blob: 0c4a4d8711e6d447e83bddb593915937a45b4dbe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.exec;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.exec.util.StringUtils;
public class CommandLineTest extends TestCase {
private void assertEquals(String[] expected, String[] actual) {
if (!Arrays.equals(expected, actual)) {
throw new AssertionFailedError("Arrays not equal");
public void testExecutable() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
assertEquals("test", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test"}, cmdl.toStrings());
assertEquals("test", cmdl.getExecutable());
assertTrue(cmdl.getArguments().length == 0);
public void testExecutableZeroLengthString() {
try {
new CommandLine("");
fail("Must throw IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
public void testExecutableWhitespaceString() {
try {
new CommandLine(" ");
fail("Must throw IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
public void testNullExecutable() {
try {
new CommandLine((String)null);
fail("Must throw IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
public void testAddArgument() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
assertEquals("test foo bar", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddNullArgument() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
assertEquals("test", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentWithSpace() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArgument("ba r");
assertEquals("test foo \"ba r\"", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "\"ba r\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentWithQuote() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
assertEquals("test foo 'ba\"r'", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "'ba\"r'"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentWithQuotesAround() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArgument("\"fe z\"");
assertEquals("test foo bar \"fe z\"", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar", "\"fe z\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentWithSingleQuote() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
assertEquals("test foo \"ba'r\"", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "\"ba\'r\""}, cmdl
public void testAddArgumentWithBothQuotes() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
try {
fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// OK, expected
public void testAddArguments() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArguments("foo bar");
assertEquals("test foo bar", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentsWithQuotes() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArguments("'foo' \"bar\"");
assertEquals("test foo bar", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentsWithQuotesAndSpaces() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArguments("'fo o' \"ba r\"");
assertEquals("test \"fo o\" \"ba r\"", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "\"fo o\"", "\"ba r\""}, cmdl
public void testAddArgumentsArray() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArguments(new String[] {"foo", "bar"});
assertEquals("test foo bar", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testAddArgumentsArrayNull() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("test");
cmdl.addArguments((String[]) null);
assertEquals("test", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test"}, cmdl.toStrings());
* A little example how to add two command line arguments
* in one line, e.g. to make commenting out some options
* less error prone.
public void testAddTwoArguments() {
CommandLine userAddCL1 = new CommandLine("useradd");
CommandLine userAddCL2 = new CommandLine("useradd");
assertEquals(userAddCL1.toString(), userAddCL2.toString());
public void testParseCommandLine() {
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse("test foo bar");
assertEquals("test foo bar", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "bar"}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testParseCommandLineWithQuotes() {
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse("test \"foo\" \'ba r\'");
assertEquals("test foo \"ba r\"", cmdl.toString());
assertEquals(new String[] {"test", "foo", "\"ba r\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
public void testParseCommandLineWithUnevenQuotes() {
try {
CommandLine.parse("test \"foo bar");
fail("IllegalArgumentException must be thrown due to uneven quotes");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
public void testParseCommandLineWithNull() {
try {
fail("IllegalArgumentException must be thrown due to incorrect command line");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
public void testParseCommandLineWithOnlyWhitespace() {
try {
CommandLine.parse(" ");
fail("IllegalArgumentException must be thrown due to incorrect command line");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Expected
* A command line parsing puzzle from Tino Schoellhorn - ImageMagix expects
* a "500x>" parameter (including quotes) and it is simply not possible to
* do that without adding a space, e.g. "500x> ".
public void testParseComplexCommandLine1() {
HashMap substitutionMap = new HashMap();
substitutionMap.put("in", "source.jpg");
substitutionMap.put("out", "target.jpg");
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse("cmd /C convert ${in} -resize \"\'500x> \'\" ${out}", substitutionMap);
assertEquals("cmd /C convert source.jpg -resize \"500x> \" target.jpg", cmdl.toString());
* Another command line parsing puzzle from Kai Hu - as
* far as I understand it there is no way to express that
* in a one-line command string.
