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<title>Using JCS: Some basics for the web</title>
<author email="">Aaron Smuts</author>
<section name="Using JCS: Some basics for the web">
The primary bottleneck in most dynamic web-based applications is
the retrieval of data from the database. While it is relatively
inexpensive to add more front-end servers to scale the serving
of pages and images and the processing of content, it is an
expensive and complex ordeal to scale the database. By taking
advantage of data caching, most web applications can reduce
latency times and scale farther with fewer machines.
JCS is a front-tier cache that can be configured to maintain
consistency across multiple servers by using a centralized
remote server or by lateral distribution of cache updates.
Other caches, like the Javlin EJB data cache, are basically
in-memory databases that sit between your EJB's and your
database. Rather than trying to speed up your slow EJB's, you
can avoid most of the network traffic and the complexity by
implementing JCS front-tier caching. Centralize your EJB access
or your JDBC data access into local managers and perform the
caching there.
<subsection name="What to cache?">
The data used by most web applications varies in its
dynamicity, from completely static to always changing at every
request. Everything that has some degree of stability can be
cached. Prime candidates for caching range from the list data
for stable dropdowns, user information, discrete and
infrequently changing information, to stable search results
that could be sorted in memory.
Since JCS is distributed and allows updates and invalidations
to be broadcast to multiple listeners, frequently changing
items can be easily cached and kept in sync through your data
access layer. For data that must be 100% up to date, say an
account balance prior to a transfer, the data should directly
be retrieved from the database. If your application allows
for the viewing and editing of data, the data for the view
pages could be cached, but the edit pages should, in most
cases, pull the data directly from the database.
<subsection name="How to cache discrete data">
Let's say that you have an e-commerce book store. Each book
has a related set of information that you must present to the
user. Let's say that 70% of your hits during a particular day
are for the same 1,000 popular items that you advertise on key
pages of your site, but users are still actively browsing your
catalog of over a million books. You cannot possibly cache
your entire database, but you could dramatically decrease the
load on your database by caching the 1,000 or so most popular
For the sake of simplicity let's ignore tie-ins and
user-profile based suggestions (also good candidates for
caching) and focus on the core of the book detail page.
A simple way to cache the core book information would be to
create a value object for book data that contains the
necessary information to build the display page. This value
object could hold data from multiple related tables or book
subtype table, but lets say that you have a simple table
called <code>BOOK</code> that looks something like this:
Table BOOK
We could create a value object for this table called
<code>BookVObj</code> that has variables with the same
names as the table columns that might look like this:
import java.util.Date;
public class BookVObj implements Serializable
public int bookId = 0;
public String title;
public String author;
public String ISBN;
public String price;
public Date publishDate;
public BookVObj()
Then we can create a manager called
<code>BookVObjManager</code> to store and retrieve
<code>BookVObj</code>'s. All access to core book data
should go through this class, including inserts and
updates, to keep the caching simple. Let's make
<code>BookVObjManager</code> a singleton that gets a
JCS access object in initialization. The start of the
class might look like:
import org.apache.stratum.jcs.JCS;
// in case we want to set some special behavior
import org.apache.stratum.jcs.engine.behavior.IElementAttributes;
public class BookVObjManager
private static BookVObjManager instance;
private static int checkedOut = 0;
private static JCS bookCache;
private BookVObjManager()
bookCache = JCS.getInstance("bookCache");
catch (Exception e)
// Handle cache region initialization failure
// Do other initialization that may be necessary, such as getting
// references to any data access classes we may need to populate
// value objects later
* Singleton access point to the manager.
public static BookVObjManager getInstance()
if (instance == null)
synchronized (BookVObjManager.class)
if (instance == null)
instance = new BookVObjManager();
synchronized (instance)
return instance;
To get a <code>BookVObj</code> we will need some access
methods in the manager. We should be able to get a
non-cached version if necessary, say before allowing an
administrator to edit the book data. The methods might
look like:
* Retrieves a BookVObj. Default to look in the cache.
public BookVObj getBookVObj(int id)
return getBookVObj(id, true);
* Retrieves a BookVObj. Second argument decides whether to look
* in the cache. Returns a new value object if one can't be
* loaded from the database. Database cache synchronization is
* handled by removing cache elements upon modification.
