blob: f618e014c06a4cb652a80aaeb3a711be1338bfe8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test class for DefaultExpressionEngine.
public class TestDefaultExpressionEngine
/** Stores the names of the test nodes representing tables. */
private static String[] tables =
{ "users", "documents"};
/** Stores the types of the test table nodes. */
private static String[] tabTypes =
{ "system", "application"};
/** Test data fields for the node hierarchy. */
private static String[][] fields =
{ "uid", "uname", "firstName", "lastName", "email"},
{ "docid", "name", "creationDate", "authorID", "version"}};
/** The root of a hierarchy with test nodes. */
private static ImmutableNode root;
/** A node handler for the hierarchy of test nodes. */
private static NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> handler;
/** The object to be tested. */
private DefaultExpressionEngine engine;
public static void setUpBeforeClass()
root = setUpNodes();
handler = new InMemoryNodeModel(root).getNodeHandler();
public void setUp() throws Exception
engine = DefaultExpressionEngine.INSTANCE;
* Tests whether the default instance is initialized with default symbols.
public void testDefaultSymbols()
assertSame("Wrong default symbols",
* Tries to create an instance without symbols.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testInitNoSymbols()
new DefaultExpressionEngine(null);
* Tests some simple queries.
public void testQueryKeys()
checkKey("", "name", 2);
checkKey("", "name", 10);
checkKey("tables.table[@type]", "type", 2);
checkKey("tables.table(0)", "name", 5);
checkKey("tables.table(1)", "name", 5);
checkKey("tables.table.fields.field(1).name", "name", 2);
* Performs some queries and evaluates the values of the result nodes.
public void testQueryNodes()
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
checkKeyValue("tables.table(" + i + ").name", "name", tables[i]);
checkAttributeValue("tables.table(" + i + ")[@type]", "type",
for (int j = 0; j < fields[i].length; j++)
checkKeyValue("tables.table(" + i + ").fields.field(" + j
+ ").name", "name", fields[i][j]);
* Tests querying keys that do not exist.
public void testQueryNonExistingKeys()
checkKey("", null, 0);
checkKey("tables.table(2).name", null, 0);
checkKey("a complete unknown key", null, 0);
checkKey("tables.table(0).fields.field(-1).name", null, 0);
checkKey("tables.table(0).fields.field(28).name", null, 0);
checkKey("tables.table(0).fields.field().name", null, 0);
checkKey("", null, 0);
checkKey("tables.table(0)[@type].additional", null, 0);
* Tests querying nodes whose names contain a delimiter.
public void testQueryEscapedKeys()
checkKeyValue("", "", "scott");
checkKeyValue("connection..settings.usr..pwd", "usr.pwd", "tiger");
* Tests some queries when the same delimiter is used for properties and
* attributes.
public void testQueryAttributeEmulation()
final DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols symbols =
new DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols.Builder(
engine = new DefaultExpressionEngine(symbols);
checkKeyValue("tables.table(0).name", "name", tables[0]);
checkAttributeValue("tables.table(0).type", "type", tabTypes[0]);
checkKey("tables.table.type", "type", 2);
* Helper method for testing a query for the root node.
* @param key the key to be used
private void checkQueryRootNode(final String key)
final List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> results = checkKey(key, null, 1);
final QueryResult<ImmutableNode> result = results.get(0);
assertFalse("No node result", result.isAttributeResult());
assertSame("Not the root node", root, result.getNode());
* Tests whether the root node can be retrieved using the null key.
public void testQueryRootNodeNullKey()
* Tests whether the root node can be retrieved using the empty key.
public void testQueryRootNodeEmptyKey()
* Tests whether an attribute of the root node can be queried.
public void testQueryRootAttribute()
checkAttributeValue("[@test]", "test", "true");
* Tests a different query syntax. Sets other strings for the typical tokens
* used by the expression engine.
public void testQueryAlternativeSyntax()
checkKeyValue("tables/table[1]/name", "name", tables[1]);
checkAttributeValue("tables/table[0]@type", "type", tabTypes[0]);
checkAttributeValue("@test", "test", "true");
checkKeyValue("connection.settings/", "", "scott");
* Tests obtaining keys for nodes.
public void testNodeKey()
final ImmutableNode node = root.getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals("Invalid name for descendant of root", "tables", engine
.nodeKey(node, "", handler));
assertEquals("Parent key not respected", "test.tables", engine.nodeKey(
node, "test", handler));
assertEquals("Full parent key not taken into account",
"a.full.parent.key.tables", engine.nodeKey(node,
"a.full.parent.key", handler));
* Tests obtaining keys if the root node is involved.
