blob: 16c370f72954f73ea94eb42cf1b1ab2d9147dbd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.twod;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.Transform;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.exception.GeometryValueException;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.internal.Equivalency;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.AbstractHyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.EmbeddingHyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.Hyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.precision.DoublePrecisionContext;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.oned.AffineTransformMatrix1D;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.oned.Interval;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.oned.Vector1D;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.angle.PlaneAngleRadians;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.arrays.LinearCombination;
/** This class represents an oriented line in the 2D plane.
* <p>An oriented line can be defined either by extending a line
* segment between two points past these points, by specifying a
* point and a direction, or by specifying a point and an angle
* relative to the x-axis.</p>
* <p>Since the line oriented, the two half planes on its sides are
* unambiguously identified as the left half plane and the right half
* plane. This can be used to identify the interior and the exterior
* in a simple way when a line is used to define a portion of a polygon
* boundary.</p>
* <p>A line can also be used to completely define a reference frame
* in the plane. It is sufficient to select one specific point in the
* line (the orthogonal projection of the original reference frame on
* the line) and to use the unit vector in the line direction (see
* {@link #getDirection()} and the orthogonal vector oriented from the
* left half plane to the right half plane (see {@link #getOffsetDirection()}.
* We define two coordinates by the process, the <em>abscissa</em> along
* the line, and the <em>offset</em> across the line. All points of the
* plane are uniquely identified by these two coordinates. The line is
* the set of points at zero offset, the left half plane is the set of
* points with negative offsets and the right half plane is the set of
* points with positive offsets.</p>
public final class Line extends AbstractHyperplane<Vector2D>
implements EmbeddingHyperplane<Vector2D, Vector1D>, Equivalency<Line> {
/** Serializable UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190120L;
/** The direction of the line as a normalized vector. */
private final Vector2D direction;
/** The distance between the origin and the line. */
private final double originOffset;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param direction The direction of the line.
* @param originOffset The signed distance between the line and the origin.
* @param precision Precision context used to compare floating point numbers.
private Line(final Vector2D direction, final double originOffset, final DoublePrecisionContext precision) {
this.direction = direction;
this.originOffset = originOffset;
/** Get the angle of the line in radians with respect to the abscissa (+x) axis. The
* returned angle is in the range {@code [0, 2pi)}.
* @return the angle of the line with respect to the abscissa (+x) axis in the range
* {@code [0, 2pi)}
public double getAngle() {
final double angle = Math.atan2(direction.getY(), direction.getX());
return PlaneAngleRadians.normalizeBetweenZeroAndTwoPi(angle);
/** Get the direction of the line.
* @return the direction of the line
public Vector2D getDirection() {
return direction;
/** Get the offset direction of the line. This vector is perpendicular to the
* line and points in the direction of positive offset values, meaning that
* it points from the left side of the line to the right when one is looking
* along the line direction.
* @return the offset direction of the line.
public Vector2D getOffsetDirection() {
return Vector2D.of(direction.getY(), -direction.getX());
/** Get the line origin point. This is the projection of the 2D origin
* onto the line and also serves as the origin for the 1D embedded subspace.
* @return the origin point of the line
public Vector2D getOrigin() {
return toSpace(Vector1D.ZERO);
/** Get the signed distance from the origin of the 2D space to the
* closest point on the line.
* @return the signed distance from the origin to the line
public double getOriginOffset() {
return originOffset;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Line reverse() {
return new Line(direction.negate(), -originOffset, getPrecision());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Line transform(final Transform<Vector2D> transform) {
final Vector2D origin = getOrigin();
final Vector2D tOrigin = transform.apply(origin);
final Vector2D tOriginPlusDir = transform.apply(origin.add(getDirection()));
return fromPoints(tOrigin, tOriginPlusDir, getPrecision());
/** Get an object containing the current line transformed by the argument along with a
* 1D transform that can be applied to subspace points. The subspace transform transforms
* subspace points such that their 2D location in the transformed line is the same as their
* 2D location in the original line after the 2D transform is applied. For example, consider
* the code below:
* <pre>
* SubspaceTransform st = line.subspaceTransform(transform);
* Vector1D subPt = Vector1D.of(1);
* Vector2D a = transform.apply(line.toSpace(subPt)); // transform in 2D space
* Vector2D b = st.getLine().toSpace(st.getTransform().apply(subPt)); // transform in 1D space
* </pre>
* At the end of execution, the points {@code a} (which was transformed using the original
* 2D transform) and {@code b} (which was transformed in 1D using the subspace transform)
* are equivalent.
