Update junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0 #109.
diff --git a/src/changes/changes.xml b/src/changes/changes.xml
index 1713c76..5121171 100644
--- a/src/changes/changes.xml
+++ b/src/changes/changes.xml
@@ -55,12 +55,11 @@
       <action issue="CSV-149" type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Kranthi, Gary Gregory, Brent Worden, dota17">Line number is not proper at EOF.</action>

       <action issue="CSV-195" type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Rodolfo Duldulao, Rodolfo Duldulao, Michael Vitz, dota17">Parser iterates over the last CSV Record twice.</action>

       <!-- UPDATES -->

-      <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Update org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1.</action>

+      <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Update org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0, #84 #109</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Update tests from Apache Commons Lang 3.9 to 3.11.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Update tests from commons-io:commons-io 2.6 to 2.7.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Update actions/checkout from v1 to v2.3.2 #79, #92.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Update commons-parent from 50 to 51 #80.</action>

-      <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Update junit-jupiter from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2 #84.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Update maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Update tests from opencsv from 3.1 to 5.2 #81.</action>

       <action                 type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Update tests from org.mockito:mockito-core 3.2.4 -> 3.4.6; #88.</action>