blob: 7ef3ee92e6c43b305994736c8cce667fb57b1b30 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.commons.digester3.binder;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.commons.digester3.Rule;
* Builder invoked to bind one or more rules to a pattern.
* @since 3.0
public final class LinkedRuleBuilder
private final RulesBinder mainBinder;
private final FromBinderRuleSet fromBinderRuleSet;
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
private final String keyPattern;
private String namespaceURI;
LinkedRuleBuilder( final RulesBinder mainBinder, final FromBinderRuleSet fromBinderRuleSet,
final ClassLoader classLoader, final String keyPattern )
this.mainBinder = mainBinder;
this.fromBinderRuleSet = fromBinderRuleSet;
this.classLoader = classLoader;
this.keyPattern = keyPattern;
* Construct rule that automatically sets a property from the body text, taking the property
* name the same as the current element.
* @return a new {@link BeanPropertySetterBuilder} instance.
public BeanPropertySetterBuilder setBeanProperty()
return addProvider( new BeanPropertySetterBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Calls a method on an object on the stack (normally the top/parent object), passing arguments collected from
* subsequent {@link #callParam()} rule or from the body of this element.
* @param methodName Method name of the parent object to call
* @return a new {@link CallMethodBuilder} instance.
public CallMethodBuilder callMethod( final String methodName )
if ( methodName == null || methodName.isEmpty() )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).callMethod( String ) } empty 'methodName' not allowed",
keyPattern );
return this.addProvider( new CallMethodBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, methodName,
classLoader ) );
* Saves a parameter for use by a surrounding {@link #callMethod(String)}.
* @return a new {@link CallParamBuilder} instance.
public CallParamBuilder callParam()
return this.addProvider( new CallParamBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Construct a "call parameter" rule that will save the body text of this element as the parameter value.
* @return a new {@link PathCallParamBuilder} instance.
public PathCallParamBuilder callParamPath()
return addProvider( new PathCallParamBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Uses an {@link org.apache.commons.digester3.ObjectCreationFactory} to create a new object which it
* pushes onto the object stack.
* When the element is complete, the object will be popped.
* @return a new {@link FactoryCreateBuilder} instance.
public FactoryCreateBuilder factoryCreate()
return addProvider( new FactoryCreateBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, classLoader ) );
* Construct an object.
* @return a new {@link ObjectCreateBuilder} instance.
public ObjectCreateBuilder createObject()
return addProvider( new ObjectCreateBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, classLoader ) );
* Saves a parameter for use by a surrounding {@link #callMethod(String)}.
* @param <T> The parameter type to pass along
* @param paramObj The parameter to pass along
* @return a new {@link ObjectParamBuilder} instance.
public <T> ObjectParamBuilder<T> objectParam( /* @Nullable */final T paramObj )
return addProvider( new ObjectParamBuilder<T>( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, paramObj ) );
* Sets properties on the object at the top of the stack,
* based on child elements with names matching properties on that object.
* @return a new {@link NestedPropertiesBuilder} instance.
public NestedPropertiesBuilder setNestedProperties()
// that would be useful when adding rules via automatically generated rules binding (such annotations)
final NestedPropertiesBuilder nestedPropertiesBuilder =
fromBinderRuleSet.getProvider( keyPattern, namespaceURI, NestedPropertiesBuilder.class );
if ( nestedPropertiesBuilder != null )
return nestedPropertiesBuilder;
return addProvider( new NestedPropertiesBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Calls a method on the (top-1) (parent) object, passing the top object (child) as an argument,
* commonly used to establish parent-child relationships.
* @param methodName Method name of the parent method to call
* @return a new {@link SetNextBuilder} instance.
public SetNextBuilder setNext( final String methodName )
if ( methodName == null || methodName.isEmpty() )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).setNext( String ) } empty 'methodName' not allowed",
keyPattern );
return this.addProvider( new SetNextBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, methodName,
classLoader ) );
* Sets properties on the object at the top of the stack, based on attributes with corresponding names.
* @return a new {@link SetPropertiesBuilder} instance.
public SetPropertiesBuilder setProperties()
// that would be useful when adding rules via automatically generated rules binding (such annotations)
final SetPropertiesBuilder setPropertiesBuilder =
fromBinderRuleSet.getProvider( keyPattern, namespaceURI, SetPropertiesBuilder.class );
if ( setPropertiesBuilder != null )
return setPropertiesBuilder;
return addProvider( new SetPropertiesBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Sets an individual property on the object at the top of the stack, based on attributes with specified names.