* @param transform the transform to apply to this instance
* @return an object containing the transformed line along with a transform that can be applied
* to subspace points
* @see #transform(Transform)
public SubspaceTransform subspaceTransform(final Transform<Vector2D> transform) {
final Vector2D origin = getOrigin();
final Vector2D p1 = transform.apply(origin);
final Vector2D p2 = transform.apply(origin.add(direction));
final Line tLine = Line.fromPoints(p1, p2, getPrecision());
final Vector1D tSubspaceOrigin = tLine.toSubspace(p1);
final Vector1D tSubspaceDirection = tSubspaceOrigin.vectorTo(tLine.toSubspace(p2));
final double translation = tSubspaceOrigin.getX();
final double scale = tSubspaceDirection.getX();
final AffineTransformMatrix1D subspaceTransform = AffineTransformMatrix1D.of(scale, translation);
return new SubspaceTransform(tLine, subspaceTransform);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Segment span() {
return segment(Interval.full());
/** Create a new line segment from the given interval.
* @param interval interval representing the 1D region for the line segment
* @return a new line segment on this line
public Segment segment(final Interval interval) {
return Segment.fromInterval(this, interval);
/** Create a new line segment from the given interval.
* @param a first 1D location for the interval
* @param b second 1D location for the interval
* @return a new line segment on this line
public Segment segment(final double a, final double b) {
return Segment.fromInterval(this, a, b);
/** Create a new line segment between the projections of the two
* given points onto this line.
* @param a first point
* @param b second point
* @return a new line segment on this line
public Segment segment(final Vector2D a, final Vector2D b) {
return Segment.fromInterval(this, toSubspace(a), toSubspace(b));
/** Create a new line segment that starts at infinity and continues along
* the line up to the projection of the given point.
* @param pt point defining the end point of the line segment; the end point
* is equal to the projection of this point onto the line
* @return a new, half-open line segment
public Segment segmentTo(final Vector2D pt) {
return segment(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, toSubspace(pt).getX());
/** Create a new line segment that starts at the projection of the given point
* and continues in the direction of the line to infinity, similar to a ray.
* @param pt point defining the start point of the line segment; the start point
* is equal to the projection of this point onto the line
* @return a new, half-open line segment
public Segment segmentFrom(final Vector2D pt) {
return segment(toSubspace(pt).getX(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
/** Create a new, empty subline based on this line.
* @return a new, empty subline based on this line
public SubLine subline() {
return new SubLine(this);
/** Get the abscissa of the given point on the line. The abscissa represents
* the distance the projection of the point on the line is from the line's
* origin point (the point on the line closest to the origin of the
* 2D space). Abscissa values increase in the direction of the line. This method
* is exactly equivalent to {@link #toSubspace(Vector2D)} except that this method
* returns a double instead of a {@link Vector1D}.
* @param point point to compute the abscissa for
* @return abscissa value of the point
* @see #toSubspace(Vector2D)
public double abscissa(final Vector2D point) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector1D toSubspace(final Vector2D point) {
return Vector1D.of(abscissa(point));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector2D toSpace(final Vector1D point) {
return toSpace(point.getX());
/** Convert the given abscissa value (1D location on the line)
* into a 2D point.
* @param abscissa value to convert
* @return 2D point corresponding to the line abscissa value
public Vector2D toSpace(final double abscissa) {
// The 2D coordinate is equal to the projection of the
// 2D origin onto the line plus the direction multiplied
// by the abscissa. We can combine everything into a single
// step below given that the origin location is equal to
// (-direction.y * originOffset, direction.x * originOffset).
return Vector2D.of(
LinearCombination.value(abscissa, direction.getX(), -originOffset, direction.getY()),
LinearCombination.value(abscissa, direction.getY(), originOffset, direction.getX())
/** Get the intersection point of the instance and another line.
