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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.internal.DoubleFunction3N;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.internal.SimpleTupleFormat;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.precision.DoublePrecisionContext;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.MultiDimensionalEuclideanVector;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.internal.Vectors;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.arrays.LinearCombination;
/** This class represents vectors and points in three-dimensional Euclidean space.
* Instances of this class are guaranteed to be immutable.
public class Vector3D extends MultiDimensionalEuclideanVector<Vector3D> {
/** Zero (null) vector (coordinates: 0, 0, 0). */
public static final Vector3D ZERO = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
// CHECKSTYLE: stop ConstantName
/** A vector with all coordinates set to NaN. */
public static final Vector3D NaN = new Vector3D(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN);
// CHECKSTYLE: resume ConstantName
/** A vector with all coordinates set to positive infinity. */
public static final Vector3D POSITIVE_INFINITY =
/** A vector with all coordinates set to negative infinity. */
public static final Vector3D NEGATIVE_INFINITY =
/** Comparator that sorts vectors in component-wise ascending order.
* Vectors are only considered equal if their coordinates match exactly.
* Null arguments are evaluated as being greater than non-null arguments.
public static final Comparator<Vector3D> COORDINATE_ASCENDING_ORDER = (a, b) -> {
int cmp = 0;
if (a != null && b != null) {
cmp =, b.getX());
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp =, b.getY());
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp =, b.getZ());
} else if (a != null) {
cmp = -1;
} else if (b != null) {
cmp = 1;
return cmp;
/** X coordinate value (abscissa). */
private final double x;
/** Y coordinate value (ordinate). */
private final double y;
/** Z coordinate value (height). */
private final double z;
/** Simple constructor.
* Build a vector from its coordinates
* @param x x coordinate value
* @param y y coordinate value
* @param z z coordinate value
private Vector3D(final double x, final double y, final double z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
/** Return the x coordinate value (abscissa) of the instance.
* @return the x coordinate value
public double getX() {
return x;
/** Return the y coordinate value (ordinate) of the instance.
* @return the y coordinate value
public double getY() {
return y;
/** Returns the z coordinate value (height) of the instance.
* @return the z coordinate value
public double getZ() {
return z;
/** Get the coordinates for this instance as a dimension 3 array.
* @return the coordinates for this instance
public double[] toArray() {
return new double[]{x, y, z};
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int getDimension() {
return 3;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isNaN() {
return Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(y) || Double.isNaN(z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isInfinite() {
return !isNaN() && (Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isInfinite(y) || Double.isInfinite(z));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isFinite() {
return Double.isFinite(x) && Double.isFinite(y) && Double.isFinite(z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D getZero() {
return ZERO;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D vectorTo(final Vector3D v) {
return v.subtract(this);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Unit directionTo(final Vector3D v) {
return vectorTo(v).normalize();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D lerp(final Vector3D p, final double t) {
return linearCombination(1.0 - t, this, t, p);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double norm() {
return Vectors.norm(x, y, z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double normSq() {
return Vectors.normSq(x, y, z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D withNorm(final double magnitude) {
final double m = magnitude / getCheckedNorm();
return new Vector3D(
m * x,
m * y,
m * z
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D add(final Vector3D v) {
return new Vector3D(
x + v.x,
y + v.y,
z + v.z
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D add(final double factor, final Vector3D v) {
return new Vector3D(
x + (factor * v.x),
y + (factor * v.y),
z + (factor * v.z)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D subtract(final Vector3D v) {
return new Vector3D(
x - v.x,
y - v.y,
z - v.z
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D subtract(final double factor, final Vector3D v) {
return new Vector3D(
x - (factor * v.x),
y - (factor * v.y),
z - (factor * v.z)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D negate() {
return new Vector3D(-x, -y, -z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Unit normalize() {
return Unit.from(x, y, z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D multiply(final double a) {
return new Vector3D(a * x, a * y, a * z);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double distance(final Vector3D v) {
return Vectors.norm(
x - v.x,
y - v.y,
z - v.z
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double distanceSq(final Vector3D v) {
return Vectors.normSq(
x - v.x,
y - v.y,
z - v.z
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* The implementation uses specific multiplication and addition
* algorithms to preserve accuracy and reduce cancellation effects.
* It should be very accurate even for nearly orthogonal vectors.