public void testNodeKeyWithRoot()
assertEquals("Wrong name for root node", "",
engine.nodeKey(root, null, handler));
assertEquals("Null name not detected", "test",
engine.nodeKey(root, "test", handler));
* Tests obtaining keys for attribute nodes.
public void testAttributeKey()
assertEquals("Wrong attribute key", "tables.table[@type]", engine
.attributeKey("tables.table", "type"));
* Tests whether an attribute key can be queried if the root node is involved.
public void testAttributeKeyRoot()
assertEquals("Wrong key for root attribute", "[@test]",
engine.attributeKey("", "test"));
* Tests that a null parent key is ignored when constructing an attribute key.
public void testAttributeKeyNoParent()
assertEquals("Wrong key for null parent", "[@test]",
engine.attributeKey(null, "test"));
* Tests obtaining keys for nodes that contain the delimiter character.
public void testNodeKeyWithEscapedDelimiters()
final ImmutableNode node = root.getChildren().get(1);
assertEquals("Wrong escaped key", "connection..settings",
engine.nodeKey(node, "", handler));
"Wrong complex escaped key",
engine.nodeKey(node, "", handler), handler));
* Tests obtaining node keys if a different syntax is set.
public void testNodeKeyWithAlternativeSyntax()
assertEquals("Wrong child key", "tables/table", engine.nodeKey(root
.getChildren().get(0).getChildren().get(0), "tables", handler));
* Tests whether a correct attribute key with alternative syntax is
* generated.
public void testAttributeKeyWithAlternativeSyntax()
assertEquals("Wrong attribute key", "@test",
engine.attributeKey("", "test"));
* Tests obtaining node keys if a different syntax is set and the same
* string is used as property delimiter and attribute start marker.
public void testNodeKeyWithAlternativeSyntaxAttributePropertyDelimiter()
final DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols symbols =
new DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols.Builder(engine.getSymbols())
engine = new DefaultExpressionEngine(symbols);
assertEquals("Wrong attribute key", "/test",
engine.attributeKey("", "test"));
* Tests adding direct child nodes to the existing hierarchy.
public void testPrepareAddDirectly()
NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "newNode", handler);
assertSame("Wrong parent node", root, data.getParent());
assertTrue("Path nodes available", data.getPathNodes().isEmpty());
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "newNode", data.getNewNodeName());
assertFalse("New node is an attribute", data.isAttribute());
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "name", data.getNewNodeName());
assertTrue("Path nodes available", data.getPathNodes().isEmpty());
assertEquals("Wrong parent node", "field", data.getParent().getNodeName());
final ImmutableNode nd = data.getParent().getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals("Field has no name node", "name", nd.getNodeName());
assertEquals("Incorrect name", "version", nd.getValue());
* Tests adding if indices are involved.
public void testPrepareAddWithIndex()
NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data = engine
.prepareAdd(root, "tables.table(0).tableSpace", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "tableSpace", data
assertTrue("Path nodes available", data.getPathNodes().isEmpty());
assertEquals("Wrong type of parent node", "table", data.getParent()
final ImmutableNode node = data.getParent().getChildren().get(0);
assertEquals("Wrong table", tables[0], node.getValue());
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "tables.table(1).fields.field(2).alias", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "alias", data.getNewNodeName());
assertEquals("Wrong type of parent node", "field", data.getParent()
assertEquals("Wrong field node", "creationDate", data.getParent()
* Tests adding new attributes.
public void testPrepareAddAttribute()
final NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data = engine.prepareAdd(root,
"tables.table(0)[@tableSpace]", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong table node", tables[0], data.getParent()
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "tableSpace", data
assertTrue("Attribute not detected", data.isAttribute());
assertTrue("Path nodes available", data.getPathNodes().isEmpty());
* Tests whether an attribute to the root node can be added.
public void testPrepareAddAttributeRoot()
final NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "[@newAttr]", handler);
assertSame("Root node is not parent", root, data.getParent());
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "newAttr", data.getNewNodeName());
assertTrue("Attribute not detected", data.isAttribute());
* Tests add operations where complete paths are added.
public void testPrepareAddWithPath()
NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data = engine.prepareAdd(root,
"tables.table(1).fields.field(-1).name", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "name", data.getNewNodeName());
checkNodePath(data, "field");
assertEquals("Wrong type of parent node", "fields", data.getParent()
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "tables.table(-1).name", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "name", data.getNewNodeName());
checkNodePath(data, "table");
assertEquals("Wrong type of parent node", "tables", data.getParent()
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "path", data.getNewNodeName());
checkNodePath(data, "a", "complete", "new");
assertSame("Root is not parent", root, data.getParent());
* Tests add operations if property and attribute delimiters are equal.
