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<title>Commons JCI - FAQ</title>
<author email="">Commons Development Team</author>
<section name="FAQ">
<subsection name="Isn't compiler support integrated with Java6 (JSR199)?">
Yes, it is now. JSR199 in the end brought the official java compiler tools that
now come with Mustang. Progress on this had stalled for many years. This is how
JCI was born. JCI provided what was missing from the JDK. And it still provides
it also for earlier versions. The main author of JCI has later on joined the EG
and will make sure there is a bridge to the JSR199 API.
<subsection name="Doesn't JSR199 already deprecate JCI?">
Well, as said before ...there are no backports so far. And if you give the
the final java tools API in Mustang a try you might well come back and
enjoy JCI :)
<subsection name="How well tested is the code?">
Well, there are a couple of projects out there using this code already for
quite some time in production. Drools and Cocoon to name just a few well known Open
Source projects. Code coverage is not bad at all ...but there still a few things
on the TODO list and contributions are always welcome.
<subsection name="Will the ... compiler be supported?">
There is always room for new implementations. And if the compiler supports compilation to
java bytecode, there is also a good chance it can be added. There are currently already a
few potential candidates out there. But it all comes down to the need and the time to implement.