* </p>
* @see LinearCombination#value(double, double, double, double, double, double)
public double dot(final Vector3D v) {
return LinearCombination.value(x, v.x, y, v.y, z, v.z);
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>This method computes the angular separation between two
* vectors using the dot product for well separated vectors and the
* cross product for almost aligned vectors. This allows to have a
* good accuracy in all cases, even for vectors very close to each
* other.</p>
public double angle(final Vector3D v) {
final double normProduct = getCheckedNorm() * v.getCheckedNorm();
final double dot = dot(v);
final double threshold = normProduct * 0.99;
if ((dot < -threshold) || (dot > threshold)) {
// the vectors are almost aligned, compute using the sine
final Vector3D cross = cross(v);
if (dot >= 0) {
return Math.asin(cross.norm() / normProduct);
return Math.PI - Math.asin(cross.norm() / normProduct);
// the vectors are sufficiently separated to use the cosine
return Math.acos(dot / normProduct);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D project(final Vector3D base) {
return getComponent(base, false, Vector3D::new);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D reject(final Vector3D base) {
return getComponent(base, true, Vector3D::new);
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>There are an infinite number of normalized vectors orthogonal
* to the instance. This method picks up one of them almost
* arbitrarily. It is useful when one needs to compute a reference
* frame with one of the axes in a predefined direction. The
* following example shows how to build a frame having the k axis
* aligned with the known vector u :
* <pre><code>
* Vector3D k = u.normalize();
* Vector3D i = k.orthogonal();
* Vector3D j = k.cross(i);
* </code></pre>
* @return a unit vector orthogonal to the instance
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the norm of the instance
* is zero, NaN, or infinite
public Vector3D.Unit orthogonal() {
final double threshold = 0.6 * getCheckedNorm();
final double inverse;
if (Math.abs(x) <= threshold) {
inverse = 1 / Vectors.norm(y, z);
return new Unit(0, inverse * z, -inverse * y);
} else if (Math.abs(y) <= threshold) {
inverse = 1 / Vectors.norm(x, z);
return new Unit(-inverse * z, 0, inverse * x);
inverse = 1 / Vectors.norm(x, y);
return new Unit(inverse * y, -inverse * x, 0);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D.Unit orthogonal(final Vector3D dir) {
return dir.getComponent(this, true, Vector3D.Unit::from);
/** Compute the cross-product of the instance with another vector.
* @param v other vector
* @return the cross product this ^ v as a new Vector3D
public Vector3D cross(final Vector3D v) {
return new Vector3D(LinearCombination.value(y, v.z, -z, v.y),
LinearCombination.value(z, v.x, -x, v.z),
LinearCombination.value(x, v.y, -y, v.x));
/** Convenience method to apply a function to this vector. This
* can be used to transform the vector inline with other methods.
* @param fn the function to apply
* @return the transformed vector
public Vector3D transform(final UnaryOperator<Vector3D> fn) {
return fn.apply(this);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean eq(final Vector3D vec, final DoublePrecisionContext precision) {
return precision.eq(x, vec.x) &&
precision.eq(y, vec.y) &&
precision.eq(z, vec.z);
* Get a hashCode for the vector.
* <p>All NaN values have the same hash code.</p>
* @return a hash code value for this object
public int hashCode() {
if (isNaN()) {
return 642;
return 643 * (164 * Double.hashCode(x) + 3 * Double.hashCode(y) + Double.hashCode(z));
* Test for the equality of two vector instances.
* <p>
* If all coordinates of two vectors are exactly the same, and none are
* <code>Double.NaN</code>, the two instances are considered to be equal.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>NaN</code> coordinates are considered to globally affect the vector
* and be equal to each other - i.e, if either (or all) coordinates of the
* vector are equal to <code>Double.NaN</code>, the vector is equal to
* {@link #NaN}.
* </p>
* @param other Object to test for equality to this
* @return true if two Vector3D objects are equal, false if
* object is null, not an instance of Vector3D, or
* not equal to this Vector3D instance
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (other instanceof Vector3D) {
final Vector3D rhs = (Vector3D) other;
if (rhs.isNaN()) {
return this.isNaN();
return (x == rhs.x) && (y == rhs.y) && (z == rhs.z);
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
return SimpleTupleFormat.getDefault().format(x, y, z);
/** Returns a component of the current instance relative to the given base
* vector. If {@code reject} is true, the vector rejection is returned; otherwise,
* the projection is returned.
* @param base The base vector
* @param reject If true, the rejection of this instance from {@code base} is
* returned. If false, the projection of this instance onto {@code base}
* is returned.
* @param factory factory function used to build the final vector
* @param <V> Vector implementation type
* @return The projection or rejection of this instance relative to {@code base},
* depending on the value of {@code reject}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code base} has a zero, NaN,
* or infinite norm
private <V extends Vector3D> V getComponent(final Vector3D base, final boolean reject,
final DoubleFunction3N<V> factory) {
final double aDotB = dot(base);
// We need to check the norm value here to ensure that it's legal. However, we don't
// want to incur the cost or floating point error of getting the actual norm and then
// multiplying it again to get the square norm. So, we'll just check the squared norm
// directly. This will produce the same error result as checking the actual norm since
// Math.sqrt(0.0) == 0.0, Math.sqrt(Double.NaN) == Double.NaN and
final double baseMagSq = Vectors.checkedNorm(base.normSq());
final double scale = aDotB / baseMagSq;
final double projX = scale * base.x;
final double projY = scale * base.y;
final double projZ = scale * base.z;
if (reject) {
return factory.apply(x - projX, y - projY, z - projZ);
return factory.apply(projX, projY, projZ);
/** Returns a vector with the given coordinate values.
