blob: 4f13555fab8d24c2123ced24c2aa3dc6d5bf75aa [file] [log] [blame]
The primary build tool for this project is Maven.
So all you should need to do is install Maven and just type
Some common maven goals for building and testing this project are
clean : cleans up the build so new builds will start from fresh
test : just run the unit tests
java:jar : compiles, runs unit tests and if they work build the jar
javadoc : creates the javadoc
site : build the complete documentation with reports, javadoc etc
dist : creates a distribution
Jelly contains a number of individual tag libraries which can be built
by themselves by changing to the directory jelly-tags/foo and performing the
above commands to build the library you're interested in.
For more help using Maven please go to
Maven also supports the auto-generation of Ant build files so
you may also be able to use Ant to build the code.