blob: 8bcf1f2091b85332e569fd63566b37feea0e9d6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.event.ConfigurationEvent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.event.ConfigurationListener;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.interpol.ConfigurationInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading.FileAlwaysReloadingStrategy;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.ConfigurationNode;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath.XPathExpressionEngine;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrLookup;
* Test case for SubnodeConfiguration.
* @author Oliver Heger
* @version $Id$
public class TestSubnodeConfiguration extends TestCase
/** An array with names of tables (test data). */
private static final String[] TABLE_NAMES =
{ "documents", "users" };
/** An array with the fields of the test tables (test data). */
private static final String[][] TABLE_FIELDS =
{ "docid", "docname", "author", "dateOfCreation", "version", "size" },
{ "userid", "uname", "firstName", "lastName" } };
/** Constant for a test output file.*/
private static final File TEST_FILE = new File("target/test.xml");
/** Constant for an updated table name.*/
private static final String NEW_TABLE_NAME = "newTable";
/** The parent configuration. */
HierarchicalConfiguration parent;
/** The subnode configuration to be tested. */
SubnodeConfiguration config;
/** Stores a counter for the created nodes. */
int nodeCounter;
protected void setUp() throws Exception
parent = setUpParentConfig();
nodeCounter = 0;
protected void tearDown() throws Exception
// remove the test output file if necessary
if (TEST_FILE.exists())
assertTrue("Could not remove test file", TEST_FILE.delete());
* Tests creation of a subnode config.
public void testInitSubNodeConfig()
assertSame("Wrong root node in subnode", getSubnodeRoot(parent), config
assertSame("Wrong parent config", parent, config.getParent());
* Tests constructing a subnode configuration with a null parent. This
* should cause an exception.
public void testInitSubNodeConfigWithNullParent()
config = new SubnodeConfiguration(null, getSubnodeRoot(parent));
fail("Could set a null parent config!");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iex)
// ok
* Tests constructing a subnode configuration with a null root node. This
* should cause an exception.
public void testInitSubNodeConfigWithNullNode()
config = new SubnodeConfiguration(parent, null);
fail("Could set a null root node!");
catch (IllegalArgumentException iex)
// ok
* Tests if properties of the sub node can be accessed.
public void testGetProperties()
assertEquals("Wrong table name", TABLE_NAMES[0], config
List fields = config.getList("");
assertEquals("Wrong number of fields", TABLE_FIELDS[0].length, fields
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_FIELDS[0].length; i++)
assertEquals("Wrong field at position " + i, TABLE_FIELDS[0][i],
* Tests setting of properties in both the parent and the subnode
* configuration and whether the changes are visible to each other.
public void testSetProperty()
config.setProperty(null, "testTable");
config.setProperty("name", TABLE_NAMES[0] + "_tested");
assertEquals("Root value was not set", "testTable", parent
assertEquals("Table name was not changed", TABLE_NAMES[0] + "_tested",
parent.setProperty("tables.table(0).fields.field(1).name", "testField");
assertEquals("Field name was not changed", "testField", config
* Tests adding of properties.
public void testAddProperty()
config.addProperty("[@table-type]", "test");
assertEquals("parent.createNode() was not called", 1, nodeCounter);
assertEquals("Attribute not set", "test", parent
parent.addProperty("tables.table(0).fields.field(-1).name", "newField");
List fields = config.getList("");
assertEquals("New field was not added", TABLE_FIELDS[0].length + 1,
assertEquals("Wrong last field", "newField", fields
.get(fields.size() - 1));
* Tests listing the defined keys.
public void testGetKeys()
Set keys = new HashSet();
CollectionUtils.addAll(keys, config.getKeys());
assertEquals("Incorrect number of keys", 2, keys.size());
assertTrue("Key 1 not contained", keys.contains("name"));
assertTrue("Key 2 not contained", keys.contains(""));
* Tests setting the exception on missing flag. The subnode config obtains
* this flag from its parent.
public void testSetThrowExceptionOnMissing()
assertTrue("Exception flag not fetchted from parent", config
config.getString("non existing key");
fail("Could fetch non existing key!");
catch (NoSuchElementException nex)
// ok
assertTrue("Exception flag reset on parent", parent
* Tests handling of the delimiter parsing disabled flag. This is shared
* with the parent, too.
public void testSetDelimiterParsingDisabled()
assertTrue("Delimiter parsing flag was not received from parent",
config.addProperty("newProp", "test1,test2,test3");
assertEquals("New property was splitted", "test1,test2,test3", parent
assertTrue("Delimiter parsing flag was reset on parent", parent
* Tests manipulating the list delimiter. This piece of data is derived from
* the parent.
