42()).create();
JexlContext jc = new Question42();
String str0 = "(functionA('z') | functionB('b')) & (functionC('c') | functionD('d') ) ";
JexlExpression expr0 = jexl.createExpression(str0);
Object value0 = expr0.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("BCD", value0);
String str1 = "(functionA('z') & functionB('b')) | (functionC('c') & functionD('d') ) ";
JexlExpression expr1 = jexl.createExpression(str1);
Object value1 = expr1.evaluate(jc);
Assert.assertEquals("CD", value1);
public void test179() throws Exception {
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().create();
String src = "x = new ('java.util.HashSet'); x.add(1); x";
JexlScript e = jexl.createScript(src);
Object o = e.execute(jc);
Assert.assertTrue(o instanceof Set);
Assert.assertTrue(((Set) o).contains(1));
public static class C192 {
public C192() {
public static Integer callme(Integer n) {
if (n == null) {
return null;
} else {
return n >= 0 ? 42 : -42;
public static Object kickme() {
return C192.class;
public void test192() throws Exception {
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
jc.set("x.y.z", C192.class);
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().create();
JexlExpression js0 = jexl.createExpression("x.y.z.callme(t)");
jc.set("t", null);
jc.set("t", 10);
Assert.assertEquals(42, js0.evaluate(jc));
jc.set("t", -10);
Assert.assertEquals(-42, js0.evaluate(jc));
jc.set("t", null);
js0 = jexl.createExpression("x.y.z.kickme().callme(t)");
jc.set("t", null);
jc.set("t", 10);
Assert.assertEquals(42, js0.evaluate(jc));
jc.set("t", -10);
Assert.assertEquals(-42, js0.evaluate(jc));
jc.set("t", null);
public void test199() throws Exception {
JexlContext jc = new MapContext();
JexlEngine jexl = new JexlBuilder().arithmetic(new JexlArithmetic(false)).create();
JexlScript e = jexl.createScript("(x, y)->{ x + y }");
Object r = e.execute(jc, true, "EURT");
Assert.assertEquals("trueEURT", r);
r = e.execute(jc, "ELSAF", false);
Assert.assertEquals("ELSAFfalse", r);