* Then it is not possible to add new attribute nodes.
public void testPrepareAddWithSameAttributeDelimiter()
final DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols symbols =
new DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols.Builder(
engine = new DefaultExpressionEngine(symbols);
NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data =
engine.prepareAdd(root, "tables.table(0).test", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "test", data.getNewNodeName());
assertFalse("New node is an attribute", data.isAttribute());
assertEquals("Wrong type of parent node", "table", data.getParent()
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "", handler);
assertFalse("New node is an attribute", data.isAttribute());
checkNodePath(data, "a", "complete", "new");
* Tests add operations when an alternative syntax is set.
public void testPrepareAddWithAlternativeSyntax()
NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data =
engine.prepareAdd(root, "tables/table[0]/test", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "test", data.getNewNodeName());
assertFalse("New node is attribute", data.isAttribute());
assertEquals("Wrong parent node", tables[0], data.getParent()
data = engine.prepareAdd(root, "a/complete/new/path@attr", handler);
assertEquals("Wrong name of new attribute", "attr", data
checkNodePath(data, "a", "complete", "new", "path");
assertSame("Root is not parent", root, data.getParent());
* Tests using invalid keys, e.g. if something should be added to
* attributes.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPrepareAddInvalidKey()
engine.prepareAdd(root, "tables.table(0)[@type].new", handler);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPrepareAddInvalidKeyAttribute()
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPrepareAddNullKey()
engine.prepareAdd(root, null, handler);
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testPrepareAddEmptyKey()
engine.prepareAdd(root, "", handler);
* Tests whether a canonical key can be queried if all child nodes have
* different names.
public void testCanonicalKeyNoDuplicates()
final ImmutableNode node = fetchNode("tables.table(0).name");
assertEquals("Wrong canonical key", "",
engine.canonicalKey(node, "table", handler));
* Tests whether duplicates are correctly resolved when querying for
* canonical keys.
public void testCanonicalKeyWithDuplicates()
final ImmutableNode tab1 = fetchNode("tables.table(0)");
final ImmutableNode tab2 = fetchNode("tables.table(1)");
assertEquals("Wrong key 1", "tables.table(0)",
engine.canonicalKey(tab1, "tables", handler));
assertEquals("Wrong key 2", "tables.table(1)",
engine.canonicalKey(tab2, "tables", handler));
* Tests whether the parent key can be undefined when querying a canonical
* key.
public void testCanonicalKeyNoParentKey()
final ImmutableNode node = fetchNode("tables.table(0).fields.field(1).name");
assertEquals("Wrong key", "name(0)",
engine.canonicalKey(node, null, handler));
* Tests whether a canonical key for the parent node can be queried if no
* parent key was passed in.
public void testCanonicalKeyRootNoParentKey()
assertEquals("Wrong key", "", engine.canonicalKey(root, null, handler));
* Tests whether a parent key is evaluated when determining the canonical
* key of the root node.
public void testCanonicalKeyRootWithParentKey()
assertEquals("Wrong key", "parent",
engine.canonicalKey(root, "parent", handler));
* Tests whether the node matcher is used when querying keys.
public void testQueryKeyWithAlternativeMatcher()
checkKey("tables_._table_.name_", "name", 2);
* Tests whether the node matcher is used when adding keys.
