blob: 4fd7ff67f08762fe5fa5ea8c8a152d1240b70383 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.remote.http.client;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.remote.RemoteCacheAttributes;
/** Http client specific settings. */
public class RemoteHttpCacheAttributes
extends RemoteCacheAttributes
/** Don't change. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5944327125140505212L;
/** http verison to use. */
private static final String DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION = "1.1";
/** The max connections allowed per host */
private int maxConnectionsPerHost = 100;
/** The socket timeout. */
private int socketTimeoutMillis = 3000;
/** The socket connections timeout */
private int connectionTimeoutMillis = 5000;
/** http verison to use. */
private String httpVersion = DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION;
/** The cache name will be included on the parameters */
private boolean includeCacheNameAsParameter = true;
/** keys and patterns will be included in the parameters */
private boolean includeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter = true;
/** keys and patterns will be included in the parameters */
private boolean includeRequestTypeasAsParameter = true;
/** The complete URL to the service. */
private String url;
/** The default classname for the client. */
public static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_HTTP_CLIENT_CLASS_NAME = RemoteHttpCacheClient.class.getName();
/** This allows users to inject their own client implementation. */
private String remoteHttpClientClassName = DEFAULT_REMOTE_HTTP_CLIENT_CLASS_NAME;
* @param maxConnectionsPerHost the maxConnectionsPerHost to set
public void setMaxConnectionsPerHost( int maxConnectionsPerHost )
this.maxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost;
* @return the maxConnectionsPerHost
public int getMaxConnectionsPerHost()
return maxConnectionsPerHost;
* @param socketTimeoutMillis the socketTimeoutMillis to set
public void setSocketTimeoutMillis( int socketTimeoutMillis )
this.socketTimeoutMillis = socketTimeoutMillis;
* @return the socketTimeoutMillis
public int getSocketTimeoutMillis()
return socketTimeoutMillis;
* @param httpVersion the httpVersion to set
public void setHttpVersion( String httpVersion )
this.httpVersion = httpVersion;
* @return the httpVersion
public String getHttpVersion()
return httpVersion;
* @param connectionTimeoutMillis the connectionTimeoutMillis to set
public void setConnectionTimeoutMillis( int connectionTimeoutMillis )
this.connectionTimeoutMillis = connectionTimeoutMillis;
* @return the connectionTimeoutMillis
public int getConnectionTimeoutMillis()
return connectionTimeoutMillis;
* @param includeCacheNameInURL the includeCacheNameInURL to set
public void setIncludeCacheNameAsParameter( boolean includeCacheNameInURL )
this.includeCacheNameAsParameter = includeCacheNameInURL;
* @return the includeCacheNameInURL
public boolean isIncludeCacheNameAsParameter()
return includeCacheNameAsParameter;
* @param includeKeysAndPatternsInURL the includeKeysAndPatternsInURL to set
public void setIncludeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter( boolean includeKeysAndPatternsInURL )
this.includeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter = includeKeysAndPatternsInURL;
* @return the includeKeysAndPatternsInURL
public boolean isIncludeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter()
return includeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter;
* @param includeRequestTypeasAsParameter the includeRequestTypeasAsParameter to set
public void setIncludeRequestTypeasAsParameter( boolean includeRequestTypeasAsParameter )
this.includeRequestTypeasAsParameter = includeRequestTypeasAsParameter;
* @return the includeRequestTypeasAsParameter
public boolean isIncludeRequestTypeasAsParameter()
return includeRequestTypeasAsParameter;
* @param url the url to set
public void setUrl( String url )
this.url = url;
* @return the url
public String getUrl()
return url;
* @param remoteHttpClientClassName the remoteHttpClientClassName to set
public void setRemoteHttpClientClassName( String remoteHttpClientClassName )
this.remoteHttpClientClassName = remoteHttpClientClassName;
* @return the remoteHttpClientClassName
public String getRemoteHttpClientClassName()
return remoteHttpClientClassName;
* @return String details
public String toString()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "\n RemoteHttpCacheAttributes" );
buf.append( "\n maxConnectionsPerHost = [" + getMaxConnectionsPerHost() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n socketTimeoutMillis = [" + getSocketTimeoutMillis() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n httpVersion = [" + getHttpVersion() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n connectionTimeoutMillis = [" + getConnectionTimeoutMillis() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n includeCacheNameAsParameter = [" + isIncludeCacheNameAsParameter() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n includeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter = [" + isIncludeKeysAndPatternsAsParameter() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n includeRequestTypeasAsParameter = [" + isIncludeRequestTypeasAsParameter() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n url = [" + getUrl() + "]" );
buf.append( "\n remoteHttpClientClassName = [" + getRemoteHttpClientClassName() + "]" );
buf.append( super.toString() );
return buf.toString();