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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration2.interpol;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.text.StringSubstitutor;
import org.apache.commons.text.lookup.StringLookup;
* <p>
* A class that handles interpolation (variable substitution) for configuration
* objects.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each instance of {@code AbstractConfiguration} is associated with an object
* of this class. All interpolation tasks are delegated to this object.
* </p>
* <p>
* {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} internally uses the {@code StringSubstitutor}
* class from <a href="">Commons Text</a>. Thus it
* supports the same syntax of variable expressions.
* </p>
* <p>
* The basic idea of this class is that it can maintain a set of primitive
* {@link Lookup} objects, each of which is identified by a special prefix. The
* variables to be processed have the form <code>${prefix:name}</code>.
* {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} will extract the prefix and determine,
* which primitive lookup object is registered for it. Then the name of the
* variable is passed to this object to obtain the actual value. It is also
* possible to define an arbitrary number of default lookup objects, which are
* used for variables that do not have a prefix or that cannot be resolved by
* their associated lookup object. When adding default lookup objects their
* order matters; they are queried in this order, and the first non-<b>null</b>
* variable value is used.
* </p>
* <p>
* After an instance has been created it does not contain any {@code Lookup}
* objects. The current set of lookup objects can be modified using the
* {@code registerLookup()} and {@code deregisterLookup()} methods. Default
* lookup objects (that are invoked for variables without a prefix) can be added
* or removed with the {@code addDefaultLookup()} and
* {@code removeDefaultLookup()} methods respectively. (When a
* {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} instance is created by a configuration
* object, a default lookup object is added pointing to the configuration
* itself, so that variables are resolved using the configuration's properties.)
* </p>
* <p>
* The default usage scenario is that on a fully initialized instance the
* {@code interpolate()} method is called. It is passed an object value which
* may contain variables. All these variables are substituted if they can be
* resolved. The result is the passed in value with variables replaced.
* Alternatively, the {@code resolve()} method can be called to obtain the
* values of specific variables without performing interpolation.
* </p>
* <p>
* Implementation node: This class is thread-safe. Lookup objects can be added
* or removed at any time concurrent to interpolation operations.
* </p>
* @since 1.4
* @author <a
* href="">Commons
* Configuration team</a>
public class ConfigurationInterpolator
/** Constant for the prefix separator. */
private static final char PREFIX_SEPARATOR = ':';
/** The variable prefix. */
private static final String VAR_START = "${";
/** The length of {@link #VAR_START}. */
private static final int VAR_START_LENGTH = VAR_START.length();
/** The variable suffix. */
private static final String VAR_END = "}";
/** The length of {@link #VAR_END}. */
private static final int VAR_END_LENGTH = VAR_END.length();
/** A map containing the default prefix lookups. */
private static final Map<String, Lookup> DEFAULT_PREFIX_LOOKUPS;
final Map<String, Lookup> lookups = new HashMap<>(DefaultLookups.values().length);
for (final DefaultLookups l : DefaultLookups.values())
lookups.put(l.getPrefix(), l.getLookup());
DEFAULT_PREFIX_LOOKUPS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(lookups);
/** A map with the currently registered lookup objects. */
private final Map<String, Lookup> prefixLookups;
/** Stores the default lookup objects. */
private final List<Lookup> defaultLookups;
/** The helper object performing variable substitution. */
private final StringSubstitutor substitutor;
/** Stores a parent interpolator objects if the interpolator is nested hierarchically. */
private volatile ConfigurationInterpolator parentInterpolator;
* Creates a new instance of {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
public ConfigurationInterpolator()
prefixLookups = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
defaultLookups = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
substitutor = initSubstitutor();
* Creates a new instance based on the properties in the given specification
* object.
* @param spec the {@code InterpolatorSpecification}
* @return the newly created instance
private static ConfigurationInterpolator createInterpolator(
final InterpolatorSpecification spec)
final ConfigurationInterpolator ci = new ConfigurationInterpolator();
return ci;
* Extracts the variable name from a value that consists of a single
* variable.
* @param strValue the value
* @return the extracted variable name
private static String extractVariableName(final String strValue)
return strValue.substring(VAR_START_LENGTH,
strValue.length() - VAR_END_LENGTH);
* Creates a new {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} instance based on the
* passed in specification object. If the {@code InterpolatorSpecification}
* already contains a {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} object, it is used
* directly. Otherwise, a new instance is created and initialized with the
* properties stored in the specification.