public void testSetListDelimiter()
assertEquals("List delimiter not obtained from parent", '/', config
config.addProperty("newProp", "test1,test2/test3");
assertEquals("List was incorrectly splitted", "test1,test2", parent
assertEquals("List delimiter changed on parent", ';', parent
* Tests changing the expression engine.
public void testSetExpressionEngine()
parent.setExpressionEngine(new XPathExpressionEngine());
assertEquals("Wrong field name", TABLE_FIELDS[0][1], config
Set keys = new HashSet();
CollectionUtils.addAll(keys, config.getKeys());
assertEquals("Wrong number of keys", 2, keys.size());
assertTrue("Key 1 not contained", keys.contains("name"));
assertTrue("Key 2 not contained", keys.contains("fields/field/name"));
assertTrue("Expression engine reset on parent", parent
.getExpressionEngine() instanceof XPathExpressionEngine);
* Tests the configurationAt() method.
public void testConfiguarationAt()
SubnodeConfiguration sub2 = (SubnodeConfiguration) config
assertEquals("Wrong value of property", TABLE_FIELDS[0][1], sub2
assertEquals("Wrong parent", config.getParent(), sub2.getParent());
* Tests interpolation features. The subnode config should use its parent
* for interpolation.
public void testInterpolation()
parent.addProperty("", "default");
parent.addProperty("tablespaces.tablespace(-1).name", "test");
assertEquals("Wrong interpolated tablespace", "default", parent
assertEquals("Wrong interpolated tablespace in subnode", "default",
* An additional test for interpolation when the configurationAt() method is
* involved.
public void testInterpolationFromConfigurationAt()
parent.addProperty("base.dir", "/home/foo");
parent.addProperty("test.absolute.dir.dir1", "${base.dir}/path1");
parent.addProperty("test.absolute.dir.dir2", "${base.dir}/path2");
parent.addProperty("test.absolute.dir.dir3", "${base.dir}/path3");
Configuration sub = parent.configurationAt("test.absolute.dir");
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
assertEquals("Wrong interpolation in parent", "/home/foo/path" + i,
parent.getString("test.absolute.dir.dir" + i));
assertEquals("Wrong interpolation in subnode",
"/home/foo/path" + i, sub.getString("dir" + i));
* An additional test for interpolation when the configurationAt() method is
* involved for a local interpolation.
public void testLocalInterpolationFromConfigurationAt()
parent.addProperty("base.dir", "/home/foo");
parent.addProperty("test.absolute.dir.dir1", "${base.dir}/path1");
parent.addProperty("test.absolute.dir.dir2", "${dir1}");
Configuration sub = parent.configurationAt("test.absolute.dir");
assertEquals("Wrong interpolation in subnode",
"/home/foo/path1", sub.getString("dir1"));
assertEquals("Wrong local interpolation in subnode",
"/home/foo/path1", sub.getString("dir2"));
* Tests manipulating the interpolator.
public void testInterpolator()
parent.addProperty("", "default");
parent.addProperty("tablespaces.tablespace(-1).name", "test");
public void testLocalLookupsInInterpolatorAreInherited() {
parent.addProperty("", "default");
parent.addProperty("tablespaces.tablespace(-1).name", "test");
parent.addProperty("tables.table(0).var", "${brackets:x}");
ConfigurationInterpolator interpolator = parent.getInterpolator();
interpolator.registerLookup("brackets", new StrLookup(){
public String lookup(String key) {
return "(" + key +")";
assertEquals("Local lookup was not inherited", "(x)", config.getString("var", ""));
* Tests a reload operation for the parent configuration when the subnode
* configuration does not support reloads. Then the new value should not be
* detected.
public void testParentReloadNotSupported() throws ConfigurationException
Configuration c = setUpReloadTest(false);
assertEquals("Name changed in sub config", TABLE_NAMES[1], config
assertEquals("Name not changed in parent", NEW_TABLE_NAME, c
* Tests a reload operation for the parent configuration when the subnode
* configuration does support reloads. The new value should be returned.
public void testParentReloadSupported() throws ConfigurationException
Configuration c = setUpReloadTest(true);
assertEquals("Name not changed in sub config", NEW_TABLE_NAME, config
assertEquals("Name not changed in parent", NEW_TABLE_NAME, c
* Tests whether events are fired if a change of the parent is detected.
