blob: 2bd05b6615bcdcbe7abc600c77a265ea41308831 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.jcs.access;
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.jcs.JCS;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.ElementAttributes;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.behavior.IElementAttributes;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.control.CompositeCacheManager;
import org.apache.jcs.engine.control.event.TestElementEventHandler;
* Allows the user to run common cache commands from the command line for a test
* cache.
* This also provide basic methods for use in unit tests.
public class TestCacheAccess
private final static Log log = LogFactory
.getLog( TestCacheAccess.class );
private GroupCacheAccess cache_control = null;
private static boolean isSysOut = false;
* Construct and initialize the cachecontrol based on the config file.
public TestCacheAccess()
this( "testCache1" );
* @param ccfFileName
public TestCacheAccess(String ccfFileName)
cache_control = GroupCacheAccess.getGroupAccess( ccfFileName );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
p( e.toString() );
* This is the main loop called by the main method.
public void runLoop()
// process user input till done
boolean notDone = true;
String message = null;
// wait to dispose
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) );
while (notDone)
p( "enter command:" );
message = br.readLine();
if (message.startsWith( "help" ))
else if (message.startsWith( "getAttributeNames" ))
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String groupName = null;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
groupName = t.trim();
getAttributeNames( groupName );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---got attrNames for " + groupName + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
else if (message.startsWith( "shutDown" ))
notDone = false;
System.exit( -1 );
// get multiple from a region
if (message.startsWith( "getm" ))
int num = 0;
boolean show = true;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
num = Integer.parseInt( t.trim() );
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
p( t + "not a number" );
else if (tcnt == 3)
show = new Boolean( t ).booleanValue();
if (tcnt < 2)
p( "usage: get numbertoget show values[true|false]" );
getMultiple( num, show );
if (message.startsWith( "getg" ))
String key = null;
String group = null;
boolean show = true;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
key = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 3)
group = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 4)
show = new Boolean( t ).booleanValue();
if (tcnt < 2)
p( "usage: get key show values[true|false]" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Object obj = cache_control.getFromGroup( key,
group );
if (show && obj != null)
p( obj.toString() );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---got " + key + " from group " + group
+ " in " + String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
if (message.startsWith( "getag" ))
// get auto from group
int num = 0;
String group = null;
boolean show = true;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
num = Integer.parseInt( t.trim() );
else if (tcnt == 3)
group = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 4)
show = new Boolean( t ).booleanValue();
if (tcnt < 2)
p( "usage: get key show values[true|false]" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int a = 0; a < num; a++)
Object obj = cache_control.getFromGroup(
"keygr" + a, group );
if (show && obj != null)
p( obj.toString() );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---got " + num + " from group " + group
+ " in " + String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
if (message.startsWith( "get" ))
// plain old get
String key = null;
boolean show = true;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
key = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 3)
show = new Boolean( t ).booleanValue();
if (tcnt < 2)
p( "usage: get key show values[true|false]" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Object obj = cache_control.get( key );
if (show && obj != null)
p( obj.toString() );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---got " + key + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
else if (message.startsWith( "putg" ))
String group = null;
String key = null;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
key = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 3)
group = t.trim();
if (tcnt < 3)
p( "usage: putg key group" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
cache_control.putInGroup( key, group,
"data from putg ----asdfasfas-asfasfas-asfas in group "
+ group );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---put " + key + " in group " + group + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
// put automatically
if (message.startsWith( "putag" ))
String group = null;
int num = 0;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
num = Integer.parseInt( t.trim() );
else if (tcnt == 3)
group = t.trim();
if (tcnt < 3)
p( "usage: putag num group" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int a = 0; a < num; a++)
"keygr" + a,
"data "
+ a
+ " from putag ----asdfasfas-asfasfas-asfas in group "
+ group );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---put " + num + " in group " + group + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
if (message.startsWith( "putm" ))
String numS = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
int num = Integer.parseInt( numS.trim() );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: putm numbertoput" );
putMultiple( num );
if (message.startsWith( "pute" ))
String numS = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
int num = Integer.parseInt( numS.trim() );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: putme numbertoput" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
IElementAttributes attrp = cache_control
TestElementEventHandler hand = new TestElementEventHandler();
attrp.addElementEventHandler( hand );
cache_control.put( "key" + n, "data" + n
+ " put from ta = junk", attrp );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---put " + num + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
else if (message.startsWith( "put" ))
String key = null;
String val = null;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
key = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 3)
val = t.trim();
if (tcnt < 3)
p( "usage: put key val" );
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
cache_control.put( key, val );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---put " + key + " | " + val + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
if (message.startsWith( "removem" ))
String numS = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
int num = Integer.parseInt( numS.trim() );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: removem numbertoremove" );
removeMultiple( num );
else if (message.startsWith( "removeall" ))
p( "removed all" );
else if (message.startsWith( "remove" ))
String key = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
cache_control.remove( key );
p( "removed " + key );
else if (message.startsWith( "deattr" ))
IElementAttributes ae = cache_control
p( "Default IElementAttributes " + ae );
else if (message.startsWith( "cloneattr" ))
String numS = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
int num = Integer.parseInt( numS.trim() );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: put numbertoput" );
IElementAttributes attrp = new ElementAttributes();
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---cloned attr " + num + " in "
+ String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
else if (message.startsWith( "switch" ))
String numS = message.substring(
message.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
Integer.parseInt( numS.trim() );
catch (Exception e)
p( "usage: switch number" );
p( " 1 == testCache1" );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: switch number" );
p( " 1 == testCache1" );
setRegion( "testCache" + numS );
p( "switched to cache = " + "testCache" + numS );
p( cache_control.toString() );
else if (message.startsWith( "stats" ))
p( cache_control.getStats() );
else if (message.startsWith( "gc" ))
p( "Called system.gc()" );
else if (message.startsWith( "random" ))
if (message.startsWith( "random" ))
String rangeS = "";
String numOpsS = "";
boolean show = true;
StringTokenizer toke = new StringTokenizer( message );
int tcnt = 0;
while (toke.hasMoreElements())
String t = (String) toke.nextElement();
if (tcnt == 2)
rangeS = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 3)
numOpsS = t.trim();
else if (tcnt == 4)
show = new Boolean( t ).booleanValue();
String numS = message.substring( message
.indexOf( " " ) + 1, message.length() );
int range = 0;
int numOps = 0;
range = Integer.parseInt( rangeS.trim() );
numOps = Integer.parseInt( numOpsS.trim() );
catch (Exception e)
p( "usage: random range numOps show" );
p( "ex. random 100 1000 false" );
if (numS == null)
p( "usage: random range numOps show" );
p( "ex. random 100 1000 false" );
random( range, numOps, show );
catch (Exception e)
p( e.toString() );
e.printStackTrace( System.out );
catch (Exception e)
p( e.toString() );
e.printStackTrace( System.out );
} // end runLoop
* Test harness.
