Format tweakery
diff --git a/src/changes/changes.xml b/src/changes/changes.xml
index 40e0140..d61295e 100644
--- a/src/changes/changes.xml
+++ b/src/changes/changes.xml
@@ -84,15 +84,15 @@
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" issue="IO-818" due-to="Gary Gregory">NullInputStream breaks InputStream's read method contract.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold">Javadoc shouldn't reference 1.x behavior #539.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" issue="IO-829" due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold, Gary Gregory">Don't decode and reencode characters in a potentially different charset in AbstractOrigin.CharSequenceOrigin.getReader(Charset).</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Gary Gregory">Let subclasses of CountingInputStream.afterRead(int) throw IOException.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Gary Gregory">Let subclasses of CountingInputStream.afterRead(int) throw IOException.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" issue="IO-807" due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold, Gary Gregory">Characterization test for broken symlinks when copying directories #547.</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Gary Gregory">[], int, int) does not always return -1.</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Gary Gregory">ClosedOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int) does not always throw IOException.</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Sylwester Lachiewicz, Gary Gregory">XmlStreamReader can't parse an XML document with a multi-line prolog #550.</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Andreas Hubold, Gary Gregory">XmlStreamReader can't parse XML an document with an external parsed entity prolog.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Gary Gregory">[], int, int) does not always return -1.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Gary Gregory">ClosedOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int) does not always throw IOException.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Sylwester Lachiewicz, Gary Gregory">XmlStreamReader can't parse an XML document with a multi-line prolog #550.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Andreas Hubold, Gary Gregory">XmlStreamReader can't parse XML an document with an external parsed entity prolog.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" issue="IO-836" due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold">Update FileNameUtils Javadoc #554.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" issue="IO-807" due-to="Jordi Sola, Elliotte Rusty Harold">Copy symlinks, not the files the symlinks point to #558.</action>
-      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix" due-to="Gary Gregory">Pickup apache-rat-plugin version from parent POM.</action>
+      <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Gary Gregory">Pickup apache-rat-plugin version from parent POM.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold">Add test for copying a symlink FileUtilsTest#testCopyFile_symLink() #564.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Elliotte Rusty Harold">Make copyFile copy symbolic links by value rather than reference #565.</action>
       <action dev="ggregory" type="fix"                due-to="Gary Gregory">Deprecate CopyUtils 0-argument constructor.</action>