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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.Point;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.Transform;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.ConvexSubHyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.Hyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.HyperplaneLocation;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.Split;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.SplitLocation;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.SubHyperplane;
import org.apache.commons.geometry.core.partitioning.bsp.BSPTreeVisitor.Order;
/** Abstract class for Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) tree implementations.
* @param <P> Point implementation type
* @param <N> BSP tree node implementation type
public abstract class AbstractBSPTree<P extends Point<P>, N extends AbstractBSPTree.AbstractNode<P, N>>
implements BSPTree<P, N>, Serializable {
/** Serializable UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190330L;
/** The default number of levels to print when creating a string representation of the tree. */
private static final int DEFAULT_TREE_STRING_MAX_DEPTH = 8;
/** Integer value set on various node fields when a value is unknown. */
private static final int UNKNOWN_VALUE = -1;
/** The root node for the tree. */
private N root;
/** The current modification version for the tree structure. This is incremented each time
* a structural change occurs in the tree and is used to determine when cached values
* must be recomputed.
private int version = 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N getRoot() {
if (root == null) {
return root;
/** Set the root node for the tree. Cached tree properties are invalidated
* with {@link #invalidate()}.
* @param root new root node for the tree
protected void setRoot(final N root) {
this.root = root;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int count() {
return getRoot().count();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int height() {
return getRoot().height();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void accept(final BSPTreeVisitor<P, N> visitor) {
acceptVisitor(getRoot(), visitor);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N findNode(final P pt, final NodeCutRule cutBehavior) {
return findNode(getRoot(), pt, cutBehavior);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void insert(final SubHyperplane<P> sub) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void insert(final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> convexSub) {
insertRecursive(getRoot(), convexSub,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void insert(final Iterable<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> convexSubs) {
for (final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> convexSub : convexSubs) {
/** Return an iterator over the nodes in the tree. */
public Iterator<N> iterator() {
return new NodeIterator<>(getRoot());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void copy(final BSPTree<P, N> src) {
copySubtree(src.getRoot(), getRoot());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void extract(final N node) {
// copy downward
final N extracted = importSubtree(node);
// extract upward
final N newRoot = extractParentPath(node, extracted);
// set the root of this tree
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void transform(final Transform<P> transform) {
final boolean swapChildren = swapsInsideOutside(transform);
transformRecursive(getRoot(), transform, swapChildren);
/** Get a simple string representation of the tree structure. The returned string contains
* the tree structure down to the default max depth of {@value #DEFAULT_TREE_STRING_MAX_DEPTH}.
* @return a string representation of the tree
public String treeString() {
/** Get a simple string representation of the tree structure. The returned string contains
* the tree structure down to {@code maxDepth}.
* @param maxDepth the maximum depth in the tree to print; nodes below this depth are skipped
* @return a string representation of the tree
public String treeString(final int maxDepth) {
BSPTreePrinter<P, N> printer = new BSPTreePrinter<>(maxDepth);
return printer.toString();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
.append("[count= ")
.append(", height= ")
/** Create a new node for this tree.
* @return a new node for this tree
protected abstract N createNode();
/** Copy non-structural node properties from {@code src} to {@code dst}.
* Non-structural properties are those properties not directly related
* to the structure of the BSP tree, i.e. properties other than parent/child
* connections and cut subhyperplanes. Subclasses should override this method
* when additional properties are stored on nodes.
* @param src source node
* @param dst destination node
protected void copyNodeProperties(final N src, final N dst) {
// no-op
/** Method called to initialize a new child node. Subclasses can use this method to
* set initial attributes on the node.
* @param parent the parent node
* @param child the new child node
* @param isPlus true if the child will be assigned as the parent's plus child;
* false if it will be the parent's minus child
protected void initChildNode(final N parent, final N child, final boolean isPlus) {
// no-op
/** Create a non-structural copy of the given node. Properties such as parent/child
* connections and cut subhyperplanes are <em>not</em> copied.
