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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.EuclideanTestUtils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FunctionTransform2DTest {
private static final double TEST_EPS = 1e-15;
public void testIdentity() {
// arrange
Vector2D p0 = Vector2D.of(0, 0);
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1, 1);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-1, -1);
// act
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.identity();
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p0, t.apply(p0), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p1, t.apply(p1), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p2, t.apply(p2), TEST_EPS);
public void testFrom_identity() {
// arrange
Vector2D p0 = Vector2D.of(0, 0);
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1, 1);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-1, -1);
// act
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(UnaryOperator.identity());
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p0, t.apply(p0), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p1, t.apply(p1), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p2, t.apply(p2), TEST_EPS);
public void testFrom_scaleAndTranslate() {
// arrange
Vector2D p0 = Vector2D.of(0, 0);
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1, 2);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-1, -2);
// act
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> v.multiply(2).add(Vector2D.of(1, -1)));
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(1, -1), t.apply(p0), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(3, 3), t.apply(p1), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(-1, -5), t.apply(p2), TEST_EPS);
public void testFrom_reflection_singleAxis() {
// arrange
Vector2D p0 = Vector2D.of(0, 0);
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1, 2);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-1, -2);
// act
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> Vector2D.of(-v.getX(), v.getY()));
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p0, t.apply(p0), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(-1, 2), t.apply(p1), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(1, -2), t.apply(p2), TEST_EPS);
public void testFrom_reflection_bothAxes() {
// arrange
Vector2D p0 = Vector2D.of(0, 0);
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1, 2);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-1, -2);
// act
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(Vector2D::negate);
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p0, t.apply(p0), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(-1, -2), t.apply(p1), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(1, 2), t.apply(p2), TEST_EPS);
public void testApplyVector() {
// arrange
Transform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> {
return v.multiply(-2).add(Vector2D.of(4, 5));
// act/assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.ZERO, t.applyVector(Vector2D.ZERO), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(-2, 0), t.applyVector(Vector2D.Unit.PLUS_X), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(-4, -4), t.applyVector(Vector2D.of(2, 2)), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(2, 0), t.applyVector(Vector2D.of(-1, 0)), TEST_EPS);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(Vector2D.of(4, 6), t.applyVector(Vector2D.of(-2, -3)), TEST_EPS);
public void testToMatrix() {
// act/assert
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new double[] {
1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0
}, FunctionTransform2D.identity().toMatrix().toArray(), TEST_EPS);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new double[] {
1, 0, 2,
0, 1, 3
}, FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> v.add(Vector2D.of(2, 3))).toMatrix().toArray(), TEST_EPS);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new double[] {
3, 0, 0,
0, 3, 0
}, FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> v.multiply(3)).toMatrix().toArray(), TEST_EPS);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new double[] {
3, 0, 6,
0, 3, 9
}, FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> v.add(Vector2D.of(2, 3)).multiply(3)).toMatrix().toArray(), TEST_EPS);
public void testTransformRoundTrip() {
// arrange
double eps = 1e-8;
double delta = 0.11;
Vector2D p1 = Vector2D.of(1.1, -3);
Vector2D p2 = Vector2D.of(-5, 0.2);
Vector2D vec = p1.vectorTo(p2);
EuclideanTestUtils.permuteSkipZero(-2, 2, delta, (translate, scale) -> {
FunctionTransform2D t = FunctionTransform2D.from(v -> {
return v.multiply(scale * 0.5)
.add(Vector2D.of(translate, 0.5 * translate))
.multiply(scale * 1.5);
// act
Vector2D t1 = t.apply(p1);
Vector2D t2 = t.apply(p2);
Vector2D tvec = t.applyVector(vec);
Transform2D inverse = t.toMatrix().inverse();
// assert
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(tvec, t1.vectorTo(t2), eps);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p1, inverse.apply(t1), eps);
EuclideanTestUtils.assertCoordinatesEqual(p2, inverse.apply(t2), eps);