public void testParseComplexCommandLine2() {
String commandline = "./script/jrake cruise:publish_installers "
+ "INSTALLER_VERSION=unstable_2_1 "
+ "INSTALLER_PATH=\"/var/lib/ cruise-agent/installers\" "
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse(commandline);
String[] args = cmdl.getArguments();
assertEquals(args[0], "cruise:publish_installers");
assertEquals(args[1], "INSTALLER_VERSION=unstable_2_1");
// assertEquals(args[2], "INSTALLER_PATH=\"/var/lib/ cruise-agent/installers\"");
// assertEquals(args[3], "INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_SERVER='something'");
assertEquals(args[4], "WITHOUT_HELP_DOC=true");
* Test the following command line
* cmd.exe /C c:\was51\Web Sphere\AppServer\bin\versionInfo.bat
public void testParseRealLifeCommandLine_1() {
String commandline = "cmd.exe /C \"c:\\was51\\Web Sphere\\AppServer\\bin\\versionInfo.bat\"";
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse(commandline);
String[] args = cmdl.getArguments();
assertEquals("/C", args[0]);
assertEquals("\"c:\\was51\\Web Sphere\\AppServer\\bin\\versionInfo.bat\"", args[1]);
* Create a command line with pre-quoted strings to test SANDBOX-192,
* e.g. "runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""
public void testComplexAddArgument() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("runMemorySud.cmd");
cmdl.addArgument("10", false);
cmdl.addArgument("30", false);
cmdl.addArgument("-XX:+UseParallelGC", false);
cmdl.addArgument("\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\"", false);
assertEquals(new String[] {"runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
* Create a command line with pre-quoted strings to test SANDBOX-192,
* e.g. "runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""
public void testComplexAddArguments1() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("runMemorySud.cmd");
cmdl.addArguments(new String[] {"10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""}, false);
assertEquals(new String[] {"runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
* Create a command line with pre-quoted strings to test SANDBOX-192,
* e.g. "runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""
* Please not that we re forced to add additional single quotes to get the test working -
* don't know if this is a bug or a feature.
public void testComplexAddArguments2() {
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine("runMemorySud.cmd");
cmdl.addArguments("10 30 -XX:+UseParallelGC '\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\"'", false);
assertEquals(new String[] {"runMemorySud.cmd", "10", "30", "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "\"-XX:ParallelGCThreads=2\""}, cmdl.toStrings());
* Test expanding the command line based on a user-supplied map.
public void testCommandLineParsingWithExpansion1() {
CommandLine cmdl;
HashMap substitutionMap = new HashMap();
substitutionMap.put("JAVA_HOME", "/usr/local/java");
substitutionMap.put("appMainClass", "");
substitutionMap.put("file1", new File("./pom.xml"));
substitutionMap.put("file2", new File(".\\temp\\READ ME.txt"));
HashMap incompleteMap = new HashMap();
incompleteMap.put("JAVA_HOME", "/usr/local/java");
// do not pass substitution map
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${appMainClass}");
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("${JAVA_HOME}") == 0 );
assertEquals(new String[] {"${appMainClass}"}, cmdl.getArguments());
// pass arguments with an empty map
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${appMainClass}", new HashMap());
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("${JAVA_HOME}") == 0 );
assertEquals(new String[] {"${appMainClass}"}, cmdl.getArguments());
// pass an complete substitution map
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${appMainClass}", substitutionMap);
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("${JAVA_HOME}") < 0 );
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("local") > 0 );
assertEquals(new String[] {""}, cmdl.getArguments());
// pass an incomplete substitution map resulting in unresolved variables
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${appMainClass}", incompleteMap);
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("${JAVA_HOME}") < 0 );
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("local") > 0 );
assertEquals(new String[] {"${appMainClass}"}, cmdl.getArguments());
// pass a file
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${appMainClass} ${file1} ${file2}", substitutionMap);
assertTrue(cmdl.getExecutable().indexOf("${file}") < 0 );
* Test expanding the command line based on a user-supplied map. The main
* goal of the test is to setup a command line using macros and reuse
* it multiple times.