* @param src the node to copy; does not need to belong to the current tree
* @return the copied node
* @see AbstractBSPTree#copyNodeProperties(AbstractNode, AbstractNode)
protected N copyNode(final N src) {
final N copy = createNode();
copyNodeProperties(src, copy);
return copy;
/** Recursively copy a subtree. The returned node is not attached to the current tree.
* Structural <em>and</em> non-structural properties are copied from the source subtree
* to the destination subtree. This method does nothing if {@code src} and {@code dst}
* reference the same node.
* @param src the node representing the source subtree; does not need to belong to the
* current tree
* @param dst the node representing the destination subtree
* @return the copied node, ie {@code dst}
protected N copySubtree(final N src, final N dst) {
// only copy if we're actually switching nodes
if (src != dst) {
// copy non-structural properties
copyNodeProperties(src, dst);
// copy the subtree structure
ConvexSubHyperplane<P> cut = null;
N minus = null;
N plus = null;
if (!src.isLeaf()) {
final AbstractBSPTree<P, N> dstTree = dst.getTree();
cut = src.getCut();
minus = copySubtree(src.getMinus(), dstTree.createNode());
plus = copySubtree(src.getPlus(), dstTree.createNode());
dst.setSubtree(cut, minus, plus);
return dst;
/** Import the subtree represented by the given node into this tree. If the given node
* already belongs to this tree, then the node is returned directly without modification.
* If the node does <em>not</em> belong to this tree, a new node is created and the src node
* subtree is copied into it.
* <p>This method does not modify the current structure of the tree.</p>
* @param src node to import
* @return the given node if it belongs to this tree, otherwise a new node containing
* a copy of the given node's subtree
* @see #copySubtree(AbstractNode, AbstractNode)
protected N importSubtree(final N src) {
// create a copy of the node if it's not already in this tree
if (src.getTree() != this) {
return copySubtree(src, createNode());
return src;
/** Extract the path from {@code src} to the root of its tree and
* set it as the parent path of {@code dst}. Leaf nodes created during
* the extraction are given the same node properties as their counterparts
* in the source tree but without the cuts and child nodes. The properties
* of {@code dst} are not modified, with the exception of its parent node
* reference.
* @param src the source node to copy the parent path from
* @param dst the destination node to place under the extracted path
* @return the root node of the extracted path
protected N extractParentPath(final N src, final N dst) {
N dstParent = dst;
N dstChild;
N srcChild = src;
N srcParent = srcChild.getParent();
while (srcParent != null) {
dstChild = dstParent;
dstParent = copyNode(srcParent);
if (srcChild.isMinus()) {
} else {
srcChild = srcParent;
srcParent = srcChild.getParent();
return dstParent;
/** Find the smallest node in the tree containing the point, starting
* at the given node.
* @param start the node to begin the search with
* @param pt the point to check
* @param cutBehavior value determining the search behavior when the test point
* lies directly on the cut subhyperplane of an internal node
* @return the smallest node in the tree containing the point
protected N findNode(final N start, final P pt, final NodeCutRule cutBehavior) {
final Hyperplane<P> cutHyper = start.getCutHyperplane();
if (cutHyper != null) {
final HyperplaneLocation cutLoc = cutHyper.classify(pt);
final boolean onPlusSide = cutLoc == HyperplaneLocation.PLUS;
final boolean onMinusSide = cutLoc == HyperplaneLocation.MINUS;
final boolean onCut = !onPlusSide && !onMinusSide;
if (onMinusSide || (onCut && cutBehavior == NodeCutRule.MINUS)) {
return findNode(start.getMinus(), pt, cutBehavior);
} else if (onPlusSide || (onCut && cutBehavior == NodeCutRule.PLUS)) {
return findNode(start.getPlus(), pt, cutBehavior);
return start;
/** Visit the nodes in a subtree.
