blob: e0f3648882bbd35e4bce122777511069db3850b4 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Apache Commons DBCP
Version 2.2.0
The Apache Commons DBCP team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Apache Commons DBCP 2.2.0.
Apache Commons DBCP software implements Database Connection Pooling.
This is a minor release, including bug fixes and enhancements.
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o DBCP-451: Add constructor DriverManagerConnectionFactory(String).
o DBCP-462: Refactoring to prepare for a future patch to enable pooling of all
prepared and callable statements in PoolingConnection. Thanks to Keiichi Fujino.
o DBCP-458: Make it simpler to extend BasicDataSource to allow sub-classes to
provide custom GenericObjectPool implementations. Thanks to Adrian Tarau.
o DBCP-474: Enable pooling of all prepared and callable statements
inPoolingConnection. Thanks to Keiichi Fujino.
Fixed Bugs:
o DBCP-481: Update Apache Commons Pool from 2.4.2 to 2.5.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o DBCP-454: OSGi declarations contain multiple import headers for javax.transaction. Thanks to Philipp Marx, Matt Sicker.
o DBCP-478: Wrong parameter name in site documentation for BasicDataSource Configuration Parameters. Thanks to nicola mele.
o DBCP-452: Add jmxName to properties set by BasicDataSourceFactory. This
enables container-managed pools created from JNDI Resource
definitions to enable JMX by supplying a valid root JMX name.
o DBCP-446: NullPointerException thrown when calling ManagedConnection.isClosed(). Thanks to Gary Gregory, feng yang, Euclides M, Phil Steitz.
o DBCP-444: InvalidateConnection can result in closed connection returned by getConnection.
o DBCP-449: Complete the fix for DBCP-418, enabling PoolableConnection class to load in environments
(such as GAE) where the JMX ManagementFactory is not available. Thanks to Grzegorz D..
o DBCP-455: Ensure that the cacheState setting is used when statement pooling is
disabled. Thanks to Kyohei Nakamura.
o DBCP-453: Ensure that setSoftMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis is used when working with
BasicDataSource. Thanks to Philipp Marx.
o DBCP-456: Correct the name of the configuration attribute
softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis. Thanks to Kyohei Nakamura.
o DBCP-472: Avoid potential infinite loops when checking if an SQLException is fatal
for a connection or not.
o DBCP-468: Expand the fail-fast for fatal connection errors feature to include
managed connections.
o DBCP-463: Correct a typo in the method name
PoolableConnectionFactory#setMaxOpenPreparedStatements. The old method
remains but is deprecated so not to break clients currently using the
incorrect name.
o DBCP-459: Ensure that a thread's interrupt status is visible to the caller if the
thread is interrupted during a call to
o DBCP-457: When using a BasicDataSource, pass changes related to the handling of
abandoned connections to the underlying pool so that the pool
configuration may be updated dynamically.
For complete information on Apache Commons DBCP, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons DBCP website: