blob: 6df3108b57d4d94625dcb80fc243b0bcfa05e141 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Lateral UDP Discovery</title>
<author email="">Aaron Smuts</author>
<section name="Lateral UDP Discovery">
Rather than list all the other lateral servers in the configuration
file, you can configure the TCP lateral to use UDP
discovery. In discovery mode, lateral TCP caches will broadcast
to a multicast address and port, letting all listeners know where they are.
On startup each lateral will issue a special message requesting a
broadcast from the others caches. Normal broadcasts occur every
30 seconds. (This is to be made configurable.) Regions that don't
receive, are running in send only mode, don't broadcast anything but requests.
When a lateral receives a discovery message it will try to add
the lateral to the nowait facade for the region. If it already exists
nothing happens. If a region is not configured to send laterally, nothing
happens, since it doesn't have a no wait.
This allows you to have the same configuration on every machine.
<subsection name="Configuration">
The configuration is fairly straightforward and is done in the
auxiliary cache section of the <code>cache.ccf</code>
configuration file. In the example below, I created a TCP
Lateral Auxiliary Cache referenced by <code>LTCP</code>. It uses
UDP Discovery to locate other servers. It broadcasts to
multicast address <code></code> and port <code>6780</code>.
It listens to port <code>1110</code>.