* @param node the node to begin the visit process
* @param visitor the visitor to pass nodes to
protected void acceptVisitor(final N node, BSPTreeVisitor<P, N> visitor) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
} else {
final Order order = visitor.visitOrder(node);
if (order != null) {
switch (order) {
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
default: // NODE_MINUS_PLUS:
acceptVisitor(node.getMinus(), visitor);
acceptVisitor(node.getPlus(), visitor);
/** Cut a node with a hyperplane. The algorithm proceeds are follows:
* <ol>
* <li>The hyperplane is trimmed by splitting it with each cut hyperplane on the
* path from the given node to the root of the tree.</li>
* <li>If the remaining portion of the hyperplane is <em>not</em> empty, then
* <ul>
* <li>the remaining portion becomes the cut subhyperplane for the node,</li>
* <li>two new child nodes are created and initialized with
* {@link #initChildNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, boolean)}, and</li>
* <li>true is returned.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>If the remaining portion of the hyperplane <em>is</em> empty (ie, the
* cutting hyperplane does not intersect the node's region), then
* <ul>
* <li>the node is converted to a leaf node (meaning that previous
* child nodes are lost), and</li>
* <li>false is returned.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ol>
* <p>It is important to note that since this method uses the path from given node
* to the tree root, it must only be used on nodes that are already inserted into
* the tree.</p>
* <p>This method always calls {@link #invalidate()} to invalidate cached tree properties.</p>
* @param node the node to cut
* @param cutter the hyperplane to cut the node with
* @return true if the node was cut and two new child nodes were created;
* otherwise false
* @see #trimToNode(AbstractNode, ConvexSubHyperplane)
* @see #cutNode(AbstractNode, ConvexSubHyperplane)
* @see #invalidate()
protected boolean insertNodeCut(final N node, final Hyperplane<P> cutter) {
// cut the hyperplane using all hyperplanes from this node up
// to the root
final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> cut = trimToNode(node, cutter.span());
if (cut == null || cut.isEmpty()) {
// insertion failed; the node was not cut
cutNode(node, null);
return false;
cutNode(node, cut);
return true;
/** Trim the given subhyperplane to the region defined by the given node. This method cuts the
* subhyperplane with the cut hyperplanes (binary partitioners) of all parent nodes up to
* the root and returns the trimmed subhyperplane or {@code null} if the subhyperplane lies
* outside of the region defined by the node.
* <p>If the subhyperplane is directly coincident with a binary partitioner of a parent node,
* then the relative orientations of the associated hyperplanes are used to determine the behavior,
* as described below.
* <ul>
* <li>If the orientations are <strong>similar</strong>, then the subhyperplane is determined to
* lie <em>outside</em> of the node's region and {@code null} is returned.</li>
* <li>If the orientations are <strong>different</strong> (ie, opposite), then the subhyperplane
* is determined to lie <em>inside</em> of the node's region and the fit operation continues
* with the remaining parent nodes.</li>
* </ul>
* These rules are designed to allow the creation of trees with node regions that are the thickness
* of a single hyperplane. For example, in two dimensions, a tree could be constructed with an internal
* node containing a cut along the x-axis in the positive direction and with a child node containing a
* cut along the x-axis in the opposite direction. If the nodes in the tree are given inside and outside
* attributes, then this tree could be used to represent a region consisting of a single line or a region
* consisting of the entire space except for the single line. This would not be possible if nodes were not
* able to have cut hyperplanes that were coincident with parent cuts but in opposite directions.
* <p>
* Another way of looking at the rules above is that inserting a hyperplane into the tree that exactly
* matches the hyperplane of a parent node does not add any information to the tree. However, adding a
* hyperplane to the tree that is coincident with a parent node but with the opposite orientation,
* <em>does</em> add information to the tree.
