blob: 6181dcc37b7703022c0e5d7773d30e42f7f45a46 [file] [log] [blame]
Commons Configuration Package
Version 1.9
Release Notes
This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons
Configuration component. It describes the changes since the previous version.
The Commons Configuration software library provides a generic configuration
interface which enables an application to read configuration data from a variety
of sources.
The 1.9 release contains a couple of minor bug fixes and improvements. There
are no important new features. The idea is to release the current changes which
have been applied to the 1.x branch, so that we can start with new development
on an improved (and partly binary incompatible) 2.0 version.
As there are small changes only, Commons Configuration 1.8 is fully binary
compatible to the previous version. The minimum required Java version is 1.5.
Following is a complete list of all changes in the new 1.9 release:
List properties can now be set correctly on a HierarchicalConfiguration if
delimiter parsing is disabled.
DataConfiguration.get() now also works with String properties and if no data
type conversion is required.
Variable substitution in configuration sources declared in a definition file
for DefaultConfigurationBuilder now works across multiple sources.
PropertyListConfiguration now can deal with C-style comments in plist
configuration files. Both block and single-line comments are supported.
Small changes in user guide documentation.
Improvements of basic features and AbstractConfiguration documentation.
XMLPropertyListConfiguration no longer swallows exception caused by invalid
date properties. Now a warning message is logged.
Made static DateFormat fields in XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode final
and added a note about proper synchronization.
DatabaseConfiguration now always closes the result set.
The Import-Package section in the OSGi manifest now uses the
resolution:=optional directive for optional dependencies.
* The dependency to Commons Codec has been updated to the most recent 1.6
version. The older version still works.