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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.ConfigurationEvent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationRuntimeException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.sync.NoOpSynchronizer;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ConfigurationNodeVisitorAdapter;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.DefaultExpressionEngine;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ExpressionEngine;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeAddData;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeKeyResolver;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeModel;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeTreeWalker;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeUpdateData;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.QueryResult;
* <p>
* A specialized configuration class that extends its base class by the ability
* of keeping more structure in the stored properties.
* </p>
* <p>
* There are some sources of configuration data that cannot be stored very well
* in a {@code BaseConfiguration} object because then their structure is lost.
* This is for instance true for XML documents. This class can deal with such
* structured configuration sources by storing the properties in a tree-like
* organization. The exact storage structure of the underlying data does not
* matter for the configuration instance; it uses a {@link NodeModel} object for
* accessing it.
* </p>
* <p>
* The hierarchical organization allows for a more sophisticated access to
* single properties. As an example consider the following XML document:
* </p>
* <pre>
* &lt;database&gt;
* &lt;tables&gt;
* &lt;table&gt;
* &lt;name&gt;users&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;fields&gt;
* &lt;field&gt;
* &lt;name&gt;lid&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;type&gt;long&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;/field&gt;
* &lt;field&gt;
* &lt;name&gt;usrName&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;type&gt;java.lang.String&lt;/type&gt;
* &lt;/field&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/fields&gt;
* &lt;/table&gt;
* &lt;table&gt;
* &lt;name&gt;documents&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;fields&gt;
* &lt;field&gt;
* &lt;name&gt;docid&lt;/name&gt;
* &lt;type&gt;long&lt;/type&gt;
* &lt;/field&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/fields&gt;
* &lt;/table&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/tables&gt;
* &lt;/database&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>
* If this document is parsed and stored in a hierarchical configuration object
* (which can be done by one of the sub classes), there are enhanced
* possibilities of accessing properties. Per default, the keys for querying
* information can contain indices that select a specific element if there are
* multiple hits.
* </p>
* <p>
* For instance the key {@code tables.table(0).name} can be used to find out the
* name of the first table. In opposite {@code} would return a
* collection with the names of all available tables. Similarly the key
* {@code tables.table(1)} returns a collection with the names
* of all fields of the second table. If another index is added after the
* {@code field} element, a single field can be accessed:
* {@code tables.table(1).fields.field(0).name}.
* </p>
* <p>
* There is a {@code getMaxIndex()} method that returns the maximum allowed
* index that can be added to a given property key. This method can be used to
* iterate over all values defined for a certain property.
* </p>
* <p>
* Since the 1.3 release of <em>Commons Configuration</em> hierarchical
* configurations support an <em>expression engine</em>. This expression engine
* is responsible for evaluating the passed in configuration keys and map them
* to the stored properties. The examples above are valid for the default
* expression engine, which is used when a new
* {@code AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration} instance is created. With the
* {@code setExpressionEngine()} method a different expression engine can be
* set. For instance with
* {@link org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.xpath.XPathExpressionEngine}
* there is an expression engine available that supports configuration keys in
* XPATH syntax.
* </p>
* <p>
* In addition to the events common for all configuration classes, hierarchical
* configurations support some more events that correspond to some specific
* methods and features. For those events specific event type constants in
* {@code ConfigurationEvent} exist:
* </p>
* <dl>
* <dt><em>ADD_NODES</em></dt>
* <dd>The {@code addNodes()} method was called; the event object contains the
* key, to which the nodes were added, and a collection with the new nodes as
* value.</dd>
* <dt><em>CLEAR_TREE</em></dt>
* <dd>The {@code clearTree()} method was called; the event object stores the
* key of the removed sub tree.</dd>
* <dt><em>SUBNODE_CHANGED</em></dt>
* <dd>A {@code SubnodeConfiguration} that was created from this configuration
* has been changed. The value property of the event object contains the
* original event object as it was sent by the subnode configuration.</dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* Whether an {@code AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration} object is thread-safe or
* not depends on the underlying {@code NodeModel} and the
* {@link org.apache.commons.configuration2.sync.Synchronizer Synchronizer}
* it is associated with. Some {@code NodeModel} implementations are inherently
* thread-safe; they do not require a special {@code Synchronizer}. (Per
* default, a dummy {@code Synchronizer} is used which is not thread-safe!) The
* methods for querying or updating configuration data invoke this
* {@code Synchronizer} accordingly. When accessing the configuration's root
* node directly, the client application is responsible for proper
* synchronization. This is achieved by calling the methods
* {@link #lock(org.apache.commons.configuration2.sync.LockMode) lock()},
* and {@link #unlock(org.apache.commons.configuration2.sync.LockMode) unlock()} with a proper
* {@link org.apache.commons.configuration2.sync.LockMode LockMode} argument.
