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<document xmlns=""
<title>Apache Commons Digester | Guide | Rules Binder</title>
<author email="">Commons Documentation Team</author>
<section name="Rules Binder (new)">
<p>The Digester 3 design aims to eliminate all the Digester boilerplate without sacrificing maintainability.</p>
<p>With Digester 3, you implement modules, the
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/DigesterLoader.html">DigesterLoader</a>
passes a <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/RulesBinder.html">RulesBinder</a> to your module, and your
module uses the binder to map patterns to <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/Rule.html">Rule</a>s.
We can break Digester's 3 architecture down into two distinct stages: startup and runtime.
You build a <code>DigesterLoader</code> during startup and use it to obtain <code>Digester</code> instances at
<subsection name="Startup">
<p>You configure the Digester by implementing <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/RulesModule.html">RulesModule</a>.
You pass <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/DigesterLoader.html">DigesterLoader</a> a module, the
<code>DigesterLoader</code> passes your module a <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/RulesBinder.html">RulesBinder</a>,
and your module uses the binder to configure <i>patterns/rules</i> bindings. A binding most commonly consist of a mapping
between a pattern and one or more <a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/Rule.html">Rule</a>. For example:</p>
class EmployeeModule
implements RulesModule
protected void configure( RulesBinder rulesBinder )
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee" ).createObject().ofType( Employee.class );
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/firstName" ).setBeanProperty();
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/lastName" ).setBeanProperty();
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/address" )
.createObject().ofType( Address.class )
.setNext( "addAddress" );
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/address/type" ).setBeanProperty();
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/address/city" ).setBeanProperty();
rulesBinder.forPattern( "employee/address/state" ).setBeanProperty();
<p>DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself): Repeating "rulesBinder" over and over for each binding can get a little tedious.
The Digester package provides a module support class named
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/binder/AbstractRulesModule.html">AbstractRulesModule</a> which
implicitly gives you access to <code>RulesBinder</code>'s methods. For example, we could extend
<code>AbstractRulesModule</code> and rewrite the above binding as:</p>
class EmployeeModule
extends AbstractRulesModule
protected void configure()
forPattern( "employee" ).createObject().ofType( Employee.class );
forPattern( "employee/firstName" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/lastName" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address" )
.createObject().ofType( Address.class )
.setNext( "addAddress" );
forPattern( "employee/address/type" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address/city" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address/state" ).setBeanProperty();
<p>We'll use this syntax throughout the rest of the guide.</p>
<p>Creating a Digester entails the following steps:</p>
<li>First, create an instance of your module and pass it to <code>DigesterLoader.newLoader()</code>.</li>
<li>The <code>DigesterLoader</code> creates a <code>RulesBinder</code> and passes it to your module.</li>
<li>Your module uses the binder to define bindings.</li>
<li>Set any desired <a href="./core.html#doc.Properties">configuration properties</a>
that will customize the operation of the Digester when you next initiate
a parse operation.</li>
<li>Based on the bindings you specified, <code>DigesterLoader</code> creates a <code>Digester</code> by invoking
<code>DigesterLoader.newDigester()</code> and returns it to you.</li>
<li>Optionally, push any desired initial object(s) onto the Digester's <a href="core.html#doc.Stack">object stack</a>.</li>
<li>Call the <code>digester.parse()</code> method, passing a reference to the
XML document to be parsed in one of a variety of forms. See the
<a href="../apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester3/Digester.html#parse(">Digester.parse()</a>
documentation for details. Note that you will need to be prepared to
catch any <code>IOException</code> or <code>SAXException</code> that is
thrown by the parser, or any runtime expression that is thrown by one of
the processing rules.</li>
<li>Please remember that previously
created Digester instances may be safely reused, as long as you have
completed any previously requested parse, and you do not try to utilize
a particular Digester instance from more than one thread at a time.</li>
<section name="New Digester fluent APIs">