public void testParentReloadEvents() throws ConfigurationException
ConfigurationListenerTestImpl l = new ConfigurationListenerTestImpl();
assertEquals("Wrong number of events", 2,;
boolean before = true;
for (Iterator it =; it.hasNext();)
ConfigurationEvent e = (ConfigurationEvent);
assertEquals("Wrong configuration", config, e.getSource());
assertEquals("Wrong event type",
HierarchicalConfiguration.EVENT_SUBNODE_CHANGED, e
assertNull("Got a property name", e.getPropertyName());
assertNull("Got a property value", e.getPropertyValue());
assertEquals("Wrong before flag", before, e.isBeforeUpdate());
before = !before;
* Tests a reload operation for the parent configuration when the subnode
* configuration is aware of reloads, and the parent configuration is
* accessed first. The new value should be returned.
public void testParentReloadSupportAccessParent()
throws ConfigurationException
Configuration c = setUpReloadTest(true);
assertEquals("Name not changed in parent", NEW_TABLE_NAME, c
assertEquals("Name not changed in sub config", NEW_TABLE_NAME, config
* Tests whether reloads work with sub subnode configurations.
public void testParentReloadSubSubnode() throws ConfigurationException
SubnodeConfiguration sub = config.configurationAt("fields", true);
assertEquals("Wrong subnode key", "tables.table(1).fields", sub
assertEquals("Changed field not detected", "newField", sub
* Tests creating a sub sub config when the sub config is not aware of
* changes. Then the sub sub config shouldn't be either.
public void testParentReloadSubSubnodeNoChangeSupport()
throws ConfigurationException
SubnodeConfiguration sub = config.configurationAt("fields", true);
assertNull("Sub sub config is attached to parent", sub.getSubnodeKey());
assertEquals("Changed field name returned", TABLE_FIELDS[1][0], sub
* Prepares a test for a reload operation.
* @param supportReload a flag whether the subnode configuration should
* support reload operations
* @return the parent configuration that can be used for testing
* @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs
private XMLConfiguration setUpReloadTest(boolean supportReload)
throws ConfigurationException
XMLConfiguration xmlConf = new XMLConfiguration(parent);
config = xmlConf.configurationAt("tables.table(1)", supportReload);
assertEquals("Wrong table name", TABLE_NAMES[1], config
xmlConf.setReloadingStrategy(new FileAlwaysReloadingStrategy());
// Now change the configuration file
XMLConfiguration confUpdate = new XMLConfiguration(TEST_FILE);
confUpdate.setProperty("tables.table(1).name", NEW_TABLE_NAME);
return xmlConf;
* Tests a manipulation of the parent configuration that causes the subnode
* configuration to become invalid. In this case the sub config should be
* detached and keep its old values.
public void testParentChangeDetach()
final String key = "tables.table(1)";
config = parent.configurationAt(key, true);
assertEquals("Wrong subnode key", key, config.getSubnodeKey());
assertEquals("Wrong table name", TABLE_NAMES[1], config
assertEquals("Wrong table name after change", TABLE_NAMES[1], config
assertNull("Sub config was not detached", config.getSubnodeKey());
* Tests detaching a subnode configuration when an exception is thrown
* during reconstruction. This can happen e.g. if the expression engine is
* changed for the parent.
public void testParentChangeDetatchException()
config = parent.configurationAt("tables.table(1)", true);
parent.setExpressionEngine(new XPathExpressionEngine());
assertEquals("Wrong name of table", TABLE_NAMES[1], config
assertNull("Sub config was not detached", config.getSubnodeKey());
* Initializes the parent configuration. This method creates the typical
* structure of tables and fields nodes.
* @return the parent configuration
protected HierarchicalConfiguration setUpParentConfig()
HierarchicalConfiguration conf = new HierarchicalConfiguration()
// Provide a special implementation of createNode() to check
// if it is called by the subnode config
protected Node createNode(String name)
return super.createNode(name);
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_NAMES.length; i++)
conf.addProperty("tables.table(-1).name", TABLE_NAMES[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < TABLE_FIELDS[i].length; j++)
return conf;
* Returns the root node for the subnode config. This method returns the
* first table node.
* @param conf the parent config
* @return the root node for the subnode config
protected ConfigurationNode getSubnodeRoot(HierarchicalConfiguration conf)
ConfigurationNode root = conf.getRoot();
return root.getChild(0).getChild(0);
* Performs a standard initialization of the subnode config to test.
protected void setUpSubnodeConfig()
config = new SubnodeConfiguration(parent, getSubnodeRoot(parent));
* A specialized configuration listener for testing whether the expected
* events are fired.
private static class ConfigurationListenerTestImpl implements ConfigurationListener
/** Stores the events received.*/
final List events = new ArrayList();
public void configurationChanged(ConfigurationEvent event)