* In any case, it is recommended to not access the
* root node directly, but to use corresponding methods for querying or updating
* configuration data instead. Direct manipulations of a configuration's node
* structure circumvent many internal mechanisms and thus can cause undesired
* effects. For concrete subclasses dealing with specific node structures, this
* situation may be different.
* </p>
* @since 2.0
* @param <T> the type of the nodes managed by this hierarchical configuration
public abstract class AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration<T> extends AbstractConfiguration
implements Cloneable, NodeKeyResolver<T>, HierarchicalConfiguration<T>
/** The model for managing the data stored in this configuration. */
private NodeModel<T> model;
/** Stores the expression engine for this instance.*/
private ExpressionEngine expressionEngine;
* Creates a new instance of {@code AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration} and
* sets the {@code NodeModel} to be used.
* @param nodeModel the {@code NodeModel}
protected AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration(final NodeModel<T> nodeModel)
model = nodeModel;
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation handles synchronization and delegates
* to {@code getRootElementNameInternal()}.
public final String getRootElementName()
return getRootElementNameInternal();
* Actually obtains the name of the root element. This method is called by
* {@code getRootElementName()}. It just returns the name of the root node.
* Subclasses that treat the root element name differently can override this
* method.
* @return the name of this configuration's root element
protected String getRootElementNameInternal()
final NodeHandler<T> nodeHandler = getModel().getNodeHandler();
return nodeHandler.nodeName(nodeHandler.getRootNode());
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation returns the configuration's
* {@code NodeModel}. It is guarded by the current {@code Synchronizer}.
public NodeModel<T> getNodeModel()
return getModel();
* Returns the expression engine used by this configuration. This method
* will never return <b>null</b>; if no specific expression engine was set,
* the default expression engine will be returned.
* @return the current expression engine
* @since 1.3
public ExpressionEngine getExpressionEngine()
return expressionEngine != null ? expressionEngine
: DefaultExpressionEngine.INSTANCE;
* Sets the expression engine to be used by this configuration. All property
* keys this configuration has to deal with will be interpreted by this
* engine.
* @param expressionEngine the new expression engine; can be <b>null</b>,
* then the default expression engine will be used
* @since 1.3
public void setExpressionEngine(final ExpressionEngine expressionEngine)
this.expressionEngine = expressionEngine;
* Fetches the specified property. This task is delegated to the associated
* expression engine.
* @param key the key to be looked up
* @return the found value
protected Object getPropertyInternal(final String key)
final List<QueryResult<T>> results = fetchNodeList(key);
if (results.isEmpty())
return null;
final NodeHandler<T> handler = getModel().getNodeHandler();
final List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (final QueryResult<T> result : results)
final Object value = valueFromResult(result, handler);
if (value != null)
if (list.size() < 1)
return null;
return list.size() == 1 ? list.get(0) : list;
* Adds the property with the specified key. This task will be delegated to
* the associated {@code ExpressionEngine}, so the passed in key
* must match the requirements of this implementation.
* @param key the key of the new property
* @param obj the value of the new property
protected void addPropertyInternal(final String key, final Object obj)
addPropertyToModel(key, getListDelimiterHandler().parse(obj));
* {@inheritDoc} This method is not called in the normal way (via
* {@code addProperty()} for hierarchical configurations because all values
* to be added for the property have to be passed to the model in a single
* step. However, to allow derived classes to add an arbitrary value as an
* object, a special implementation is provided here. The passed in object
* is not parsed as a list, but passed directly as only value to the model.
protected void addPropertyDirect(final String key, final Object value)
addPropertyToModel(key, Collections.singleton(value));
* Helper method for executing an add property operation on the model.