* @param attributePropertyName Name of the attribute that will contain the name of the property to be set
* @return a new {@link SetPropertyBuilder} instance.
public SetPropertyBuilder setProperty( final String attributePropertyName )
if ( attributePropertyName == null || attributePropertyName.isEmpty() )
.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).setProperty( String ) } empty 'attributePropertyName' not allowed",
keyPattern );
return addProvider( new SetPropertyBuilder( keyPattern,
attributePropertyName ) );
* Calls a method on the root object on the stack, passing the top object (child) as an argument.
* @param methodName Method name of the parent method to call
* @return a new {@link SetRootBuilder} instance.
public SetRootBuilder setRoot( final String methodName )
if ( methodName == null || methodName.isEmpty() )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).setRoot( String ) } empty 'methodName' not allowed",
keyPattern );
return addProvider( new SetRootBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, methodName, classLoader ) );
* Calls a "set top" method on the top (child) object, passing the (top-1) (parent) object as an argument.
* @param methodName Method name of the "set parent" method to call
* @return a new {@link SetTopBuilder} instance.
public SetTopBuilder setTop( final String methodName )
if ( methodName == null || methodName.isEmpty() )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).setTop( String ) } empty 'methodName' not allowed",
keyPattern );
return addProvider( new SetTopBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, methodName, classLoader ) );
* A Digester rule which allows the user to pre-declare a class which is to
* be referenced later at a plugin point by a PluginCreateRule.
* NOTE: when using this rule, make sure {@link org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester} instances
* will be created using {@link org.apache.commons.digester3.plugins.PluginRules} rules strategy.
* @return a new {@link PluginDeclarationRuleBuilder} instance.
public PluginDeclarationRuleBuilder declarePlugin()
return addProvider( new PluginDeclarationRuleBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* A Digester rule which allows the user to declare a plugin.
* NOTE: when using this rule, make sure {@link org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester} instances
* will be created using {@link org.apache.commons.digester3.plugins.PluginRules} rules strategy.
* @return a new {@link PluginDeclarationRuleBuilder} instance.
public PluginCreateRuleBuilder createPlugin()
return addProvider( new PluginCreateRuleBuilder( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* A rule implementation that creates a DOM Node containing the XML at the element that matched the rule.
* @return a new {@link NodeCreateRuleProvider} instance.
public NodeCreateRuleProvider createNode()
return addProvider( new NodeCreateRuleProvider( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this ) );
* Add a custom user rule in the specified pattern.
* <b>WARNING</b> keep away from this method as much as you can, since there's the risk
* same input {@link Rule} instance is plugged to more than one Digester;
* use {@link #addRuleCreatedBy(RuleProvider)} instead!!!
* @see #addRuleCreatedBy(RuleProvider)
* @see Rule#setDigester(org.apache.commons.digester3.Digester)
* @param <R> The rule type
* @param rule The custom user rule
* @return a new {@link ByRuleBuilder} instance.
public <R extends Rule> ByRuleBuilder<R> addRule( final R rule )
if ( rule == null )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).addRule( R ) } NULL rule not valid", keyPattern );
return this.addProvider( new ByRuleBuilder<R>( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, rule ) );
* Add a custom user rule in the specified pattern built by the given provider.
* @param <R> The rule type
* @param provider The rule provider
* @return a new {@link ByRuleProviderBuilder} instance.
public <R extends Rule> ByRuleProviderBuilder<R> addRuleCreatedBy( final RuleProvider<R> provider )
if ( provider == null )
mainBinder.addError( "{ forPattern( \"%s\" ).addRuleCreatedBy() } null rule provider not valid",
keyPattern );
return addProvider( new ByRuleProviderBuilder<R>( keyPattern, namespaceURI, mainBinder, this, provider ) );
* Sets the namespace URI for the current rule pattern.
* @param namespaceURI the namespace URI associated to the rule pattern.
* @return this {@link LinkedRuleBuilder} instance
public LinkedRuleBuilder withNamespaceURI( /* @Nullable */final String namespaceURI )
if ( namespaceURI == null || !namespaceURI.isEmpty() )
this.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
// ignore empty namespaces, null is better
this.namespaceURI = null;
return this;
* Add a provider in the data structure where storing the providers binding.
* @param <R> The rule will be created by the given provider
* @param provider The provider has to be stored in the data structure
* @return The provider itself has to be stored in the data structure
private <R extends Rule, RB extends AbstractBackToLinkedRuleBuilder<R>> RB addProvider( final RB provider )
fromBinderRuleSet.registerProvider( provider );
return provider;