* @param x x coordinate value
* @param y y coordinate value
* @param z z coordinate value
* @return vector instance
public static Vector3D of(final double x, final double y, final double z) {
return new Vector3D(x, y, z);
/** Creates a vector from the coordinates in the given 3-element array.
* @param v coordinates array
* @return new vector
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the array does not have 3 elements
public static Vector3D of(final double[] v) {
if (v.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension mismatch: " + v.length + " != 3");
return new Vector3D(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
/** Parses the given string and returns a new vector instance. The expected string
* format is the same as that returned by {@link #toString()}.
* @param str the string to parse
* @return vector instance represented by the string
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given string has an invalid format
public static Vector3D parse(final String str) {
return SimpleTupleFormat.getDefault().parse(str, Vector3D::new);
/** Return a vector containing the maximum component values from all input vectors.
* @param first first vector
* @param more additional vectors
* @return a vector containing the maximum component values from all input vectors
public static Vector3D max(final Vector3D first, final Vector3D... more) {
return computeMax(first, Arrays.asList(more).iterator());
/** Return a vector containing the maximum component values from all input vectors.
* @param vecs input vectors
* @return a vector containing the maximum component values from all input vectors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument does not contain any vectors
public static Vector3D max(final Iterable<Vector3D> vecs) {
final Iterator<Vector3D> it = vecs.iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compute vector max: no vectors given");
return computeMax(, it);
/** Internal method for computing a max vector.
* @param first first vector
* @param more iterator with additional vectors
* @return vector containing the maximum component values of all input vectors
private static Vector3D computeMax(final Vector3D first, final Iterator<Vector3D> more) {
double x = first.getX();
double y = first.getY();
double z = first.getZ();
Vector3D vec;
while (more.hasNext()) {
vec =;
x = Math.max(x, vec.getX());
y = Math.max(y, vec.getY());
z = Math.max(z, vec.getZ());
return Vector3D.of(x, y, z);
/** Return a vector containing the minimum component values from all input vectors.
* @param first first vector
* @param more additional vectors
* @return a vector containing the minimum component values from all input vectors
public static Vector3D min(final Vector3D first, final Vector3D... more) {
return computeMin(first, Arrays.asList(more).iterator());
/** Return a vector containing the minimum component values from all input vectors.
* @param vecs input vectors
* @return a vector containing the minimum component values from all input vectors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument does not contain any vectors
public static Vector3D min(final Iterable<Vector3D> vecs) {
final Iterator<Vector3D> it = vecs.iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compute vector min: no vectors given");
return computeMin(, it);
/** Internal method for computing a min vector.
* @param first first vector
* @param more iterator with additional vectors
* @return vector containing the minimum component values of all input vectors
private static Vector3D computeMin(final Vector3D first, final Iterator<Vector3D> more) {
double x = first.getX();
double y = first.getY();
double z = first.getZ();
Vector3D vec;
while (more.hasNext()) {
vec =;
x = Math.min(x, vec.getX());
y = Math.min(y, vec.getY());
z = Math.min(z, vec.getZ());
return Vector3D.of(x, y, z);
/** Compute the centroid of the given points. The centroid is the arithmetic mean position of a set
* of points.
* @param first first point
* @param more additional points
* @return the centroid of the given points
public static Vector3D centroid(final Vector3D first, final Vector3D... more) {
return computeCentroid(first, Arrays.asList(more).iterator());
/** Compute the centroid of the given points. The centroid is the arithmetic mean position of a set
* of points.
* @param pts the points to compute the centroid of
* @return the centroid of the given points
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument contains no points
public static Vector3D centroid(final Iterable<Vector3D> pts) {
final Iterator<Vector3D> it = pts.iterator();
if (!it.hasNext()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compute centroid: no points given");
return computeCentroid(, it);
/** Internal method for computing the centroid of a set of points.
* @param first first point
* @param more iterator with additional points
* @return the centroid of the point set
private static Vector3D computeCentroid(final Vector3D first, final Iterator<Vector3D> more) {
double x = first.getX();
double y = first.getY();
double z = first.getZ();
int count = 1;
Vector3D pt;
while (more.hasNext()) {
pt =;
x += pt.getX();
y += pt.getY();
z += pt.getZ();
final double invCount = 1.0 / count;
return new Vector3D(invCount * x, invCount * y, invCount * z);
/** Returns a vector consisting of the linear combination of the inputs.