* @param key the key of the new property
* @param values the values to be added for this property
private void addPropertyToModel(final String key, final Iterable<?> values)
getModel().addProperty(key, values, this);
* Adds a collection of nodes at the specified position of the configuration
* tree. This method works similar to {@code addProperty()}, but
* instead of a single property a whole collection of nodes can be added -
* and thus complete configuration sub trees. E.g. with this method it is
* possible to add parts of another {@code BaseHierarchicalConfiguration}
* object to this object. If the passed in key refers to
* an existing and unique node, the new nodes are added to this node.
* Otherwise a new node will be created at the specified position in the
* hierarchy. Implementation node: This method performs some book-keeping
* and then delegates to {@code addNodesInternal()}.
* @param key the key where the nodes are to be added; can be <b>null</b>,
* then they are added to the root node
* @param nodes a collection with the {@code Node} objects to be
* added
public final void addNodes(final String key, final Collection<? extends T> nodes)
if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty())
fireEvent(ConfigurationEvent.ADD_NODES, key, nodes, true);
addNodesInternal(key, nodes);
fireEvent(ConfigurationEvent.ADD_NODES, key, nodes, false);
* Actually adds a collection of new nodes to this configuration. This
* method is called by {@code addNodes()}. It can be overridden by
* subclasses that need to adapt this operation.
* @param key the key where the nodes are to be added; can be <b>null</b>,
* then they are added to the root node
* @param nodes a collection with the {@code Node} objects to be added
* @since 2.0
protected void addNodesInternal(final String key, final Collection<? extends T> nodes)
getModel().addNodes(key, nodes, this);
* Checks if this configuration is empty. Empty means that there are no keys
* with any values, though there can be some (empty) nodes.
* @return a flag if this configuration is empty
protected boolean isEmptyInternal()
return !nodeDefined(getModel().getNodeHandler().getRootNode());
* Checks if the specified key is contained in this configuration. Note that
* for this configuration the term &quot;contained&quot; means that the key
* has an associated value. If there is a node for this key that has no
* value but children (either defined or undefined), this method will still
* return <b>false </b>.
* @param key the key to be checked
* @return a flag if this key is contained in this configuration
protected boolean containsKeyInternal(final String key)
return getPropertyInternal(key) != null;
* Sets the value of the specified property.
* @param key the key of the property to set
* @param value the new value of this property
protected void setPropertyInternal(final String key, final Object value)
getModel().setProperty(key, value, this);
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation delegates to the expression engine.
public List<QueryResult<T>> resolveKey(final T root, final String key,
final NodeHandler<T> handler)
return getExpressionEngine().query(root, key, handler);
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation delegates to {@code resolveKey()} and
* then filters out attribute results.
public List<T> resolveNodeKey(final T root, final String key, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
final List<QueryResult<T>> results = resolveKey(root, key, handler);
final List<T> targetNodes = new LinkedList<>();
for (final QueryResult<T> result : results)
if (!result.isAttributeResult())
return targetNodes;
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation delegates to the expression engine.
public NodeAddData<T> resolveAddKey(final T root, final String key,
final NodeHandler<T> handler)
return getExpressionEngine().prepareAdd(root, key, handler);
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation executes a query for the given key and
* constructs a {@code NodeUpdateData} object based on the results. It
* determines which nodes need to be changed and whether new ones need to be
* added or existing ones need to be removed.
public NodeUpdateData<T> resolveUpdateKey(final T root, final String key,
final Object newValue, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
final Iterator<QueryResult<T>> itNodes = fetchNodeList(key).iterator();
final Iterator<?> itValues = getListDelimiterHandler().parse(newValue).iterator();
final Map<QueryResult<T>, Object> changedValues =
new HashMap<>();
Collection<Object> additionalValues = null;
Collection<QueryResult<T>> removedItems = null;
while (itNodes.hasNext() && itValues.hasNext())
// Add additional nodes if necessary
if (itValues.hasNext())
additionalValues = new LinkedList<>();
while (itValues.hasNext())
// Remove remaining nodes
if (itNodes.hasNext())
removedItems = new LinkedList<>();
while (itNodes.hasNext())
return new NodeUpdateData<>(changedValues, additionalValues,
removedItems, key);
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation uses the expression engine to generate a
* canonical key for the passed in node. For this purpose, the path to the
* root node has to be traversed. The cache is used to store and access keys
* for nodes encountered on the path.
public String nodeKey(final T node, final Map<T, String> cache, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
final List<T> path = new LinkedList<>();
T currentNode = node;
String key = cache.get(node);
while (key == null && currentNode != null)
path.add(0, currentNode);
currentNode = handler.getParent(currentNode);
key = cache.get(currentNode);
for (final T n : path)
final String currentKey = getExpressionEngine().canonicalKey(n, key, handler);
cache.put(n, currentKey);
key = currentKey;
return key;
* Clears this configuration. This is a more efficient implementation than
* the one inherited from the base class. It delegates to the node model.
protected void clearInternal()
* Removes all values of the property with the given name and of keys that
* start with this name. So if there is a property with the key
* &quot;foo&quot; and a property with the key &quot;;, a call
* of {@code clearTree("foo")} would remove both properties.
