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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration2;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertInstanceOf;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertSame;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.ConversionHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DefaultConversionHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DefaultListDelimiterHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DisabledListDelimiterHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.ConfigurationEvent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventType;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.interpol.ConfigurationInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.interpol.Lookup;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* A test class for some of the basic functionality implemented by AbstractConfiguration.
public class TestAbstractConfigurationBasicFeatures {
* An event listener implementation that simply collects all received configuration events.
private static final class CollectingConfigurationListener implements EventListener<ConfigurationEvent> {
private final List<ConfigurationEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
public void onEvent(final ConfigurationEvent event) {
* A test configuration implementation. This implementation inherits directly from AbstractConfiguration. For
* implementing the required functionality another implementation of AbstractConfiguration is used; all methods that
* need to be implemented delegate to this wrapped configuration.
static class TestConfigurationImpl extends AbstractConfiguration {
/** Stores the underlying configuration. */
private final AbstractConfiguration config;
public TestConfigurationImpl(final AbstractConfiguration wrappedConfig) {
config = wrappedConfig;
protected void addPropertyDirect(final String key, final Object value) {
config.addPropertyDirect(key, value);
protected void clearPropertyDirect(final String key) {
protected boolean containsKeyInternal(final String key) {
return config.containsKey(key);
protected boolean containsValueInternal(String value) {
return config.containsValue(value);
protected Iterator<String> getKeysInternal() {
return config.getKeys();
protected Object getPropertyInternal(final String key) {
return config.getProperty(key);
public AbstractConfiguration getUnderlyingConfiguration() {
return config;
protected boolean isEmptyInternal() {
return config.isEmpty();
/** Constant for text to be used in tests for variable substitution. */
private static final String SUBST_TXT = "The ${animal} jumps over the ${target}.";
/** Constant for the prefix of test keys. */
private static final String KEY_PREFIX = "key";
/** Constant for the number of properties in tests for copy operations. */
private static final int PROP_COUNT = 12;
* Prepares a test configuration for a test for a list conversion. The configuration is populated with a list property.
* The returned list contains the expected list values converted to integers.
* @param config the test configuration
* @return the list with expected values
private static List<Integer> prepareListTest(final PropertiesConfiguration config) {
final List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<>(PROP_COUNT);
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, String.valueOf(i));
return expected;
* Helper method for adding properties with multiple values.
* @param config the configuration to be used for testing
private void checkAddListProperty(final AbstractConfiguration config) {
config.addProperty("test", "value1");
final Object[] lstValues1 = {"value2", "value3"};
final Object[] lstValues2 = {"value4", "value5", "value6"};
config.addProperty("test", lstValues1);
config.addProperty("test", Arrays.asList(lstValues2));
final List<Object> lst = config.getList("test");
final List<Object> expected = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
expected.add("value" + (i + 1));
assertEquals(expected, lst);
* Tests whether the correct events are received for a copy operation.
* @param l the event listener
* @param src the configuration that was copied
* @param eventType the expected event type
private void checkCopyEvents(final CollectingConfigurationListener l, final Configuration src, final EventType<?> eventType) {
final Map<String, ConfigurationEvent> events = new HashMap<>();
for (final ConfigurationEvent e : {
assertEquals(eventType, e.getEventType());
assertTrue(src.containsKey(e.getPropertyName()), "Unknown property: " + e.getPropertyName());
if (!e.isBeforeUpdate()) {
} else {
events.put(e.getPropertyName(), e);
for (final Iterator<String> it = src.getKeys(); it.hasNext();) {
final String key =;
assertTrue(events.containsKey(key), "No event received for key " + key);
* Helper method for checking getList() if the property value is a scalar.
* @param value the value of the property
private void checkGetListScalar(final Object value) {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, value);
final List<Object> lst = config.getList(KEY_PREFIX);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(value.toString()), lst);
* Helper method for checking getStringArray() if the property value is a scalar.
* @param value the value of the property
private void checkGetStringArrayScalar(final Object value) {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, value);
final String[] array = config.getStringArray(KEY_PREFIX);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {value.toString()}, array);
* Tests the values of list properties after a copy operation.
* @param config the configuration to test
private void checkListProperties(final Configuration config) {
List<Object> values = config.getList("list1");
assertEquals(3, values.size());
values = config.getList("list2");
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("3,1415", "9,81"), values);
* Creates the destination configuration for testing the copy() and append() methods. This configuration contains keys
* with a running index and corresponding values starting with the prefix "value".