<p>The main difference between Digester <i>1.X</i>, <i>2.X</i> and <i>3.X</i> is that the
while the first follows the approach <i>"given a Digester instance, then configure it"</i>,
the new Digester instead follows the opposite approach <i>"given one (or more) configuration(s), create
multiple Digester instances" or "configure once, create everywhere".</i></p>
<p>Why? Even if both approaches sound complementary, the core concept is given by the assumption that every
Digester instance is not thread-safe, that implies that in a multi-thread application users have often
to reinstantiate the Digester and reconfigure it, i.e in a Servlet:</p>
<source>public class EmployeeServlet
extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.setNamespaceAware( true );
digester.setXIncludeAware( true );
digester.addObjectCreate( "employee", Employee.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/firstName", "setFirstName", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/lastName", "setLastName", 0 );
digester.addObjectCreate( "employee/address", Address.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/type", "setType", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/city", "setCity", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/state", "setState", 0 );
digester.addSetNext( "employee/address", "addAddress" );
Employee employee = digester.parse( openStream( req.getParameter( "employeeId" ) ) );
<p>Nothing wrong with that approach but configuration is not reusable; the <i>RuleSet</i>
interface fills in some way the reuse of configurations lack:</p>
<source>public class EmployeeRuleSet
implements RuleSet
public void addRuleInstances( Digester digester )
digester.addObjectCreate( "employee", Employee.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/firstName", "setFirstName", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/lastName", "setLastName", 0 );
digester.addObjectCreate( "employee/address", Address.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/type", "setType", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/city", "setCity", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "employee/address/state", "setState", 0 );
digester.addSetNext( "employee/address", "addAddress" );
<p>then, in our sample servlet</p>
<source>public class EmployeeServlet
extends HttpServlet
private final RuleSet employeeRuleSet = new EmployeeRuleSet();
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.setNamespaceAware( true );
digester.setXIncludeAware( true );
employeeRuleSet.addRuleInstances( digester );
Employee employee = digester.parse( openStream( req.getParameter( "employeeId" ) ) );
<p>Nothing wrong again, but:</p>
<li>RuleSet is not really a configuration, it just sets rules to given Digester instance;</li>
<li>Digester instance creation is totally delegated to clients;</li>
<li>Rules that match to the same pattern, need to specify this last <i>n</i> times for how many
rules match, that violates the DRY principle;</li>
<li>Rules semantic is not intuitive, since their creation is strictly related to
methods/constructors arguments.</li>
<p>In the new Digester, <i>RuleSet</i> has been suppressed in favor of <i>RulesModule</i></p>
<source>class EmployeeModule
extends AbstractRulesModule
protected void configure()
forPattern( "employee" ).createObject().ofType( Employee.class );
forPattern( "employee/firstName" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/lastName" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address" )
.createObject().ofType( Address.class )
.setNext( "addAddress");
forPattern( "employee/address/type" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address/city" ).setBeanProperty();
forPattern( "employee/address/state" ).setBeanProperty();
<p>Then, our sample Servlet become:</p>
<source>public class EmployeeServlet
extends HttpServlet
private final DigesterLoader loader = newLoader( new EmployeeModule() )
.setNamespaceAware( true )
.setXIncludeAware( true );
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
Digester digester = loader.newDigester()
Employee employee = digester.parse( openStream( req.getParameter("employeeId") ) );
<p>As you can notice, the <i>RulesModule</i> implements rules via fluent APIs,
making rules semantic simpler, and the effort of configuration is moved to the startup;
the <i>DigesterLoader</i> indeed will analyze all the <i>RulesModule</i> instances
and will be ready to create new Digester instances with pre-filled rules.</p>
<section name="One single configuration point, one single universal loader">
<p>As shown above, basic Digester2.X usage would be creating a Digester then setting the rules:</p>
<source>Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.addObjectCreate( "root", "org.apache.commons.digester.SimpleTestBean" );
digester.addBeanPropertySetter( "root", "alpha" );
digester.addBeanPropertySetter( "root/alpha", "beta" );
digester.addBeanPropertySetter( "root/delta", "delta" );</source>
