blob: 53040a9130397560f1b12713404bf2e1e7feaa12 [file] [log] [blame]
Commons Configuration Package
Version 1.3
Release Notes
This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
Configuration component, and highlights changes since the previous version.
Release 1.3 adds many new features. Some highlights are
- Support for XPATH expressions when querying properties from hierarchical
- The new DefaultConfigurationBuilder class as a hierarchical alternative to
ConfigurationFactory that allows for more configuration options.
- Support for configuration listeners that are notified about modifications
on a configuration object.
A complete list of changes can be found below.
- ConfigurationFactory now supports variables in its configuration
definition files. These variables are resolved using system properties
and have the typical ${} syntax. Fixes CONFIGURATION-221.
Thanks to Rainer Jung.
- DataConfiguration.getDateArray() used to ignore the format argument.
This was fixed. Fixes CONFIGURATION-220.
- The dependency to servletapi was updated from version 2.3 to version 2.4, but
version 2.3 will still work. Fixes CONFIGURATION-217.
- A new class PropertiesConfigurationLayout was introduced whose task is to
preserve the structure (e.g. comments, blanc lines) of a file loaded by
PropertiesConfiguration. Each PropertiesConfiguration object is now associated
with such a layout object. A saved properties file will look very similar to
its original. Fixes CONFIGURATION-104.
- clone() methods have been added to BaseConfiguration,
AbstractFileConfiguration, MapConfiguration, CompositeConfiguration, and
CombinedConfiguration. So the most important Configuration implementations now
support cloning. To ConfigurationUtils an utility method cloneConfiguration()
was added that allows to conveniently clone a configuration.
- If a configuration file was to be loaded from classpath, the constructor of
AbstractFileConfiguration dropped the file's path. The path is now taken into
account. Fixes CONFIGURATION-216. Thanks to Gabriele Garuglieri.
- The getter methods for numeric data types in AbstractConfiguration now support
conversions between different Number types, e.g. you can now call getLong(key)
when key points to an Integer value. Fixes CONFIGURATION-214.
- The new class DefaultConfigurationBuilder was added as an alternative to
ConfigurationFactory. It provides some more features and creates a
CombinedConfiguration object.
- The new class CombinedConfiguration was added as a hierarchical alternative to
- Support for low-level configuration events was added to all classes derived
from AbstractConfiguration. The major part of this is handled by the new super
class EventSource of AbstractConfiguration. Related to CONFIGURATION-143.
- A new method convertToHierarchical() was added to ConfigurationUtils, which is
able to convert an arbitrary configuration object into a hierarchical
- Loading of file-based configurations no longer throws a NullPointerException
in setups where the thread context class loader is not set.
- The dependency to dom4j was removed; it was only used by two test classes,
which have been re-written.
- XMLConfiguration used to drop the DOCTYPE declaration when saving the
configuration. It is now able to extract the DTD's public and system ID and
write them back (more complex DOCTYPE declarations are still not supported).
With the new methods setSystemID() and setPublicID(), the DOCTYPE declaration
can be configured. Fixes CONFIGURATION-100.
- Added two new constructors in CompositeConfiguration accepting a collection of
configurations as a parameter. Fixes CONFIGURATION-178.
- (Basic) Support for declaring beans in configuration files was added. Some new
classes in the beanutils package allow to create instances from these
declarations. Fixes CONFIGURATION-186.
- The implementation of the interpolation features have been extracted out off
AbstractConfiguration and moved to PropertyConverter. The interpolateHelper()
method of AbstractConfiguration is now deprectated and will not be called any
more during interpolation.
- A new method configurationsAt() was added to HierarchicalConfiguration that
provides a convenient way of iterating over complex list-like structures
without the need of manually constructing configuration keys with indices.
- A new class SubnodeConfiguration was introduced that wraps a configuration
node of a HierarchicalConfiguration. All operations performed on this
configuration use this wrapped node as root. The new configurationAt() method
of HierarchicalConfiguration returns such a SubnodeConfiguration for a
specified sub node.
- With XPathExpressionEngine an expression engine for hierarchical
configurations is now available that can evaluate XPATH expressions in
property keys. This expression engine implementation is based on Commons
JXPath, which is now declared as a new dependency (but at runtime it is only
needed if the XPathExpressionEngine class is used). Fixes CONFIGURATION-173.
- The code for interpreting property keys was refactored out off
HierarchicalConfiguration. Instead this class now supports pluggable
expression engines (using the setExpressionEngine() method). So it is possible
to plug in different expression languages. A default expression engine is
provided that understands the native expression language used by hierarchical
configurations in older versions. During the process of this refactoring some
methods of HierarchicalConfiguration have been deprecated; they will not be
called any more when searching or adding properties. These are the following:
createAddPath(), fetchAddNode(), findLastPathNode(), findPropertyNodes().
- A larger refactoring was performed on the inner Node class of
HierarchicalConfiguration: A ConfigurationNode interface was extracted for
which a default implementation (DefaultConfigurationNode) is provided.
HierarchicalConfiguration.Node now extends this default implementation. The
new ConfigurationNode interface defines some more methods than the Node class
did originally for conveniently dealing with sub nodes and attributes.
HierarchicalConfiguration now uses the new type ConfigurationNode whereever
possible. Some methods dealing with Node objects have been deprecated and
replaced by versions operating on ConfigurationNode objects instead.
- All configuration classes derived from AbstractConfiguration now allow to set
an instance specific list delimiter. This can be done through the new method
setListDelimiter(). As before it is possible to define a default list
delimiter, which will be used if no instance specific delimiter is set. This
can be done using the new setDefaultListDelimiter() method (the methods
get/setDelimiter() have been deprecated). With the new
setDelimiterParsingDisabled() method parsing of lists can be disabled at all.
Fixes CONFIGURATION-155. Thanks to Jorge Ferrer.