* @return the destination configuration for copy operations
private AbstractConfiguration setUpDestConfig() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
config.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX + i, "value" + i);
return config;
* Creates the source configuration for testing the copy() and append() methods. This configuration contains keys with
* an odd index and values starting with the prefix "src". There are also some list properties.
* @return the source configuration for copy operations
private Configuration setUpSourceConfig() {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
config.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));
for (int i = 1; i < PROP_COUNT; i += 2) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX + i, "src" + i);
config.addProperty("list1", "1,2,3");
config.addProperty("list2", "3\\,1415,9\\,81");
return config;
* Tests adding list properties. The single elements of the list should be added.
public void testAddPropertyList() {
checkAddListProperty(new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration()));
* Tests adding list properties if delimiter parsing is disabled.
public void testAddPropertyListNoDelimiterParsing() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
* Tests the append() method.
public void testAppend() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
final Configuration srcConfig = setUpSourceConfig();
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
final String key = KEY_PREFIX + i;
if (srcConfig.containsKey(key)) {
final List<Object> values = config.getList(key);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("value" + i, "src" + i), values, "Wrong values for " + key);
} else {
assertEquals("value" + i, config.getProperty(key), "Value modified: " + key);
* Tests whether the list delimiter is correctly handled if a configuration is appended.
public void testAppendDelimiterHandling() {
final BaseConfiguration srcConfig = new BaseConfiguration();
final BaseConfiguration dstConfig = new BaseConfiguration();
dstConfig.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));
srcConfig.setProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "C:\\Temp\\,D:\\Data");
assertEquals(srcConfig.getString(KEY_PREFIX), dstConfig.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests the events generated by an append() operation.
public void testAppendEvents() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
final Configuration srcConfig = setUpSourceConfig();
final CollectingConfigurationListener l = new CollectingConfigurationListener();
config.addEventListener(ConfigurationEvent.ANY, l);
checkCopyEvents(l, srcConfig, ConfigurationEvent.ADD_PROPERTY);
* Tests appending a null configuration. This should be a noop.
public void testAppendNull() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
ConfigurationAssert.assertConfigurationEquals(setUpDestConfig(), config);
* Tests the append() method when properties with multiple values and escaped list delimiters are involved.
public void testAppendWithLists() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
* Tests the clear() implementation of AbstractConfiguration if the iterator returned by getKeys() does not support the
* remove() operation.
public void testClearIteratorNoRemove() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new BaseConfiguration()) {
// return an iterator that does not support remove operations
protected Iterator<String> getKeysInternal() {
final Collection<String> keyCol = new ArrayList<>();
ConfigurationAssert.appendKeys(getUnderlyingConfiguration(), keyCol);
final String[] keys = keyCol.toArray(new String[keyCol.size()]);
return Arrays.asList(keys).iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
config.addProperty("key" + i, "value" + i);
* Tests the copy() method.
public void testCopy() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
final Configuration srcConfig = setUpSourceConfig();
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
final String key = KEY_PREFIX + i;
if (srcConfig.containsKey(key)) {
assertEquals(srcConfig.getProperty(key), config.getProperty(key), "Value not replaced: " + key);
} else {
assertEquals("value" + i, config.getProperty(key), "Value modified: " + key);
* Tests whether list delimiters are correctly handled when copying a configuration.
public void testCopyDelimiterHandling() {
final BaseConfiguration srcConfig = new BaseConfiguration();
final BaseConfiguration dstConfig = new BaseConfiguration();
dstConfig.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));
srcConfig.setProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "C:\\Temp\\,D:\\Data");
assertEquals(srcConfig.getString(KEY_PREFIX), dstConfig.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests the events generated by a copy() operation.
public void testCopyEvents() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
final Configuration srcConfig = setUpSourceConfig();
final CollectingConfigurationListener l = new CollectingConfigurationListener();
config.addEventListener(ConfigurationEvent.ANY, l);
checkCopyEvents(l, srcConfig, ConfigurationEvent.SET_PROPERTY);
* Tests copying a null configuration. This should be a noop.
public void testCopyNull() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
ConfigurationAssert.assertConfigurationEquals(setUpDestConfig(), config);
* Tests the copy() method if properties with multiple values and escaped list delimiters are involved.