* @param node the node representing the region to fit the subhyperplane to
* @param sub the subhyperplane to trim to the node's region
* @return the trimmed subhyperplane or null if the given subhyperplane does not intersect
* the node's region
protected ConvexSubHyperplane<P> trimToNode(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> sub) {
ConvexSubHyperplane<P> result = sub;
N parentNode = node.getParent();
N currentNode = node;
while (parentNode != null && result != null) {
final Split<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> split = result.split(parentNode.getCutHyperplane());
if (split.getLocation() == SplitLocation.NEITHER) {
// if we're directly on the splitter and have the same orientation, then
// we say the subhyperplane does not lie in the node's region (no new information
// is added to the tree in this case)
if (result.getHyperplane().similarOrientation(parentNode.getCutHyperplane())) {
result = null;
} else {
result = currentNode.isPlus() ? split.getPlus() : split.getMinus();
currentNode = parentNode;
parentNode = parentNode.getParent();
return result;
/** Remove the cut from the given node. Returns true if the node had a cut before
* the call to this method. Any previous child nodes are lost.
* @param node the node to remove the cut from
* @return true if the node previously had a cut
protected boolean removeNodeCut(final N node) {
boolean hadCut = node.getCut() != null;
cutNode(node, null);
return hadCut;
/** Set the cut subhyperplane for the given node. If {@code cut} is {@code null} then any
* existing child nodes are removed. If {@code cut} is not {@code null}, two new child
* nodes are created and initialized with
* {@link AbstractBSPTree#initChildNode(AbstractNode, AbstractNode, boolean)}.
* <p>This method performs absolutely <em>no</em> validation on the given cut
* subhyperplane. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the
* subhyperplane fits the region represented by the node.</p>
* <p>This method always calls {@link #invalidate()} to invalidate cached tree properties.</p>
* @param node the node to cut
* @param cut the convex subhyperplane to set as the node cut
protected void cutNode(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> cut) {
N plus = null;
N minus = null;
if (cut != null) {
minus = createNode();
initChildNode(node, minus, false);
plus = createNode();
initChildNode(node, plus, true);
node.setSubtree(cut, minus, plus);
/** Return true if the given transform swaps the inside and outside of
* the region.
* <p>The default behavior of this method is to return true if the transform
* does not preserve spatial orientation (ie, {@link Transform#preservesOrientation()}
* is false). Subclasses may need to override this method to implement the correct
* behavior for their space and dimension.</p>
* @param transform transform to check
* @return true if the given transform swaps the interior and exterior of
* the region
protected boolean swapsInsideOutside(final Transform<P> transform) {
return !transform.preservesOrientation();
/** Recursively insert a subhyperplane into the tree at the given node.
* @param node the node to begin insertion with
* @param insert the subhyperplane to insert
* @param trimmed subhyperplane containing the result of splitting the entire
* space with each hyperplane from this node to the root
private void insertRecursive(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> insert,
final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> trimmed) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
cutNode(node, trimmed);
} else {
final Split<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> insertSplit = insert.split(node.getCutHyperplane());
final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> minus = insertSplit.getMinus();
final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> plus = insertSplit.getPlus();
if (minus != null || plus != null) {
final Split<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> trimmedSplit = trimmed.split(node.getCutHyperplane());
if (minus != null) {
insertRecursive(node.getMinus(), minus, trimmedSplit.getMinus());
if (plus != null) {
insertRecursive(node.getPlus(), plus, trimmedSplit.getPlus());
/** Transform the subtree rooted as {@code node} recursively.
* @param node the root node of the subtree to transform
* @param t the transform to apply
* @param swapChildren if true, the plus and minus child nodes of each internal node
* will be swapped; this should be the case when the transform is a reflection
private void transformRecursive(final N node, final Transform<P> t, final boolean swapChildren) {
if (node.isInternal()) {
// transform our cut
final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> transformedCut = node.getCut().transform(t);
// transform our children
transformRecursive(node.getMinus(), t, swapChildren);
transformRecursive(node.getPlus(), t, swapChildren);
final N transformedMinus = swapChildren ? node.getPlus() : node.getMinus();
final N transformedPlus = swapChildren ? node.getMinus() : node.getPlus();
// set our new state
node.setSubtree(transformedCut, transformedMinus, transformedPlus);
/** Split this tree with the given hyperplane, placing the split contents into the given
* target trees. One of the given trees may be null, in which case that portion of the split
* will not be exported. The current tree is not modified.
