blob: fc8e853366736586aa8bbe38bb52807eafe2ab33 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<test:suite xmlns="jelly:core" xmlns:test="jelly:junit" xmlns:threads="jelly:threads">
<test:case name="testBasic">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<threads:sleep for="700"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}1"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="4321" actual="${result}"/>
<threads:sleep for="400"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}2"/>
<threads:sleep for="100"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}3"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}4"/>
<test:case name="testSync">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:mutex var="mutex"/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
<set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
<while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
<set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>
<threads:thread var="thread2">
<!-- let the other thread start -->
<threads:sleep for="100"/>
<threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
<set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread2}"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="0123456789" actual="${result}"/>
<test:case name="testWaitNotify">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:mutex var="mutex"/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
<set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
<while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
<set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>
<!-- let the other thread go -->
<threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
<threads:wait mutex="${mutex}"/>
<!-- one last notify -->
<threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
<threads:thread var="thread2">
<!-- let the other thread start -->
<threads:sleep for="100"/>
<threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
<set var="cnt2" value="0"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 5}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<!-- let the other thread go -->
<threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
<threads:wait mutex="${mutex}"/>
<!-- one last notify -->
<threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread2}"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="0011223344" actual="${result}"/>
<test:case name="testWaitFor">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
<while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
<set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>
<!-- force an interrupt, shouldn't matter -->
<threads:thread var="thread2">
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread2}"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="0123456789" actual="${result}"/>
<test:case name="testWaitForTimeout">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
<while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
<set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>
<!-- force an interrupt, shouldn't matter -->
<threads:sleep for="500"/>
<threads:thread var="thread2">
<!-- this will fail since thread 1 is sleeping -->
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}" onlyWait="100"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:thread var="thread3">
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}"/>
<!-- thread2 will have been avoided -->
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread2}" status="AVOIDED"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="10"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 15}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread2}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread3}"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="012341011121314" actual="${result}"/>
<test:case name="testWaitForFailure">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<new var="bogus" className="java.lang.System"/>
<threads:thread var="thread2">
<!-- this will fail since thread 1 is sleeping -->
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}" status="SUCCESS"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:thread var="thread3">
<!-- this will fail since thread 1 is sleeping -->
<threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}" status="FAILURE"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="10"/>
<while test="${cnt2 != 15}">
<set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
<set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread1}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread2}"/>
<threads:join thread="${thread3}"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="1011121314" actual="${result}"/>
<test:case name="testThreadGroup">
<set var="result" value=""/>
<threads:group var="group1">
<threads:thread var="thread1">
<!-- let thread 3 try and go -->
<threads:sleep for="100"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}1"/>
<threads:waitFor thread="${thread1}"/>
<!-- let thread 3 try and go -->
<threads:sleep for="100"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}2"/>
<!-- wait for the thread group to complete -->
<threads:waitFor group="${group1}"/>
<set var="result" value="${result}3"/>
<test:assertEquals expected="123" actual="${result}"/>