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<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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limitations under the License.
<author email="">Oliver Heger</author>
<section name="Overview">
Commons Configuration can be built using
<a href="">maven</a> or
<a href="">ant</a>. While building on a JDK
1.4 and higher should be no problem for JDK 1.3 (which is the
minimum required JDK) some preparations are necessary. This is
covered in full detail in the Building with JDK 1.3 section below.
<section name="Maven Goals">
Maven 1.x is our recommended build tool. To build the Configuration
jar file, change into the directory where you unzipped the source
distribution or where you checked out the sources from SVN and run
"maven jar". The result will be in the (newly created) "target"
To build the Javadocs, run "maven javadoc".
The result will be in "target/docs/apidocs".
To build the full website, run "maven site".
The result will be in "target/docs".
<section name="Ant Goals">
To build a jar file, change into Configuration's root directory and run "ant jar".
The result will be in the "target" subdirectory.
To build the Javadocs, run "ant javadoc".
The result will be in "target/docs/apidocs".
<section name="Building with JDK 1.3">
If you want to build Commons Configuration on a JDK 1.3, you will
face two problems:
The first problem is that JDK 1.3 does not contain the JDBC 2.0
standard extensions, which are used by the
<code>DatabaseConfiguration</code> class. Unfortunately, due to legal
issues, the jar file containing these extensions cannot be
distributed through the typical maven repositories and automatically
downloaded. To resolve this issue perform the following steps:
<li>Download the JDBC 2.0 Optional Package from
<a href=""></a> and store
the jdbc-stdext-2.0.jar somewhere on your hard disk.</li>
<li>Create a <code></code> file in the Configuration
root directory that must contain the following line:<br/>
<code>dependency.jdbc = <em>&lt;path to jdbc-stdext-2.0.jar&gt;</em></code></li>
The second problem is related to a test class for
<code>DatabaseConfiguration</code> that makes use of
<a href="">hsqldb</a>. At the time of writing this, the
hsqldb jar files distributed on the ibiblio maven repository only
support JDK 1.4 and higher. This makes the tests fail with a class
not found exception for <code>java.sql.SavePoint</code>. There are
some workarounds for this problem:
<li>Disable the failing test class
in the build script. For instance if building with maven, this can
be done with an <code>excludes</code> element in the
<code>unitTest</code> section of <code>project.xml</code>.</li>
<li>It is possible to download a hsqldb distribution and recompile
on JDK 1.3. The jar that is created this way will cause no
problems on a JDK 1.3.</li>
<li>Another solution would be to run maven on a JDK 1.4 or higher and use
the <code>maven.compile.executable</code> property to point to
a JDK 1.3 compiler. This will ensure that the classes are compiled
on JDK 1.3, but the tests are run on the JDK maven is executing.
Refer to the documentation of the
<a href="">
Maven Java Plug-in</a> for further information.</li>
If these problems are solved, the build can be performed as
described above.
<section name="Setting custom build parameters">
Both the maven and the ant build script support a file called
<code></code> that can contain custom properties
definitions. If this file exists in the project's root directory,
it will be read and the properties it defines will be added to the
running build script. This mechanism allows for customizing the
build process without the need of changing the main build scripts.
One use case for setting custom build properties would be to build
for a specific JDK version: If you build the jar on a JDK 1.5 for
instance, the classes won't be compatible with older JDK versions.
To enforce compatibility you can create a <code></code>
file containing the following maven specific settings:
maven.compile.source = 1.3 = 1.3