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package org.apache.commons.digester3;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
* <p>
* Extension of {@link RulesBase} for complex schema.
* </p>
* <p>
* This is an extension of the basic pattern matching scheme intended to improve support for mapping complex xml-schema.
* It is intended to be a minimal extension of the standard rules big enough to support complex schema but without the
* full generality offered by more exotic matching pattern rules.
* </p>
* <h4>When should you use this rather than the original?</h4>
* <p>
* This pattern-matching engine is complex and slower than the basic default RulesBase class, but offers more
* functionality:
* <ul>
* <li>Universal patterns allow patterns to be specified which will match regardless of whether there are
* "better matching" patterns available.</li>
* <li>Parent-match patterns (eg "a/b/?") allow matching for all direct children of a specified element.</li>
* <li>Ancestor-match patterns (eg "a/b/*") allow matching all elements nested within a specified element to any nesting
* depth.</li>
* <li>Completely-wild patterns ("*" or "!*") allow matching all elements.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <h4>Universal Match Patterns</h4>
* <p>
* The default RulesBase pattern-matching engine always attempts to find the "best matching pattern", and will ignore
* rules associated with other patterns that match but are not "as good". As an example, if the pattern "a/b/c" is
* associated with rules 1 and 2, and "*&#47;c" is associated with rules 3 and 4 then element "a/b/c" will cause only
* rules 1 and 2 to execute. Rules 3 and 4 do have matching patterns, but because the patterns are shorter and include
* wildcard characters they are regarded as being "not as good" as a direct match. In general, exact patterns are better
* than wildcard patterns, and among multiple patterns with wildcards, the longest is preferred. See the RulesBase class
* for more information.
* </p>
* <p>
* This feature of preferring "better" patterns can be a powerful tool. However it also means that patterns can interact
* in unexpected ways.
* </p>
* <p>
* When using the ExtendedBaseRules, any pattern prefixed with '!' bypasses the "best match" feature. Even if there is
* an exact match or a longer wildcard match, patterns prefixed by '!' will still be tested to see if they match, and if
* so their associated Rule objects will be included in the set of rules to be executed in the normal manner.
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Pattern <code>"!*&#47;a/b"</code> matches whenever an 'b' element is inside an 'a'.</li>
* <li>Pattern <code>"!a/b/?"</code> matches any child of a parent matching <code>"a/b"</code> (see
* "Parent Match Patterns").</li>
* <li>Pattern <code>"!*&#47;a/b/?"</code> matches any child of a parent matching <code>"!*&#47;a/b"</code> (see
* "Parent Match Patterns").</li>
* <li>Pattern <code>"!a/b/*"</code> matches any element whose path starts with "a" then "b" (see
* "Ancestor Match Patterns").</li>
* <li>Pattern <code>"!*&#47;a/b/*"</code> matches any elements whose path contains 'a/b' (see
* "Ancestor Match Patterns").</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>Parent Match Patterns</h4>
* <p>
* These will match direct child elements of a particular parent element.
* <ul>
* <li>
* <code>"a/b/c/?"</code> matches any child whose parent matches <code>"a/b/c"</code>. Exact parent rules take
* precedence over Ancestor Match patterns.</li>
* <li>
* <code>"*&#47;a/b/c/?"</code> matches any child whose parent matches <code>"*&#47;a/b/c"</code>. The longest
* matching still applies to parent matches but the length excludes the '?', which effectively means that standard
* wildcard matches with the same level of depth are chosen in preference.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <h4>Ancestor Match Patterns</h4>
* <p>
* These will match elements whose parentage includes a particular sequence of elements.
* <ul>
* <li>
* <code>"a/b/*"</code> matches any element whose path starts with 'a' then 'b'. Exact parent and parent match rules
* take precedence. The longest ancestor match will take precedence.</li>
* <li>
* <code>"*&#47;a/b/*"</code> matches any elements whose path contains an element 'a' followed by an element 'b'.
* The longest matching still applies but the length excludes the '*' at the end.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <h4>Completely Wild Patterns</h4>
* <p>
* Pattern <code>"*"</code> matches every pattern that isn't matched by any other basic rule.
* </p>
* <p>
* Pattern <code>"!*"</code> matches every pattern.
