blob: fd279dc4abdacdfed9cb0dac0c122ee15ba1b7d1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<author email="">James Strachan</author>
<section name="TODO">
The following is a list of items that need to be completed in
Jelly. Contributions are welcome!.
<section name="Core tasks">
<li>Implementa a META-INF/services mechanism for mapping Jelly libraries to namespace URIs
in a similar way to how the commons-discovery and JAXP libraries work.
This would allow Jelly libraries to be distributed in a self contained JAR then just put
on the classpath and they'd be usable.
Implement a JJAR/Maven mechanism so that using a new Jelly library via a namespace URI would
automatically download the jar and its dependencies from some local/remote repository.
<li>Maybe add a Scope class to make it easier to plugin custom scopes such as
request, session, applicaiton, initParams, params, transation etc.
In a workflow setting this could also include transient and persistent scopes
<li>Write a JellyServlet so that Jelly can be used as a page templating system.
<li>Implement a HTML parser for Jelly, probably using NeckoHTML so that non-XML can be parsed
and tags with prefixes can be bound to Jelly tags.
<li>write a Cocoon JellyGenerator so that Jelly scripts can be used easily inside Cocoon</li>
<li>consider implementing a Jelly Doclet so that Jelly can be used to code generate
stuff from javadoc tags in a similar way to XDoclet but making use of the JSTL tags and
the Velocity like expression language (Jexl) which will avoid the need to use huge numbers
of tags.
<li>Rename the DynaTag interface to be DynamicAttributes along with JSP1.3,
also add a namespace URI parameter
<li>Add support for namespace URI use inside XPath expressions.</li>
<li>When defining new tags using &lt;define:tag&gt;, we should allow attributes to be named,<br/>
specified as required, specify the optional conditions and so forth for validating instances.<br/>
I guess this could just be normal script though.
<li>The org.apache.commons.jelly.impl package doesn't have a great name - <br/>
Can we think of a better one? <br/>
Also some of the classes in this package could maybe do with a rename? <br/>
ScriptBlock for example - should we just call it a Block or maybe a CompositeScript?
<li>Add an adapter to run JSP tag libraries inside Jelly when Jelly is used in a
Servlet / JSP environment?
<li>Document much more!</li>
<section name="Ideas for new tag libraries">
An XSD tag library that can be used to parse XSD documents and create DynaBeans from the complex types.
&lt;xsd:element name="MyDynamicClass"&gt;
Also we could consider using class names or XSD type names to do conversions of values, maybe using
the ConvertUtils class in beanutils.
<li>conside a tag library which implements the <a href="">STX</a>
specification for the SAX based transformation of XML. This is kinda like XPath and XSLT but is based
purely on a SAX stream. Maybe we could wrap <a href="">Joost</a>
in a Jelly tag library
<li>Implement a Schematron tag library for validing XML using a path based approach, rather than schema based.</li>
Provide support for running a piece of Jelly script remotely. This would be particularly useful for distributed
testing. Maybe integrating or enhancing something like
<a href="">rant</a>
<section name="Changes to existing tag libraries">
<li>Add JSL test cases to test for ordering of patterns and that the correct output comes out.</li>
<section name="Ponder about">
The following is a list of things that might be good to add to Jelly, maybe after more thought.
maybe consider a tag which will switch the default EL to XPath; then XPath and EL can be peers. Then ${foo}
can be used as an XPath expression anywhere
<li>We could autogenerate XML Schemas or RelaxNG docs for tag libraries to help validate scripts</li>
<li>Patch TagLibrary to alias all &lt;mixedCase&gt; tags to &lt;mixed-case&gt; tags</li>