public void testCopyWithLists() {
final Configuration srcConfig = setUpSourceConfig();
final AbstractConfiguration config = setUpDestConfig();
* Tests an interpolation that leads to a cycle. This should throw an exception.
public void testCyclicInterpolation() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty("animal", "${animal_attr} ${species}");
config.addProperty("animal_attr", "quick brown");
config.addProperty("species", "${animal}");
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "This is a ${animal}");
assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests whether a configuration instance has a default conversion hander.
public void testDefaultConversionHandler() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertEquals(DefaultConversionHandler.class, config.getConversionHandler().getClass());
* Tests that the default conversion handler is shared between all configuration instances.
public void testDefaultConversionHandlerSharedInstance() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final PropertiesConfiguration config2 = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertSame(config.getConversionHandler(), config2.getConversionHandler());
* Tests the default list delimiter hander.
public void testDefaultListDelimiterHandler() {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
assertInstanceOf(DisabledListDelimiterHandler.class, config.getListDelimiterHandler());
* Tests the generic get() method.
public void testGet() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final Integer value = 20130816;
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, value.toString());
assertEquals(value, config.get(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests whether conversion to an array is possible.
public void testGetArray() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final Integer[] expected = new Integer[PROP_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, String.valueOf(i));
expected[i] = Integer.valueOf(i);
final Integer[] result = config.get(Integer[].class, KEY_PREFIX);
assertArrayEquals(expected, result);
* Tests getArray() if the default value is not an array.
public void testGetArrayDefaultValueNotAnArray() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> config.getArray(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, this));
* Tests getArray() if the default value is an array with a different component type.
public void testGetArrayDefaultValueWrongComponentClass() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> config.getArray(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, new short[1]));
* Tests a conversion to an array of primitive types.
public void testGetArrayPrimitive() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final short[] expected = new short[PROP_COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, String.valueOf(i));
expected[i] = (short) i;
final short[] result = config.get(short[].class, KEY_PREFIX, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY);
assertArrayEquals(expected, result);
* Tests get() for an unknown array property if no default value is provided.
public void testGetArrayUnknownNoDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertNull(config.get(Integer[].class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests get() for an unknown array property if a default value is provided.
public void testGetArrayUnknownWithDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final int[] defValue = {1, 2, 3};
assertArrayEquals(defValue, config.get(int[].class, KEY_PREFIX, defValue));
* Tests a conversion to a collection.
public void testGetCollection() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> expected = prepareListTest(config);
final List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(PROP_COUNT);
assertSame(result, config.getCollection(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, result));
assertEquals(expected, result);
* Tests getCollection() if no target collection is provided.
public void testGetCollectionNullTarget() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> expected = prepareListTest(config);
final Collection<Integer> result = config.getCollection(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, null, new ArrayList<>());
assertEquals(expected, result);
* Tests whether a single value property can be converted to a collection.
public void testGetCollectionSingleValue() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "1");
final List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(1);
config.getCollection(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, result);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(1), result);
* Tests getCollection() for an unknown property if no default value is provided.
public void testGetCollectionUnknownNoDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
assertNull(config.getCollection(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, result));
* Tests getCollection() for an unknown property if a default collection is provided.
public void testGetCollectionUnknownWithDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> defValue = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
final Collection<Integer> result = config.getCollection(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, null, defValue);
assertEquals(defValue, result);
* Tries to query an encoded string without a decoder.
public void testGetEncodedStringNoDecoder() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> config.getEncodedString(KEY_PREFIX, null));
* Tries to query an encoded string with the default decoder if this property is not defined.
public void testGetEncodedStringNoDefaultDecoderDefined() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> config.getEncodedString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests whether undefined keys are handled when querying encoded strings.
public void testGetEncodedStringNoValue() {
final ConfigurationDecoder decoder = mock(ConfigurationDecoder.class);
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertNull(config.getEncodedString(KEY_PREFIX, decoder));
* Tests whether an encoded value can be retrieved.
public void testGetEncodedStringValue() {
final ConfigurationDecoder decoder = mock(ConfigurationDecoder.class);
final String value = "original value";
final String decodedValue = "decoded value";
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, value);
assertEquals(decodedValue, config.getEncodedString(KEY_PREFIX, decoder));
* Tests whether a default decoder can be set which is queried for encoded strings.