* <p>
* A linear combination is the sum of all of the inputs multiplied by their
* corresponding scale factors.
* </p>
* @param a scale factor for first vector
* @param c first vector
* @return vector calculated by {@code a * c}
public static Vector3D linearCombination(final double a, final Vector3D c) {
return c.multiply(a);
/** Returns a vector consisting of the linear combination of the inputs.
* <p>
* A linear combination is the sum of all of the inputs multiplied by their
* corresponding scale factors.
* </p>
* @param a1 scale factor for first vector
* @param v1 first vector
* @param a2 scale factor for second vector
* @param v2 second vector
* @return vector calculated by {@code (a1 * v1) + (a2 * v2)}
public static Vector3D linearCombination(final double a1, final Vector3D v1,
final double a2, final Vector3D v2) {
return new Vector3D(
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.x, a2, v2.x),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.y, a2, v2.y),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.z, a2, v2.z));
/** Returns a vector consisting of the linear combination of the inputs.
* <p>
* A linear combination is the sum of all of the inputs multiplied by their
* corresponding scale factors.
* </p>
* @param a1 scale factor for first vector
* @param v1 first vector
* @param a2 scale factor for second vector
* @param v2 second vector
* @param a3 scale factor for third vector
* @param v3 third vector
* @return vector calculated by {@code (a1 * v1) + (a2 * v2) + (a3 * v3)}
public static Vector3D linearCombination(final double a1, final Vector3D v1,
final double a2, final Vector3D v2,
final double a3, final Vector3D v3) {
return new Vector3D(
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.x, a2, v2.x, a3, v3.x),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.y, a2, v2.y, a3, v3.y),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.z, a2, v2.z, a3, v3.z));
/** Returns a vector consisting of the linear combination of the inputs.
* <p>
* A linear combination is the sum of all of the inputs multiplied by their
* corresponding scale factors.
* </p>
* @param a1 scale factor for first vector
* @param v1 first vector
* @param a2 scale factor for second vector
* @param v2 second vector
* @param a3 scale factor for third vector
* @param v3 third vector
* @param a4 scale factor for fourth vector
* @param v4 fourth vector
* @return vector calculated by {@code (a1 * v1) + (a2 * v2) + (a3 * v3) + (a4 * v4)}
public static Vector3D linearCombination(final double a1, final Vector3D v1,
final double a2, final Vector3D v2,
final double a3, final Vector3D v3,
final double a4, final Vector3D v4) {
return new Vector3D(
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.x, a2, v2.x, a3, v3.x, a4, v4.x),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.y, a2, v2.y, a3, v3.y, a4, v4.y),
LinearCombination.value(a1, v1.z, a2, v2.z, a3, v3.z, a4, v4.z));
* Represents unit vectors.
* This allows optimizations for certain operations.
public static final class Unit extends Vector3D {
/** Unit vector (coordinates: 1, 0, 0). */
public static final Unit PLUS_X = new Unit(1d, 0d, 0d);
/** Negation of unit vector (coordinates: -1, 0, 0). */
public static final Unit MINUS_X = new Unit(-1d, 0d, 0d);
/** Unit vector (coordinates: 0, 1, 0). */
public static final Unit PLUS_Y = new Unit(0d, 1d, 0d);
/** Negation of unit vector (coordinates: 0, -1, 0). */
public static final Unit MINUS_Y = new Unit(0d, -1d, 0d);
/** Unit vector (coordinates: 0, 0, 1). */
public static final Unit PLUS_Z = new Unit(0d, 0d, 1d);
/** Negation of unit vector (coordinates: 0, 0, -1). */
public static final Unit MINUS_Z = new Unit(0d, 0d, -1d);
/** Simple constructor. Callers are responsible for ensuring that the given
* values represent a normalized vector.
* @param x x coordinate value
* @param y x coordinate value
* @param z x coordinate value
private Unit(final double x, final double y, final double z) {
super(x, y, z);
* Creates a normalized vector.
* @param x Vector coordinate.
* @param y Vector coordinate.
* @param z Vector coordinate.
* @return a vector whose norm is 1.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the norm of the given value
* is zero, NaN, or infinite
public static Unit from(final double x, final double y, final double z) {
final double invNorm = 1 / Vectors.checkedNorm(Vectors.norm(x, y, z));
return new Unit(x * invNorm, y * invNorm, z * invNorm);
* Creates a normalized vector.
* @param v Vector.
* @return a vector whose norm is 1.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the norm of the given
* value is zero, NaN, or infinite
public static Unit from(final Vector3D v) {
return v instanceof Unit ?
(Unit) v :
from(v.getX(), v.getY(), v.getZ());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double norm() {
return 1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double normSq() {
return 1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Unit normalize() {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector3D withNorm(final double mag) {
return multiply(mag);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Unit negate() {
return new Unit(-getX(), -getY(), -getZ());