public BookVObj getBookVObj(int id, boolean fromCache)
BookVObj vObj = null;
// First, if requested, attempt to load from cache
if (fromCache)
vObj = (BookVObj) bookCache.get("BookVObj" + id);
// Either fromCache was false or the object was not found, so
// call loadBookVObj to create it
if (vObj == null)
vObj = loadvObj(id);
return vObj;
* Creates a BookVObj based on the id of the BOOK table. Data
* access could be direct JDBC, some or mapping tool, or an EJB.
public BookVObj loadBookVObj(int id)
BookVObj vObj = new BookVObj();
vObj.bookID = id;
boolean found = false;
// load the data and set the rest of the fields
// set found to true if it was found
found = true;
// cache the value object if found
if (found)
// could use the defaults like this
// bookCache.put( "BookVObj" + id, vObj );
// or specify special characteristics
// put to cache
bookCache.put("BookVObj" + id, vObj);
catch (Exception e)
// Handle failure putting object to cache
return vObj;
We will also need a method to insert and update book data. To
keep the caching in one place, this should be the primary way
core book data is created. The method might look like:
* Stores BookVObj's in database. Clears old items and caches
* new.
public int storeBookVObj(BookVObj vObj)
// since any cached data is no longer valid, we should
// remove the item from the cache if it an update.
if (vObj.bookID != 0)
bookCache.remove("BookVObj" + vObj.bookID);
// put the new object in the cache
bookCache.put("BookVObj" + id, vObj);
catch (Exception e)
// Handle failure removing object or putting object to cache.
As elements are placed in the cache via <code>put</code>, it
is possible to specify custom attributes for those elements
such as its maximum lifetime in the cache, whether or not it
can be spooled to disk, etc. It is also possible (and easier)
to define these attributes in the configuration file as
demonstrated later. We now have the basic infrastructure for
caching the book data.
<subsection name="Selecting the appropriate auxiliary caches">
The first step in creating a cache region is to determine the
makeup of the memory cache. For the book store example, I
would create a region that could store a bit over the minimum
number I want to have in memory, so the core items always
readily available. I would set the maximum memory size to
<code>1200</code>. In addition, I might want to have all
objects in this cache region expire after <code>7200</code>
seconds. This can be configured in the element attributes on
a default or per-region basis as illustrated in the
configuration file below.
For most cache regions you will want to use a disk
cache if the data takes over about .5 milliseconds to
create. The <a href="IndexedDiskAuxCache.html">indexed
disk cache</a> is the most efficient disk caching
auxiliary, and for normal usage it is recommended.
The next step will be to select an appropriate
distribution layer. If you have a back-end server
running an apserver or scripts or are running multiple
webserver VMs on one machine, you might want to use
the centralized <a href="RemoteAuxCache.html">remote
cache</a>. The lateral cache would be fine, but since
the lateral cache binds to a port, you'd have to configure
each VM's lateral cache to listen to a different port on
that machine.
If your environment is very flat, say a few
load-balanced webservers and a database machine or one
webserver with multiple VMs and a database machine,
then the lateral cache will probably make more sense.
The <a href="LateralTCPAuxCache.html">TCP lateral
cache</a> is recommended.
For the book store configuration I will set up a region
for the <code>bookCache</code> that uses the LRU memory
cache, the indexed disk auxiliary cache, and the remote
cache. The configuration file might look like this:
# sets the default aux value for any non configured caches
# should be defined for the storage of group attribute list
# Regions preconfigured for caching
# Primary Disk Cache -- faster than the rest because of memory key storage
# Remote RMI Cache set up to failover
I've set up the default cache settings in the above
file to approximate the <code>bookCache</code>
settings. Other non-preconfigured cache regions will
use the default settings. You only have to configure
the auxiliary caches once. For most caches you will
not need to pre-configure your regions unless the size
of the elements varies radically. We could easily put
several hundred thousand <code>BookVObj</code>'s in
memory. The <code>1200</code> limit was very
conservative and would be more appropriate for a large
data structure.
To get running with the book store example, I will also
need to start up the remote cache server on the
scriptserver machine. The
<a href="RemoteAuxCache.html">remote cache
documentation</a> describes the configuration.
I now have a basic caching system implemented for my book
data. Performance should improve immediately.