blob: ee45498471640f4e27c802c4298925f68f3246fa [file] [log] [blame]
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This file is used by the maven-changes-plugin to generate the release notes.
Useful ways of finding items to add to this file are:
1. Add items when you fix a bug or add a feature (this makes the
release process easy :-).
2. Do a Jira search for tickets closed since the previous release.
3. Use the report generated by the maven-changelog-plugin to see all
CVS commits. Set the' maven.changelog.range
property to the number of days since the last release.
To generate the release notes from this file:
mvn changes:announcement-generate -Prelease-notes [-Dchanges.version=nnn]
then tweak the source formatting if necessary and regenerate, then commit
The <action> type attribute can be add,update,fix,remove.
<title>Release Notes</title>
<!-- The release date is the date RC is cut -->
<release version="2.4" date="2012-06-12" description="New features and bug fixes.">
<action issue="IO-269" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="sebb">
Tailer locks file from deletion/rename on Windows.
<action issue="IO-279" dev="sebb" type="fix" due-to="Sergio Bossa, Chris Baron">
Tailer erroneously considers file as new.
<action issue="IO-335" dev="sebb" type="fix">
Tailer#readLines - incorrect CR handling.
<action issue="IO-334" dev="sebb" type="fix">
FileUtils.toURLs throws NPE for null parameter; document the behavior.
<action issue="IO-333" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="fmeschbe">
Export OSGi packages at version 1.x in addition to 2.x.
<action issue="IO-320" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add XmlStreamReader support for UTF-32.
<action issue="IO-331" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
BOMInputStream wrongly detects UTF-32LE_BOM files as UTF-16LE_BOM files in method getBOM().
<action issue="IO-332" dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="liangly">
Improve tailer's reading performance.
<action issue="IO-279" dev="ggregory" type="fix">
Improve Tailer performance with buffered reads (see IO-332).
<action issue="IO-329" dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="tivv">
FileUtils.writeLines uses unbuffered IO.
<action issue="IO-327" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add byteCountToDisplaySize(BigInteger).
<action issue="IO-326" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory, kinow">
Add new FileUtils.sizeOf[Directory] APIs to return BigInteger.
<action issue="IO-325" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="raviprak">
Add IOUtils.toByteArray methods to work with URL and URI.
<action issue="IO-324" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="raviprak">
Add missing Charset sister APIs to method that take a String charset name.
<action issue="IO-319" dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="raviprak">
FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory follows symbolic links.
<!-- The release date is the date RC is cut -->
<release version="2.3" date="2012-April-10" description="New features and bug fixes.">
<action issue="IO-322" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add and use class Charsets.
<action issue="IO-321" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
ByteOrderMark UTF_32LE is incorrect.
<action issue="IO-318" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add Charset sister APIs to method that take a String charset name.
<release version="2.2" date="2012-March-26" description="New features and bug fixes.">
<action issue="IO-313" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add IOUTils.toBufferedReader(Reader)
<!-- Note: the issue was not raised by Manoj, but arose from IO-305 and tests he performed -->
<action issue="IO-308" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="Manoj Mokashi">
Allow applications to provide buffer (or size) for copyLarge methods.
<action issue="IO-311" dev="sebb" type="fix" due-to="Robert Muir"> ignores the offset parameter
<action issue="IO-312" dev="sebb" type="fix">
CharSequenceInputStream(CharSequence s, Charset charset, int bufferSize) ignores bufferSize
<action issue="IO-305" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="Manoj Mokashi">
New copyLarge() method in IOUtils that takes additional offset, length arguments
<action issue="IO-300" dev="sebb" type="fix">
FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory removes source directory if destination is a sub-directory
<action issue="IO-307" dev="sebb" type="fix">
ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should check for valid parameters
<action issue="IO-287" dev="bayard" type="add" due-to="Ron Kuris, Gary Gregory">
Use terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB) and exabyte (EB) in FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(long size)
<action issue="IO-306" dev="sebb" type="fix">
ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should always return 0 for length == 0
<action issue="IO-173" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="Marcos Vinícius da Silva">
FileUtils.listFiles() doesn't return directories
<action issue="IO-276" dev="sebb" type="fix" due-to="nkami">
"FileUtils#deleteDirectoryOnExit(File)" does not work
<action issue="IO-273" dev="sebb" type="fix" due-to="sebb"> treats max differently from[]...)
