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<document xmlns=""
<title>Apache Commons Digester | Guide | Plugins</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="An overview of the Digester Plugins module.">
<p>Provides an easy mechanism whereby new digestion rules
can be added dynamically during a digestion.</p>
<subsection name="Introduction">
<p>Many applications have xml configuration files which are "extensible".
Some examples of this are:</p>
<li>Apache log4j allows user-provided "Appender" classes to be specified in
its configuration file</li>
<li>Apache Avalon allows "components" of a user-specified class</li>
<li>Apache Ant allows custom tasks to be defined</li>
<p>The Digester "plugins" module can be used to add this kind of functionality
to your own applications.
<subsection name="An Example">
<p>Let's start off with an example.</p>
Given the following digester rules in the main "parsing" application:</p>
Digester digester = new Digester();
PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
digester.setRules( rc );
digester.addObjectCreate( "pipeline", Pipeline.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "pipeline/source", "setSource", 1 );
digester.addCallParam( "pipeline/source", 0, "file" );
PluginCreateRule pcr = new PluginCreateRule( Transform.class );
digester.addRule( "pipeline/transform", pcr );
digester.addSetNext( "pipeline/transform", "setTransform" );
digester.addCallMethod("pipeline/destination", "setDest", 1);
digester.addCallParam("pipeline/destination", 0, "file");
digester.parse( filename );
the following input can be processed:
&lt;source file="input.txt"/&gt;
&lt;transform plugin-class="SubstituteTransform"&gt;
&lt;destination file="output.txt"/&gt;
Note that the "SubstituteTransform" class is not hard-wired into the
application, and also that this class is configuring itself from the
same configuration file.</p>
The user can specify any class they like here, and (provided that class follows
the plugins conventions) it can use any Digester functionality to process
the configuration data within the transform tag and its subtags.</p>
The original application simply defined a "plugin point" of
"pipeline/transform" at which user classes could be plugged in. However
it did not specify what classes were permitted, other than that they
must implement the Transform interface. It is the input file which has
defined exactly which class should be instantiated when the transform
element is encountered, and furthermore the "plugin" class itself has
dynamically added rules for parsing elements nested within itself.</p>
A class used as a plugin may dynamically add its own rules to the digester,
in order to process its attributes and any subtags in any manner it wishes.
This may be done by several mechanisms, including:</p>
<li> declaring a method <code>public static void addRules(Digester d, String
pattern)</code> on the class being "plugged in", or</li>
<li> providing a separate "rule info" class, somewhat in the spirit of
"BeanInfo" classes for java beans, or</li>
<li> providing an xmlrules file which defines the associated parsing rules.</li>
<p>If a plugin class has a no-parameter constructor, does not expect any subtags,
and is satisfied with mapping any attributes on the parent xml tag to
bean-property-setter methods on itself, then no rules need to be defined at
all; the class can be used as a plugin without any coding.</p>
In the example above, an end user may create their own classes which implement
the required Transform interface, then cause these custom classes to be used
instead of, or in addition to, classes distributed with the application.</p>
<subsection name="Plugin Declarations">
<p>As well as the syntax shown above, where plugin classnames were defined
as they were used, plugin classes can be pre-declared (provided the application
associates a <code>PluginDeclarationRule</code> with a tag for that purpose). Example:</p>
<p>The plugin class can be declared once:</p>
&lt;plugin id="widget" class="com.acme.Widget"/&gt;
<p>and later referenced via the short "id" value:</p>
&lt;sometag plugin-id="widget" ... &gt;
<subsection name="Suggested Applications">
<p>Any application where user-specific operations may need to be performed
that cannot be known in advance by the initial application developer may
benefit from this module. Applications in the style of the Apache projects
listed at the top of this page (Log4j, Cocoon, Ant) are examples.</p>
Note also that plugged-in classes can themselves allow user-defined classes
to be plugged in within their configuration. This allows a very simple
framework to be extended almost without limit by the end user.</p>
<subsection name="Terminology">
<p>The term "plugin declaration" refers to an xml element which matches a
PluginDeclarationRule, where the user specifies an id-to-class mapping.</p>
The term "plugin point" refers to a pattern associated with a PluginCreateRule.
An xml element matching that pattern is expected to have a plugin-id attribute
(but see note on "default plugins" elsewhere in this document).</p>
<subsection name="Limitations">
<p>The user cannot replace the <i>name</i> of the tag used as the plugin-point;
<code>&lt;statement plugin-id="if"&gt;</code> cannot become &lt;if&gt;.</p>
An instance of "PluginRules" must be used as the Rules implementation
for the Digester (see example). However a PluginRules can use any other Rules
implementation as its rule-matching engine, so this is not a significant issue.
Plugged-in classes may only use the default RulesBase matching for the rules
they add dynamically.</p>
For technical reasons, a single instance of PluginCreateRule cannot
currently be associated with multiple patterns; multiple instances are
required. This is not expected to be a problem.