* @param splitter splitting hyperplane
* @param minus tree that will contain the portion of the tree on the minus side of the splitter
* @param plus tree that will contain the portion of the tree on the plus side of the splitter
protected void splitIntoTrees(final Hyperplane<P> splitter,
final AbstractBSPTree<P, N> minus, final AbstractBSPTree<P, N> plus) {
AbstractBSPTree<P, N> temp = (minus != null) ? minus : plus;
N splitRoot = temp.splitSubtree(this.getRoot(), splitter.span());
if (minus != null) {
if (plus != null) {
} else {
/** Split the subtree rooted at the given node by a partitioning convex subhyperplane defined
* on the same region as the node. The subtree rooted at {@code node} is imported into
* this tree, meaning that if it comes from a different tree, the other tree is not
* modified.
* @param node the root node of the subtree to split; may come from a different tree,
* in which case the other tree is not modified
* @param partitioner partitioning convex subhyperplane
* @return node containing the split subtree
protected N splitSubtree(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> partitioner) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
return splitLeafNode(node, partitioner);
return splitInternalNode(node, partitioner);
/** Split the given leaf node by a partitioning convex subhyperplane defined on the
* same region and import it into this tree.
* @param node the leaf node to split
* @param partitioner partitioning convex subhyperplane
* @return node containing the split subtree
private N splitLeafNode(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> partitioner) {
// in this case, we just create a new parent node with the partitioner as its
// cut and two copies of the original node as children
final N parent = createNode();
parent.setSubtree(partitioner, copyNode(node), copyNode(node));
return parent;
/** Split the given internal node by a partitioning convex subhyperplane defined on the same region
* as the node and import it into this tree.
* @param node the internal node to split
* @param partitioner partitioning convex subhyperplane
* @return node containing the split subtree
private N splitInternalNode(final N node, final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> partitioner) {
// split the partitioner and node cut with each other's hyperplanes to determine their relative positions
final Split<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> partitionerSplit = partitioner.split(node.getCutHyperplane());
final Split<? extends ConvexSubHyperplane<P>> nodeCutSplit = node.getCut().split(partitioner.getHyperplane());
final SplitLocation partitionerSplitSide = partitionerSplit.getLocation();
final SplitLocation nodeCutSplitSide = nodeCutSplit.getLocation();
final N result = createNode();
N resultMinus;
N resultPlus;
if (partitionerSplitSide == SplitLocation.PLUS) {
if (nodeCutSplitSide == SplitLocation.PLUS) {
// partitioner is on node cut plus side, node cut is on partitioner plus side
final N nodePlusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getPlus(), partitioner);
resultMinus = nodePlusSplit.getMinus();
resultPlus = copyNode(node);
resultPlus.setSubtree(node.getCut(), importSubtree(node.getMinus()), nodePlusSplit.getPlus());
} else {
// partitioner is on node cut plus side, node cut is on partitioner minus side
final N nodePlusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getPlus(), partitioner);
resultMinus = copyNode(node);
resultMinus.setSubtree(node.getCut(), importSubtree(node.getMinus()), nodePlusSplit.getMinus());
resultPlus = nodePlusSplit.getPlus();
} else if (partitionerSplitSide == SplitLocation.MINUS) {
if (nodeCutSplitSide == SplitLocation.MINUS) {
// partitioner is on node cut minus side, node cut is on partitioner minus side
final N nodeMinusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getMinus(), partitioner);
resultMinus = copyNode(node);
resultMinus.setSubtree(node.getCut(), nodeMinusSplit.getMinus(), importSubtree(node.getPlus()));