<action issue="IO-297" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="Oleg Kalnichevski">
CharSequenceInputStream to efficiently stream content of a CharSequence
<action issue="IO-296" dev="sebb" type="update" due-to="Oleg Kalnichevski">
ReaderInputStream optimization: more efficient reading of small chunks of data
<action issue="IO-298" dev="sebb" type="fix" due-to="Christian Schulte">
Various methods of class '' incorrectly suppress ''
<action issue="IO-304" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="liangly">
The second constructor of Tailer class does not pass 'delay' to the third one
<action issue="IO-303" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="fabian.barney">
TeeOutputStream does not call branch.close() when main.close() throws an exception
<action issue="IO-302" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="jsteuerwald, detinho">
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BOMInputStream when reading a file without BOM multiple times
<action issue="IO-301" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="kaykay.unique">
Add IOUtils.closeQuietly(Selector) necessary
<action issue="IO-292" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="sebb">
IOUtils.closeQuietly() should take a ServerSocket as a parameter
<action issue="IO-290" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="sebb">
Add read/readFully methods to IOUtils
<action issue="IO-288" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="Georg Henzler">
Supply a ReversedLinesFileReader
<action issue="IO-291" dev="ggregory" type="add" due-to="ggregory">
Add new function FileUtils.directoryContains.
<action issue="IO-275" dev="sebb" type="add" due-to="CJ Aspromgos">
FileUtils.contentEquals and IOUtils.contentEquals - Add option to ignore "line endings"
Added contentEqualsIgnoreEOL methods to both classes
<release version="2.1" date="2011-Sep-28" description="New features and bug fixes.">
<action dev="ggregory" type="add" issue="IO-285" due-to="ggregory">
Use standard Maven directory layout
<action dev="ggregory" type="add" issue="IO-284" due-to="ggregory">
Add IOUtils API toString for URL and URI to get contents
<action dev="ggregory" type="add" issue="IO-282" due-to="ggregory">
Add API FileUtils.copyFile(File input, OutputStream output)
<action dev="sebb" type="fix" issue="IO-280" due-to="sebb">
Dubious use of mkdirs() return code
<action type="fix" issue="IO-277">
ReaderInputStream enters infinite loop when it encounters an unmappable character
<action type="fix" issue="IO-264">
FileUtils.moveFile() JavaDoc should specify FileExistsException thrown
<action type="add" issue="IO-262">
FileAlterationObserver has no getter for FileFilter
<action type="add" issue="IO-261">
Add FileUtils.getFile API with varargs parameter
<action type="fix" issue="IO-260">
ClassLoaderObjectInputStream does not handle Proxy classes
<action type="update" issue="IO-259">
FileAlterationMonitor.stop(boolean allowIntervalToFinish)
<action type="add" issue="IO-182">
Add new APPEND parameter for writing string into files
<action dev="sebb" type="fix" issue="IO-274" due-to="Frank Grimes">
Tailer returning partial lines when reaching EOF before EOL
<action dev="sebb" type="fix" issue="IO-266" due-to="Igor Smereka">
FileUtils.copyFile() throws IOException when copying large files to a shared directory (on Windows)
<action dev="sebb" type="fix" issue="IO-263" due-to="Gil Adam">
FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceKb throws exception for Windows volumes with no visible files.
Improve coverage by also looking for hidden files.
<action dev="sebb" type="add" issue="IO-251" due-to="Marco Albini">
Add new read method "toByteArray" to handle InputStream with known size.
<release version="2.0.1" date="2010-Dec-26">
<action type="update">
TODO: Convert RELEASE-NOTES.txt from 2.0.1?
<release version="2.0" date="2010-Oct-18">
<action type="update">
TODO: Convert RELEASE-NOTES.txt from 2.0?
<release version="1.4" date="2008-Jan-21">
<action type="update">
TODO: Convert RELEASE-NOTES.txt from 1.4?
<release version="1.3.2" date="2007-Jul-02" description="Bug fixes.">
<action dev="jochen" type="fix" issue="IO-115">
Some tests, which are implicitly assuming a Unix-like file
system, are now skipped on Windows.
<action dev="jochen" type="fix" issue="IO-116">
Created the FileCleaningTracker, basically a non-static
version of the FileCleaner, which can be controlled by
the user.
<action dev="bayard" type="fix" issue="IO-117" due-to="Hiroshi Ikeda">
EndianUtils - both readSwappedUnsignedInteger(...) methods could
return negative numbers due to int/long casting.