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<document xmlns=""
<title>Apache Commons Digester | Guide | Annotations</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Annotations">
<p>The <code>annotations</code> package provides for Java5 Annotations
meta-data based definition of rules for <code>Digester</code>.
This improves maintainability of both Java code and XML documents, as
rules are now defined in POJOs and generating <code>Digester</code>
parsers at run-time, avoiding manual updates.</p>
<subsection name="Introduction">
<p>This is a brief overview of the digester-rules-in-Java5 Annotations
feature. Inspired by the basic idea behind the JPA, BeanValidation and
JAXB's specifications, this feature lets you define Digester rules
directly in target POJOs, instead of creating and initializing the Rules
objects programmatically, which can become tedious.</p>
<subsection name="Annotation Rules">
<p>A digester rule on a POJO is expressed through one or more annotations.
An annotation is considered a digester rule definition if its retention
policy contains RUNTIME and if the annotation itself is annotated with
<p>The <code>DigesterRule</code> is defined by the combination of:</p>
<li>the reflected <code>Class&lt;? extends org.apache.commons.digester3.Rule&gt;</code>
by the annotation;</li>
<li>the <code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.AnnotationHandler</code>
class that has to be invoked during the target class traversal.</li>
<p>Digester annotations can target any of the following <code>ElementType</code>s:</p>
<li><code>FIELD</code> for Digester rules concerning attributes;</li>
<li><code>METHOD</code> for Digester rules concerning methods calls;</li>
<li><code>PARAMETER</code> for Digester rules concerning methods parameters setting;</li>
<li><code>TYPE</code> for Digester rules concerning types creation.</li>
<p>While other <code>ElementType</code>s are not forbidden, the Digester
annotations processor does not have to recognize and process annotation
rules placed on such types.</p>
<p>Every Digester rule annotation <b>must</b> define a <i>pattern</i>
element of type <code>String</code> that represents the element matching
path pattern, and the <i>namespaceURI</i> for which the <code>Rule</code> is relevant.</p>
reflectsRule = ObjectCreateRule.class,
providedBy = ObjectCreateRuleProvider.class
public @interface ObjectCreate
String pattern();
String namespaceURI() default "";
<subsection name="Applying multiple annotation rule of the same type">
<p>It is often useful to declare the same annotation rule more than once
to the same target, with different properties. To support this requirement,
the Digester annotation processor treats annotations annotated by
whose <code>value</code> element has a return type of an array of rule
annotations in a special way. Each element in the value array are processed
by the Digester annotation processor as regular annotation rule annotations.
This means that each Digester rule specified in the <code>value</code>
element is applied to the target. The annotation must have retention
<code>RUNTIME</code> and can be applied on a type, field, method or
method parameter. It is recommended to use the same set of targets as
the initial Digester annotation rule.</p>
<p>Note to designers: each Digester annotation rule should be coupled
with its corresponding multi-valued annotation.
It is recommended, though not mandated, the definition of
an inner annotation named <code>List</code>.</p>
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@Target( ElementType.TYPE )
reflectsRule = ObjectCreateRule.class,
handledBy = ObjectCreateHandler.class
public @interface ObjectCreate
String pattern();
String namespaceURI() default "";
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@Target( ElementType.TYPE )
@interface List
ObjectCreate[] value();
<subsection name="AnnotationHandler implementation">
<p>An <code>AnnotationHandler</code> implementation performs the rule binding
of a given annotation for a given annotated element. The implementation
classes are specified by the <code>handledBy</code> element of the
<code>@DigesterRule</code> annotation that decorates the rule annotation
definition. The rule provider implementation implements the
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.AnnotationHandler&lt;A extends Annotation, E extends AnnotatedElement&gt;</code>
<source>class ObjectCreateHandler
implements AnnotationHandler&lt;ObjectCreate, Class&lt;?&gt;&gt;
public void handle( ObjectCreate annotation, Class&lt;?&gt; element, RulesBinder rulesBinder )
rulesBinder.forPattern( annotation.pattern() )
.withNamespaceURI( annotation.namespaceURI() )
.ofType( element )
.ofTypeSpecifiedByAttribute( annotation.attributeName() != null ? annotation.attributeName() : null );
<p>A new instance of the <code>AnnotationHandler</code> will be created each time the Digester
annotations processor will meet the relative rule that requests it.</p>
<p>To supply the missing <code>AnnotatedElement</code> for methods
<code>PARAMETER</code>s, the Digester annotation processor come with the
<subsection name="Built-in Rules">
<p>All built-in annotation rules are in the package
Here is the list of annotations and their usage.</p>
<h4><code>TYPE</code> annotations</h4>
<tr><th>Annotation</th><th>Reflect rule</th></tr>
<h4><code>FIELD</code> annotations</h4>
<tr><th>Annotation</th><th>Reflect rule</th></tr>
<h4><code>METHOD</code> annotations</h4>