* @param key the key of the property to be removed
public final void clearTree(final String key)
fireEvent(ConfigurationEvent.CLEAR_TREE, key, null, true);
final Object nodes = clearTreeInternal(key);
fireEvent(ConfigurationEvent.CLEAR_TREE, key, nodes, false);
* Actually clears the tree of elements referenced by the given key. This
* method is called by {@code clearTree()}. Subclasses that need to adapt
* this operation can override this method. This base implementation
* delegates to the node model.
* @param key the key of the property to be removed
* @return an object with information about the nodes that have been removed
* (this is needed for firing a meaningful event of type
* @since 2.0
protected Object clearTreeInternal(final String key)
return getModel().clearTree(key, this);
* Removes the property with the given key. Properties with names that start
* with the given key (i.e. properties below the specified key in the
* hierarchy) won't be affected. This implementation delegates to the node+
* model.
* @param key the key of the property to be removed
protected void clearPropertyDirect(final String key)
getModel().clearProperty(key, this);
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation is slightly more efficient than the
* default implementation. It does not iterate over the key set, but
* directly queries its size after it has been constructed. Note that
* constructing the key set is still an O(n) operation.
protected int sizeInternal()
return visitDefinedKeys().getKeyList().size();
* Returns an iterator with all keys defined in this configuration.
* Note that the keys returned by this method will not contain any
* indices. This means that some structure will be lost.
* @return an iterator with the defined keys in this configuration
protected Iterator<String> getKeysInternal()
return visitDefinedKeys().getKeyList().iterator();
* Creates a {@code DefinedKeysVisitor} and visits all defined keys with it.
* @return the visitor after all keys have been visited
private DefinedKeysVisitor visitDefinedKeys()
final DefinedKeysVisitor visitor = new DefinedKeysVisitor();
final NodeHandler<T> nodeHandler = getModel().getNodeHandler();
NodeTreeWalker.INSTANCE.walkDFS(nodeHandler.getRootNode(), visitor,
return visitor;
* Returns an iterator with all keys defined in this configuration that
* start with the given prefix. The returned keys will not contain any
* indices. This implementation tries to locate a node whose key is the same
* as the passed in prefix. Then the subtree of this node is traversed, and
* the keys of all nodes encountered (including attributes) are added to the
* result set.
* @param prefix the prefix of the keys to start with
* @return an iterator with the found keys
protected Iterator<String> getKeysInternal(final String prefix)
final DefinedKeysVisitor visitor = new DefinedKeysVisitor(prefix);
if (containsKey(prefix))
// explicitly add the prefix
final List<QueryResult<T>> results = fetchNodeList(prefix);
final NodeHandler<T> handler = getModel().getNodeHandler();
for (final QueryResult<T> result : results)
if (!result.isAttributeResult())
for (final T c : handler.getChildren(result.getNode()))
NodeTreeWalker.INSTANCE.walkDFS(c, visitor, handler);
visitor.handleAttributeKeys(prefix, result.getNode(), handler);
return visitor.getKeyList().iterator();
* Returns the maximum defined index for the given key. This is useful if
* there are multiple values for this key. They can then be addressed
* separately by specifying indices from 0 to the return value of this
* method. If the passed in key is not contained in this configuration,
* result is -1.
* @param key the key to be checked
* @return the maximum defined index for this key
public final int getMaxIndex(final String key)
return getMaxIndexInternal(key);
* Actually retrieves the maximum defined index for the given key. This
* method is called by {@code getMaxIndex()}. Subclasses that need to adapt
* this operation have to override this method.