public void testCommandLineParsingWithExpansion2() {
CommandLine cmdl;
String[] result;
// build the user supplied parameters
HashMap substitutionMap = new HashMap();
substitutionMap.put("JAVA_HOME", "C:\\Programme\\jdk1.5.0_12");
substitutionMap.put("appMainClass", "");
// build the command line
cmdl = new CommandLine("${JAVA_HOME}\\bin\\java");
// build the first command line
substitutionMap.put("file", "C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432431.pdf");
result = cmdl.toStrings();
// verify the first command line
// please note - the executable argument is changed to using platform specific file separator char
// whereas all other variable substitution are not touched
assertEquals(StringUtils.fixFileSeparatorChar("C:\\Programme\\jdk1.5.0_12\\bin\\java"), result[0]);
assertEquals("-class", result[1]);
assertEquals("", result[2]);
assertEquals("\"C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432431.pdf\"", result[3]);
// verify the first command line again but by
// accessing the executable and arguments directly
String executable = cmdl.getExecutable();
String[] arguments = cmdl.getArguments();
assertEquals(StringUtils.fixFileSeparatorChar("C:\\Programme\\jdk1.5.0_12\\bin\\java"), executable);
assertEquals("-class", arguments[0]);
assertEquals("", arguments[1]);
assertEquals("\"C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432431.pdf\"", arguments[2]);
// build the second command line with updated parameters resulting in a different command line
substitutionMap.put("file", "C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf");
result = cmdl.toStrings();
assertEquals(StringUtils.fixFileSeparatorChar("C:\\Programme\\jdk1.5.0_12\\bin\\java"), result[0]);
assertEquals("-class", result[1]);
assertEquals("", result[2]);
assertEquals("\"C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf\"", result[3]);
public void testCommandLineParsingWithExpansion3(){
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse("AcroRd32.exe");
cmdl.addArgument("${file}", false);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put("file", "C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf");
String[] result = cmdl.toStrings();
assertEquals("AcroRd32.exe", result[0]);
assertEquals("/p", result[1]);
assertEquals("/h", result[2]);
assertEquals("C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf", result[3]);
* Test the toString() method.
* @throws Exception the test failed
public void testToString() throws Exception {
CommandLine cmdl;
HashMap params = new HashMap();
// use no arguments
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("AcroRd32.exe", params);
assertEquals(cmdl.toString(), "AcroRd32.exe");
// use an argument containing spaces
params.put("file", "C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf");
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("AcroRd32.exe /p /h '${file}'", params);
assertEquals(cmdl.toString(), "AcroRd32.exe /p /h \"C:\\Document And Settings\\documents\\432432.pdf\"");
// use an argument without spaces
params.put("file", "C:\\documents\\432432.pdf");
cmdl = CommandLine.parse("AcroRd32.exe /p /h '${file}'", params);
assertEquals(cmdl.toString(), "AcroRd32.exe /p /h C:\\documents\\432432.pdf");
* Some complex real-life command line from
public void _testExec36_1() throws Exception {
CommandLine cmdl;
String line = "./script/jrake "
+ "cruise:publish_installers "
+ "INSTALLER_VERSION=unstable_2_1 "
+ "INSTALLER_PATH=\"/var/lib/cruise-agent/installers\" "
cmdl = CommandLine.parse(line);
String[] args = cmdl.toStrings();
assertEquals("./script/jrake", args[0]);
assertEquals("cruise:publish_installers", args[1]);
assertEquals("INSTALLER_VERSION=unstable_2_1", args[2]);
assertEquals("INSTALLER_PATH=\"/var/lib/cruise-agent/installers\"", args[3]);
assertEquals("INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_SERVER='something'", args[4]);
assertEquals("WITHOUT_HELP_DOC=true", args[5]);
* Some complex real-life command line from
public void _testExec36_2() {
CommandLine cmdl;
String line = "dotnetfx.exe"
+ " /q:a "
+ "/c:\"install.exe /l \"\"c:\\Documents and Settings\\myusername\\Local Settings\\Temp\\netfx.log\"\" /q\"";
cmdl = CommandLine.parse(line);
String[] args = cmdl.toStrings();
assertEquals("dotnetfx.exe", args[0]);
assertEquals("/q:a", args[1]);
assertEquals("/c:\"install.exe /l \"\"c:\\Documents and Settings\\myusername\\Local Settings\\Temp\\netfx.log\"\" /q\"", args[2] );
* Test the following command line
* C:\CVS_DB\WeightsEngine /f WeightsEngine.mak CFG="WeightsEngine - Win32Release"
public void _testExec36_3() {
String commandline = "C:\\CVS_DB\\WeightsEngine /f WeightsEngine.mak CFG=\"WeightsEngine - Win32Release\"";
CommandLine cmdl = CommandLine.parse(commandline);
String[] args = cmdl.getArguments();
assertEquals("/f", args[0]);
assertEquals("WeightsEngine.mak", args[1]);
assertEquals("CFG=\"WeightsEngine - Win32Release\"", args[2]);
public void testCopyConstructor()
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("bar", "bar");
CommandLine other = new CommandLine("test");
CommandLine cmdl = new CommandLine(other);
assertEquals(other.getExecutable(), cmdl.getExecutable());
assertEquals(other.getArguments(), cmdl.getArguments());
assertEquals(other.isFile(), cmdl.isFile());
assertEquals(other.getSubstitutionMap(), cmdl.getSubstitutionMap());