<tr><th>Annotation</th><th>Reflect rule</th></tr>
<h4><code>PARAMETER</code> annotations</h4>
<tr><th>Annotation</th><th>Reflect rule</th></tr>
<subsection name="Bootstrapping">
<p>The core of Digester annotations rules processor is the
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.FromAnnotationsRuleModule</code> class, a specialization of
<p>A <code>FromAnnotationsRuleModule</code>
instance is able to analyze <code>Class&lt;?&gt;</code> graphs and builds
the relative rule bindings to create
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester</code> instances.</p>
<p>An <code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.AnnotationHandlerFactory</code>
implementation performs the creation of
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.AnnotationHandler&lt;A extends Annotation, E extends AnnotatedElement&gt;</code>
instances; the default implementation is limited to create the handler
by invoking the default empty constructor of the required class, but
users are free to give their implementation if they need a more complex
factory, i.e. providers requires components that could be injected from a
context, etc. etc.</p>
<p>Said that, to obtain a fresh new
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.binder.DigesterLoader</code> instance
with default factories, it is enough extending the
<code>org.apache.commons.digester3.annotations.FromAnnotationsRuleModule</code> class:</p>
<source>class MyModule
extends FromAnnotationsRuleModule
protected void configureRules()
bindRulesFrom( MyType1.class );
bindRulesFrom( MyType2.class );
bindRulesFrom( MyType3.class );
<p>Otherwise, if users need specify their custom factory:</p>
<source>class MyModule
extends FromAnnotationsRuleModule
protected void configureRules()
useAnnotationHandlerFactory( new MyAnnotationHandlerFactory() );
bindRulesFrom( MyType1.class );
bindRulesFrom( MyType2.class );
bindRulesFrom( MyType3.class );
<subsection name="Example: a simple RSS parser">
<p>Let's assume there is the need to parse the following (simplified)
XML/RSS feed:</p>
<source>&lt;rss version="2.0"&gt;
&lt;description&gt;The Apache Software Foundation&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;rating&gt;(PICS-1.1 ""
2 gen true comment "RSACi North America Server"
for "" on "1996.04.16T08:15-0500"
r (n 0 s 0 v 0 l 0))&lt;/rating&gt;
&lt;description&gt;The Jakarta project. Open source, serverside java.&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Commons Attributes 2.1 Released&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;description&gt;The Apache Commons team is happy to announce the release of Commons Attributes 2.1.
This is the first release of the new Commons-Attributes code.&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Cloudscape Becomes Apache Derby&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;description&gt;IBM has submitted a proposal to the Apache DB project for a Java-based package to be called 'Derby'.&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Commons BeanUtils 1.7 Released&lt;/title&gt;
&lt;title&gt;Commons JXPath 1.2 Released&lt;/title&gt;
<p>So, let's define the Java entities and annotate them; first the <code>Channel</code> entity:</p>
<source>@ObjectCreate( pattern = "rss/channel" )
class Channel
private final List&lt;Item&gt; items = new ArrayList&lt;Item&gt;();
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/title" )
private String title;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/link" )
private String link;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/description" )
private String description;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/language" )
private String language;
private Image image;
// getters and setters
public void setImage( Image image )
this.image = image;
public void addItem( Item item )
this.items.add( item );
<p>Then the <code>Image</code> entity:</p>
<source>@ObjectCreate( pattern = "rss/channel/image" )
class Image
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/description" )
private String description;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/width" )
private int width;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/height" )
private int height;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/link" )
private String link;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/title" )
private String title;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/image/url" )
private String url;
// getters and setters
<p>and finally the <code>Item</code> entity:</p>
<source>@ObjectCreate( pattern = "rss/channel/item" )
class Item
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/item/description" )
private String description;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/item/link" )
private String link;
@BeanPropertySetter( pattern = "rss/channel/item/title" )
private String title;
// getters and setters
<p>It is now possible to create the <code>Digester</code> instance and parse the XML:</p>
<source>import static org.apache.commons.digester3.binder.DigesterLoader.newLoader;
import org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester3.binder.DigesterLoader;
DigesterLoader loader = newLoader( new FromAnnotationsRuleModule()
protected void configureRules()
bindRulesFrom( Channel.class );
} );
Digester digester = digesterLoader.newDigester();
Channel channel = digester.parse( new URL( "" ).openStream() );
catch (Exception e)
// do something