blob: 35d6603508d9cee72fce19a319ebdb2158af925a [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.jcs.engine.memory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.CacheConstants;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.behavior.ICacheElement;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCache;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.memory.util.MemoryElementDescriptor;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.StatElement;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStatElement;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStats;
import org.apache.jcs.utils.struct.DoubleLinkedList;
* This class contains methods that are common to memory caches using the double linked list, such
* as the LRU, MRU, FIFO, and LIFO caches.
* <p>
* Children can control the expiration algorithm by controlling the update and get. The last item in
* the list will be the one removed when the list fills. For instance LRU should more items to the
* front as they are used. FIFO should simply add new items to the front of the list.
public abstract class AbstractDoulbeLinkedListMemoryCache
extends AbstractMemoryCache
/** Don't change. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1422569420563967389L;
/** The logger. */
private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( AbstractDoulbeLinkedListMemoryCache.class );
/** thread-safe double linked list for lru */
protected DoubleLinkedList list;
/** number of hits */
protected int hitCnt = 0;
/** number of misses */
protected int missCnt = 0;
/** number of puts */
private int putCnt = 0;
* For post reflection creation initialization.
* <p>
* @param hub
public synchronized void initialize( CompositeCache hub )
super.initialize( hub );
list = new DoubleLinkedList(); "initialized MemoryCache for " + cacheName );
* This is called by super initialize.
* <p>
* @return new Hashtable()
public Map createMap()
return new Hashtable();
* Calls the abstract method updateList.
* <p>
* If the max size is reached, an element will be put to disk.
* <p>
* @param ce The cache element, or entry wrapper
* @exception IOException
public final void update( ICacheElement ce )
throws IOException
synchronized ( this )
MemoryElementDescriptor newNode = adjustListForUpdate( ce );
// this must be synchronized
MemoryElementDescriptor oldNode = (MemoryElementDescriptor) map.put( newNode.ce.getKey(), newNode );
// If the node was the same as an existing node, remove it.
if ( oldNode != null && ( newNode.ce.getKey().equals( oldNode.ce.getKey() ) ) )
list.remove( oldNode );
// If we are over the max spool some
* Children implement this to control the cache expiration algorithm
* <p>
* @param ce
* @return MemoryElementDescriptor the new node
* @throws IOException
protected abstract MemoryElementDescriptor adjustListForUpdate( ICacheElement ce )
throws IOException;
* If the max size has been reached, spool.
* <p>
* @throws Error
private void spoolIfNeeded()
throws Error
int size = map.size();
// If the element limit is reached, we need to spool
if ( size <= this.cacheAttributes.getMaxObjects() )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "In memory limit reached, spooling" );
// Write the last 'chunkSize' items to disk.
int chunkSizeCorrected = Math.min( size, chunkSize );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "About to spool to disk cache, map size: " + size + ", max objects: "
+ this.cacheAttributes.getMaxObjects() + ", items to spool: " + chunkSizeCorrected );
// The spool will put them in a disk event queue, so there is no
// need to pre-queue the queuing. This would be a bit wasteful
// and wouldn't save much time in this synchronous call.
for ( int i = 0; i < chunkSizeCorrected; i++ )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "update: After spool map size: " + map.size() + " linked list size = " + dumpCacheSize() );
* Get an item from the cache If the item is found, it is removed from the list and added first.
* <p>
* @param key Identifies item to find
* @return ICacheElement if found, else null
* @exception IOException
public final synchronized ICacheElement get( Serializable key )
throws IOException
ICacheElement ce = null;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "getting item from cache " + cacheName + " for key " + key );
MemoryElementDescriptor me = (MemoryElementDescriptor) map.get( key );
if ( me != null )
ce = me.ce;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( cacheName + ": LRUMemoryCache hit for " + ce.getKey() );
adjustListForGet( me );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( cacheName + ": LRUMemoryCache miss for " + key );
return ce;
* Adjust the list as needed for a get. This allows children to control the algorithm
* <p>
* @param me
protected abstract void adjustListForGet( MemoryElementDescriptor me );
* This instructs the memory cache to remove the <i>numberToFree</i> according to its eviction
* policy. For example, the LRUMemoryCache will remove the <i>numberToFree</i> least recently
* used items. These will be spooled to disk if a disk auxiliary is available.
* <p>
* @param numberToFree
* @return the number that were removed. if you ask to free 5, but there are only 3, you will
* get 3.
* @throws IOException
public int freeElements( int numberToFree )
throws IOException
int freed = 0;
for ( ; freed < numberToFree; freed++ )
ICacheElement element = spoolLastElement();
if ( element == null )
return freed;
* This spools the last element in the LRU, if one exists.
* <p>
* @return ICacheElement if there was a last element, else null.