public void testGetEncodedStringWithDefaultDecoder() {
final ConfigurationDecoder decoder = mock(ConfigurationDecoder.class);
final String value = "original value";
final String decodedValue = "decoded value";
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, value);
assertEquals(decodedValue, config.getEncodedString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests a conversion to a list.
public void testGetList() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> expected = prepareListTest(config);
final List<Integer> result = config.getList(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX);
assertEquals(expected, result);
* Tests getList() for single non-string values.
public void testGetListNonString() {
checkGetListScalar(Short.valueOf((short) 42));
checkGetListScalar(Byte.valueOf((byte) 42));
* Tests a conversion to a list if the property is unknown and no default value is provided.
public void testGetListUnknownNoDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertNull(config.getList(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests a conversion to a list if the property is unknown and a default list is provided.
public void testGetListUnknownWithDefault() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<Integer> defValue = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
assertEquals(defValue, config.getList(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, defValue));
* Tests getStringArray() for single son-string values.
public void testGetStringArrayNonString() {
checkGetStringArrayScalar(Short.valueOf((short) 42));
checkGetStringArrayScalar(Byte.valueOf((byte) 42));
* Tests getStringArray() if the key cannot be found.
public void testGetStringArrayUnknown() {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
final String[] array = config.getStringArray(KEY_PREFIX);
assertEquals(0, array.length);
* Tests get() for an unknown property if no default value is provided.
public void testGetUnknownNoDefaultValue() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertNull(config.get(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests get() for an unknown property if a default value is provided.
public void testGetUnknownWithDefaultValue() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final Integer defaultValue = 2121;
assertEquals(defaultValue, config.get(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, defaultValue));
* Tests get() for an unknown property if the throwExceptionOnMissing flag is set.
public void testGetUnknownWithThrowExceptionOnMissing() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> config.get(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests get() for an unknown property with a default value and the throwExceptionOnMissing flag. Because of the default
* value no exception should be thrown.
public void testGetUnownWithDefaultValueThrowExceptionOnMissing() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final Integer defaultValue = 2121;
assertEquals(defaultValue, config.get(Integer.class, KEY_PREFIX, defaultValue));
* Tests whether a new {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} can be installed without providing custom lookups.
public void testInstallInterpolatorNull() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
config.installInterpolator(null, null);
final List<Lookup> defLookups = config.getInterpolator().getDefaultLookups();
assertEquals(1, defLookups.size());
assertInstanceOf(ConfigurationLookup.class, defLookups.get(0));
* Tests whether a property can reference an array using interpolation. This is related to CONFIGURATION-633.
public void testInterpolateArray() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final String[] values = {"some", "test", "values"};
final String keyArray = "testArray";
config.addProperty(keyArray, values);
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "${" + keyArray + "}");
assertArrayEquals(values, config.getStringArray(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests whether environment variables can be interpolated.
public void testInterpolateEnvironmentVariables() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
* Tests escaping the variable marker, so that no interpolation will be performed.
public void testInterpolateEscape() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
config.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(','));
config.addProperty("mypath", "$${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar\\,$${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cu.jar");
assertEquals("${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc.jar,${DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2jcc_license_cu.jar", config.getString("mypath"));
* Tests whether a property can reference a list using interpolation. This is related to CONFIGURATION-633.
public void testInterpolateList() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<String> values = Arrays.asList("some", "test", "values");
final String keyList = "testList";
config.addProperty(keyList, values);
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "${" + keyList + "}");
assertEquals(values, config.getList(String.class, KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests complex interpolation where the variables' values contain in turn other variables.
public void testInterpolateRecursive() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty("animal", "${animal_attr} fox");
config.addProperty("target", "${target_attr} dog");
config.addProperty("animal_attr", "quick brown");
config.addProperty("target_attr", "lazy");
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, SUBST_TXT);
assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests the interpolation features.
public void testInterpolateString() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty("animal", "quick brown fox");
config.addProperty("target", "lazy dog");
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, SUBST_TXT);
assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests that variables with list values in interpolated string are resolved with the first element
* in the list.