resultPlus = nodeMinusSplit.getPlus();
} else {
// partitioner is on node cut minus side, node cut is on partitioner plus side
final N nodeMinusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getMinus(), partitioner);
resultMinus = nodeMinusSplit.getMinus();
resultPlus = copyNode(node);
resultPlus.setSubtree(node.getCut(), nodeMinusSplit.getPlus(), importSubtree(node.getPlus()));
} else if (partitionerSplitSide == SplitLocation.BOTH) {
// partitioner and node cut split each other
final N nodeMinusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getMinus(), partitionerSplit.getMinus());
final N nodePlusSplit = splitSubtree(node.getPlus(), partitionerSplit.getPlus());
resultMinus = copyNode(node);
resultMinus.setSubtree(nodeCutSplit.getMinus(), nodeMinusSplit.getMinus(), nodePlusSplit.getMinus());
resultPlus = copyNode(node);
resultPlus.setSubtree(nodeCutSplit.getPlus(), nodeMinusSplit.getPlus(), nodePlusSplit.getPlus());
} else {
// partitioner and node cut are parallel or anti-parallel
final boolean sameOrientation = partitioner.getHyperplane().similarOrientation(node.getCutHyperplane());
resultMinus = importSubtree(sameOrientation ? node.getMinus() : node.getPlus());
resultPlus = importSubtree(sameOrientation ? node.getPlus() : node.getMinus());
result.setSubtree(partitioner, resultMinus, resultPlus);
return result;
/** Invalidate any previously computed properties that rely on the internal structure of the tree.
* This method must be called any time the tree's internal structure changes in order to force cacheable
* tree and node properties to be recomputed the next time they are requested.
* <p>This method increments the tree's {@link #version} property.</p>
* @see #getVersion()
protected void invalidate() {
version = Math.max(0, version + 1); // positive values only
/** Get the current structural version of the tree. This is incremented each time the
* tree structure is changes and can be used by nodes to allow caching of computed values.
* @return the current version of the tree structure
* @see #invalidate()
protected int getVersion() {
return version;
/** Abstract implementation of {@link BSPTree.Node}. This class is intended for use with
* {@link AbstractBSPTree} and delegates tree mutation methods back to the parent tree object.
* @param <P> Point implementation type
* @param <N> BSP tree node implementation type
public abstract static class AbstractNode<P extends Point<P>, N extends AbstractNode<P, N>>
implements BSPTree.Node<P, N>, Serializable {
/** Serializable UID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20190225L;
/** The owning tree instance. */
private final AbstractBSPTree<P, N> tree;
/** The parent node; this will be null for the tree root node. */
private N parent;
/** The subhyperplane cutting the node's region; this will be null for leaf nodes. */
private ConvexSubHyperplane<P> cut;
/** The node lying on the minus side of the cut subhyperplane; this will be null
* for leaf nodes.
private N minus;
/** The node lying on the plus side of the cut subhyperplane; this will be null
* for leaf nodes.
private N plus;
/** The current version of the node. This is set to track the tree's version
* and is used to detect when certain values need to be recomputed due to
* structural changes in the tree.
private int nodeVersion = -1;
/** The depth of this node in the tree. This will be zero for the root node and
* {@link AbstractBSPTree#UNKNOWN_VALUE} when the value needs to be computed.
private int depth = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
/** The total number of nodes in the subtree rooted at this node. This will be
* set to {@link AbstractBSPTree#UNKNOWN_VALUE} when the value needs
* to be computed.
private int count = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
/** The height of the subtree rooted at this node. This will
* be set to {@link AbstractBSPTree#UNKNOWN_VALUE} when the value needs
* to be computed.
private int height = UNKNOWN_VALUE;
/** Simple constructor.