<subsection name="Performance">
<p>For patterns which do not involve "plugin points" there is minimal
performance impact when adding rules to the Digester, and none when
processing input data.</p>
Processing elements which match patterns added dynamically by plugin classes
does have a performance impact, but not excessively so.</p>
<subsection name="Alternatives">
<p>The "xmlrules" digester module allows modification of parsing rules
without code changes or recompilation. However this feature is aimed
at the developer, not the end user of an application. The differences
between xmlrules functionality and plugins functionality are:</p>
With xmlrules, the full set of parsing rules for the whole configuration file
is exposed. This is good for developers, but in most cases both too complex
and too dangerous to require end users to edit directly.
Using xmlrules requires a fair level of knowledge of the Apache Digester.
How an end user (not a plugin developer) can use plugins can be explained in
about 3 paragraphs. </li>
<subsection name="How to write plugin classes">
<p>In order to be useful, the problem domain needs to involve a base class or
interface which can have multiple implementations. This section assumes that
this is the case, that you have already created a concrete implementation
of that base class or interface, and are wondering what changes need to
be made to that class to make it suitable for a "plugin".</p>
Well, if the class has a no-argument constuctor, and only simple configuration
needs that can be met by a SetPropertiesRule, then no changes need to be
made at all.</p>
In other circumstances, you may either define an "addRules" method on the
class which adds any necessary rules to the digester, a separate class
containing that information, or write an xmlrules-format file defining the
necessary rules. In the "separate rule info class" approach, the class containing
the rule info may have any name of your choice, but the original class +
"RuleInfo" is recommended.</p>
Here is the addRules method on class SubstituteTransform, from the example:</p>
public static void addRules(Digester d, String pathPrefix) {
d.addCallMethod(pathPrefix+"/from", "setFrom", 0);
d.addCallMethod(pathPrefix+"/to", "setTo", 0);
<p>A "rule info" class consists of nothing but a static method defined as above.</p>
If a plugin class does not define an "addRules" method, and the plugin
declaration does not associate a rule info class with it, then the
plugins module will define a "SetPropertiesRule" by default. However if
any custom rules are defined for the plugin class, then that implementation
is required to define a SetPropertiesRule for itself if it desires one.</p>
Note that when adding any rules, the pattern passed to the digester
<i>must</i> start with the pathPrefix provided. A plugin cannot
define rules with absolute paths. And as defined in the limitations, the
pattern should not include any wildcard characters.</p>
<subsection name="Other features">
<p>Multiple plugin declarations are permitted; the latest simply overrides
earlier ones.</p>
In situations where a user <i>might</i> want to specify a custom class,
but will often want "default" behaviour, a PluginCreateRule can specify
a default class. If the user then omits the "plugin-id" attribute on
the matching xml element, an instance of the default class will be
<section name="Plugin strategies">
The <code>plugins.strategies</code> package contains "rule-finding" strategy
classes, and their associated "helper" loader classes.</p>
Note that you do not need to understand or deal with any of the classes in
this package in order to use the plugins functionality. If you wish to use
plugins functionality in non-english languages and therefore want to
change the attribute names used on plugin declaration tags ("id", "file", etc)
then you will need some familiarity with this package. Otherwise, this package
is only relevant to people really wishing to tweak plugins in unexpected
ways. If this is the case, come and talk to us on the digester email lists
as we would be interested in knowing about your requirements.</p>
When the plugins module is being used and the input xml indicates that
a specific plugin class is to be instantiated, that class may then wish
to configure itself from the xml attributes on that tag or xml attributes
and elements nested within that tag.</p>
The question is: how is the digester going to figure out where the plugin
keeps its custom rules which are to be applied to the xml within that
plugin tag?</p>
Well, the answer is that there is a list of "rule finding strategies",
generally containing an instance of each of the Finder classes in this
package in a specific order. The strategies provided here should satisfy
just about everyone, but if they don't you can add extra strategies if
A RuleFinder is essentially a "strategy" or "algorithm" for finding the dynamic
rules associated with a plugin class. When a plugin declaration is encountered
in the input xml, the PluginContext object is asked for the list of RuleFinder
objects, then each RuleFinder instance in turn is passed the declaration
parameters, and asked "are you able to locate custom parsing rules for this
declaration?". When one can, it returns a RuleLoader instance which is
remembered. When the input xml indicates that an instance of the declared
plugin class is to be created, that RuleLoader is invoked to temporarily add
the relevant custom rules to the Digester in order to map xml
attributes/elements/etc into the instantiated plugin object. Once the end of
the plugin tag is encountered, those temporary rules are removed. This repeats
each time the input xml indicates that an instance of a plugin class is to be
If the plugin is declared "inline", using the "plugin-class" attribute
instead of using "plugin-id" to reference a previous declaration then the
process is exactly the same, except that the RuleFinder objects don't
have any user-provided attribute "hints" to tell them where the custom
rules are.</p>
The RuleFinder list is carefully ordered; classes which look at the
user-provided data in the declaration come first, and classes which look in
"well-known places" come later so that users can override default behaviour by
providing the appropriate tags on the plugin declaration.</p>
See the javadoc on the different Finder classes for information on what
each does, and what attribute (if any) it looks for in the declaration.</p>