* @param other other line
* @return intersection point of the instance and the other line
* or null if there is no unique intersection point (ie, the lines
* are parallel or coincident)
public Vector2D intersection(final Line other) {
final double area = this.direction.signedArea(other.direction);
if (getPrecision().eqZero(area)) {
// lines are parallel
return null;
final double x = LinearCombination.value(
other.direction.getX(), originOffset,
-direction.getX(), other.originOffset) / area;
final double y = LinearCombination.value(
other.direction.getY(), originOffset,
-direction.getY(), other.originOffset) / area;
return Vector2D.of(x, y);
/** Compute the angle in radians between this instance's direction and the direction
* of the given line. The return value is in the range {@code [-pi, +pi)}. This method
* always returns a value, even for parallel or coincident lines.
* @param other other line
* @return the angle required to rotate this line to point in the direction of
* the given line
public double angle(final Line other) {
final double thisAngle = Math.atan2(direction.getY(), direction.getX());
final double otherAngle = Math.atan2(other.direction.getY(), other.direction.getX());
return PlaneAngleRadians.normalizeBetweenMinusPiAndPi(otherAngle - thisAngle);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Vector2D project(final Vector2D point) {
return toSpace(toSubspace(point));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double offset(final Vector2D point) {
return originOffset - direction.signedArea(point);
/** Get the offset (oriented distance) of the given line relative to this instance.
* Since an infinite number of distances can be calculated between points on two
* different lines, this method returns the value closest to zero. For intersecting
* lines, this will simply be zero. For parallel lines, this will be the
* perpendicular distance between the two lines, as a signed value.
* <p>The sign of the returned offset indicates the side of the line that the
* argument lies on. The offset is positive if the line lies on the right side
* of the instance and negative if the line lies on the left side
* of the instance.</p>
* @param line line to check
* @return offset of the line
* @see #distance(Line)
public double offset(final Line line) {
if (isParallel(line)) {
// since the lines are parallel, the offset between
// them is simply the difference between their origin offsets,
// with the second offset negated if the lines point if opposite
// directions
final double dot =;
return originOffset - (Math.signum(dot) * line.originOffset);
// the lines are not parallel, which means they intersect at some point
return 0.0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean similarOrientation(final Hyperplane<Vector2D> other) {
final Line otherLine = (Line) other;
return >= 0.0;
/** Get one point from the plane, relative to the coordinate system
* of the line. Note that the direction of increasing offsets points
* to the <em>right</em> of the line. This means that if one pictures
* the line (abscissa) direction as equivalent to the +x-axis, the offset
* direction will point along the -y axis.
* @param abscissa desired abscissa (distance along the line) for the point
* @param offset desired offset (distance perpendicular to the line) for the point
* @return one point in the plane, with given abscissa and offset
* relative to the line
public Vector2D pointAt(final double abscissa, final double offset) {
final double pointOffset = offset - originOffset;
return Vector2D.of(LinearCombination.value(abscissa, direction.getX(), pointOffset, direction.getY()),
LinearCombination.value(abscissa, direction.getY(), -pointOffset, direction.getX()));
/** Check if the line contains a point.
* @param p point to check
* @return true if p belongs to the line
public boolean contains(final Vector2D p) {
return getPrecision().eqZero(offset(p));
/** Check if this instance completely contains the other line.
* This will be true if the two instances represent the same line,
* with perhaps different directions.
* @param line line to check
* @return true if this instance contains all points in the given line
public boolean contains(final Line line) {
return isParallel(line) && getPrecision().eqZero(offset(line));
/** Compute the distance between the instance and a point.
* <p>This is a shortcut for invoking Math.abs(getOffset(p)),
* and provides consistency with what is in the
* org.apache.commons.geometry.euclidean.threed.Line class.</p>
* @param p to check
* @return distance between the instance and the point
public double distance(final Vector2D p) {
return Math.abs(offset(p));
/** Compute the shortest distance between this instance and
* the given line. This value will simply be zero for intersecting
* lines.
* @param line line to compute the closest distance to
* @return the shortest distance between this instance and the
* given line
* @see #offset(Line)
public double distance(final Line line) {
return Math.abs(offset(line));
/** Check if the instance is parallel to another line.