public void testPrepareAddWithAlternativeMatcher()
final NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data =
engine.prepareAdd(root, "",
assertEquals("Wrong name of new node", "name", data.getNewNodeName());
assertTrue("Path nodes available", data.getPathNodes().isEmpty());
* Creates a node hierarchy for testing that consists of tables, their
* fields, and some additional data:
* <pre>
* tables
* table
* name
* fields
* field
* name
* field
* name
* </pre>
* @return the root of the test node hierarchy
private static ImmutableNode setUpNodes()
final ImmutableNode.Builder nodeTablesBuilder =
new ImmutableNode.Builder(tables.length);"tables");
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
final ImmutableNode.Builder nodeTableBuilder =
new ImmutableNode.Builder(2);"table");
nodeTableBuilder.addChild(new ImmutableNode.Builder().name("name")
nodeTableBuilder.addAttribute("type", tabTypes[i]);
final ImmutableNode.Builder nodeFieldsBuilder =
new ImmutableNode.Builder(fields[i].length);
for (int j = 0; j < fields[i].length; j++)
final ImmutableNode.Builder rootBuilder = new ImmutableNode.Builder();
final ImmutableNode.Builder nodeConnBuilder = new ImmutableNode.Builder();"connection.settings");
nodeConnBuilder.addChild(createNode("", "scott"));
nodeConnBuilder.addChild(createNode("usr.pwd", "tiger"));
rootBuilder.addAttribute("test", "true");
return rootBuilder.create();
* Configures the expression engine to use a different syntax.
private void setUpAlternativeSyntax()
final DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols symbols =
new DefaultExpressionEngineSymbols.Builder()
engine = new DefaultExpressionEngine(symbols);
* Configures the test expression engine to use a special matcher. This
* matcher ignores underscore characters in node names.
private void setUpAlternativeMatcher()
final NodeMatcher<String> matcher = new NodeMatcher<String>()
public <T> boolean matches(final T node, final NodeHandler<T> handler,
final String criterion)
return handler.nodeName(node).equals(StringUtils.remove(criterion, '_'));
engine = new DefaultExpressionEngine(engine.getSymbols(), matcher);
* Helper method for checking the evaluation of a key. Queries the
* expression engine and tests if the expected results are returned.
* @param key the key
* @param name the name of the nodes to be returned
* @param count the number of expected result nodes
* @return the list with the results of the query
private List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> checkKey(final String key, final String name,
final int count)
final List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> nodes = query(key, count);
for (final QueryResult<ImmutableNode> result : nodes)
if (result.isAttributeResult())
assertEquals("Wrong attribute name for key " + key, name,
assertEquals("Wrong result node for key " + key, name, result
return nodes;
* Helper method for querying the test engine for a specific key.
* @param key the key
* @param expCount the expected number of result nodes
* @return the collection of retrieved nodes
private List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> query(final String key, final int expCount)
final List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> nodes = engine.query(root, key, handler);
assertEquals("Wrong number of result nodes for key " + key, expCount,
return nodes;
* Helper method for fetching a specific node by its key.
* @param key the key
* @return the node with this key
private ImmutableNode fetchNode(final String key)
final QueryResult<ImmutableNode> result = query(key, 1).get(0);
assertFalse("An attribute result", result.isAttributeResult());
return result.getNode();
* Helper method for checking the value of a node specified by the given
* key. This method evaluates the key and checks whether the resulting node
* has the expected value.
* @param key the key
* @param name the expected name of the result node
* @param value the expected value of the result node
private void checkKeyValue(final String key, final String name, final String value)
final List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> results = checkKey(key, name, 1);
final QueryResult<ImmutableNode> result = results.get(0);
assertFalse("No node result", result.isAttributeResult());
assertEquals("Wrong value for key " + key, value,
* Helper method for checking whether an attribute key is correctly
* evaluated.
* @param key the attribute key
* @param attr the attribute name
* @param expValue the expected attribute value
private void checkAttributeValue(final String key, final String attr, final Object expValue)
final List<QueryResult<ImmutableNode>> results = checkKey(key, attr, 1);
final QueryResult<ImmutableNode> result = results.get(0);
assertTrue("Not an attribute result", result.isAttributeResult());
assertEquals("Wrong attribute value for key " + key, expValue,
* Helper method for checking the path of an add operation.
* @param data the add data object
* @param expected the expected path nodes
private void checkNodePath(final NodeAddData<ImmutableNode> data,
final String... expected)
assertEquals("Wrong number of path nodes", expected.length, data
final Iterator<String> it = data.getPathNodes().iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++)
assertEquals("Wrong path node " + i, expected[i],;
* Helper method for creating a field node with its children for the test
* node hierarchy.
* @param name the name of the field
* @return the field node
private static ImmutableNode createFieldNode(final String name)
final ImmutableNode.Builder nodeFieldBuilder = new ImmutableNode.Builder(1);
nodeFieldBuilder.addChild(createNode("name", name));
* Convenience method for creating a simple node with a name and a value.
* @param name the node name
* @param value the node value
* @return the node instance
private static ImmutableNode createNode(final String name, final Object value)
return new ImmutableNode.Builder().name(name).value(value).create();