* @param key the key to be checked
* @return the maximum defined index for this key
* @since 2.0
protected int getMaxIndexInternal(final String key)
return fetchNodeList(key).size() - 1;
* Creates a copy of this object. This new configuration object will contain
* copies of all nodes in the same structure. Registered event listeners
* won't be cloned; so they are not registered at the returned copy.
* @return the copy
* @since 1.2
public Object clone()
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // clone returns the same type
AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration<T> copy =
(AbstractHierarchicalConfiguration<T>) super.clone();
copy.model = cloneNodeModel();
return copy;
catch (final CloneNotSupportedException cex)
// should not happen
throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException(cex);
* Creates a clone of the node model. This method is called by
* {@code clone()}.
* @return the clone of the {@code NodeModel}
* @since 2.0
protected abstract NodeModel<T> cloneNodeModel();
* Helper method for resolving the specified key.
* @param key the key
* @return a list with all results selected by this key
protected List<QueryResult<T>> fetchNodeList(final String key)
final NodeHandler<T> nodeHandler = getModel().getNodeHandler();
return resolveKey(nodeHandler.getRootNode(), key, nodeHandler);
* Checks if the specified node is defined.
* @param node the node to be checked
* @return a flag if this node is defined
protected boolean nodeDefined(final T node)
final DefinedVisitor<T> visitor = new DefinedVisitor<>();
NodeTreeWalker.INSTANCE.walkBFS(node, visitor, getModel().getNodeHandler());
return visitor.isDefined();
* Returns the {@code NodeModel} used by this configuration. This method is
* intended for internal use only. Access to the model is granted without
* any synchronization. This is in contrast to the &quot;official&quot;
* {@code getNodeModel()} method which is guarded by the configuration's
* {@code Synchronizer}.
* @return the node model
protected NodeModel<T> getModel()
return model;
* Extracts the value from a query result.
* @param result the {@code QueryResult}
* @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
* @return the value of this result (may be <b>null</b>)
private Object valueFromResult(final QueryResult<T> result, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
return result.isAttributeResult() ? result.getAttributeValue(handler)
: handler.getValue(result.getNode());
* A specialized visitor that checks if a node is defined.
* &quot;Defined&quot; in this terms means that the node or at least one of
* its sub nodes is associated with a value.
* @param <T> the type of the nodes managed by this hierarchical configuration
private static class DefinedVisitor<T> extends
/** Stores the defined flag. */
private boolean defined;
* Checks if iteration should be stopped. This can be done if the first
* defined node is found.
* @return a flag if iteration should be stopped
public boolean terminate()
return isDefined();
* Visits the node. Checks if a value is defined.
* @param node the actual node
public void visitBeforeChildren(final T node, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
defined =
handler.getValue(node) != null
|| !handler.getAttributes(node).isEmpty();
* Returns the defined flag.
* @return the defined flag
public boolean isDefined()
return defined;
* A specialized visitor that fills a list with keys that are defined in a
* node hierarchy.
private class DefinedKeysVisitor extends
/** Stores the list to be filled. */
private final Set<String> keyList;
/** A stack with the keys of the already processed nodes. */
private final Stack<String> parentKeys;
* Default constructor.
public DefinedKeysVisitor()
keyList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
parentKeys = new Stack<>();
* Creates a new {@code DefinedKeysVisitor} instance and sets the
* prefix for the keys to fetch.
* @param prefix the prefix
public DefinedKeysVisitor(final String prefix)
* Returns the list with all defined keys.
* @return the list with the defined keys
public Set<String> getKeyList()
return keyList;
* {@inheritDoc} This implementation removes this
* node's key from the stack.
public void visitAfterChildren(final T node, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
* {@inheritDoc} If this node has a value, its key is added
* to the internal list.
public void visitBeforeChildren(final T node, final NodeHandler<T> handler)
final String parentKey = parentKeys.isEmpty() ? null
: parentKeys.peek();
final String key = getExpressionEngine().nodeKey(node, parentKey, handler);
if (handler.getValue(node) != null)
handleAttributeKeys(key, node, handler);
* Appends all attribute keys of the current node.
* @param parentKey the parent key
* @param node the current node
* @param handler the {@code NodeHandler}
public void handleAttributeKeys(final String parentKey, final T node,
final NodeHandler<T> handler)
for (final String attr : handler.getAttributes(node))
keyList.add(getExpressionEngine().attributeKey(parentKey, attr));
public String toString()
return super.toString() + "(" + getRootElementNameInternal() + ")";