blob: c43c0f1fd78021e16468a479eebb5dd61c03d558 [file] [log] [blame]
$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt,v 1.3 2003/06/03 06:09:48 martinc Exp $
Commons FileUpload Package
Version 1.0 Release Candidate 1
Release Notes
This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
FileUpload component, and highlights changes since the previous version.
* The FileUpload class has been split into an abstract base class and two
concrete classes, one of which is specific to a disk-based repository and
the other a more generic implementation. Clients who previously used the
disk-specific functionality of FileUpload should use DiskFileUpload instead.
* Instances of the FileItem interface are now created by a factory, and custom
factories are supported. This allows for much greater flexibility in creating
customized FileUpload applications.
* The size threshold now applies to the size of individual items, rather than
the overall size of the request. This brings the implmentation in line with
the original documentation, as well as better meeting user expectations.
* More specific exceptions are thrown for invalid content type, unknown size
and size limit exceeded.
14120 [FileUpload] uploading files with non-ASCII filenames
17043 Temporary upload files are not being deleted
17044 The size threshold parameter works based on the whole request instead of
individual parts
17106 File upload exceptions.
17872 DefaultFileItem issues
18265 DefaultFileItem should not catch Exception
19366 [fileupload] Sample code is not working