* </p>
* <h4>Using The Extended Rules</h4>
* <p>
* By default, a Digester instance uses a {@link RulesBase} instance as its pattern matching engine. To use an
* ExtendedBaseRules instance, call the Digester.setRules method before adding any Rule objects to the digester
* instance:
* <pre>
* Digester digester = new Digester();
* digester.setRules( new ExtendedBaseRules() );
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
* The most important thing to remember when using the extended rules is that universal and non-universal patterns are
* completely independent. Universal patterns are never affected by the addition of new patterns or the removal of
* existing ones. Non-universal patterns are never affected by the addition of new <em>universal</em> patterns or the
* removal of existing <em>universal</em> patterns. As in the basic matching rules, non-universal (basic) patterns
* <strong>can</strong> be affected by the addition of new <em>non-universal</em> patterns or the removal of existing
* <em>non-universal</em> patterns, because only rules associated with the "best matching" pattern for each xml element
* are executed.
* <p>
* This means that you can use universal patterns to build up the simple parts of your structure - for example defining
* universal creation and property setting rules. More sophisticated and complex mapping will require non-universal
* patterns and this might mean that some of the universal rules will need to be replaced by a series of special cases
* using non-universal rules. But by using universal rules as your backbone, these additions should not break your
* existing rules.
* </p>
public class ExtendedBaseRules
extends RulesBase
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* Counts the entry number for the rules.
private int counter = 0;
* The decision algorithm used (unfortunately) doesn't preserve the entry order. This map is used by a comparator
* which orders the list of matches before it's returned. This map stores the entry number keyed by the rule.
private Map<Rule, Integer> order = new HashMap<Rule, Integer>();
// --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void registerRule( String pattern, Rule rule )
order.put( rule, counter );
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<Rule> match( String namespaceURI, String pattern, String name, Attributes attributes )
// calculate the pattern of the parent
// (if the element has one)
String parentPattern = "";
int lastIndex = pattern.lastIndexOf( '/' );
boolean hasParent = true;
if ( lastIndex == -1 )
// element has no parent
hasParent = false;
// calculate the pattern of the parent
parentPattern = pattern.substring( 0, lastIndex );
// we keep the list of universal matches separate
List<Rule> universalList = new ArrayList<Rule>( counter );
// Universal wildcards ('*') in the middle of the pattern-string
List<Rule> recList = null;
int parentLastIndex = -1;
// temporary parentPattern
// we don't want to change anything....
String tempParentPattern = parentPattern;
// look for pattern. Here, we search the whole
// parent. Not ideal, but does the thing....
while ( ( parentLastIndex = tempParentPattern.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ) > -1 && recList == null )
recList = this.cache.get( tempParentPattern + "/*/" + pattern.substring( lastIndex + 1 ) );
if ( recList != null )
// when /*/-pattern-string is found, add method
// list to universalList.
// Digester will do the rest
universalList.addAll( recList );
// if not, shorten tempParent to move /*/ one position
// to the left.
// as last part of patttern is always added
// we make sure pattern is allowed anywhere.
tempParentPattern = parentPattern.substring( 0, parentLastIndex );
// Universal all wildards ('!*')
// These are always matched so always add them
List<Rule> tempList = this.cache.get( "!*" );
if ( tempList != null )
universalList.addAll( tempList );
// Universal exact parent match
// need to get this now since only wildcards are considered later
tempList = this.cache.get( "!" + parentPattern + "/?" );
if ( tempList != null )
universalList.addAll( tempList );
// base behaviour means that if we certain matches, we don't continue
// but we just have a single combined loop and so we have to set
// a variable
boolean ignoreBasicMatches = false;
// see if we have an exact basic pattern match
List<Rule> rulesList = this.cache.get( pattern );
if ( rulesList != null )
// we have a match!
// so ignore all basic matches from now on
ignoreBasicMatches = true;
// see if we have an exact child match
if ( hasParent )
// matching children takes preference
rulesList = this.cache.get( parentPattern + "/?" );
if ( rulesList != null )
// we have a match!
// so ignore all basic matches from now on
ignoreBasicMatches = true;
// we don't have a match yet - so try exact ancester
rulesList = findExactAncesterMatch( pattern );
if ( rulesList != null )
// we have a match!
// so ignore all basic matches from now on
ignoreBasicMatches = true;
// OK - we're ready for the big loop!
// Unlike the basic rules case,
// we have to go through for all those universal rules in all cases.
