blob: e763d2fcf75899cd535c399496332e252521b112 [file] [log] [blame]
aspect JCSTrace {
* Application classes.
// turned it off
pointcut myClass(): !within(org.apache.stratum.*) ;
* The constructors in those classes.
pointcut myConstructor(): myClass() && execution(new(..));
* The methods of those classes.
pointcut myMethod(): myClass() && execution(* *(..));
* Prints trace messages before and after executing constructors.
before (): myConstructor() {
Trace.traceEntry("" + thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature());
after(): myConstructor() {
Trace.traceExit("" + thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature());
* Prints trace messages before and after executing methods.
before (): myMethod() {
Trace.traceEntry("" + thisJoinPoint.getSignature());
after(): myMethod() {
Trace.traceExit("" + thisJoinPoint.getSignature());