* @throws Error
protected ICacheElement spoolLastElement()
throws Error
ICacheElement toSpool = null;
synchronized ( this )
if ( list.getLast() != null )
toSpool = ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce;
if ( toSpool != null )
cache.spoolToDisk( ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce );
if ( !map.containsKey( ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce.getKey() ) )
log.error( "update: map does not contain key: "
+ ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce.getKey() );
if ( map.remove( ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce.getKey() ) == null )
log.warn( "update: remove failed for key: "
+ ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getLast() ).ce.getKey() );
throw new Error( "update: last.ce is null!" );
throw new Error( "update: last is null!" );
// If this is out of the sync block it can detect a mismatch
// where there is none.
if ( map.size() != dumpCacheSize() )
log.warn( "update: After spool, size mismatch: map.size() = " + map.size() + ", linked list size = "
+ dumpCacheSize() );
return toSpool;
* Removes an item from the cache. This method handles hierarchical removal. If the key is a
* String and ends with the CacheConstants.NAME_COMPONENT_DELIMITER, then all items with keys
* starting with the argument String will be removed.
* <p>
* @param key
* @return true if the removal was successful
* @exception IOException
public synchronized boolean remove( Serializable key )
throws IOException
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "removing item for key: " + key );
boolean removed = false;
// handle partial removal
if ( key instanceof String && ( (String) key ).endsWith( CacheConstants.NAME_COMPONENT_DELIMITER ) )
// remove all keys of the same name hierarchy.
synchronized ( map )
for ( Iterator itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Object k = entry.getKey();
if ( k instanceof String && ( (String) k ).startsWith( key.toString() ) )
list.remove( (MemoryElementDescriptor) entry.getValue() );
removed = true;
else if ( key instanceof GroupId )
// remove all keys of the same name hierarchy.
synchronized ( map )
for ( Iterator itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Object k = entry.getKey();
if ( k instanceof GroupAttrName && ( (GroupAttrName) k ).groupId.equals( key ) )
list.remove( (MemoryElementDescriptor) entry.getValue() );
removed = true;
// remove single item.
MemoryElementDescriptor me = (MemoryElementDescriptor) map.remove( key );
if ( me != null )
list.remove( me );
removed = true;
return removed;
* Remove all of the elements from both the Map and the linked list implementation. Overrides
* base class.
* <p>
* @throws IOException
public synchronized void removeAll()
throws IOException
// --------------------------- internal methods (linked list implementation)
* Adds a new node to the start of the link list.
* <p>
* @param ce The feature to be added to the First
* @return MemoryElementDescriptor
protected synchronized MemoryElementDescriptor addFirst( ICacheElement ce )
MemoryElementDescriptor me = new MemoryElementDescriptor( ce );
list.addFirst( me );
verifyCache( ce.getKey() );
return me;
* Adds a new node to the end of the link list.
* <p>
* @param ce The feature to be added to the First
* @return MemoryElementDescriptor
protected synchronized MemoryElementDescriptor addLast( ICacheElement ce )
MemoryElementDescriptor me = new MemoryElementDescriptor( ce );
list.addLast( me );
verifyCache( ce.getKey() );
return me;
// ---------------------------------------------------------- debug methods
* Dump the cache map for debugging.
public void dumpMap()
log.debug( "dumpingMap" );
for ( Iterator itr = map.entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
MemoryElementDescriptor me = (MemoryElementDescriptor) e.getValue();
log.debug( "dumpMap> key=" + e.getKey() + ", val=" + me.ce.getVal() );
* Dump the cache entries from first to list for debugging.
public void dumpCacheEntries()
log.debug( "dumpingCacheEntries" );
for ( MemoryElementDescriptor me = (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getFirst(); me != null; me = (MemoryElementDescriptor) )
log.debug( "dumpCacheEntries> key=" + me.ce.getKey() + ", val=" + me.ce.getVal() );
* Returns the size of the list.
* <p>
* @return the number of items in the map.
protected int dumpCacheSize()
return list.size();
* Checks to see if all the items that should be in the cache are. Checks consistency between
* List and map.