// Find the longest key, ie more discriminant
String longKey = "";
int longKeyLength = 0;
for ( String key : this.cache.keySet() )
// find out if it's a univeral pattern
// set a flag
boolean isUniversal = key.startsWith( "!" );
if ( isUniversal )
// and find the underlying key
key = key.substring( 1, key.length() );
// don't need to check exact matches
boolean wildcardMatchStart = key.startsWith( "*/" );
boolean wildcardMatchEnd = key.endsWith( "/*" );
if ( wildcardMatchStart || ( isUniversal && wildcardMatchEnd ) )
boolean parentMatched = false;
boolean basicMatched = false;
boolean ancesterMatched = false;
boolean parentMatchEnd = key.endsWith( "/?" );
if ( parentMatchEnd )
// try for a parent match
parentMatched = parentMatch( key, pattern, parentPattern );
else if ( wildcardMatchEnd )
// check for ancester match
if ( wildcardMatchStart )
String patternBody = key.substring( 2, key.length() - 2 );
if ( pattern.endsWith( patternBody ) )
ancesterMatched = true;
ancesterMatched = ( pattern.indexOf( patternBody + "/" ) > -1 );
String bodyPattern = key.substring( 0, key.length() - 2 );
if ( pattern.startsWith( bodyPattern ) )
if ( pattern.length() == bodyPattern.length() )
// exact match
ancesterMatched = true;
ancesterMatched = ( pattern.charAt( bodyPattern.length() ) == '/' );
ancesterMatched = false;
// try for a base match
basicMatched = basicMatch( key, pattern );
if ( parentMatched || basicMatched || ancesterMatched )
if ( isUniversal )
// universal rules go straight in
// (no longest matching rule)
tempList = this.cache.get( "!" + key );
if ( tempList != null )
universalList.addAll( tempList );
if ( !ignoreBasicMatches )
// ensure that all parent matches are SHORTER
// than rules with same level of matching.
// the calculations below don't work for universal
// matching, but we don't care because in that case
// this if-stmt is not entered.
int keyLength = key.length();
if ( wildcardMatchStart )
if ( wildcardMatchEnd )
else if ( parentMatchEnd )
if ( keyLength > longKeyLength )
rulesList = this.cache.get( key );
longKey = key;
longKeyLength = keyLength;
// '*' works in practice as a default matching
// (this is because anything is a deeper match!)
if ( rulesList == null )
rulesList = this.cache.get( "*" );
// if we've matched a basic pattern, then add to the universal list
if ( rulesList != null )
universalList.addAll( rulesList );
// don't filter if namespace is null
if ( namespaceURI != null )
// remove invalid namespaces
Iterator<Rule> it = universalList.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() )
Rule rule =;
String nsUri = rule.getNamespaceURI();
if ( nsUri != null && !nsUri.equals( namespaceURI ) )
// need to make sure that the collection is sort in the order
// of addition. We use a custom comparator for this
Collections.sort( universalList, new Comparator<Rule>()
public int compare( Rule r1, Rule r2 )
// Get the entry order from the map
Integer i1 = order.get( r1 );
Integer i2 = order.get( r2 );
// and use that to perform the comparison
if ( i1 == null )
if ( i2 == null )
return 0;
return -1;
else if ( i2 == null )
return 1;
return ( i1.intValue() - i2.intValue() );
} );
return universalList;
* Checks the input parentPattern contains the input key at the end.
* @param key The key to be found
* @param pattern FIXME unused
* @param parentPattern The pattern where looking for the key
* @return true, if {@code key} is found inside {@code parentPattern}, false otherwise
private boolean parentMatch( String key, String pattern, String parentPattern )
return parentPattern.endsWith( key.substring( 1, key.length() - 2 ) );
* Standard match. Matches the end of the pattern to the key.
* @param key The key to be found
* @param pattern The pattern where looking for the key
* @return true, if {@code key} is found inside {@code pattern}, false otherwise
private boolean basicMatch( String key, String pattern )
return ( pattern.equals( key.substring( 2 ) ) || pattern.endsWith( key.substring( 1 ) ) );
* Finds an exact ancester match for given pattern
* @param parentPattern The input pattern
* @return A list of {@code Rule} related to the input pattern
private List<Rule> findExactAncesterMatch( String parentPattern )
List<Rule> matchingRules = null;
int lastIndex = parentPattern.length();
while ( lastIndex-- > 0 )
lastIndex = parentPattern.lastIndexOf( '/', lastIndex );
if ( lastIndex > 0 )
matchingRules = this.cache.get( parentPattern.substring( 0, lastIndex ) + "/*" );
if ( matchingRules != null )
return matchingRules;
return null;