* @param line other line to check
* @return true if the instance is parallel to the other line
* (they can have either the same or opposite orientations)
public boolean isParallel(final Line line) {
final double area = direction.signedArea(line.direction);
return getPrecision().eqZero(area);
/** {@inheritDoc}
* <p>Instances are considered equivalent if they
* <ul>
* <li>contain equal {@link DoublePrecisionContext precision contexts},</li>
* <li>have equivalent locations (as evaluated by the precision context), and</li>
* <li>point in the same direction (as evaluated by the precision context)</li>
* </ul>
* @param other the point to compare with
* @return true if this instance should be considered equivalent to the argument
public boolean eq(final Line other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
final DoublePrecisionContext precision = getPrecision();
return precision.equals(other.getPrecision()) &&
getOrigin().eq(other.getOrigin(), precision) &&
precision.eq(getAngle(), other.getAngle());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 167;
int result = 1;
result = (prime * result) + Objects.hashCode(direction);
result = (prime * result) + Double.hashCode(originOffset);
result = (prime * result) + Objects.hashCode(getPrecision());
return result;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
} else if (!(obj instanceof Line)) {
return false;
Line other = (Line) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.direction, other.direction) &&, other.originOffset) == 0 &&
Objects.equals(this.getPrecision(), other.getPrecision());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append("[origin= ")
.append(", direction= ")
return sb.toString();
/** Create a line from two points lying on the line. The line points in the direction
* from {@code p1} to {@code p2}.
* @param p1 first point
* @param p2 second point
* @param precision precision context used to compare floating point values
* @return new line containing {@code p1} and {@code p2} and pointing in the direction
* from {@code p1} to {@code p2}
* @throws GeometryValueException If the vector between {@code p1} and {@code p2} has zero length,
* as evaluated by the given precision context
public static Line fromPoints(final Vector2D p1, final Vector2D p2, final DoublePrecisionContext precision) {
return fromPointAndDirection(p1, p1.vectorTo(p2), precision);
/** Create a line from a point and direction.
* @param pt point belonging to the line
* @param dir the direction of the line
* @param precision precision context used to compare floating point values
* @return new line containing {@code pt} and pointing in direction {@code dir}
* @throws GeometryValueException If {@code dir} has zero length, as evaluated by the
* given precision context
public static Line fromPointAndDirection(final Vector2D pt, final Vector2D dir,
final DoublePrecisionContext precision) {
if (dir.isZero(precision)) {
throw new GeometryValueException("Line direction cannot be zero");
final Vector2D normalizedDir = dir.normalize();
final double originOffset = normalizedDir.signedArea(pt);
return new Line(normalizedDir, originOffset, precision);
/** Create a line from a point lying on the line and an angle relative to the abscissa (x) axis. Note that the
* line does not need to intersect the x-axis; the given angle is simply relative to it.
* @param pt point belonging to the line
* @param angle angle of the line with respect to abscissa (x) axis, in radians
* @param precision precision context used to compare floating point values
* @return new line containing {@code pt} and forming the given angle with the
* abscissa (x) axis.
public static Line fromPointAndAngle(final Vector2D pt, final double angle,
final DoublePrecisionContext precision) {
final Vector2D.Unit dir = Vector2D.Unit.from(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle));
return fromPointAndDirection(pt, dir, precision);
/** Class containing a transformed line instance along with a subspace (1D) transform. The subspace
* transform produces the equivalent of the 2D transform in 1D.
public static final class SubspaceTransform implements Serializable {
/** Serializable UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190809L;
/** The transformed line. */
private final Line line;
/** The subspace transform instance. */
private final AffineTransformMatrix1D transform;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param line the transformed line
* @param transform 1D transform that can be applied to subspace points
public SubspaceTransform(final Line line, final AffineTransformMatrix1D transform) {
this.line = line;
this.transform = transform;
/** Get the transformed line instance.
* @return the transformed line instance
public Line getLine() {
return line;
/** Get the 1D transform that can be applied to subspace points. This transform can be used
* to perform the equivalent of the 2D transform in 1D space.
* @return the subspace transform instance
public AffineTransformMatrix1D getTransform() {
return transform;