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<title>Composite Configuration Details</title>
<author email="">Eric Pugh</author>
<section name="Composite Configuration Details">
There are many use cases when you want to collect the properties
of several configuration sources and access them like a single
configuration object. One way to do that is using the
<code><a href="apidocs/org/apache/commons/configuration/CompositeConfiguration.html">
CompositeConfiguration</a></code> class.
A <code>CompositeConfiguration</code> object contains a list of
other configuration objects. When properties are accessed from a
composite configuration the object takes the passed in property key
and iterates over the list of the contained configurations. As soon
as a value is found for the key it is returned. This means that a
<code>CompositeConfiguration</code> implements a kind of override
semantics, i.e. the properties of configurations that were added
first hide the property values of configurations added later.
We will discuss how you can establish a "default" choice for your
Composite Configuration as well as save changes made to your
Composite Configuration.
<subsection name="Setting Up Defaults">
Defaults are very simple. You can just add them as your last configuration object,
either through the ConfigurationFactory or manually:
Configuration defaults = new PropertiesConfiguration(fileToDefaults);
Configuration otherProperties = new PropertiesConfiguration(fileToOtherProperties);
CompositeConfiguration cc = new CompositeConfiguration();
<subsection name="Saving Changes">
If you have a non static Configuration where you want to
save changes made to a configuration, and you are using a
CompositeConfiguration, then you will need to pass into
the constructor of the CompositeConfiguration what Configuration
to save the changes via.
PropertiesConfiguration saveConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration(fileToSaveChangesIn);
Configuration cc = new CompositeConfiguration(saveConfiguration);
cc.setProperty("newProperty","new value");;
Alternatively, you can just request the
inMemoryConfiguration that stores the changes:
Configuration changes = myCompositeConfiguration.getInMemoryConfiguration();
DatabaseConfiguration config = new DatabaseConfiguration(datasource, "configuration", "key", "value");
for (Iterator i = changes.getKeys().iterator();i.hasNext()){
String key = (key);
Object value = changes.get(key);