public void testInterpolateStringWithListVariable() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final List<String> values = Arrays.asList("some", "test", "values");
final String keyList = "testList";
config.addProperty(keyList, values);
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, "result = ${" + keyList + "}");
assertEquals("result = some", config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests interpolate() if the configuration does not have a {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
public void testInterpolationNoInterpolator() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty("animal", "quick brown fox");
config.addProperty("target", "lazy dog");
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, SUBST_TXT);
assertEquals(SUBST_TXT, config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests interpolation if a variable is unknown. Then the variable won't be substituted.
public void testInterpolationUnknownVariable() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
config.addProperty("animal", "quick brown fox");
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX, SUBST_TXT);
assertEquals("The quick brown fox jumps over the ${target}.", config.getString(KEY_PREFIX));
* Tests whether interpolation works in variable names.
public void testNestedVariableInterpolation() {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
config.addProperty("java.version", "1.4");
config.addProperty("jre-1.4", "C:\\java\\1.4");
config.addProperty("jre.path", "${jre-${java.version}}");
assertEquals("C:\\java\\1.4", config.getString("jre.path"));
* Tests whether the conversion handler can be changed.
public void testSetDefaultConversionHandler() {
final PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
final ConversionHandler handler = new DefaultConversionHandler();
assertSame(handler, config.getConversionHandler());
* Tries to set a null value for the conversion handler.
public void testSetDefaultConversionHandlerNull() {
final PropertiesConfiguration configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> configuration.setConversionHandler(null));
* Tests whether default lookups can be added to an already existing {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
public void testSetDefaultLookupsExistingInterpolator() {
final Lookup look = mock(Lookup.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
config.getInterpolator().addDefaultLookup(new ConfigurationLookup(new PropertiesConfiguration()));
final List<Lookup> lookups = config.getInterpolator().getDefaultLookups();
assertEquals(3, lookups.size());
assertSame(look, lookups.get(1));
assertInstanceOf(ConfigurationLookup.class, lookups.get(2));
* Tests whether default lookups can be added if not {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} exists yet.
public void testSetDefaultLookupsNoInterpolator() {
final Lookup look = mock(Lookup.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
final List<Lookup> lookups = config.getInterpolator().getDefaultLookups();
assertEquals(2, lookups.size());
assertSame(look, lookups.get(0));
assertInstanceOf(ConfigurationLookup.class, lookups.get(1));
* Tries to set a null list delimiter handler.
public void testSetListDelimiterHandlerNull() {
final BaseConfiguration config = new BaseConfiguration();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> config.setListDelimiterHandler(null));
* Tests whether a parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} can be set if already a {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} is
* available.
public void testSetParentInterpolatorExistingInterpolator() {
final ConfigurationInterpolator parent = mock(ConfigurationInterpolator.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
final ConfigurationInterpolator ci = config.getInterpolator();
assertSame(parent, config.getInterpolator().getParentInterpolator());
assertSame(ci, config.getInterpolator());
* Tests whether a parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} can be set if currently no {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}
* is available.
public void testSetParentInterpolatorNoInterpolator() {
final ConfigurationInterpolator parent = mock(ConfigurationInterpolator.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
assertSame(parent, config.getInterpolator().getParentInterpolator());
* Tests whether prefix lookups can be added to an existing {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
public void testSetPrefixLookupsExistingInterpolator() {
final Lookup look = mock(Lookup.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
final int count = config.getInterpolator().getLookups().size();
final Map<String, Lookup> lookups = new HashMap<>();
lookups.put("test", look);
final Map<String, Lookup> lookups2 = config.getInterpolator().getLookups();
assertEquals(count + 1, lookups2.size());
assertSame(look, lookups2.get("test"));
* Tests whether prefix lookups can be added if no {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} exists yet.
public void testSetPrefixLookupsNoInterpolator() {
final Lookup look = mock(Lookup.class);
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
config.setPrefixLookups(Collections.singletonMap("test", look));
final Map<String, Lookup> lookups = config.getInterpolator().getLookups();
assertEquals(1, lookups.size());
assertSame(look, lookups.get("test"));
* Tests the default implementation of sizeInternal().
public void testSizeInternal() {
final AbstractConfiguration config = new TestConfigurationImpl(new PropertiesConfiguration());
for (int i = 0; i < PROP_COUNT; i++) {
config.addProperty(KEY_PREFIX + i, "value" + i);
assertEquals(PROP_COUNT, config.size());