protected void verifyCache()
if ( !log.isDebugEnabled() )
boolean found = false;
log.debug( "verifycache[" + cacheName + "]: mapContains " + map.size() + " elements, linked list contains "
+ dumpCacheSize() + " elements" );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking linked list by key " );
for ( MemoryElementDescriptor li = (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getFirst(); li != null; li = (MemoryElementDescriptor) )
Object key = li.ce.getKey();
if ( !map.containsKey( key ) )
log.error( "verifycache[" + cacheName + "]: map does not contain key : " + li.ce.getKey() );
log.error( "li.hashcode=" + li.ce.getKey().hashCode() );
log.error( "key class=" + key.getClass() );
log.error( "key hashcode=" + key.hashCode() );
log.error( "key toString=" + key.toString() );
if ( key instanceof GroupAttrName )
GroupAttrName name = (GroupAttrName) key;
log.error( "GroupID hashcode=" + name.groupId.hashCode() );
log.error( "GroupID.class=" + name.groupId.getClass() );
log.error( "AttrName hashcode=" + name.attrName.hashCode() );
log.error( "AttrName.class=" + name.attrName.getClass() );
else if ( map.get( li.ce.getKey() ) == null )
log.error( "verifycache[" + cacheName + "]: linked list retrieval returned null for key: "
+ li.ce.getKey() );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking linked list by value " );
for ( MemoryElementDescriptor li3 = (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getFirst(); li3 != null; li3 = (MemoryElementDescriptor) )
if ( map.containsValue( li3 ) == false )
log.error( "verifycache[" + cacheName + "]: map does not contain value : " + li3 );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking via keysets!" );
for ( Iterator itr2 = map.keySet().iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); )
found = false;
Serializable val = null;
val = (Serializable);
catch ( NoSuchElementException nse )
log.error( "verifycache: no such element exception" );
for ( MemoryElementDescriptor li2 = (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getFirst(); li2 != null; li2 = (MemoryElementDescriptor) )
if ( val.equals( li2.ce.getKey() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
log.error( "verifycache[" + cacheName + "]: key not found in list : " + val );
if ( map.containsKey( val ) )
log.error( "verifycache: map contains key" );
log.error( "verifycache: map does NOT contain key, what the HECK!" );
* Logs an error if an element that should be in the cache is not.
* <p>
* @param key
private void verifyCache( Serializable key )
if ( !log.isDebugEnabled() )
boolean found = false;
// go through the linked list looking for the key
for ( MemoryElementDescriptor li = (MemoryElementDescriptor) list.getFirst(); li != null; li = (MemoryElementDescriptor) )
if ( li.ce.getKey() == key )
found = true;
log.debug( "verifycache(key) key match: " + key );
if ( !found )
log.error( "verifycache(key)[" + cacheName + "], couldn't find key! : " + key );
// --------------------------- iteration methods (iteration helpers)
* iteration aid
public class IteratorWrapper
implements Iterator
/** The internal iterator */
private final Iterator i;
* Wrapped to remove our wrapper object
* @param m
private IteratorWrapper( Map m )
i = m.entrySet().iterator();
/** @return i.hasNext() */
public boolean hasNext()
return i.hasNext();
/** @return new MapEntryWrapper( (Map.Entry) ) */
public Object next()
return new MapEntryWrapper( (Map.Entry) );
/** i.remove(); */
public void remove()
* @param o
* @return i.equals( o ))
public boolean equals( Object o )
return i.equals( o );
/** @return i.hashCode() */
public int hashCode()
return i.hashCode();
* @author Aaron Smuts
public class MapEntryWrapper
implements Map.Entry
/** The internal entry */
private final Map.Entry e;
* @param e
private MapEntryWrapper( Map.Entry e )
this.e = e;
* @param o
* @return e.equals( o )
public boolean equals( Object o )
return e.equals( o );
/** @return e.getKey() */
public Object getKey()
return e.getKey();
/** @return ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) e.getValue() ).ce */
public Object getValue()
return ( (MemoryElementDescriptor) e.getValue() ).ce;
/** @return e.hashCode() */
public int hashCode()
return e.hashCode();
* invalid
* @param value
* @return always throws
public Object setValue( Object value )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Use normal cache methods"
+ " to alter the contents of the cache." );
* Gets the iterator attribute of the LRUMemoryCache object
* <p>
* @return The iterator value
public Iterator getIterator()
return new IteratorWrapper( map );
* Get an Array of the keys for all elements in the memory cache
* @return An Object[]
public Object[] getKeyArray()
// need a better locking strategy here.
synchronized ( this )
// may need to lock to map here?
return map.keySet().toArray();
* This returns semi-structured information on the memory cache, such as the size, put count,
* hit count, and miss count.
* <p>
* @see org.apache.jcs.engine.memory.MemoryCache#getStatistics()
public synchronized IStats getStatistics()
IStats stats = new Stats();
stats.setTypeName( /*add algorithm name*/"Memory Cache" );
ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();
IStatElement se = null;
se = new StatElement();
se.setName( "List Size" );
se.setData( "" + list.size() );
elems.add( se );
se = new StatElement();
se.setName( "Map Size" );
se.setData( "" + map.size() );
elems.add( se );
se = new StatElement();
se.setName( "Put Count" );
se.setData( "" + putCnt );
elems.add( se );
se = new StatElement();
se.setName( "Hit Count" );
se.setData( "" + hitCnt );
elems.add( se );
se = new StatElement();
se.setName( "Miss Count" );
se.setData( "" + missCnt );
elems.add( se );
// get an array and put them in the Stats object
IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[0] );
stats.setStatElements( ses );
return stats;