* @param tree the tree instance that owns this node
protected AbstractNode(final AbstractBSPTree<P, N> tree) {
this.tree = tree;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public AbstractBSPTree<P, N> getTree() {
return tree;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int depth() {
if (depth == UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
// calculate our depth based on our parent's depth, if
// possible
if (parent != null) {
final int parentDepth = parent.depth();
if (parentDepth != UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
depth = parentDepth + 1;
return depth;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int height() {
if (height == UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
if (isLeaf()) {
height = 0;
} else {
height = Math.max(getMinus().height(), getPlus().height()) + 1;
return height;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int count() {
if (count == UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
count = 1;
if (!isLeaf()) {
count += minus.count() + plus.count();
return count;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Iterator<N> iterator() {
return new NodeIterator<P, N>(getSelf());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void accept(final BSPTreeVisitor<P, N> visitor) {
tree.acceptVisitor(getSelf(), visitor);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N getParent() {
return parent;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isLeaf() {
return cut == null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isInternal() {
return cut != null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isPlus() {
return parent != null && parent.getPlus() == this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isMinus() {
return parent != null && parent.getMinus() == this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ConvexSubHyperplane<P> getCut() {
return cut;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Hyperplane<P> getCutHyperplane() {
return (cut != null) ? cut.getHyperplane() : null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N getPlus() {
return plus;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N getMinus() {
return minus;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean insertCut(final Hyperplane<P> cutter) {
return tree.insertNodeCut(getSelf(), cutter);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean clearCut() {
return tree.removeNodeCut(getSelf());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N cut(final Hyperplane<P> cutter) {
return getSelf();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append("[cut= ")
return sb.toString();
/** Set the parameters for the subtree rooted at this node. The arguments should either be
* all null (representing a leaf node) or all non-null (representing an internal node).
* <p>Absolutely no validation is performed on the arguments. Callers are responsible for
* ensuring that any given subhyperplane fits the region defined by the node and that
* any child nodes belong to this tree and are correctly initialized.</p>
* @param newCut the new cut subhyperplane for the node
* @param newMinus the new minus child for the node
* @param newPlus the new plus child for the node
protected void setSubtree(final ConvexSubHyperplane<P> newCut, final N newMinus, final N newPlus) {
this.cut = newCut;
final N self = getSelf();
// cast for access to private member
AbstractNode<P, N> minusNode = newMinus;
AbstractNode<P, N> plusNode = newPlus;
// get the child depth now if we know it offhand, otherwise set it to the unknown value
// and have the child pull it when needed
final int childDepth = (depth != UNKNOWN_VALUE) ? depth + 1 : UNKNOWN_VALUE;
if (newMinus != null) {
minusNode.parent = self;
minusNode.depth = childDepth;
this.minus = newMinus;
if (newPlus != null) {
plusNode.parent = self;
plusNode.depth = childDepth;
} = newPlus;
* Make this node a root node, detaching it from its parent and settings its depth to zero.
* Any previous parent node will be left in an invalid state since one of its children now
* does not have a reference back to it.
protected void makeRoot() {
parent = null;
depth = 0;
/** Check if cached node properties are valid, meaning that no structural updates have
* occurred in the tree since the last call to this method. If updates have occurred, the
* {@link #nodeInvalidated()} method is called to clear the cached properties. This method
* should be called at the beginning of any method that fetches cacheable properties
* to ensure that no stale values are returned.
protected void checkValid() {
final int treeVersion = tree.getVersion();
if (nodeVersion != treeVersion) {
// the tree structure changed somewhere
// store the current version
nodeVersion = treeVersion;
/** Method called from {@link #checkValid()} when updates
* are detected in the tree. This method should clear out any
* computed properties that rely on the structure of the tree
* and prepare them for recalculation.
protected void nodeInvalidated() {
/** Get a reference to the current instance, cast to type N.
* @return a reference to the current instance, as type N.
protected abstract N getSelf();
/** Class for iterating through the nodes in a BSP subtree.
* @param <P> Point implementation type
* @param <N> Node implementation type
public static class NodeIterator<P extends Point<P>, N extends AbstractNode<P, N>> implements Iterator<N> {
/** The current node stack. */
private final Deque<N> stack = new LinkedList<>();
/** Create a new instance for iterating over the nodes in the given subtree.
* @param subtreeRoot the root node of the subtree to iterate
public NodeIterator(final N subtreeRoot) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean hasNext() {
return !stack.isEmpty();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public N next() {
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
final N result = stack.pop();
if (result != null && !result.isLeaf()) {
return result;