blob: 1adf3fb892de6c1a42ec5e8a455a37f3500fd104 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.exec;
import org.apache.commons.exec.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Map;
* CommandLine objects help handling command lines specifying processes to
* execute. The class can be used to a command line by an application.
public class CommandLine {
* The arguments of the command.
private final Vector arguments = new Vector();
* The program to execute.
private final String executable;
* A map of name value pairs used to expand command line arguments
private Map substitutionMap;
* Was a file being used to set the executable?
private final boolean isFile;
* Create a command line from a string.
* @param line the first element becomes the executable, the rest the arguments
* @return the parsed command line
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If line is null or all whitespace
public static CommandLine parse(final String line) {
return parse(line, null);
* Create a command line from a string.
* @param line the first element becomes the executable, the rest the arguments
* @param substitutionMap the name/value pairs used for substitution
* @return the parsed command line
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If line is null or all whitespace
public static CommandLine parse(final String line, Map substitutionMap) {
if (line == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command line can not be null");
} else if (line.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command line can not be empty");
} else {
String[] tmp = translateCommandline(line);
CommandLine cl = new CommandLine(tmp[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < tmp.length; i++) {
return cl;
* Create a command line without any arguments.
* @param executable the executable
public CommandLine(String executable) {
* Create a command line without any arguments.
* @param executable the executable file
public CommandLine(File executable) {
* Returns the executable.
* @return The executable
public String getExecutable() {
// Expand the executable and replace '/' and '\\' with the platform
// specific file seperator char. This is safe here since we know
// that this is a platform specific command.
return StringUtils.fixFileSeparatorChar(expandArgument(executable));
/** @return Was a file being used to set the executable? */
public boolean isFile(){
return isFile;
* Add multiple arguments. Handles parsing of quotes and whitespace.
* @param arguments An array of arguments
* @return The command line itself
public CommandLine addArguments(final String[] arguments) {
return this.addArguments(arguments, true);
* Add multiple arguments.
* @param arguments An array of arguments
* @param handleQuoting Add the argument with/without handling quoting
* @return The command line itself
public CommandLine addArguments(final String[] arguments, boolean handleQuoting) {
if (arguments != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
addArgument(arguments[i], handleQuoting);
return this;
* Add multiple arguments. Handles parsing of quotes and whitespace.
* Please note that the parsing can have undesired side-effects therefore
* it is recommended to build the command line incrementally.
* @param arguments An string containing multiple arguments.
* @return The command line itself
public CommandLine addArguments(final String arguments) {
return this.addArguments(arguments, true);
* Add multiple arguments. Handles parsing of quotes and whitespace.
* Please note that the parsing can have undesired side-effects therefore
* it is recommended to build the command line incrementally.
* @param arguments An string containing multiple arguments.
* @param handleQuoting Add the argument with/without handling quoting
* @return The command line itself
public CommandLine addArguments(final String arguments, boolean handleQuoting) {
if (arguments != null) {
String[] argmentsArray = translateCommandline(arguments);
addArguments(argmentsArray, handleQuoting);
return this;
* Add a single argument. Handles quoting.
* @param argument The argument to add
* @return The command line itself
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If argument contains both single and double quotes
public CommandLine addArgument(final String argument) {
return this.addArgument(argument, true);
* Add a single argument.
* @param argument The argument to add
* @param handleQuoting Add the argument with/without handling quoting
* @return The command line itself
public CommandLine addArgument(final String argument, boolean handleQuoting) {
if (argument == null) {
return this;
if(handleQuoting) {
else {
return this;
* Returns the quoted arguments.
* @return The quoted arguments
public String[] getArguments() {
String[] result = new String[arguments.size()];
result = (String[]) arguments.toArray(result);
return this.expandArguments(result);
* @return the substitution map
public Map getSubstitutionMap() {
return substitutionMap;
* Set the substitutionMap to expand variables in the
* command line.
* @param substitutionMap the map
public void setSubstitutionMap(Map substitutionMap) {
this.substitutionMap = substitutionMap;
* Returns the command line as an array of strings.
* @return The command line as an string array
public String[] toStrings() {
final String[] result = new String[arguments.size() + 1];
result[0] = this.getExecutable();
System.arraycopy(getArguments(), 0, result, 1, result.length-1);
return result;
* Stringify operator returns the command line as a string.
* Parameters are correctly quoted when containing a space or
* left untouched if the are already quoted.
* @return the command line as single string
public String toString() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
String[] currArguments = this.getArguments();
result.append(' ');
for(int i=0; i<currArguments.length; i++) {
String currArgument = currArguments[i];
if( StringUtils.isQuoted(currArgument)) {
else {
if(i<currArguments.length-1) {
result.append(' ');
return result.toString().trim();
// --- Implementation ---------------------------------------------------
* Expand variables in a command line argument.
* @param argument the argument
* @return the expanded string
private String expandArgument(final String argument) {
StringBuffer stringBuffer = StringUtils.stringSubstitution(argument, this.getSubstitutionMap(), true);
return stringBuffer.toString();
* Expand variables in a command line arguments.
* @param arguments the arguments to be expadedn
* @return the expanded string
private String[] expandArguments(final String[] arguments) {
String[] result = new String[arguments.length];
for(int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
result[i] = this.expandArgument(arguments[i]);
return result;
* Crack a command line.
* @param toProcess
* the command line to process
* @return the command line broken into strings. An empty or null toProcess
* parameter results in a zero sized array
private static String[] translateCommandline(final String toProcess) {
if (toProcess == null || toProcess.length() == 0) {
// no command? no string
return new String[0];
// parse with a simple finite state machine
final int normal = 0;
final int inQuote = 1;
final int inDoubleQuote = 2;
int state = normal;
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(toProcess, "\"\' ", true);
Vector v = new Vector();
StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer();
boolean lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = false;
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
String nextTok = tok.nextToken();
switch (state) {
case inQuote:
if ("\'".equals(nextTok)) {
lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = true;
state = normal;
} else {
case inDoubleQuote:
if ("\"".equals(nextTok)) {
lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = true;
state = normal;
} else {
if ("\'".equals(nextTok)) {
state = inQuote;
} else if ("\"".equals(nextTok)) {
state = inDoubleQuote;
} else if (" ".equals(nextTok)) {
if (lastTokenHasBeenQuoted || current.length() != 0) {
current = new StringBuffer();
} else {
lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = false;
if (lastTokenHasBeenQuoted || current.length() != 0) {
if (state == inQuote || state == inDoubleQuote) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unbalanced quotes in "
+ toProcess);
String[] args = new String[v.size()];
return args;
* Get the executable - the argument is trimmed and '/' and '\\' are
* replaced with the platform specific file seperator char
* @param executable the executable
* @return the platform-specific executable string
private String getExecutable(final String executable) {
if (executable == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Executable can not be null");
} else if(executable.trim().length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Executable can not be empty");
} else {
return StringUtils.fixFileSeparatorChar(executable);