blob: 70b2d69064278c25e8e15387611f8cd4fdb2e33b [file] [log] [blame]
Commons IO Package
Version 1.3.2
Release Notes
Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes for's hierarchy.
Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high
reuse as to justify existence in
Commons IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters,
and endian transformation classes.
Compatibility with 1.3.1
Binary compatible - Yes
Source compatible - Yes
Semantic compatible - Yes
Compatibility with 1.3
Binary compatible - No
See [IO-113]
Source compatible - No
See [IO-113]
Semantic compatible - Yes
Enhancements since 1.3.1
- Created the FileCleaningTracker, basically a non-static version of the
FileCleaner, which can be controlled by the user. [IO-116]
- The FileCleaner is deprecated. (For reasons of compatibility, the
deprecation warnings are hidden within the 1.3 branch. They'll be
visible, as of version 1.4.)
Bug fixes from 1.3.1
- Some tests, which are implicitly assuming a Unix-like file system, are
now skipped on Windows. [IO-115]
- EndianUtils
- Both readSwappedUnsignedInteger(...) methods could return negative
numbers due to int/long casting. [IO-117]
Bug fixes from 1.3
- FileUtils
- NPE in openOutputStream(File) when file has no parent in path [IO-112]
- readFileToString(File) is not static [IO-113]
Open source works best when you give feedback:
Please direct all bug reports to JIRA
Or subscribe to the commons-user mailing list (prefix emails by [io])
The Commons-IO Team