* @param args
* The command line arguments
public static void main( String[] args )
isSysOut = true;
String ccfFileName = args[0];
TestCacheAccess tca = new TestCacheAccess( ccfFileName );
// end main
* Gets multiple items from the cache with keys of the form key1, key2, key3
* up to key[num].
* @param num
* int
public void getMultiple( int num )
getMultiple( num, false );
* @param num
* @param show
public void getMultiple( int num, boolean show )
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
Object obj = cache_control.get( "key" + n );
if (show && obj != null)
p( obj.toString() );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---got " + num + " in " + String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
* Puts multiple items into the cache.
* @param num
* int
public void putMultiple( int num )
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
cache_control.put( "key" + n, "data" + n
+ " put from ta = junk" );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---put " + num + " in " + String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
* Removes multiple items from the cache.
* @param num
* int
public void removeMultiple( int num )
long n_start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++)
cache_control.remove( "key" + n );
long n_end = System.currentTimeMillis();
p( "---removed " + num + " in " + String.valueOf( n_end - n_start )
+ " millis ---" );
catch (Exception e)
log.error( e );
* The random method performs numOps number of operations. The operations
* will be a mix of puts, gets, and removes. The key range will be from 0 to
* range.
* @param range
* int The end of the key range.
* @param numOps
* int The number of operations to perform
public void random( int range, int numOps )
random( range, numOps, false );
* @param range
* @param numOps
* @param show
public void random( int range, int numOps, boolean show )
for (int i = 0; i < numOps; i++)
Random ran = new Random( i );
int n = ran.nextInt( 4 );
int kn = ran.nextInt( range );
String key = "key" + kn;
if (n == 1)
cache_control.put( key, "data" + i
+ " junk asdfffffffadfasdfasf " + kn + ":" + n );
if (show)
p( "put " + key );
else if (n == 2)
cache_control.remove( key );
if (show)
p( "removed " + key );
// slightly greater chance of get
Object obj = cache_control.get( key );
if (show && obj != null)
p( obj.toString() );
if (i % 10000 == 0)
p( cache_control.getStats() );
p( "Finished random cycle of " + numOps );
catch (Exception e)
p( e.toString() );
e.printStackTrace( System.out );
* Sets the region to be used by test methods.
* @param name
* String -- Name of region
public void setRegion( String name )
cache_control = JCS.getInstance( name );
catch (Exception e)
p( e.toString() );
e.printStackTrace( System.out );
* The tester will print to the console if isSysOut is true, else it will
* log. It is false by default. When run via the main method, isSysOut will
* be set to true
* @param s
* String to print or log
public static void p( String s )
if (isSysOut)
System.out.println( s );
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( s );
* Displays usage information for command line testing.
public static void help()
p( "\n\n\n\n" );
p( "type 'shutDown' to shutdown the cache" );
p( "type 'getm num show[false|true]' to get num automatically from a region" );
p( "type 'putm num' to put num automatically to a region" );
p( "type 'removeall' to remove all items in a region" );
p( "type 'remove key' to remove" );
p( "type 'removem num' to remove a number automatically" );
p( "type 'get key show' to get" );
p( "type 'getg key group show' to get" );
p( "type 'getag num group show' to get automatically from a group" );
p( "type 'getAttributeNames group' to get a list og the group elements" );
p( "type 'putg key group val' to put" );
p( "type 'putag num group' to put automatically from a group" );
p( "type 'put key val' to put" );
p( "type 'stats' to get stats" );
p( "type 'deattr' to get the default element attributes" );
p( "type 'cloneattr num' to clone attr" );
p( "type 'random range numOps' to put, get, and remove randomly" );
p( "type 'switch number' to switch to testCache[number], 1 == testCache1" );
p( "type 'help' for commands" );
* Gets the attributeNames attribute of the TestCacheAccess class
* @param groupName
public void getAttributeNames( String groupName )
Iterator iter = cache_control.getGroupKeys( groupName ).iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
p( "=" + (String) );
} // end class