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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>JCS Package Information</title>
<author email="">Pete Kazmier</author>
<author email="">Aaron Smuts</author>
<author email="">James Taylor</author>
<section name="JCS Package Information">
The following tables provide a brief description of all packages
in the Java Caching System. For brevity,
<code>org.apache.stratum.jcs</code> has been abbreviated to
<subsection name="Access">
These packages house the classes that a user of JCS should
need to access the cache.
Root package of JCS. Currently this package only contains the
class JCS which provides a simple interface for clients to use
Contains classes for accessing the cache. The CacheAccess
interface, which all classes in this package implement, provides
all the methods a client should need to use a Cache.
<subsection name="Configuration">
This package contains the cache configuration code.
This package contains utility classes that are used when
configuring the cache. NOTE: It is likely that these classes
will be removed in the future in favor of the configuration code
in stratum and BeanUtils.
<subsection name="Engine">
These packages contain the code for the core of the cache:
core interfaces, queues, and the cache hub.
Interfaces used by the core and the auxiliary caches.
Interfaces used by the core and the auxiliary caches.
The primary cache classes and the hub.
The group cache code. Some classes here should be under
Parent package for memory type plugins.
The primary memory plugin using a 'least recently used' removal
A memory plugin implemented using a 'most recently used' removal
policy. In general this is <bold>slow</bold> and should not be
<subsection name="Auxiliary Caches">
Auxiliary caches generally fall into 3 types: disk, lateral,
and remote. Additional auxiliaries should be put into the
appropriate parent package.
Root package for auxiliary caches.
Auxilliary cache interfaces.
The primary disk auxiliary. Objects are serialized to a file on
disk. This implementation uses memory keys and performs quite
well. Recomended for most cases.
Disk cache implemented with the <a href="">
Java Indexed Serialization Package</a>, which allows serialization
of objects to B-Tree indexed tables on disk. This is quite
<u>slow</u> currently.
A disk cache using Hypersonic SQL to serialize the contained
Root package for the lateral cache family. Lateral caches
broadcast puts and removals to other local caches. See
<a href="LateralTCPAuxCache.html">this</a> explanation for more
Root package for the remote auxiliary cache. See
<a href="RemoteAuxCache.html">this</a> explanation
of the remote cache for more information.
<subsection name="Utilities">
These packages contain utility classes used by JCS. Many can
eventually be converted to commons utilities.
Root package for utils.
Contains a file with constants used by the utils.servlet package.
Will be removed.
Implementation of a read write lock which maintains FIFO ordering
for write lock requests, but no ordering for read lock requests.
Contains distributed http session code.
Contains a thread pool implementation, some of which is originally
from Tomcat.