* @param spec the {@code InterpolatorSpecification} (must not be
* <b>null</b>)
* @return the {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} obtained or created based
* on the given specification
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specification is <b>null</b>
* @since 2.0
public static ConfigurationInterpolator fromSpecification(
final InterpolatorSpecification spec)
if (spec == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"InterpolatorSpecification must not be null!");
return (spec.getInterpolator() != null) ? spec.getInterpolator()
: createInterpolator(spec);
* Returns a map containing the default prefix lookups. Every configuration
* object derived from {@code AbstractConfiguration} is by default
* initialized with a {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} containing these
* {@code Lookup} objects and their prefixes. The map cannot be modified
* @return a map with the default prefix {@code Lookup} objects and their
* prefixes
* @since 2.0
public static Map<String, Lookup> getDefaultPrefixLookups()
* Utility method for obtaining a {@code Lookup} object in a safe way. This
* method always returns a non-<b>null</b> {@code Lookup} object. If the
* passed in {@code Lookup} is not <b>null</b>, it is directly returned.
* Otherwise, result is a dummy {@code Lookup} which does not provide any
* values.
* @param lookup the {@code Lookup} to check
* @return a non-<b>null</b> {@code Lookup} object
* @since 2.0
public static Lookup nullSafeLookup(Lookup lookup)
if (lookup == null)
lookup = DummyLookup.INSTANCE;
return lookup;
* Adds a default {@code Lookup} object. Default {@code Lookup} objects are
* queried (in the order they were added) for all variables without a
* special prefix. If no default {@code Lookup} objects are present, such
* variables won't be processed.
* @param defaultLookup the default {@code Lookup} object to be added (must
* not be <b>null</b>)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code Lookup} object is
* <b>null</b>
public void addDefaultLookup(final Lookup defaultLookup)
* Adds all {@code Lookup} objects in the given collection as default
* lookups. The collection can be <b>null</b>, then this method has no
* effect. It must not contain <b>null</b> entries.
* @param lookups the {@code Lookup} objects to be added as default lookups
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the collection contains a <b>null</b>
* entry
public void addDefaultLookups(final Collection<? extends Lookup> lookups)
if (lookups != null)
* Deregisters the {@code Lookup} object for the specified prefix at this
* instance. It will be removed from this instance.
* @param prefix the variable prefix
* @return a flag whether for this prefix a lookup object had been
* registered
public boolean deregisterLookup(final String prefix)
return prefixLookups.remove(prefix) != null;
* Obtains the lookup object for the specified prefix. This method is called
* by the {@code lookup()} method. This implementation will check
* whether a lookup object is registered for the given prefix. If not, a
* <b>null</b> lookup object will be returned (never <b>null</b>).
* @param prefix the prefix
* @return the lookup object to be used for this prefix
protected Lookup fetchLookupForPrefix(final String prefix)
return nullSafeLookup(prefixLookups.get(prefix));
* Returns a collection with the default {@code Lookup} objects
* added to this {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}. These objects are not
* associated with a variable prefix. The returned list is a snapshot copy
* of the internal collection of default lookups; so manipulating it does
* not affect this instance.
* @return the default lookup objects
public List<Lookup> getDefaultLookups()
return new ArrayList<>(defaultLookups);
* Returns a map with the currently registered {@code Lookup} objects and
* their prefixes. This is a snapshot copy of the internally used map. So
* modifications of this map do not effect this instance.
* @return a copy of the map with the currently registered {@code Lookup}
* objects
public Map<String, Lookup> getLookups()
return new HashMap<>(prefixLookups);
* Returns the parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
* @return the parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} (can be <b>null</b>)
public ConfigurationInterpolator getParentInterpolator()
return this.parentInterpolator;
* Creates and initializes a {@code StringSubstitutor} object which is used for
* variable substitution. This {@code StringSubstitutor} is assigned a
* specialized lookup object implementing the correct variable resolving
* algorithm.
* @return the {@code StringSubstitutor} used by this object
private StringSubstitutor initSubstitutor()
return new StringSubstitutor(new StringLookup()
public String lookup(final String key)
final Object result = resolve(key);
return result != null ? result.toString() : null;
* Performs interpolation of the passed in value. If the value is of type
* String, this method checks whether it contains variables. If so, all
* variables are replaced by their current values (if possible). For non
* string arguments, the value is returned without changes.
