blob: 6e05fb902a3bd646abf8de638fdb9ee86f7b6314 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.csv;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.BACKSPACE;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.CR;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.FF;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.LF;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.TAB;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.COMMENT;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.EOF;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.EORECORD;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.TOKEN;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.TokenMatchers.hasContent;
import static org.apache.commons.csv.TokenMatchers.matches;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class LexerTest {
private CSVFormat formatWithEscaping;
public void setUp() {
formatWithEscaping = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withEscape('\\');
private Lexer createLexer(final String input, final CSVFormat format) {
return new Lexer(format, new ExtendedBufferedReader(new StringReader(input)));
public void testSurroundingSpacesAreDeleted() throws IOException {
final String code = "noSpaces, leadingSpaces,trailingSpaces , surroundingSpaces , ,,";
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces())) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "noSpaces"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "leadingSpaces"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "trailingSpaces"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "surroundingSpaces"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
public void testSurroundingTabsAreDeleted() throws IOException {
final String code = "noTabs,\tleadingTab,trailingTab\t,\tsurroundingTabs\t,\t\t,,";
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces())) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "noTabs"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "leadingTab"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "trailingTab"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "surroundingTabs"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
public void testIgnoreEmptyLines() throws IOException {
final String code = "first,line,\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "second,line\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "third line \n" + "\n" +
"\n" + "last, line \n" + "\n" + "\n" + "\n";
final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withIgnoreEmptyLines();
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "first"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "second"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "third line "));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "last"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, " line "));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
public void testComments() throws IOException {
final String code = "first,line,\n" + "second,line,tokenWith#no-comment\n" + "# comment line \n" +
"third,line,#no-comment\n" + "# penultimate comment\n" + "# Final comment\n";
final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withCommentMarker('#');
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "first"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "second"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "tokenWith#no-comment"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "comment line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "third"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "line"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "#no-comment"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "penultimate comment"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "Final comment"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
public void testCommentsAndEmptyLines() throws IOException {
final String code = "1,2,3,\n" + // 1
"\n" + // 1b
"\n" + // 1c
"a,b x,c#no-comment\n" + // 2
"#foo\n" + // 3
"\n" + // 4
"\n" + // 4b
"d,e,#no-comment\n" + // 5
"\n" + // 5b
"\n" + // 5c
"# penultimate comment\n" + // 6
"\n" + // 6b
"\n" + // 6c
"# Final comment\n"; // 7
final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withCommentMarker('#').withIgnoreEmptyLines(false);
assertFalse("Should not ignore empty lines", format.getIgnoreEmptyLines());
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "1"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "2"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "3"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 1
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 1b
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 1c
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "b x"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "c#no-comment")); // 2
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "foo")); // 3
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 4
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 4b
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "d"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "e"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "#no-comment")); // 5
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 5b
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 5c
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "penultimate comment")); // 6
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 6b
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "")); // 6c
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(COMMENT, "Final comment")); // 7
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
// simple token with escaping not enabled
public void testBackslashWithoutEscaping() throws IOException {
* file: a,\,,b \,,
final String code = "a,\\,,b\\\n\\,,";
final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT;
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
// an unquoted single backslash is not an escape char
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "\\"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b\\"));
// an unquoted single backslash is not an escape char
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "\\"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, ""));
// simple token with escaping enabled
public void testBackslashWithEscaping() throws IOException {
* file: a,\,,b \,,
final String code = "a,\\,,b\\\\\n\\,,\\\nc,d\\\r\ne";
final CSVFormat format = formatWithEscaping.withIgnoreEmptyLines(false);
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ","));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b\\"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ","));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "\nc"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "d\r"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, "e"));
// encapsulator tokenizer (single line)
public void testNextToken4() throws IOException {
* file: a,"foo",b a, " foo",b a,"foo " ,b // whitespace after closing encapsulator a, " foo " ,b
final String code = "a,\"foo\",b\na, \" foo\",b\na,\"foo \" ,b\na, \" foo \" ,b";
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withIgnoreSurroundingSpaces())) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "foo"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, " foo"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "foo "));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, " foo "));
// assertTokenEquals(EORECORD, "b", parser.nextToken(new Token()));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, "b"));
// encapsulator tokenizer (multi line, delimiter in string)
public void testNextToken5() throws IOException {
final String code = "a,\"foo\n\",b\n\"foo\n baar ,,,\"\n\"\n\t \n\"";
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "foo\n"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "foo\n baar ,,,"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, "\n\t \n"));
// change delimiters, comment, encapsulater
public void testNextToken6() throws IOException {
* file: a;'b and \' more ' !comment;;;; ;;
final String code = "a;'b and '' more\n'\n!comment;;;;\n;;";
final CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withQuote('\'').withCommentMarker('!').withDelimiter(';');
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, format)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "a"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EORECORD, "b and ' more\n"));
// From CSV-1
public void testDelimiterIsWhitespace() throws IOException {
final String code = "one\ttwo\t\tfour \t five\t six";
try (final Lexer parser = createLexer(code, CSVFormat.TDF)) {
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "one"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "two"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, ""));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "four"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(TOKEN, "five"));
assertThat(parser.nextToken(new Token()), matches(EOF, "six"));
public void testEscapedCR() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\" + CR + "Escaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + CR + "Escaped"));
public void testCR() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character" + CR + "NotEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character"));
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("NotEscaped"));
public void testEscapedLF() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\" + LF + "Escaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + LF + "Escaped"));
public void testLF() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character" + LF + "NotEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character"));
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("NotEscaped"));
@Test // TODO is this correct? Do we expect <esc>TAB to be unescaped?
public void testEscapedTab() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\" + TAB + "Escaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + TAB + "Escaped"));
public void testTab() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character" + TAB + "NotEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + TAB + "NotEscaped"));
@Test // TODO is this correct? Do we expect <esc>BACKSPACE to be unescaped?
public void testEscapedBackspace() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\" + BACKSPACE + "Escaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + BACKSPACE + "Escaped"));
public void testBackspace() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character" + BACKSPACE + "NotEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + BACKSPACE + "NotEscaped"));
@Test // TODO is this correct? Do we expect <esc>FF to be unescaped?
public void testEscapedFF() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\" + FF + "Escaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + FF + "Escaped"));
public void testFF() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character" + FF + "NotEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + FF + "NotEscaped"));
public void testEscapedMySqlNullValue() throws Exception {
// MySQL uses \N to symbolize null values. We have to restore this
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\NEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character\\NEscaped"));
public void testEscapedCharacter() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\aEscaped", formatWithEscaping)) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character\\aEscaped"));
public void testEscapedControlCharacter() throws Exception {
// we are explicitly using an escape different from \ here
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character!rEscaped", CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withEscape('!'))) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + CR + "Escaped"));
public void testEscapedControlCharacter2() throws Exception {
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer("character\\rEscaped", CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withEscape('\\'))) {
assertThat(lexer.nextToken(new Token()), hasContent("character" + CR + "Escaped"));
@Test(expected = IOException.class)
public void testEscapingAtEOF() throws Exception {
final String code = "escaping at EOF is evil\\";
try (final Lexer lexer = createLexer(code, formatWithEscaping)) {
lexer.nextToken(new Token());