<p>Alternatively, users can create the <code>Rules</code> instance, set the rules and pass it to the Digester:</p>
<source>ExtendedBaseRules rules = new ExtendedBaseRules();
rules.addRule( "root", new ObjectCreateRule( "org.apache.commons.digester.SimpleTestBean" ) );
rules.addRule( "root", new BeanPropertySetterRule( "alpha" ) );
rules.addRule( "root/alpha", new BeanPropertySetterRule( "beta" ) );
rules.addRule( "root/delta", new BeanPropertySetterRule( "delta" ) );
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.setRules( rules );</source>
<p>Last, but not least, special loader classes have been created to gain more benefits from <code>RuleSet</code>:
like the <code>annotations</code> package <code>DigesterLoader</code>, to avoid scanning class elements each time
users want to create a new Digester instance to parse <code>Channel</code> type:</p>
<source>import org.apache.commons.digester.annotations.*;
DigesterLoader digesterLoader = new DigesterLoaderBuilder()
Digester digester = digesterLoader.createDigester( Channel.class );</source>
<p>In Digester3 there is just one universal loader that aggregates all the power of the components described above,
configurations are expressed via <code>(Abstract)RulesModule</code></p>
<source>class SimpleTestBeanModule
extends AbstractRulesModule
protected void configure()
forPattern( "root" )
.createObject().ofType( "org.apache.commons.digester.SimpleTestBean" )
.setBeanProperty( "alpha" );
forPattern( "root/alpha" ).setBeanProperty( "beta" );
forPattern( "root/delta" ).setBeanProperty( "delta" );
<p>Users can simply create new Digester instances:</p>
<source>DigesterLoader loader = newLoader(new SimpleTestBeanModule());
Digester digester = loader.newDigester();</source>
<p>Users can create new Digester instances on top of different <code>Rules</code> types:</p>
<code>Digester digester = loader.newDigester(new ExtendedBaseRules());</code>
<p>An, by the nature of the universal loader, auxiliary optimizations are not needed:</p>
<source>DigesterLoader loader = newLoader( new FromAnnotationsRuleModule()
protected void configureRules()
bindRulesFrom( Channel.class );
} );
Digester digester = loader.newDigester();
digester = loader.newDigester(); // Channel.class won't be analyzed again!</source>
<section name="Extensions optimization">
<p>As shown above, the universal DigesterLoader introduces a set of optimizations not or partially
introduced in the previous Digester releases: the <code>FromXmlRuleSet</code>, for example,
parses the XML Digester rules each time the Digester creation is performed:</p>
<source>FromXmlRuleSet ruleSet = new FromXmlRuleSet( MyClass.class.getResource( "myrule.xml" ) );
Digester digester = new Digester();
ruleSet.addRuleInstances( digester ); // myrule.xml will be parsed
Digester newDigester = new Digester();
ruleSet.addRuleInstances( newDigester ); // myrule.xml will be parsed again!</source>
<p>In Digester3 there's only one <code>RulesModule</code>s loading, so in the case of
<code>FromXmlRulesModule</code>, the XML rules will be parsed only once:</p>
<source>DigesterLoader loader = newLoader( new FromXmlRulesModule()
protected void loadRules()
loadXMLRulesFromText( MyClass.class.getResource( "myrule.xml" ) );
} );
Digester digester = loader.newDigester(); // myrule.xml already parsed
Digester newDigester = loader.newDigester(); // myrule.xml won't be parsed again!</source>
<section name="Startup checks and improved error reporting">
<p>The new Digester tries as much as possible to check patterns/rules binding errors during the
<code>DigesterLoader</code> bootstrap, avoiding exceptions during the parsing operations.</p>
<p>Let's suppose for example the following Digester</p>
<source>Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.addObjectCreate( "root", "com.acme.InOtherClassLoader" );
digester.addObjectCreate( "root/child", "" );
<p>is using a wrong <code>ClassLoader</code> to resolve types, or declared types are in the wrong
package; a runtime error will be thrown as soon as the <i>root</i> pattern will match.</p>
<p>Let's suppose users debug their application and fix the <code>ClassLoader</code> problem, a new
runtime error will be thrown as soon as the <i>root/child</i> pattern will match, and so on.</p>
<p>The new Digester tries to report all patterns/rules binding error in one single detailed report, i.e.</p>
<source>class SampleModule
extends AbstractRulesModule
protected void configure()
forPattern( "root" ).createObject().ofType( "com.acme.InOtherClassLoader" );
forPattern( "root/child" ).createObject().ofType( "" );
<p>The <code>DigesterLoader</code> will report problems in the following way:</p>
<source>Exception in thread "XXX" org.apache.commons.digester3.DigesterLoadingException: Digester creation errors:
1) { forPattern( "root" ).createObject().ofType( String ) } class 'com.acme.InOtherClassLoader' cannot be load (
2) { forPattern( "root/child" ).createObject().ofType( String ) } class '' cannot be load (
2 errors</source>
<p>So, users have at least an overview to debug their applications.</p>