* @param value the value to be interpolated
* @return the interpolated value
public Object interpolate(final Object value)
if (value instanceof String)
final String strValue = (String) value;
if (looksLikeSingleVariable(strValue))
final Object resolvedValue = resolveSingleVariable(strValue);
if (resolvedValue != null && !(resolvedValue instanceof String))
// If the value is again a string, it needs no special
// treatment; it may also contain further variables which
// must be resolved; therefore, the default mechanism is
// applied.
return resolvedValue;
return substitutor.replace(strValue);
return value;
* Sets a flag that variable names can contain other variables. If enabled,
* variable substitution is also done in variable names.
* @return the substitution in variables flag
public boolean isEnableSubstitutionInVariables()
return substitutor.isEnableSubstitutionInVariables();
* Checks whether a value to be interpolated seems to be a single variable.
* In this case, it is resolved directly without using the
* {@code StringSubstitutor}. Note that it is okay if this method returns a
* false positive: In this case, resolving is going to fail, and standard
* mechanism is used.
* @param strValue the value to be interpolated
* @return a flag whether this value seems to be a single variable
private boolean looksLikeSingleVariable(final String strValue)
return strValue.startsWith(VAR_START) && strValue.endsWith(VAR_END);
* Returns an unmodifiable set with the prefixes, for which {@code Lookup}
* objects are registered at this instance. This means that variables with
* these prefixes can be processed.
* @return a set with the registered variable prefixes
public Set<String> prefixSet()
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(prefixLookups.keySet());
* Registers the given {@code Lookup} object for the specified prefix at
* this instance. From now on this lookup object will be used for variables
* that have the specified prefix.
* @param prefix the variable prefix (must not be <b>null</b>)
* @param lookup the {@code Lookup} object to be used for this prefix (must
* not be <b>null</b>)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either the prefix or the
* {@code Lookup} object is <b>null</b>
public void registerLookup(final String prefix, final Lookup lookup)
if (prefix == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Prefix for lookup object must not be null!");
if (lookup == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Lookup object must not be null!");
prefixLookups.put(prefix, lookup);
* Registers all {@code Lookup} objects in the given map with their prefixes
* at this {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}. Using this method multiple
* {@code Lookup} objects can be registered at once. If the passed in map is
* <b>null</b>, this method does not have any effect.
* @param lookups the map with lookups to register (may be <b>null</b>)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the map contains <b>entries</b>
public void registerLookups(final Map<String, ? extends Lookup> lookups)
if (lookups != null)
* Removes the specified {@code Lookup} object from the list of default
* {@code Lookup}s.
* @param lookup the {@code Lookup} object to be removed
* @return a flag whether this {@code Lookup} object actually existed and
* was removed
public boolean removeDefaultLookup(final Lookup lookup)
return defaultLookups.remove(lookup);
* Resolves the specified variable. This implementation tries to extract
* a variable prefix from the given variable name (the first colon (':') is
* used as prefix separator). It then passes the name of the variable with
* the prefix stripped to the lookup object registered for this prefix. If
* no prefix can be found or if the associated lookup object cannot resolve
* this variable, the default lookup objects are used. If this is not
* successful either and a parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} is
* available, this object is asked to resolve the variable.
* @param var the name of the variable whose value is to be looked up which may contain a prefix.
* @return the value of this variable or <b>null</b> if it cannot be
* resolved
public Object resolve(final String var)
if (var == null)
return null;
final int prefixPos = var.indexOf(PREFIX_SEPARATOR);
if (prefixPos >= 0)
final String prefix = var.substring(0, prefixPos);
final String name = var.substring(prefixPos + 1);
final Object value = fetchLookupForPrefix(prefix).lookup(name);
if (value != null)
return value;
for (final Lookup lookup : defaultLookups)
final Object value = lookup.lookup(var);
if (value != null)
return value;
final ConfigurationInterpolator parent = getParentInterpolator();
if (parent != null)
return getParentInterpolator().resolve(var);
return null;
* Interpolates a string value that seems to be a single variable.
* @param strValue the string to be interpolated
* @return the resolved value or <b>null</b> if resolving failed
private Object resolveSingleVariable(final String strValue)
return resolve(extractVariableName(strValue));
* Sets the flag whether variable names can contain other variables. This
* flag corresponds to the {@code enableSubstitutionInVariables} property of
* the underlying {@code StringSubstitutor} object.
* @param f the new value of the flag
public void setEnableSubstitutionInVariables(final boolean f)
* Sets the parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}. This object is used if
* the {@code Lookup} objects registered at this object cannot resolve a
* variable.
* @param parentInterpolator the parent {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}
* object (can be <b>null</b>)
public void setParentInterpolator(
final ConfigurationInterpolator parentInterpolator)
this.parentInterpolator = parentInterpolator;